A Unique Hunter

Vol 2 Chapter 154: The first battle against the demons

The roar of the demon officers shocked all the demon soldiers, and they all stopped at once. Tens of thousands of demon knights formed an extremely strong metal line of defense, and the demon soldiers glowed colorfully. Form a magnificent landscape.

After seeing the situation of the soldiers of the Demon Race, the leader in the army of slaves across from the Demon Race looked up at the silver streamers in the sky behind him, and shouted in despair: "Guys, come on, we are dead. Don't be a slave, go ahead."

Unlike the demon soldiers imagined, the slave army at this time slammed into the demon soldier’s defense line with a desperate mood. The demon soldier’s side was a solid defense line composed of grudge, steel armor, and steel knights. , And on the other side is the unclothed slave army. It can be said that the slave army relies on the accumulation of life.

"Damn, stand it up for me, our reinforcements are here, these **** slaves, kill all the slaves." The demon army officer shouted angrily, yes, such a big riot occurred in the territory under his jurisdiction, to At that time, he would definitely not be able to escape punishment, and the losses caused were even more difficult to count. After all, this is a plane rich in food, so the demon officer shouted loudly.

"Chong ah, even if we surrender, then we will be killed. Instead of doing this, we should kill one by one and win a glimmer of hope for our offspring." Inside the slave army, the thin man shouted loudly. , This big man had a broken sword in his hand, shining with magic light all over, he was obviously a professional.

"Come on."

"Kill." All the slaves roared loudly, loud voices resounding throughout the battlefield.

"Boom, great." Connie and the others saw this in the control hall of the base. A staff officer next to Connie couldn't help but patted the table, and then shouted.

Connie looked at the Mozu soldiers approaching, and gave a coldly command: "Destroy the target, don't care about the energy."

"Received, these **** things should go to hell." The commander of the magic spaceship formation responsible for the battle said bitterly.

"Meteor Cannon is ready."

"The magic bomb is ready."

"The high-energy cluster bomb is ready."

"The magic bullet is ready."

"The shattered armor is ready."

There was a burst of sound from the magic spacecraft. These people could see the thousands of kilometers of battle traces on the ground. There were hundreds of thousands of dead slaves, and there were almost no Demon soldiers. This was simply a massacre. These people have all been nurtured by the Freedom Alliance. It is very important to regard freedom. Of course, there is no absolute freedom. So seeing this scene, all the faces are blue, and they want to kill all the demons.

"Prepare each and attack according to the designated area." Each magic spacecraft delineates a designated attack area. Although the Demon soldiers occupy tens of kilometers of defense line, there are tens of thousands of people, but there are 1,000 here. Many mana spaceships, the rest went to the second target location.

"Haha, haha, **** slaves, all go...boom, boom, boom." The demon officer saw the huge mana spaceship and laughed, but the words have not settled yet. These silver ones are full of streamlined metal. White light appeared from the spaceship, and then the demon army officer felt black.

"Damn chopsticks, are you all drunk, attacking your own people."

"Asshole." The demon soldiers were beaten up, and some of them still yelled.

But it was the second round of blows that greeted the insults of these demons. One by one huge metal bodies measuring several meters long and one meter in diameter crashed down. From high altitudes, you can see every such metal body falling, which is a white flame. , Everything within two hundred meters of the surrounding area was vaporized, even the magic weapons in the hands of the Demon soldiers were vaporized by the violent high temperature. This is the magic bomb designed to deal with the Demon people, and some Demon soldiers After being killed, it turned into a **** light and was about to leave, but once it was blown by this magic bomb, it disappeared immediately.

"Yeah." Everyone in the command center jumped for joy, because this was the first frontal battle against the demons, and it was also a battle with experimental weapons. It seems that the various weapons prepared are still useful.

"Fight Lao Tzu hard, it's been a long time since it's been so happy." The soldiers in the magic spacecraft are all excited. You must know that the bombs used in the exercises are used for exercises with minimal power. There are now officially equipped ones. Tough.

