A Unique Hunter

Vol 2 Chapter 163: Method

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"Zi Zi Zi Zi!" The purple beam of light released by Lei Ya concentrated on the Diamond Burst Beast, and a dazzling purple spot broke out on the surface of the Diamond Burst Beast's body.

"Roar!" Just after Cook's attack, a roar sounded in Cook's mind.

"Puffpuffpuff!" The seven soul crystals inlaid on the mental protection necklace on Cook's neck shattered three one after another. Cook was shocked, his figure shook, and the flash started again.

Cook appeared in the outer area of ​​the six-pointed star building. Cook's face was very ugly. The powerful mental power of the King Kong Burst beast was almost abnormal to the extreme. The first attack was mental power. The silver light was the essence of spiritual power. In the end, the soul crystal on Cook's spiritual protection necklace burst. This was a spiritual shock. Cook's face was very ugly. Not only was the King Kong Explosive Beast itself powerful, this spiritual attack was also very powerful.

Even if Cook transforms, Cook is not sure to solve the King Kong Bursting Beast. It can be seen how powerful this King Kong Bursting Beast is. Of course, this is because the King Kong Bursting Beast is restrained. Otherwise, Cook will definitely not be so easily nailed it.

Cook thought for a moment and drew out a badge. This is the badge of the space department that Cook got. After Cook activated the badge, Cook’s body disappeared. Cook is now in a different space, but this is different. Space exists in this huge space. People outside cannot see and perceive Cook, but Cook can see the situation outside.

"Thunder Fang's energy is quite sufficient." Cook checked Thunder Fang. Just now Cook didn't use much of the power stored in Thunder Fang. This is because Cook didn't know how the Diamond Burst Beast was restrained, just in case. Break the shackles, then Cook is unlucky.

Unobstructed Cook came to the front of a big hole, and Cook carefully observed the Diamond Burst Beast through the hole.

"Boom, boom!" Suddenly two rays of light flashed on the King Kong Bursting Beast, and Cook subconsciously avoided it. The place where Cook was originally standing was hit by two huge beams of light, bursting out a dazzling light.

"Damn it, it's so powerful to feel the space." Cook cursed secretly in his heart. Once he became so powerful, he would naturally master the laws of space. All departments basically have laws of space at the end. According to legend, The ultimate existence of the law is the law of time. As long as you understand the law of time, you will get eternal life. Of course, this is just a legend.

However, the laws of each system basically have spatial attributes in the end, which Cook knows, but Cook is a wood system, a law of the natural system, and Cook does not have a deep understanding of the laws of the natural system, which is a bit embarrassing to say. Cook now understands a life-and-death field, and there is no progress yet.

"Tsk tusk, how did I find that I have always used brute force?" Cook recalled that since he came out, every victory in battle seems to be the power he relies on. As for the laws of nature, it seems to use very little.

"It seems that we still need to use more magic. Although the power is direct enough, the power type itself is relatively weak..." Cook thought silently.

But before Cook finished thinking about it, a voice came out: "Hey, some people, the enemy is tied there, and they can't deal with it..."

"Barry, you come out for me, you are not allowed to peek into my memory, you are not looking for a beating!" Cook immediately shouted in his heart.

"It's not a peeping, but a little ashamed. You can't deal with where the target is bound. What is the use of a person like you, I, I am ashamed." Barry was not afraid of Cook's threats, and continued.

"You, you, who said I can't deal with it, am I not thinking of a way!" Cook defended.

"The way, in fact, I also have a way. Since you think of a way, then I won't say it." Barry pulled up now.

Cook snorted coldly. This Barry is sometimes very annoying, but I have to say that Barry's abilities are also extremely abnormal. Of course, Barry's method Cook wants to know, what is this star beast, that is the resource, it is a hundred kilometers in diameter. A huge resource, every part of the star beast is a material that is very cherished. With these materials, facing the demons, Cook can be said to have more confidence in victory, but he wants to treat everyone with a diameter of 100 kilometers. Hey, Cook has to weigh it up, because Cook himself is only about three hundred meters tall in his transformation, and because of this size, he is not the opponent of this King Kong Burst.

Star beasts can be said to be two extremes. Either they are outrageously large, hundreds of kilometers or thousands of kilometers in size, but most of them are star beasts larger than adult fists. This is because of the special environment of the starry sky. The size is large, and you are not afraid of the collision of meteorites in the starry sky. The small size is even less afraid. Some meteorites flying at high speed in the starry sky will fall even if they are hit by the gods, because there is almost no resistance in the starry sky, constantly accelerating If it is, the final speed is very abnormal. Of course, this situation is extremely rare, but it is definitely not without.

