A Unique Hunter

Vol 2 Chapter 166: control

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Cook, who turned into a howling banshee, repaired the magic lines very quickly. Cook thought that it took three hours to repair it. It took ten hours. This was mainly because Cook’s mental power was not enough, and his mental power To Cook, who turned into a howling banshee, the potion of reply was a drop in the bucket.

Of course, the main reason is that the more medicine you take, the more you will be immune to the medicine. That is to say, the first bottle of medicine will restore one-third of the mental power, which takes ten minutes, and the second bottle will restore the mental power a little less. , The time will be longer.

Although Cook has perfect-level potions in his hands, it is always potions. It’s just that the immunity of perfect-level potions is not very obvious. However, when the base of this medicine is large, it is like after the library has overcome hundreds of bottles. Immunity is still visible.

Not only is it immune to medicines, even if you drink hundreds of bottles of water for one thing, you will have vomiting, but the soul crystals in Cook's hands are not much, so Cook spent three times the amount time.

"Start." To Cook's delight, during this period, the King Kong Bursting Beast did not do anything to himself. What Cook was most worried about was not the King Kong Bursting Beast attacking himself, but the parts that had been repaired, so that Cook would be miserable. Up.

When the last magic pattern that bound the Diamond Burst beast was repaired, Cook controlled these magic patterns to run, and a soft light immediately lit up in the space that bound the Diamond Burst beast, and it turned into golden in a blink of an eye. Shrouded in golden light.

"It's a shield!" Cook checked, and it turned out to be a magic shield, and the strength of this magic shield is very...abnormal.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!" Cook nervously commented on the space that bound the King Kong Bursting Beast, and a series of magic patterns appeared on the wall behind the shield. When Cook saw the dense magic patterns, he was completely shocked .

"Extracting magic lines, there are at least hundreds of thousands of extracting magic lines." Cook's mouth is drawn straight, and Cook also transforms the energy of the Diamond Burst beast. It turns out to be this kind of thing. Extracting magic lines is a kind of The basic magic pattern can extract magic energy, and every magic pattern equipment has this kind of magic pattern, which is mainly to extract the magic energy in the magic crystal or the magic core.

"Huh, it can be projected and extracted?" Then Cook discovered that the magic pattern of extraction was directly projected on the body of the King Kong Burst. In terms of this, it is not easy for Cook to do it now.

Generally, magic lines are drawn directly by touching magic crystals or magic cores, but there is an upgraded version, which is projection extraction, that is, the magic lines will be projected in the air, and then drawn at a certain distance from the target. This is not ordinary The magic pattern is extracted, but it is a very complex magic pattern extraction complex array, which is very complicated and very high-end.

Cook's shock is still behind, the King Kong Explosive Beast burst out with a dazzling silver light, this is a mental storm, but this mental storm was blocked by the golden shield, Cook stroked the golden shield and found that it was actually in substance Feel the same.

"Huh?" Cook's body slowly fell on the ground of the passage. Cook was surprised, because the feeling of gravity made Cook very relieved.

Immediately afterwards, fist-sized spider-like magic puppets crawled out from all directions, and then repaired the hole in front of Cook, which was destroyed by the King Kong Burst Beast.

"Automatic repair of puppets, where are these things hidden?" Cook was shocked, because if this kind of thing was seen by Cook, he would never let it go. The automatic repair of puppets can now be refined by West Asia and others, but refining The ones that come out are at least the size of a football, and such an automatic maintenance puppet is not as good as the current fist-sized ones. The key is that the degree of repair is also reduced a lot.

After Cook’s mental power was deployed, he found that he could actually check hundreds of kilometers around. Within these hundreds of kilometers, there were a hundred thousand automatic repair puppets. The first thing these repair puppets repair is to restrain the space around the King Kong Bursting Beast. How do you say, this automatic repair puppet repairs like it is welding. The automatic repair puppet’s body carries magical materials, melted through high temperature, and then repaired. Hundreds of automatic repair puppets are actually repaired. Without a trace, it must be said to be a miracle.

"My magic crystal!" Through the smaller and smaller holes, Cook saw the magic crystals on the body of the King Kong Burst beast disappearing visible to the naked eye. Cook sighed in his heart. Jing didn't care very much, it was just such a big piece of magic crystal that Cook saw for the first time, but in comparison, this six-pointed star building was more precious.

"While there are still two hours, I will check again what is on the Bound King Kong Explosive Beast, and see if I can learn something." Cook clearly felt that he had turned into a howling banshee. With two hours left, Cook thought to his heart when he looked at the constrained King Kong Burst.

