A Unique Hunter

Vol 2 Chapter 212: King Kong burst beast showing off

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Cook can see that the spikes on the King Kong Bursting Beast's body must be treasures. Cook wondered. It was not that Cook hadn't studied these spikes, but they didn't have any in Cook's eyes. usefulness. Full text reading of the latest chapters

Although he reacted, Cook did not intend to **** it. It was not that Cook was unwilling, but that Cook’s current mental power was flawed. Cook’s physical power was extremely powerful, but his spiritual power was much weaker. Ke had to watch from the back the powerhouses of the various temples in front to show off their skills.

"Anna, what kind of thing does the Goddess of Nature use? It looks like leaves." Cook asked Anna in a low voice. Of course, this Anna was not a saint of the Temple of the Goddess of the Night, but a super strong of the Temple of the Goddess of the Night. However, the goddess of the dark night descended from the body of this super strong man, temporarily occupying this guy's body.

"That is the touch of nature, a high-level artifact." Anna replied.

Cook's eyes were enthusiastic. The leaf-like artifact was in the hands of the strong man in the Temple of the Goddess of Nature, sometimes tens of thousands of square meters in size, sometimes the size of a palm. Cook continued to ask: "How is this thing refined."

"Refining, it's natural." Anna replied grimly.

Cook was stunned. Yes, the artifact has grown out of it himself. This is the first time Cook heard such a statement.

"I haven't seen it, tell me what the artifact is." Anna looked at Cook proudly and asked, although Cook didn't know the name of the goddess of the night, so Cook only called Anna.

Cook shook his head. The scope of artifacts is too broad. There is no strict definition at all. Anna explained: "No matter what equipment or materials are used, they are grown by ourselves. We refine them. Equipment is just a fusion of these things that exist by themselves, and the higher the quality of the things that exist, the better the equipment will be refined, so why can't the artifact grow by itself."

"This..." Cook was confused by what Anna said, yes, what Anna said made sense.

"But how big a tree is this." Cook did not argue with Anna on this issue.

"If you go to the star realm, don’t neglect the good things. People in the **** realm think that the star realm is a higher level existence than the **** realm, and I suspect that this artifact in the hands of the goddess of nature comes from the star realm. ." Anna finally had a spiritual exchange with Cook.

"Really." Cook asked excitedly.

"I'm just skeptical, and the greatest benefit of Touch of Nature is healing, which means this is a healing artifact. Such an artifact is very special." Anna continued to communicate with Cook.

Cook’s head keeps on. The healing artifacts are of course very special. It can be said to be comparable to the main artifacts. Cook can be regarded as seeing the high-level magic arts in various temples, as well as all kinds of weird equipment. The goddess of nature uses leaves, and the guys in the goddess of wealth temple use golden coins, but Cook can see that the gold coins used by the strong men of the goddess of wealth temple are made of fine gold; a gold coin the size of a washbasin , Weighing tens of thousands of tons, and blessing some other magic patterns and the like, there is no problem in smashing a mountain with a gold coin.

The God of War Temple uses mace. This mace is dark, and there are only three or two spikes on it. You can see that it is pure and natural at first glance, but Cook can’t distinguish the material, but this black wolf fang The density of the rod is estimated to be higher than that of fine gold.

The powerhouses of the Temple of Light almost used energy to attack, and they didn't see any weapons in their hands. Even the swords were made of pure energy.

Many powerful temple masters worked together. After the spikes on the body of the King Kong Bursting Beast were shot in a round, they were all taken away. This is unbelievable. The King Kong Bursting Hand saw this scene, roared again and again, and his body was covered again. Spikes, but this time the spikes were red, and it was brown the previous round.

Cook's eyes widened, and Cook didn't even think that King Kong Burst Beast would have this trick.

"Go back and implement the second plan." Seeing this scene, the archangel roared loudly.

After the archangel screamed, all the temple masters retreated one after another, which can be described by the four words of fart, pissing, and when the temple masters retreated one after another, the red spikes on the body of the King Kong burst beast had grown. After that, hundreds of thousands of red spikes swept towards Cook and others.

