A Unique Hunter

Vol 2 Chapter 176: Contradictory excitation

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The sudden scene made everyone stunned. The Grey-robed Mageweave Master reacted first and shouted at the people behind him: "Damn it, don't you take that **** back to me."

"Yes." The Mageweave Masters behind the Grey Robe Mageweave started to take action, rushing towards the yelling human being.

"Slow." Admiral Danone roared when he saw this situation.

"Wow." The surrounding soldiers immediately raised the weapons in their hands. These ray guns that use magic energy are not weaker than the magic weapons in the hands of those who engage in law and order.

"Danone, what do you mean?" Gray-robed Mageweave Master asked coldly.

"What do you mean, you guys are so embarrassed to say what you mean, every time we get precious materials, they will be given to you, but what you give us is some rubbish, some inferior rubbish, our soldiers are protecting you. Use your life to obtain materials, but you guys are treating us as slaves. I have endured it for a long time. If you don’t figure things out today, don’t think about it." Danone has already treated these magic pattern masters. Not satisfied.

"Hehe, me too, the Mageweave Master occupies the most beautiful woman and eats the best things, but he doesn't pay enough." The Lich Speaker also chuckled.

"Hmph, refining equipment is not as simple as you think. There is a..." Gray-robed Mageweave Master explained with restrained anger.

"Shit, we know that there is a failure rate for the refining equipment of the magic pattern master, but the materials of a whole star beast, how much equipment you give, and those magic pattern masters who are responsible for maintenance, are just like the masters. Quit it, there are hundreds of thousands of combat airships in the entire Star Fortress, but how many can be used now, I doubt that in hundreds of years, we will not have a combat airship that can fly." Danone said loudly. , The more you speak, the more angry.

"You, you are unreasonable, you think maintenance is that simple." Gray-robed Mageweave Master argued loudly.

"Of course it's not easy. The good foods to eat, the good things to enjoy, and any materials needed are prepared for you. What else do you need? Even the star core of the star beast is given to you. What else do you want." The Demon Speaker also said with a sneer.

Seeing this, the gray-robed mageweave master said angrily: "Okay, okay, if this is the case, then we will not repair it in the future."

"If you don't repair it, that's okay. Come here, throw this bunch of waste out of the Starry Sky Fortress. Don't use waste in our fortress." Admiral Danone heard the gray-robed mageweave threaten him, so he commanded loudly.

"Yes." The surrounding soldiers immediately aimed at these magic pattern divisions with their weapons.

"Huhuhuhu." There was a burst of magical light shining in the magic pattern master's camp, and these magic pattern masters were actually equipped with magic pattern equipment.

"Look, look, these **** **** eat ours, wear ours, and we protect them. Even I don’t have a set of magic weave equipment. These low-level guys actually have magic weave equipment, and Not one piece yet." Admiral Danone was angry. Yes, this kind of magic pattern equipment should be given to the warriors fighting the star beasts on the front line, not to these masters like the master, the magic pattern.

"Meteor Cannon preparation, give you one minute, if you surrender, don't blame us for being polite, and immediately block all the residences of the Mageweave Master. If you dare to resist, kill it." Admiral Danone gave a loud order.

"Dare you, don't forget, these weapons are maintained by us." The gray-robed Mageweave Master roared loudly. The meteor cannon originally aimed at the Mageweave lost its magical light in an instant.

When Admiral Danone saw this scene, instead of being surprised, he turned around with a smile and said: "Look, soldiers, look at this, this is the magic pattern we trust and we rely on. We protect them. We are in the starry sky. Facing loneliness, facing cruel star beasts, facing all kinds of dangers, and what we are getting in exchange, let’s see, if these mageweavers are willing, these meteor cannons can kill us all in an instant, soldier We, are such people still our partners."

"No." All the soldiers shouted angrily.

"Then we still have to protect them." Danone continued to ask loudly.

"No." All the soldiers shouted loudly again.

"Then what are we going to do?" Danone asked loudly again.

"Kill them, kill them." All the soldiers were angry and shouted loudly. Yes, these soldiers on the front line know how dangerous it is.

"Everyone has it, each is in place." The commander of the combat airship that Cook was in shouted loudly.

A part of the soldiers in the entire combat airship quickly returned to the combat airship, and then the combat airship was suspended, and a dense cluster of meteor cannons and magic crystal cannons emerged from the combat airship. These cannons were aimed at the place where the magic pattern division was.

"Damn it, what are you doing?" The gray-robed Mageweave Master saw the large meteor cannon aimed at him, and immediately roared loudly.

"What are you doing, listen to my order to eliminate these worms." Danone roared loudly.

"Damn it, you guys wait and see." When the gray-robed mageweave master heard this, he roared loudly. Then two transparent wings of light appeared on these mageweave masters, and then these people turned into one after another. The streamer rushed in one direction.

