A Unique Hunter

Chapter 132: Orc Girl "Part 3"

"Uh! Is there anything that I can't say now?" Cook was stunned, and he had the urge to agree, but Cook still remembered the magic light on Lala with his magic eyes. This is a high-level thief, Ku Ke doesn't want to be alone with a senior thief, or your underwear will disappear.

"You, you! Very good, this is the VIP card given to you by the trade union. I have this..." Lala took out a gray card and placed it in front of Cook.

"No need, I'm not bad for money!" Cook waved to interrupt Lara, and said plainly. Cook didn't want to have these things, because people's greed would bring him infinite trouble, and Cook I don’t want to have these handles left. Once something happens, Cook can just push three, five or six, but with this VIP card, it’s different. You have to make it clear why the dignified thieves’ guild gave you such a VIP. Card it!

Lala was almost crazy. The first time she asked someone was rejected, and the thieves’ union issued no more than 300 VIP cards for the entire continent. Lala suppressed her anger and explained with a smile: "You may not know. ...!"

"Ahem! Tell you the truth, I don't like your VIP card, so don't waste your effort. We are just a transaction, a transaction! Know not!" Cook interrupted Lara impatiently If you know that Cook's level in the Wizards' Guild is also high and scary, and the resources of the Wizards' Guild are at least dozens of times that of the Thieves' Guild, then this VIP card seems useless.

"Understand, I'll get your money right away!" Lala almost went violently, and was interrupted by Cook twice in a row. Lala had the heart to kill Cook, Lala said in a low voice, then turned and left. Up.

"It's better to trade with magic crystal coins!" Cook looked at Lara's back and breathed a sigh of relief. In fact, Cook overestimated his ability to fight beauty. If Lara is bolder, maybe Cook will He was caught, so Cook had to treat Lara so rudely.

After watching Lala leave, Cook touched Xiao Lei's head and said with a sigh: "You are young, and more money, is it really that attractive?"

Xiao Lei ignored Cook, drinking her own juice in ancient times, without even looking at Cook, as if Cook did not exist.

"Your Excellency, this is the purchase price. The top-grade medicine is a bottle of five magic crystal coins, the top grade is ten magic crystal coins, and the perfect level is 20 magic crystal coins. There are two bottles of top grade and one bottle of top grade. Three bottles of perfect level, a total of 80 magic crystal coins!" Lala almost handed over 80 magic crystal coins to Cook with trembling hands. Lala did not expect that the elders would give the perfect level secondary invisibility potion. Such a high value, but Lala saw that the guild leader directly put three bottles of perfect-level invisibility potion into her space ring, Lala knew how expensive this perfect-level potion was, and there were no magic crystal coins. , Which is 80 million gold coins, which is almost all the fiscal revenue of a middle empire in one year.

"It's okay. In addition, I want to issue a reward task in your thieves' guild, using these 80 magic crystal coins, and there is also a mysterious magic item!" Cook thought for a while, and did not take the magic crystal coins. But said lightly.

"What? These are 80 magic crystal coins, 80 million gold coins!" Pulling his chin, he was about to fall.

"I need a senior wood magician, because I am also a wood magician, but you must also know how rare wood magicians are in humans, so I need a tutor to teach. I heard that advanced Elf wizards are generally of the wood type. I think I need a high level wood type wizard. I think 80 gold coins are enough, but I have one condition, that is, do not do any harm to this high wood type wizard mage. "Cook took a sip of ale, then explained.

"Higher Wood Elf Mage! We accepted your entrustment, but what is your magic item?" As a thieves' guild, such a big reward will definitely not fail. For those mercenary groups that roll around in the forest all year round. It’s not impossible to get a high-level wood elf mage, but it will definitely pay a certain price, not to mention one. As long as there is enough money, a small elf tribe will be slapped by others, but Lala was curious about what magic items Cook would come up with.

"Hehe, I will deal with the parties face to face, but the value will definitely not be low. I don't think we need to sign the commission agreement. I don't care about these 80 magic crystal coins. Okay, I'll leave! "Cook stood up and was about to leave, and Xiao Lei drank the juice quickly, holding Cook's trousers tightly with one hand, obviously afraid that Cook would run away.

"Your Excellency, I'm afraid that the entrustment agreement should be signed." Lala yelled quickly.

"No, I believe in the credibility of your union!" Cook doesn't know how to sign that kind of thing. In fact, Cook really has the urge to smash out hundreds of perfect potions in his hand. Of course, there are more than a dozen types. Kind, the secondary invisibility potions are all perfect, and there are more than 30 bottles. Cook has the most secondary invisibility potions in the potions, followed by popular potions, agility potions, and strength potions, and the least is mana recovery. Potions and healing potions, because Cook's own wood magic has a healing effect, and the time required for the refining of the magic power recovery potions is too long, and Cook's energy is somewhat unbearable.

Cook did not go back to the college, but went to the station of the mercenary group. Cook has received the message from Connie, of course it was passed through the communication ID card. Cook went directly to the backyard. This backyard is made of tall Separate by a stone wall, there is a courtyard of about several thousand square meters. Connie and Lucy are in it. Connie saw Cook and greeted him with a smile: "Cook, there are thirty-one orc girls in all. There are two fox girls, and they are twins. There are 22 bunny girls, and you certainly don’t believe that these bunny girls were sold by their parents, and the fox girls were forcibly taken away. On the way, there are one Lion girl, one Tiger girl~www.wuxiaspot.com~ One tauren girl, two Pheasant girl, and three Goat girl."

When Cook saw Connie, his eyes lit up slightly, because Connie used to wear dark-colored clothes and looked mature and stable, but today Connie actually wore a pink dress with it. The faint perfume smell and the faint cream powder are more feminine. Cook said in admiration: "Okay, these girls should be treated well. This is the strong support of our mercenary group. I accidentally got it a few days ago. An awakening potion is the potion of the awakening talent. I dedicated the formula to Mentor Lyle. Of course, I also know the formula clearly, so at least half of these orc girls can awaken the sacrificial talent, Connie, think about it! The mercenary group managed is the only mercenary group on the mainland that has sacrifices!"

"Really, this is great. In large corps operations, the role of sacrifice is far greater than that of magicians. It can be said that a sacrifice on the battlefield can be equivalent to several magicians." Connie was excited. Said, but Connie's face showed a blush when Cook patted her shoulder.

"I have also studied this, and found that the role of sacrificial rites is far greater than that of magicians in the battle of the large corps, but what we need now is a permanent employment contract, let's go, let me look at the future of our mercenary group What kind of priests are like?" Cook realized that his actions were wrong, and immediately withdrew his hands and walked forward.

"I'll lead the way!" Connie bit her lip slightly, then went forward and took one of Cook's arms, and then said.

The first publication of this book is from 17K Novels. The first time you see the genuine content!

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