A Unique Hunter

Vol 2 Chapter 156: Infighting

"Do not,"

"You will be punished by God,"

"You **** bastard, you have to die, you will be thrown into Hell," the priests in white robe shouted after seeing this scene.

The silver-robed priest sneered: "Hell, that's what's going to happen later, boom," then the silver-robed priest waved his hands, and two magical rays of light hit the two white-robed priests. The body suddenly exploded, followed by a flash of red light, and the blood of the two white-robed priests was about to flee.

"Want to run," the silver-robed priest glowed with a red light, and the whole person was as if he had been stained with blood. The blood on the white-robed priest was illuminated by the red light, and he immediately rushed towards the red light.

"Haha, powerful power, this taste is really refreshing," When the blood of the white-robed priest melted into the body of the silver-robed priest, the height of the silver-robed priest was much taller, and the whole momentum became stronger. Obviously this silver-robed priest has gained a great power,

"Damn, this guy is crazy,"

"Go on, kill this blasphemer,"

"Yes, this guy has severely blasphemed the law specified by God, come on,"

The remaining dozens of white-robed priests began to move their hands one after another, and magical shields lit up from the white-robed priests, and then a magical light shone in the hands of the white-robed priests.

"Haha, follow me to kill these bastards," the silver-robed priest laughed and shouted loudly.

"Yes," the guards around the temple heard the silver-robed priest's words and suddenly responded. Then these temple guards lit up with magic lights, and then flashed and rushed to the white-robed priest in the middle.

"Damn it, this guy has practiced puppetry, and these temple guards are all controlled," a white-robed priest saw this and exclaimed.

"Asshole, **** it," the white-robed priests shouted one after another.

"Haha, boom," hundreds of temple guards besieged a dozen white-robed priests. Although these temple guards attacked very sharply, the dozens of white-robed priests combined together to form a huge transparent protective shield. The guards of the temple in the meeting could not break the defense of the white-robed priest. The silver-robed priest took action. A huge beam of light fell from the top of the temple and hit the protective shield of the dozen white-robed priests.

There was a bang, but this huge beam of light did not break through the defensive shields of the dozen or so white-robed priests, but the defensive shields were also much dim.

"It's over, it's over, this guy has control of the temple's magic pattern system," the white-robed priest thought desperately.

"Puff, hehe, it's going to be swallowed anyway, then I will do it," one of the white-robed priests saw this situation, waved two magics, and hit the two white-robed priests beside him. And sneered,

"Damn it, what are you doing," the rest of the white-robed priest shouted loudly.

"Haha, advanced, I advanced, haha," the guy who just killed the two white-robed priests swallowed the blood of the two white-robed priests and laughed excitedly.

"Puff, boom, boom," the remaining white-robed priests started to attack each other for a while. Several white-robed priests started their hands so little late, they were directly blown up, and then there was a burst of magic collision. ,

"Boom, boom, boom," there are only three white-robed priests left. After these three white-robed priests glanced at each other, the magic in their hands was thrown in all directions, and the temple guard was bombarded by the white-robed priest after promotion. Have to keep going back,

"Dead," a white-robed priest stretched out his hand and shouted coldly.

"Boom," a temple guard's head shattered.

"Damn, you repaired the forbidden technique," the silver-robed priest saw this scene and shouted sharply.

"Hmph," the white-robed priest swallowed the blood of the temple guard just now, and his expression became more and more cold, and he snorted coldly.

Boom, boom, boom, boom, after seeing this scene, the other two white-robed priests accelerated their attack on the temple guards. After several temple guards were killed by magic, the blood was swallowed by the white-robed priests.

The silver-robed priest saw this scene with a dazzling silver light shining in his hand, and blasted at the three white-robed priests. The three white-robed priests flashed, and then escaped and continued to kill other temple guards. Swallow blood,

The entire temple was shining with fierce magical fluctuations, and at this time Connie had just received a report from the command center: "Report to the sir, the target's protective ability has declined, please instruct,"

"Stop the attack and perform first level alert," Connie groaned, then ordered.

"Cook, you go to the front, I always feel something is wrong, there should be high demons in this temple," Connie said.

"Okay," Cook is a bit boring here, of course, more is that Cook needs to face Mickey, Ivys, Manli, and wait for his wife. At this time Cook knows what it's like to have more women.

When Cook saw Mickey and others standing up, he immediately said, "You are here, you are not allowed to leave the base. I will come back when I go." Cook left quickly, and Sia and Connie snickered.

"There is a problem, there must be a problem," Cook looked at the temple in front of him. The magic shield above the temple was extremely dim, but there was no reaction inside the temple. How could this not make Cook feel strange.

