A Unique Hunter

Vol 2 Chapter 208:

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"But I still have some concerns. Reading the full text of the latest chapter" Cook paused, then said slowly, Cook paused, mainly to see the reaction of the archangel, but from the slight reaction of the archangel Look, the possibility of further squeezing out the oil and water is extremely low. Even so, Cook has to hold the attitude of trying it out, after all, speaking is easy.

The archangel cursed secretly in his heart. Why didn't the archangel know that Cook would say that, showing what benefits would be gained, but the archangel now had to pinch his nose and ask, "His Royal Highness has any concerns."

Cook heard the archangel's somewhat blunt tone and didn't care, and continued: "Look at me now, I can survive in the star realm."

Without waiting for the archangel to continue to answer, Cook said again: "Look at my current status, wealth, and power. Why should I venture to the star realm? As for the gods, are the main gods of other temples Can't be released."

After hearing what Cook said, the archangel was stunned. Yes, Cook was right. Now Cook has an incomparable power, so why should he take risks? As for the gods, As long as Cook is willing to pay some price, it is easy to get.

When Cook saw the expression of the archangel, he hehe smiled: "Why should I help you Bright Protoss? Know that I am a human being, so if you don't pay the price to make my heart move, then we will assume that nothing has been said."

The archangel didn't expect things to change so quickly, and he said so well just now, how can he turn his face and deny people?

The archangel has left, and Cook thought in his heart that if you don’t figure out this place in the star realm, you should never go. Of course, if you can subdue the Burst King Kong into a mount, you can also give it a try. Cook just explained Realize, no one can tell whether the star realm exists or not, and Cook is also afraid that this is the conspiracy of the Light Protoss. After all, he has too much power in this lower plane, although it is not to smooth the Temple of Light. It is possible, but Cook can still make the Temple of Light become an evil organization that everyone shouts and beats.

"I want to improve my strength." Cook feels that he can now increase his strength without limit.

Cook didn’t tell anyone, and he came to the black ball beast as soon as his figure swayed. After a period of observation, the black ball beast was really meek and would not bother himself or attack any human beings. The black ball beasts left, the archangel looked at the back of the black ball beast and Cook, with a grim smile on the corner of his mouth: "For the existence of the **** ant, greed is the original sin. Novel"

What the archangel didn’t know was that his every move was recorded by the magic pattern system. Cook brought the black ball beast to a huge asteroid. There is no life on this asteroid, some only Brown rocks and flying dust.

"Okay, you are waiting here." Cook said to the black ball beast, the black ball beast is now able to communicate with Cook skillfully in mental power.

Cook landed directly on the asteroid, and then Cook began to practice. Cook had already mastered a quick way to accumulate energy, which is to use earth magic elements to pierce wood magic elements, but this accumulated energy has more damage to the body Big, it has very high requirements for mental strength.

Cook can see that there is an inconspicuous starry sky in his mind. This is the structure of God's Domain that Cook has built, but this structure of God's Domain has not changed at all for so long. Cook knows that this may be his own cultivation. The consequences of not enough.

"Punch." Several wood magic elements form a net bag. Inside the net are several earth magic elements. Cook's dead wood is talented, so spiritual power can't capture earth elements at all, but Ku Ke uses the mental power micro-control to make the wood element form a net bag, and then pulls the earth element directly into the source of magic power, and then uses the mental storm to pierce it.

"Boom." The entire source of magic power is like a violent fission reaction. The originally calm natural magic power instantly becomes violent and brings huge energy. These energies suddenly skyrocket, and there are countless magic powers in the source of magic power. Following Cook's body passage crazily spread to the entire body.

"Ah..." The violent energy made Cook feel like a knife. Because Cook's body is too strong, the magic channel is also very powerful, but the violent energy can't break the magic channel, but for magic The surface of the channel is rubbed violently, which is like scraping with a knife.

"Not enough, piercing." Cook saw that the turbulent magic power did not break the magic channel at all. Cook knew that it was not enough. The magic channel must be broken, and then a wider and tougher magic channel was formed. Ke’s magic channel is a water pipe. Once it is broken, Cook’s magic channel can become as thick as a sewer pipe under Cook’s powerful body self-healing ability. This is useful for fighting when Cook saves money. Energy has a great help to improve combat effectiveness, and it is a geometric multiple.