The dozens of kilometers of defense line of the demon soldiers immediately turned into flames, a sea of ​​steel, and the shattered armor bullet was only one meter long and half a meter in diameter, but the fragments in it were tens of thousands of fragments, and tens of thousands of fragments covered two hundred meters in diameter. Objects, high-flying fragments and even the magic equipment of the Demon soldiers have been smashed into a sieve, not to mention the subsequent magic cluster bombs. After the magic cluster bombs are exploded, they are all thumb-sized metal balls. This metal ball Inside are several kinds of magic crystal powder, and some medicines. As long as they hit violently, they will explode at once, covering an area of ​​two hundred meters. The Demon soldiers who have just been sieved into a sieve are blown up by a cluster bomb, but nothing is left. The meat sauce was added, but the subsequent magic bomb made the meat sauce gasify.

Millions of slave legions were dumbfounded and involuntarily stopped. Yes, dozens of days of fighting, sacrificed millions of people, and demons soldiers who were not destroyed, actually flew within a few seconds. The ash was annihilated, not to mention the deafening explosions, shocks, and flames. After these, a huge fiery red trench was left on the ground with a depth of more than ten meters and a length of tens of kilometers. No one is left, not even a bit of scum.

"Damn, you bastards, don't leave me any." For a few seconds, some of the mana spaceship captains who hadn't caught up roared angrily. In fact, this is far from a saturation attack by the mana fleet. For tens of thousands of demons soldiers, twenty mana spaceships are enough to solve, but this is not only a show of muscles, but also a battle that is similar to a good start. As for who to show muscles, of course it is the slaves.

Thousands of mana spaceships continued to move forward, leaving behind millions of slaves, but in a few minutes, before these slaves could react, dozens of huge spaceships were dozens of times larger than the mana spaceship just now. Reappearing, these dozens of spaceships are transport ships, so they are extraordinarily huge.

"Hey, one of you is the leader." Millions of slaves shuddered and watched dozens of huge spaceships that covered the sky and stopped. These slaves felt fear, yes, fear. In fact, these slaves did not know. Yes, the combat effectiveness of the transport spacecraft is scum. Of course, this is only for the magic spacecraft. After these dozens of spacecrafts fell, a group of soldiers who were more hideous than the demons rushed out and formed around the transport ship. A cordon, and a metal fence was quickly erected. One of the human knights stepped out of the fence and asked loudly.

"I." The thin human man lost the broken weapon in his hand, stood up, and replied loudly. When the surrounding slaves saw the leader standing out, there was a commotion.

"Bring the wounded here." The fully armed human soldier said to the thin man.

"We will not discard the injured, they are our brothers." The thin human man roared loudly.

"We are brothers." All the slaves shouted.

"Okay, okay, it's brought here to treat the wounds, a bunch of buns, hurry up." The human knight waved his hand anger.

"Really." The thin human man asked suspiciously.

"You are also true. We need drills to kill you, and we will solve you in a sudden burst." The human knight said angrily.

The thin man groaned, looked at the injured people around, and said, "Okay."

When the first wounded was sent into the huge spacecraft, he came out intact a few minutes later, and was still holding a pile of things.

"Lin, how about it." The first injured was Lin. Because of the long-term enslavement, the names of these slaves were strange.

"Okay." Lin replied.

"What are you?" the thin man asked.

"This is clothes, equipment, look, metal equipment, metal weapons, and food, barbecue, and bread." Lin said excitedly.

"Boom~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the other slaves saw this, their eyes were green, and a middle-aged slave hacked his hands and snatched Lin’s things, but the middle-aged slave hadn’t reacted yet, and his whole body burst open. .

"You have to abide by the rules, who is for whom, otherwise we don’t mind dying more people, and everyone has it, line up, according to your strength, will put the corresponding equipment, as for food, every day Receive twice." The human knight put down his crossbow, and shouted loudly.

Now all the slaves have learned well. There are hundreds of long queues in front of dozens of mana spaceships. These slaves finally saw a miracle. Some of them who were about to die were carried in, and they came out to live and live. The food is delicious, but no one here dares to resist, because the hideous knights around always give people a feeling of scalp. Of course, the three-meter-tall ogre looks a little scary, let alone a suit. The magic pattern equipment and the mount equipped with magic armor are like a steel fortress.

"Listen well, everyone. Take up the weapons in your hands and kill all the demons. We provide food and equipment for free, and after you kill the demons, you can get a chance to become one of us." The human knight said loudly.

"Cook, is it wasteful to do this?" Connie asked, looking at the things consumed by millions of slaves.

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