A Unique Hunter

Vol 2 Chapter 172: Encounter

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Cook pressed his hands and turned the direction of the meteor cannon, and Cook murmured in his heart: "Is it difficult to refine an automatic aiming magic pattern?"

As Cook turned, Cook’s field of vision also changed. The protective shield on Cook’s head was also wrapped in a silver magic shield, leaving only a small area in front of Cook. You can see The situation outside.

"Combatants, all in place, combatants, all in place. It is expected that the battle will break out in one minute, and the battle will break out in one minute." A huge voice resounded throughout the combat airship, and several people gathered behind Cook. The soldiers on duty, of course, Cook was going to give way now, and the two demons sat on the console.

"Damn it, it's an ice shooter." A Demon soldier cursed after checking the intelligence.

Ice shooter, Cook recalled the information he saw on the airship. The ice shooter is not a human shooter, but a small star beast. The largest is several thousand meters in size and the smallest is tens of meters in size. The ice shooter is shaped like a crescent moon, but the two tips of the crescent moon are movable, and these two tips can shoot out powerful ice rays.

The attack power of the ice ray is not very strong, but the freezing attribute can directly freeze the metal, so the need for defense is very energy-consuming, and the energy of the combat airship is limited. If the defense is more, the energy required for the attack will naturally decrease. This also involves some aspects of the energy load.

A minute later, Cook also saw the ice shooter. There were hundreds of them, forming a long queue, which looked like a full bow from a distance.

"Shoot!" An order was given, and Cook saw an extremely magnificent scene.

A soft magic shield erupted from hundreds of combat airships over millions of kilometers, and then tens of thousands of beams of light swept over the ice shooter.

Blue light burst out from the two sharp corners in front of the ice shooter, and huge ice rays shot towards the battle airship formation.

The starry sky bursts with brilliant light, like silent fireworks, but Cook knows how deadly these brilliant lights are, but what makes Cook strange is that the two sides shot for a full minute, and there was no one. Who is hit.

"Damn it, change the energy core." A voice roared.

When Cook heard this roar, he was surprised, but quickly replaced the spare energy core.

"But this hasn't been used up yet?" Cook looked at the energy core in confusion.

"Idiot, we are a consumable. The 30 shots have been reached. Let's go back and drink for the rest." Kander taught Cook out of anger.

"Um..." Cook was shocked.

"I'm telling you, man, at such a distance, if you hit the opponent, it would be a hell. Don't look at the ice shooters, but the distance between each other is at least 10,000 kilometers, and we fight the airship. The formation is also the same, do you think it can be hit by the size of our meteor cannon?" Kander explained later.

Cook immediately woke up, yes, they seemed to be together, but they were too far apart. Although the transmission speed of light is extremely fast, after all, this beam of light is only that big. If you want to hit something that moves at high speed hundreds of meters away from tens of millions of kilometers, and the distance between these things exceeds 10,000 kilometers, You say easy not.

Of course, if Cook comes, there is a way to hit it, just calculate it. Of course, this is a complicated project, and you also need to consider the avoidance of the target, just like the current combat airship does not move in a straight line, but goes up and down. of.

And from time to time, Cook couldn't help but marvel at the guy operating the combat airship, the technique is still very good.

A full five minutes have passed, and the two sides are still shooting at each other. Cook asked suspiciously: "Why don't you get close?"

"What are you doing close? With the combatants on our airship, what can we do with this big guy who is hundreds of meters in size?" Kander replied with a shrug.

"Boom!" But as soon as the words came to an end, Cook rolled over his whole body, and the violent collision made Cook not adapt for a while.

"Damn it, got hit, priest, priest."

"The d3 area needs urgent repair, and the d3 area needs urgent repair."

"The f5 district needs a priest, and the f5 district needs a priest."

"Warning, warn that d4 area needs an emergency shutdown, and d4 area needs an emergency shutdown."

There was a constant sound from the inside of the entire combat airship. The huge sound echoed every inch of the space inside the airship. Cook looked back at the position of the turret. The shield above is still intact, but it has been dimmed a lot, but on the turret. No one, obviously the guys on the turret were directly blasted out by the violent impact.

"Free attack, quick, free attack, there is a **** ice shooter rushing over."