The second piercing is more dangerous, and the first piercing caused the magic riot in the source of magic power. The skyrocketing has not subsided, so after the second piercing, the magic power will be even more violent.

"Roar." The second violent magic directly swelled Cook's body into something like a three-meter-high, three-meter-diameter rolling meat ball, but Cook's magic channel still did not break.

After piercing Cook three times, Cook hesitated. The chain reaction that would produce might be to blow himself to pieces, but Cook thought of opposing the Light Protoss, Cook gritted his teeth and kept his soul clear, and then shouted: "puncture."

"Boom." After the three piercings, Cook felt that his soul was about to be washed away, and Cook almost fainted when his eyes went dark.

"Damn it." Cook only had these three words in his heart.

Cook can clearly feel that his magical channel is constantly shattering, healing, and then shattering again, repeating hundreds of times in a second. This is the result Cook needs, but when a few seconds pass, Cook's source of magic power also exploded. Cook almost vomited blood. You must know that the source of magic power is the source of a person's magic power. After the source of magic power burst, violent energy swept through the depths of Cook's mind.

"It's over, it's over." Cook saw that the violent magic power swept toward the soul beyond his control. Cook knew it. Once the soul was washed away, then the consequence was that he must die. Cook had some regrets at this time .

But soon Cook found that something was wrong. The violent energy rushed into the depths of his mind, without the slightest response. When Cook looked at it, he found that these violent energy rushed directly into the Gods domain structure, and the Gods domain structure emitted a faint white light. , After the turbulent energy entered the God's Domain, it was actually transformed into its own energy by the God's Domain, and the light from the entire God's Domain became brighter and brighter.

"Egg-shaped." Cook was shocked when he saw the structure of God's Domain form an egg-shaped thing emitting white light. His own structure of God's Domain was not like this.

The violent energy gradually calmed down, but Cook had a crazier thought in his heart: "Since the structure of God's Domain can absorb the excess energy, why should I visit it a few more times to see what changes will happen to God's Domain."

"Four punctures."

"Five punctures."

"Six punctures." Cook looked at his own magical channel, that is, the meridian, which expanded from the size of a water pipe to the size of a small river. Although the violent energy made Cook a heartache, he did not suffer at all. Damage, and after the excess violent energy flooded into the framework of the gods, the whole gods became more and more solid.

"This is to act as the source of magic." Cook felt the structure of God's Domain and found that God's Domain had been initially formed. At the beginning, the God's Domain constructed by Cook was a frame that leaked everywhere. Now it is a nailed wooden board that can temporarily live in. Of course, there is no other function, which is to store things, but this is already incredible. This is already the preliminary function of God's Domain.

"A few more punctures, so that the entire God's Domain is full of energy." Cook saw that the energy stored in the God's Domain took up too little space, so Cook gritted his teeth and punctured again.

Cook doesn’t know how many times he’s pierced. Anyway, the violent magic power expands Cook’s magic channel again. If Cook’s magic channel is a small river, then it is now a river, let alone violent. The energy has caused Cook’s physical body to go through many times. Cook’s skin now has a faint metallic luster, and the energy stored in God’s Domain has reached seven or seven eighty-eight. Cook is a bit pity, because Cook The original source of magic power can operate automatically, so Cook doesn't need meditation at all, but now everything is still unknown.

Kaka, Cook opened his eyes and opened his eyes. Cook made a clicking sound, but after Cook opened his eyes, he was stunned. The place where Cook was sitting was flat, but now Cook is actually At the bottom of a big pit, the big pit is several thousand meters wide.

"This is too ridiculous~www.wuxiaspot.com~Cook understood in an instant, because countless green plants appeared around the big pit, which was obviously caused by the overflow of his own energy, which caused no idea how much silence was lost. The seeds of the plant in the year began to grow. Cook looked at the surrounding plants, and when his mental power moved, a piece of plant was collected by Cook into the natural ring.

Cook stood on the asteroid, feeling the powerful force in his body, and Cook couldn't help but have the urge to punch.

"Hi." Cook slammed a punch towards a small mountain in the distance.

"Boom." The mountain hundreds of meters away seemed to be directly hit by an invisible force and shattered directly.

"Haha, haha, great." After Cook froze for a while, he burst into laughter. This effect will be produced when the power and speed reach the limit.

"Try madness again." Cook eagerly prepared to madness.


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