A Unique Hunter

Vol 2 Chapter 174: return

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Cook was speechless. Cook thought that the combat airship had not been repaired, but he knew that it had been repaired a long time ago. The reason why the combat airship is still here is because the combat airship is peeping at the dead body of the ice shooter.

The corpse of the star beast can be said to be full of treasures. The entire corpse of the star beast is comparable to a magic metal lump, and it is also a purified magic metal lump, just like the entire shell of the ice shooter’s corpse, almost made of a kind of magic metal It is composed of Ice Apparition Blue Gold, which is an extremely rare magic metal with ice attributes.

The ice magic weapon made of such magic metal can amplify the attack of the ice system, and the attack increase of up to 1o can be said to be abnormal.

Of course, if the corpse of this ice shooter is refined into armor, it is almost immune to the general freezing attributes. For the entire combat airship, this ice shooter means a lot of wealth.

Cook listened to Dekan constantly talking about how much food, how much equipment, how much good selling wine, how much juice, etc., but there was no currency.

When he was in the tavern, Cook was puzzled, but now Cook knows that the Star Fortress is almost still bartering.

The battle airship slowly approached the ice shooter's corpse, just like a kid sneaking close to the cakes placed by adults. Cook's mental power penetrated into the natural ring, and the ice shooter's star core was inside Cook's natural ring.

After Cook was transformed, he could feel the powerful energy contained in this star core. The energy contained in a star nucleus the size of a head is unimaginable by Cook. This star core is compared with the magic cores of other creatures. , That one is the moon, the other is the stars, and the star core can be said to be the creature at the top of the food chain.

In the end, the combat airship dragged the ice shooter's corpse and slowly marched towards the starry sky fortress. Everyone on the entire combat airship was very excited, and Dekan even more mysteriously said to Cook, "Go."

"What are you doing." Cook followed Dekan in confusion.

"Of course it's a good thing, don't ask so much, you can take as much as you can at that time." Dekan said to Cook without knowing it.

Decan took Cook to the maintenance department of the combat airship. There were soldiers queuing up here. Cook was puzzled at the beginning, but when a group of soldiers came in through a door, Cook knew what to do. Up.

The door through which the soldiers entered was a sealed door, which was one of the passages leading to the outside, and all these soldiers carried were from the ice shooter.

"This is a welfare." Deccan whispered to Cook.

Cook followed behind Dekan, and there were a total of thirty people who entered the ice shooter's corpse together. These thirty people had half an hour, and they could take as much as they could within half an hour.

Cook can see through the helmet that some soldiers take up their weapons, and then cut the ice shooter's shell vigorously. But what is the material of the ice shooter's shell? In the end, what these soldiers can hold is only some soft tissues in the body. Cook also I followed the trend and took some soft tissue, which is just meat.

"It's a pity." At least two hundred catties of meat hung on Dekan's body, but his eyes were still reluctant. Dekan wanted to get some shells back to build weapons. The shells are also more valuable than meat, but the shells are too hard. , So there is no way to cut it.

The return journey was spent in an exciting atmosphere, and everyone was in high spirits, because the harvest was simply too great.

But when the combat airships got closer and closer to the Star Fortress, Cook saw a huge scene. Tens of thousands of combat airships formed a long corridor-like passage, and then these combat airships emitted a soft light.

"Welcome to our warriors, you are all our bravest warriors." A strong voice sounded from the communication magic circle inside the combat airship, which seemed very excited.

Cook glanced at Dekan, and it was obvious: "Who is this group."

"Admiral Danone, one of the Big Three in Star Fortress." Dekan explained in a low voice.

"Oh." Cook also understands. The three giants of Star Fortress, the highest commander Admiral Danone, the Speaker of the House of Parliament Mackina, and the most mysterious person is said to be a sixth-level magic pattern master. The name of is not known, only spread in a very small area.

"Hehe, warriors, I welcome you on behalf of the council." Then a voice came out, which gave a sense of intimacy, but the difference was that it was actually a woman's voice.

This time without Cook watching Deccan, Deccan explained: "Machina Speaker."

"Woman." Cook asked.

"No, it's a lich. It is said that Speaker Macina was here when the Star Fortress was established." Dekan shook his head and explained.

Later, Deccan explained: "The sound is just synthesized with a magic crystal ball."

