A Unique Hunter

Vol 2 Chapter 179: Call of the Undead

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After the Lich Speaker heard this voice, Jin then felt the violent wave of magic, and the Lich subconsciously activated the magic shield on his body.

"Boom." With a sound, the Lich's body flew out directly.

"Danone, what are you doing." However, the Lich had a magic shield to resist it, and the whole person flew upside down in the air, and then a black bone wing stretched out, and then stabilized his body in the air. After General Danone, the Lich Speaker shouted in astonishment.

"Damn bastard, go to hell." Danone saw the eyes of ordinary guards around him. It was ashamed. Danone is very embarrassed now. As the leader of the soldiers of the entire Star Fortress, he will become what he is now, and everyone's eyes are stunned. So embarrassed, in Danone's heart, all this was done by the Lich Speaker.

"Danone, you madman, I didn't provoke you." The Lich was still a little afraid of Danone. Danone was a famous madman in fighting. He would fight you desperately, a typical lunatic type, so the Lich Speaker shouted Shouted, while flying back.

Danone saw that he had not attacked the Lich Speaker, and his heart was even more angry, because Danone knew that his attack was suspected of a sneak attack. This is very difficult for a fighter to accept, especially Danone as an admiral. It's already hard to accept a sneak attack, and the sneak attack has not yet succeeded.

"Asshole, take me." Danone said nothing to the Lich Speaker.

Why does Danone have to believe that the Lich Speaker did this? As mentioned earlier, this starry sky fortress is like a very special environment. In Danone’s mind, except for the Gray Robe Mageweave, who is the Lich Speaker. Able to affect myself.

And now that he moved to the Mageweave Master, the warehouse was locked up and attacked by the magic puppet. Besides the Lich Speaker, who else had the ability to do such a thing? A very simple way of elimination.

Of course, even Danone did not expect that some perverts can fly freely in the starry sky, and then avoid the powerful detection system of the Star Fortress, sneak in and engage in wind and rain. This is also an inertial thinking.

"Boom." Danone burst out with a dazzling white light, and there were silver flames lingering around, surprised Cook hiding in the dark, because this Danone is actually a light demigod, this rare magic system It seems to be very common not to stay in this starry sky fortress. If the demigod of the light system is in the temple of light, it must be a first-class servant. And looking at the silver flame on Danone, this is the most primitive stage of the **** fire. , The presence of such a flame proves that this person has the potential to become a god. Once he condenses into a golden flame, and combines the soul and the energy of the whole body, and the law of comprehension, he condenses into a godhead and becomes a god-level strong The existence of the person.

Of course, if Cook is willing to let Barry take a shot, Danone can barely become a god-level powerhouse.

"Hehe, it seems that I have a good relationship with the Holy See of Light. If the Holy See of Light knows that there are so many Light Element powerhouses here, hehe." Cook smiled in his heart, and some thoughts came out of Cook's mind.

"Boom." Danone's magic pattern equipment was shining with various colors. Seeing this situation, Cook sighed in his heart: "Alas, as a general of the demigod level, there is no set of magic pattern equipment. ."

"Danone, don't think you are a lunatic, I will be afraid of you, if you go around again, don't blame me for being so cruel." The Lich Speaker saw Danone activate the magicweave equipment and hurriedly shouted.

"Haha, Lich, you eggless bastard, don't know whether the little people in your family use your fingers or toes." Danone sneered loudly, very sarcastically.

When the Lich Speaker heard this, the soul fire suddenly rose. Danone said that the beauty was the newly married wife of the Lich Speaker. It was indeed beautiful and unusual. The Lich was a bone frame but had a human soul. He is a flawed person, so he is a bit paranoid and perverted in certain things, and the lich hates others for saying that he is an eggless person. This is tantamount to laughing at himself. As for the beauty, he just can’t move. It looks good too. It’s better than finding some skeletons of skeleton soldiers, not to mention the foul-smelling undead creatures like black knights and corpses. Of course, ghosts are a good choice if they are not restricted to infiltration.

"Death ray." The wand in the hand of the Lich burst out a black ray, and then released it towards Danone. The death ray, the purest energy body condensed by the breath of death, carries a strong corpse poison. There is a strong breath of death, once hit, the consequences are unimaginable.

"Haha, Lich, you eggless fellow, look at how I abused you, uncle." A small shield appeared in Danone's hand, but when the shield was taken out, the first impression was solemn. Very solemn.