"Haha, haha," when Cook was puzzled, the magic shield of the entire temple finally collapsed, and a burst of laughter made Cook frown.

"Baghlu, give me a tentative attack," Cook said casually.

"Listen to my order and give me a tentative attack," Bagru shouted loudly.

"Boom," the scene that made Cook dumbfounded happened. More than a thousand mana spaceships launched a tentative attack, and the temple in front of them was wiped out.

"You, you," Cook was so angry, Cook made a tentative attack on a magic spaceship, but didn't let the entire formation attack together.

"Master, it's over," Baglu said triumphantly.

"Go, go," Cook kicked Baglu angrily and let this guy go to the restaurant to stay. Just now this guy had to follow Cook, because it is said that the ground fighting is not enough.

"Roar, roar," just when Cook was a little depressed, a roar rang out, and then a fierce monster appeared on the ground. The monster was blood-red and was more than ten meters high. The whole body was thick and very thick. She is strong, looking like a ball of meat, her skin is like dry tree bark, her eyes are red and red, and her huge mouth is full of long fangs.

"Damn bastard, who attacked me," the meatball roared loudly.

"Hey, this flesh and blood puppet still has a clear consciousness, the flagship, give me uninterrupted test attacks to see how this guy's defense is," Cook commanded the entire fleet's flagship this time.

"Yes, sir," a voice replied.

"Huh, it's Kaluri," Cook asked in surprise when he heard the man's answer.

"Yes, sir, I am Calmonton," Kaluri replied excitedly, knowing that Kaluri was the first person to follow Cook, and he followed Cook when he was a baron.

"Well, work hard, report to me after the battle," Cook said with a grunt.

"Yes," a middle-aged man replied excitedly on the flagship, this is Kaluri.

"Give me a tentative attack," Kaluri then issued an order.

"Yes, the magic crystal cannon first level attack, start," the man in charge of the martial arts system shouted, also excited, because this man is the son of Kaluri, and he was excited to think that Mr. Cook just let his father report. Incredibly,

People who are generally meatballs will suffer. Magic crystal cannons, meteor cannons, high-energy rays, and various magic bombs will continue to bomb themselves.

"Despicable, shameless bastard, come on, have the ability to fight it upright," the meatball monster was furiously attacked by the test attack.

"Report to the master that the target's physical strength has reached the level of a demigod, but if we attack with all our strength, we are confident that this guy will disappear completely at one time," Kaluri reported to Cook after he had the test results.

"Then let him disappear," Cook said with a wave of his hand.

"The 3rd, 4th, and 5th squadrons of the first formation are preparing for a concentrated fire attack, with a D-level attack procedure," Kaluri ordered.

The meatball-like guy saw the heart-pounding light shining on the three magic spaceships, and immediately shouted: "I surrender, I surrender,"

"Remember, the first rule of our fleet is not to accept the surrender of the demons," Cook gave orders without waiting for Kaluri's instructions.

Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, after a few seconds of crackling, the meatball-like monster left nothing. There was a crater tens of meters deep on the ground, and the surrounding area was like magma. , This is melted by high temperature,

"Perform a three-level detection," Cook continued to give orders, and then these magical spacecraft turned on the detection magic pattern. The third-level detection is mainly to prevent fish from slipping through the net. Of course, at this time, the magical spacecraft are all emitting purple. The rays of light, these purple rays are a kind of ray attack that is harmful to the demon race, and the blood of the demon race will quickly decay and lose its vitality under such rays.

"Cook, space fluctuations are detected, right in the area where you are," Connie's voice rang when Cook gave the order.

"So the battleship, retreat a hundred kilometers," Cook immediately ordered loudly, knowing that the space teleportation will have some impact on the magic spacecraft.

More than a thousand mana spacecraft retreated a hundred kilometers in less than two seconds~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Just as they retreated, Cook saw the area where the temple was just now, and a white halo appeared.

"Haha, I actually made a space jump, all spaceships, a-level combat plan," Cooke commanded loudly with a smile,  Space jump is a transmission method different from a portal, because a portal opens a transmission channel, and Space jumping is jumping. If you compare the portal to an escalator, then the space jumping is an elevator. One can enter and exit at any time, while the other is not.

Of course, there is one of the biggest drawbacks of space jumping, that is, in the extremely short time of jumping out, the person or thing being jumped does not have the slightest protection or combat effectiveness. Of course, the physical defense of the target itself is still there.

But then Cook was dumbfounded, and after being dumbfounded, Cook became ecstatic: "Attack, attack me,"

Because in Cook’s field of vision, hundreds of huge magical airships are slowly emerging from the aperture. These magical airships are thousands of meters long and hundreds of meters high. They look like giants.

"Master, no, these should be transportation formations," Kaluri said loudly at this critical moment.

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