Cook did not expect that there are liches here. If liches are divided in the magic department, they should be the soul department in the branch of the spirit department, but most of the liches are grouped into the undead department, mainly liches. The body is a frame of bones.

When the combat airship came closer, the whole scene became more grand. This time the combat airship landed in the circular sphere in the middle of the starry sky fortress.

The combat airship passed through a transparent magic shield and landed in a huge space with a diameter of several kilometers, surrounded by some heavily armed soldiers, and the body of the ice shooter was dragged by a special transportation tool. Slowly landed on the open space behind the combat airship.

"Welcome, warriors." Cook and the others shouted loudly before they even out of the combat airship. After Cook and the others came down, how big the team was to welcome them, with thousands of people. Not to mention the soldiers around here, these people are very interested in the body of the ice shooter.

Cook even saw some people dressed up as ladies, and of course people dressed up as magicians, but these people were clearly divided into three small teams, with a leader in front of the three small teams.

Dekan whispered: "The tall one is Admiral Danone."

"Are you sure." Cook looked at Decan in amazement, because Admiral Danone's race really surprised Cook.

"Yes, Admiral Danone is an elf." Of course, Deccan knows what Cook is referring to. There are some things that humans like Cook don't know, but Deccan who is a demon must know, and Cook Not yet a regular army.

"The one in a black robe is Speaker Magina, and the last one in a gray robe is the most mysterious Mageweave Master, and the most powerful person in the entire Star Fortress." Dekan continued to explain.

"The most powerful." Cook continued to wonder.

"Hehe, the Star Fortress can leave the soldiers and the council, but it cannot do without the Mageweave Master who can repair the fortress." Dekan replied meaningfully.

Cook was stunned for a moment. Cook did not expect such an answer. Of course, if Dekan explained this way, Cook would understand. Yes, because of the special environment here, there are people that Cook did not realize. thing.

First of all, the internal management here is very loose. It doesn’t look like a fortress at all. Cook didn’t understand it at first, and then Cook understood. It’s different from a fortress on the ground. It’s in the starry sky. No one would bypass the powerful detection magic pattern and enter the inside of the fortress, because no one can survive in the starry sky, except for Cook's metamorphosis.

As for the status of the Mageweave Master, it is also because the Starry Sky Fortress needs constant maintenance, constant maintenance, and repair. Once there is no Mageweave Master, then the Starry Sky Fortress will only be slowly abandoned.

All the personnel of the entire combat airship are arranged in a team, which is of course not very neat. As a human being, Cook is in a team with other humans.

"In view of the brave resistance of the warriors against the star beasts, the council decided to award the warrior badges to the warriors." Admiral Danone said loudly.

"Yeah." All the people cheered, and of course Cook also followed.

Cook didn't know what the Warriors badge was, but everyone around him was excited. If he wasn't a little excited, he might be suspicious of others.

"After you get the Warrior badge, you can live in the central area. In view of your heroic behavior, you can choose to enter the military first. I welcome everyone here." Admiral Danone added loudly.

"Hey, our council also welcomes everyone, and there are many single women in our council." But the Lich Speaker was not to be outdone, and said with a smile.

"Hmph, I don't want to waste it here." After a cold snort, the gray robe Mageweave Master said coldly.

The next scene stunned Cook. The Warrior badge is not coming down right away, but what department you are going to. Go to the military department. People from the military department will give you the badge. If you go to the parliament, then it will be awarded by the parliament. Badge ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Before Cook could react, he was pulled closer to the parliament by Dekan.

"I said why I want to go to the Lich's department." Looking at the long line in the council, Cook asked suspiciously.

"The old Danone is a famous pervert. It is estimated that there are beauties in the military department. That is also the torn shoes that the pervert used. The Lich Speaker is different here, and the military side is very dangerous. The parliament is responsible for public order, and safety is the most important.” Deccan explained with a smile.

"Trash, get out of me." Just when Cook was talking with Dekan, a very impatient voice came from the side. It turned out that there are a few magicians who want to become magicweaves, so you know that they are affected by this magicweave. The teacher gave the test a test, and immediately blasted these people away, with a very bad attitude.

"It's a pity, the Mageweave Master has the highest treatment, not only has the most beautiful maid, the best food, but also the best equipment, the best residence...Hey, what are you going to do." Dekan whispered. Dao, when Cook heard this, he immediately broke away from the array and walked towards the Mageweave Division. Dekan shouted behind Cook in amazement. --9004+d8z1w+2013101-->

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