Admiral Danone did not give an order. Instead, he watched with a smile as these mage-weave masters disappeared into the passage, and then Admiral Danone gave a loud order: "Come on, catch all the traitors. We want these demons The tattoo masters know that our soldiers are not easy to provoke."

When the show was like this, even the initiator Cook was stunned. Cook just wanted to provoke the relationship between the three, but there was an internal turmoil that could have been thought to be what it is now.

What kind of rhythm is this? Cook watched with puzzlement as the surrounding soldiers rushed into the passage one after another, and pursued the Mageweave Master.

The corners of Cook's mouth twitched, yes, it was actually this result, which made Cook very worried besides the accident. Cook was not worried about the number of casualties, but worried that this would destroy the Star Fortress.

Cook looked around, and the scene was almost chaotic. As soon as he rolled his eyes, Cook slipped away. Cook is also familiar with Star Fortress. Of course, he has gained control over what he wants to do.

"Hehe, this is called fishing in troubled waters." Cook smiled in his heart and walked towards the control core area.

"Grab those **** bastards." The soldiers of one roared and rushed in all directions. These soldiers were capturing the Mageweaver.

There are many Mageweave Masters in the Star Fortress. Of course, most of them are low-level Mageweave Masters and apprentices of Mageweave Masters. There are thousands of these people, who are the heads of various maintenance departments. They were all caught by the soldiers, beaten up first, and then guarded closely. After all, these soldiers also knew that the Star Fortress was inseparable from the Magewen Master.

"Come on, come on, catch those bastards." Cook yelled out from time to time, and won the praise of other soldiers. These soldiers ignored Cook, mainly because Cook is a human, and most of these soldiers They are soldiers of the demons, and there are very few human beings.

But when Cook came to the control core area, Cook was very depressed, because around the control core, there was a fierce battle, the magic light kept shining, and the entire passage was shining with dazzling magic light.

"Damn it, give me a hard blow, break through the defenses here, and grab those **** Mageweaves." Admiral Danone's voice roared.

Cook took a closer look. It turned out that people from the military were attacking the defense system of the control center. Cook just glanced at it and shook his head. The defense system of the control center was obviously very powerful, and it was a bit perverted. Large weapons cannot be used inside, so the military department has almost no progress.

Not only was there no progress, but a lot of people were killed by the defense system of the control center. However, the people killed here did not leave their bodies at all, because the attacking magic lines were too dense, so dense that they could not leave a full beard and tail. Dead body.

But the more so, the more angry the soldiers of the military department became. The eyes of these demons became red, and Danone was no exception.

"Damn it, take all the family members of the Mage Weave Masters over to me. I want to let the families of these Mage Weave Masters clear the way." Admiral Danone looked at the dead soldiers and roared again and again.

Soon there will be trial soldiers to execute. Cook shook his head. In this situation, the Mageweave Master and the people in the military have completely broken, and once the family of the Mageweave Master is arrested, then two The department can be said to have become the fourth brother, the kind of endless death.

"Damn it, go to hell." Cook saw this scene, his heart moved slightly, and then shouted loudly, and took out a ray gun. This is Cooked in the weapon warehouse, as for other weapons in the weapon warehouse. , Of course all disappeared.

The structure of the ray gun is very simple, it is a ray magic pattern, plus a few simple magic patterns such as control and energy conversion, and then refined into a gun. When shooting, you only need to press the button, not a button. Pull the trigger.

There is no sound from the ray gun, and there are only scorching or icy rays. Cook adjusted the ray gun to a high-temperature burning ray, and then fired suddenly.

Red rays shot on the protective magic pattern in the channel~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Surrounded by dozens of other demons soldiers constantly attacking, but these dozens of ray gun attacks, for the defense in the channel The magic lines caused almost no damage, and the attacking magic lines in the passage released huge attack magic from time to time.

"Get out." The communication magic pattern in the channel resounded the voice of the magic pattern master. Obviously these magic patterns did not fully activate the defensive magic pattern in this place, otherwise there would be almost no one left here.

"Don't listen to them, these worms, we have to drive these worms out of the Starry Sky Fortress." Admiral Danone roared loudly.

"Soldiers, think about these guys you usually meet. They are all big masters. You still need to ask grandpa and grandma to repair weapons. The equipment is still the worst. Isn't our life a life? Give me Take turns attacking, I don’t believe that these **** mageweave masters don’t need to eat...Haha, **** mageweave masters, your parents, your people, your wives, daughters, and sons are all coming to see you, come People, **** those people over, and then let's attack together." Danone exclaimed very emotionally. At this time, the family of the Mageweave Master was arrested and Danone shouted out of joy. --9004+d8z1w+2017480-->

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