"Warning, warning, there is an intruder, warning, warning, there is an intruder." Just as Cook was about to leave, a voice rang.

"Dududu. Dududu." Then, Cook was surprised to find that dozens of magic puppets appeared around his body, and the surrounding walls were stretched out one by one gun barrels, aiming like him.

"Your mother!" Cook remembered immediately. It seemed that he had just repaired the magic pattern circuit and forgot to obtain the control authority. Cook looked at this posture and felt depressed in his heart.

Cook disappeared in a flash. Cook probably knew where he controlled the magic lines. Although Cook only repaired a part of the magic lines, he knew the direction of the magic power and the direction of the control system loop.

"Fuck." Cook was depressed, because wherever Cook went, the originally opened channels were closed, and some magicweave weapons kept attacking him, Cook almost vomited blood in depression.

Cook was too careless. Of course, these doors were kicked open directly by Cook. As for those magic-weave weapons, Cook can easily destroy them, but this thing is now owned by Cook in his heart, so Cook Ignore, of course, it is conceivable to feel depressed.

Obtaining control authority is simply too easy for Cook’s current mental power. Even though there are dozens of magic pattern keys in the control hub, under Cook’s strong mental power, every magic pattern key Before he had time to respond, Cook changed it directly,  Yes, Cook did not crack, but directly changed the magic pattern key.

The magic pattern key also has a reaction time. This time is very short, very short. If the magic circuit of the magic pattern key is destroyed, there will be a reaction time, and Cook’s current strong mental power does not give this reaction time. Speaking badly is like strong opinion.

"Follow me!" Cook gave a cold snort after gaining control authority.

Afterwards, Cook checked all the things in the entire six-pointed star building, and a huge magical projection appeared in the control hall, with some fonts of different colors on it.

"This is the ancient magician word." Cook frowned.

The ancient magician language is the character at the beginning of the magic era. It is a special word for magic that is different from ordinary characters. The ancient magic language is very profound. Of course, the vocabulary is very large, with tens of thousands of words and different words. The front and back positions are different, the meanings of the representatives are different, and Cook barely understands.

"Insufficient material inventory."

"Energy is sufficient."

"Automatically repair 150 damaged puppets."

"There are more than 6,100 magic puppets that need to be repaired."

Cook looked at the words on the magical projection and finally knew what the color represented. The red one needed to be resolved immediately, followed by the yellow one, and finally the white one, the green one for normal, and the golden one for sufficient.

The only thing that is sufficient is the energy system. Cook nodded when he saw the magic projection design. Although the control system is complicated, it is very simple to control.

Cook did not blindly command, but silently checked all the control functions, and further understood that with Cook's understanding, Cook became more and more surprised. The diameter of the entire six-pointed star building exceeded three thousand kilometers, and there were automatic maintenance puppets. There are more than 100,000 and more than 500,000 magic puppets. There are also a million weapons of various meteors, magic crystal cannons, ray launchers, magic crossbows, and various auxiliary facilities. There is a space dedicated to growing food, a space dedicated to raising livestock, and a space for training...that is to say, this is a complete ecological environment. The entire building uses gravity magic patterns and has various levels inside the building. The state of gravity.

After more than ten hours, Cook roughly figured out the application of this system. The King Kong Burst is the source of power, and the place where the King Kong Burst is imprisoned is the most protected area~www.wuxiaspot.com~ there are a few Millions of defensive magic lines are extracted from magic lines, so in that area, there is no possibility for the Diamond Burst Beast to escape.

"It's abnormal." Cook sighed after reading it roughly. For a while, Cook felt too much pressure.

There is no doubt that these things were built by the demons. The demons can build such a huge building. You can imagine how prosperous the magic is. In addition, the ones that Cook found in the starry sky are still meteorites. Obviously these are demons. Family, let alone the endless metal wreckage.

"It seems to be a long-term plan, but this space fortress is temporarily safe. After all, it is surrounded by countless metal wrecks." Cook knows that this six-pointed star building is called a space fortress. As for the role, Cook is not very clear about the role, but this space fortress Strongness is certain, and Cook decided to build another base here.

"Then the next step is to build a portal." Cook thought for a moment, and then he was about to build a space gate, but Cook sensed his own state, it will take some time to transform into a howling banshee, Cook is sure After transforming into a Howling Banshee, he can build a portal on his own. Of course, this is also a test of Cook for himself.

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