Cook looked at the huge six-pointed star building and wondered how these guys imprisoned the King Kong Bursting Beast. Even if it used poison, it would be at least several tons. Don’t think that several tons of poison are rare. You need to know high-quality ones. Poison is more expensive than any magic potion, and it is calculated in grams. How much is a few tons?

"If you want to know my way, I just have one condition." Barry's voice sounded.

"Huh, don't think about anything this time, I have a way." Cook knew that Barry must have something important when he opened his mouth. It was not that Cook would not give it, but that Cook couldn't control Barry. Like to take advantage of it, of course, in the future, if Cook wants Barry to do anything, he needs to have something that Barry values ​​in his hand. This time the King Kong Explosive Beast Barry speaks and proves that there is something Barry needs. Cook directly refused.

When Barry heard Cook say this, he whispered: "If this is the case, then I won't bother you, but when you speak again, there are two conditions!"

"Get out!" Cook heard Barry say so and shouted angrily.

Cook, took out three soul crystals inlaid on the necklace, and then Cook flashed into the place where the King Kong Explosive beast was located. As soon as Cook flashed in, a silver light burst out of the King Kong Explosive Beast.

"Puff!" The two soul crystals on Cook's mental protection necklace burst directly.

"Damn, I can actually perceive my flash, Thunder Ya!" Cook felt distressed, knowing that this is a high-quality soul crystal, but when you encounter a good thing you can't find, you will lose two yuan at once, Cook's hand Thunder tooth pierced out suddenly.

"Puff!" A hole tens of meters wide burst out of the Diamond Burst Beast's body.

But these tens of meters of holes are like being pierced by a needle for a creature over a hundred kilometers in size.

"Damn!" Then Cook saw the dense light spots on the King Kong Bursting Beast, and Cook took a breath of air, and then his whole body flashed out.

Countless rays of light shot into the endless starry sky. Yes, just now it was the magic attack from the spikes on the King Kong Bursting Beast. Fortunately, Cook ran fast. Otherwise, if he was hit by the countless rays of light, Cook would not die. Need to peel off.

Cook was irritated. This Nima was too abnormal. It was like a dog biting a hedgehog and had nowhere to speak. This King Kong Bursting Beast was indeed a high-level star beast, and Cook had nothing to do.

Then Cook rejoiced: "Fortunately, I was bound...wait, I have a way."

"Since the King Kong Bursting Beast is used as the energy core, this huge six-pointed star building must have facilities for absorbing energy, but the facilities must not be running now. You ah, I will repair this thing. Look at you, haha, I’m really a genius.” Cook thought of a way, yes, since the King Kong Bursting Beast is so powerful and tied up, then he can definitely extract the power of this guy, so Cook has it. Method.

"Unexpectedly, the magic pattern circuit here is so simple." Cook walked in the mezzanine of the metal wall, which was densely covered with magic pattern circuits, but this peripheral area is the simplest magic pattern circuit. Cook didn't want to go directly. The central area, but Cook will continue to repair from the outer area, and then investigate, and finally find the most central magic pattern that draws power. This has another advantage, which is that the magic pattern in the outer area is repaired, then once they are all repaired , You can draw more power of the King Kong Burst Beast at once.

Cook’s repair is extremely fast, but don’t forget how huge this six-pointed star building is. The outer periphery of more than hundreds of kilometers in diameter is enough to make Cook collapse, so Cook just finds a magic pattern circuit and follows it. This fix.

"Automatically repair magic lines."

"Gravity controls the magic pattern."

"This composite magic pattern is used to, um, transmit information, and the mosaic magic crystal is to transmit magical images."

"This is defensive magic pattern,"

"This is a detection magic pattern, or a compound type."

"What is the purpose of a port here~www.wuxiaspot.com~ seems to be charged by a magic crystal?"

Cook repaired along a magic line loop. Cook also saw various magic lines. Of course he encountered the magic lines around the magic line loop he repaired. Cook also repaired it by the way. Cook was on the metal wall. The string jumps up and down inside.

Several magic furnaces are suspended around Cook, and magic materials are continuously thrown into these magic furnaces. After melting, they are mixed by Cook, then extracted with mental power, and then used to repair magic patterns. Cook's hands are no longer visible. It's the shadow, and Cook is now extremely focused.

Suddenly, small magic lines like loops appeared around Cook's body. The bright light continued to rotate, but these small lines had a strange green color, and there was a starry sky. The projection was looming around Cook's body again, and then two halos appeared on Cook's body. The head was green and the feet were gray. When these two halos appeared, the entire six-pointed star building seemed to shake. It's the same.

"Hey, what are these things?" After not knowing how long, Cook discovered the strange things around his body and was surprised.

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