"Semi-sacred weapon." Cook looked at the shield in Danone's hand in astonishment, which clearly had the aura of law.

But this breath is not very condensed. You must know that the artifact has its own rules, and this shield is barely a semi-artifact, because the rules are not very obvious, but this is enough for Cook to be surprised. It can refine a semi-artifact, at least it is. High-level Mageweave Master.

The black ray suddenly hit the small round shield in Danone's hand. The black ray left a small black spot on the shield and it was finished. The violent collision that Cook expected did not occur.

"Death Summoning." Cook was startled at first, and then he discovered that the black death ray was just a blindfold of the Lich Speaker. With a wave of the black staff in the Lich's hand, a huge summoning circle appeared on the ground.

Call of Death is known as the most character-testing magic of the Undead Department. Call of Death is to summon an undead from the plane of the dead to fight, and the caster is summoned by spiritual power. How to say it is like fishing, but It is a must-have fishing.

As for whether it was a crab, or a loach, or even a shark, no one can tell, but in historical records, there is an undead apprentice who burned his soul and was killed by the Holy See of Light. The vitality summoned an undead monarch, which resulted in a severe blow to a powerful empire and even the Holy See of Light.

There is a time limit for the Undead Summoning. The Undead Apprentice summons the Undead Lord, which is only tens of seconds, but don’t forget that the Undead Lord can also release the Undead Summon. So the Undead Lord just shows up and summons a group of thousands. The undead army, but also the existence of the fear knight level.

The fear knight is already a high-level undead according to the level of division. Generally speaking, it is a mid-level existence in the sanctuary. Although it is suppressed by the laws of the plane, it is still invincible in the human world, with a short summoning time of several hours. Over time, a certain powerful empire and the Holy See of Light received an almost devastating blow, and this half of the empire was still haunted by the undead for hundreds of years.

"Who is calling me." The summoning circle had just formed, and a majestic voice immediately sounded.

After the surrounding people were taken aback, they all ran away. Even the people behind the Lich Speaker also ran away. Just kidding, what the dead are, they are all dead. What kind of dead people can talk is a high-level dead person. The undead, skeleton soldiers, black knights, fear knights, and skeleton mage can’t speak, but those who can speak have powerful power to reshape their bodies, and such undeads are generally above the lord level, that is to say, half God-level existence.

Reshaping the body seems mysterious, but as long as it reaches a sufficient level, reshaping the body is not difficult. Of course, the premise is that you have enough time to grow to that level.

At the beginning of the Lich profession, the idea was perfect, it took a long time to reach the point where it could reshape the body, but these people overlooked one point. The theory is the theory, and the reality is very practical. After transforming into a Lich, they understand The law can be said to be painful, almost impossible to comprehend. The only way for a lich to grow is not to comprehend the law, but to strengthen the soul fire.

"Humble creature, are you calling me?" A vaguely human-like shadow appeared in the summoning circle, looming, the shadow asked loudly, the whole space echoed this kind of voice, giving people a kind of A feeling of majesty.

"Yes, a great existence, I summoned you." The Lich Speaker is also scalp. The Lich Speaker has a summoned creature, which is a corpse witch. The Lich signs a contract with this corpse witch, and then the Lich Speaker As long as the Undead Summoning is released, the corpse witch will be summoned, but there is also a bad part of the contract~www.wuxiaspot.com~ because the undead creatures will pinch each other, and after each pinch, they will absorb other souls. Fire comes to strengthen oneself, so sometimes, there is a certain chance that the signed contract will be preserved intact, and the current situation will appear.

"Ant, do you cancel the contract yourself, or I do it." As soon as the Lich Speaker's words settled, the summoned guy roared.

"Boom, bastard, pretending to be a ghost." Danone is holding time. If this Nima summons a powerful existence, these tens of seconds will be enough. The servant hasn't left for a long time, and Danone is sure.

The more powerful the summoned creature, the shorter the existence time. This is what Danone understands, but Danone seems to have forgotten. This is a starry sky fortress. It is a special case. The one-handed sword in Danone's hand condenses a white, dazzling lightsaber. , With a raging white flame, directly hit the summoned guy.

"You are dead, ants." In Cook's horrified expression, Danone's blow was like sinking into the water, without the slightest splash, the majestic voice said coldly. --9004+d8z1w+2032216-->

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