Cook didn’t know what to do. The voice on the turret transmitted the magic circle and the commander’s hurried voice sounded. Cook looked at the unconscious Kander and the **** other demons, who had been shocked. Knowing where to go, Cook stood up and quickly sat on the fort.

Of course, Cook’s physical strength is fine. Cook just didn’t notice it, because the position where Cook just stood was only able to see a small part of the scene outside, and most of the scenes were invisible. After all, the shield was left. The gap is only for the personnel operating the weapon.

After Cook sat down, he saw an ice shooter flying towards the airship, and the current airship was far away from the formation at an early stage. Now only a blurry image of the formation can be seen, and it is getting dim, and finally disappears. Inside the starry sky.

The ice shooter in front of him is a kilometer in size, and now the two sharp corners of the ice shooter are bursting with blue light, like a shield against the sporadic meteor cannons on the airship, but the power of these meteor cannons Not enough to destroy the defense of the ice shooter.

There was a silver light in Cook's eyes, and he ignored the commander's rushing voice in the communication magic circle behind him. The light of the meteor cannon became denser, but he still couldn't break the ice shooter's defense.

"Huh." In Cook's eyes, the ice shooter is now a huge blue light group, but the color on the light group is different, and there are some things like pulsating lines. Cook knows this is the star. The magic circuit inside the beast's body.

In fact, whether it is a beast or a star beast, the reason why they can release magic is also because these creatures have structures that resemble magic lines in their bodies. These structures amplify, operate, or transform the energy core, magic core, or star core. Into a variety of power, attack power, defense power.

What Cook saw was the route of magical energy in the ice shooter's body.

This weakness can be seen from this magic power running route, because the magic power running route on the star beast's body also has nodes, and the magic rain cover will also have weak areas.

Cook pressed the attack button, but what made Cook depressed was that he did not hit, because the combat airship was still moving. The powerful attack power brought by the powerful ice ray did not destroy the combat airship’s magical protection. However, the powerful kinetic energy still makes the combat airship roll continuously. If the combat airship wants to adjust, I don't know how long it will take. It is not short anyway.

Cook kept pressing the button, dozens of attacks, Cook's hit rate was only a pitiful one, and he was still far away from the weak spot he saw.

"Damn it." Cook resisted the urge to smash the control button. On the one hand, the combat airship was constantly moving, and the ice shooter was not a fool, and was also constantly moving.

"Boom." The ice shooter once again released two huge ice rays. The combat airship was hit again, but this time it was only wiped up, but the combat airship was rolled out by the huge kinetic energy. The silver magic shield outside also broke, and there were constant roars from the entire communication system.

"Damn." Cook was speechless.

"Boom, boom, boom." When Cook saw this, he simply smashed the shattered magic crystal shield on his head, and then took out a death gaze.

"The d2 area will be closed in one minute."

"The b1 area will be closed in one minute."

"SS level alarm, ss level alarm."

There was a loud sound from the communication system behind Cook, and Cook's death gaze aimed at the growing ice shooter.

"Boom!" Cook rolled off the battle position with a roll, and then Cook saw that the position he was just now disappeared suddenly, and then Cook lost his gravity and was directly taken by the huge force. After leaving the combat airship, Cook saw that the combat airship had broken through several large holes ~www.wuxiaspot.com~Cook's death gaze had no power at all.

In these wrecks, there are some people wearing things like motorcycle helmets, struggling to grasp everything that can be grasped around them, and some are directly cut by some fragments, and then burst out a cloud of red mist. Some quickly disappeared into the dark starry sky.

"Damn it." Cook was depressed, but after seeing the ice shooter, the magic rocket booster appeared in Cook's hand, and then started, Cook shot the ice shooter, and then Cook put it away Magic rocket booster, and then pour a bottle of stealth potion.

"Captain, go quickly, otherwise it's too late." Inside the combat airship, there was silence in the command hall, and only the larger and larger ice shooters displayed by the magic projection.

"Go is dead, the formation has already left, even if I can wait for the arrival of the formation, I am a captain..." the captain commander said loudly.

"Ah!!!" At this moment, everyone in the command hall exclaimed, looking at the ice shooter approaching in disbelief.

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