"Nima also comes with automatic navigation." Cook secretly slandered himself, but the more this King Kong Burst beast was like this, the more excited Cook was, because the stronger the King Kong Burst beast, the better it would be after he became a pet. .

"Release the used attack magic." The archangel continued to command loudly.

The Archangel’s words have just been finished. Hundreds of powerful men from various temples have released divine skills. These divine skills have almost blinded Cook’s eyes. The high-level divine skills that were hard to see in the past are at this moment. Like fireball, it is not as common as toxin detection, which can be performed by any apprentice of magic.

"Boom, boom, boom." The red spikes exploded violently after encountering the divine art. Cook understood that these red spikes are burst attributes.

"Damn it, don't destroy the Star Fortress." Cook shouted loudly when he saw this scene.

"Shut up." The archangel glared at Cook, but the archangel waved his hand. The people of the bright Holy See behind the archangel showed a dazzling light. When the light dissipated, what Cook saw was Several four-winged angels.

"Holy refuge." These angels jointly released a huge shield, which immediately enveloped the entire space.

When Cook saw this scene, he couldn't help but muttered: "The protection magic is useful."

But then Cook finally saw the magic of divine art. When the shock wave of the explosion came into contact with the divine refuge, the shock wave was actually offset by the divine refuge, as if it did not exist at all, and the white light on the bodies of several four-winged angels It's more full-bodied.

"It turned out to be absorbed." Cook took a look with his magic eyes, and immediately understood. No wonder this sheltered magical technique is the most abnormal. It turns out that the biggest function of this sheltered magical technique is to absorb and transform, and it is precisely because of this. , So the refuge magical technique has the title of the strongest defense.

"I said why don't you do it yet." Waves of red spikes were detonated by the magical arts released by the temple powerhouses, and the huge energy was absorbed and transformed by the sacred shelter. Cook was puzzled by the archangel. Why didn't he do it yet, so Cook asked.

"We have to compete with this King Kong Burst Beast for consumption." The archangel answered without looking at Cook.

For the archangel's answer, what Cook can say, had to wait.

This wave of attacks lasted for a few minutes. Although these few minutes are not much time, Cook has a very good understanding of the abnormality of the King Kong Burst Beast. There are tens of thousands of bursting spikes, if not the King Kong Burst Beast. Being imprisoned here, then it is impossible for Cook and others to consume these tens of thousands of bursting spikes so easily.

"Roar, roar." Two silver shock waves followed. Needless to say, this was the mental impact of the Diamond Burst. Cook quickly shrank behind the archangel. Although Cook had a mental protection necklace on his body, the Diamond Burst The mental shock of is really abnormal. When Cook first came into contact with this guy, waves of mental shocks were like no money.

"Protection." The archangel and other temple powerhouses jointly released a protective shield. There are many types of protective shields, but now these temple powerhouses release rare spiritual protection.

"Hoho Ho Ho Ho." Cook peeked over and found that the King Kong Explosive Beast’s big eyes were staring at him. The eyes were full of anger. Then the King Kong Explosive Beast opened its mouth wide and directed at Ku with a roar. Ke and others rushed over.

"Damn it, sonic attack." After Cook saw the roar of the King Kong Blast, the entire space was almost distorted. Cook was shocked. Before Cook could respond, Cook felt black in front of him. , And then Cook fainted directly.

After Cook's fainting passed, the temple powerhouses were also hit by the sudden move of the King Kong Explosive Beast, and the shield formed by them burst instantly.

"Damn it, the sonic attack actually has the law of space." The archangel was also embarrassed, and the strong from other temples also passed out. The sound wave just now can be said to have just been released from the mouth of the King Kong Bursting Beast, just directly Appearing inside the shield, this is the law of sonic attack with space.

"Boom." The archangel hasn't reacted yet~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The King Kong Bursting Beast opened its mouth as a dazzling beam of light. The red beam of light hit the crowd where the temple was. With a boom, everyone was huge The beam of light was directly knocked out, and a hole hundreds of meters in size appeared again in the Star Fortress, and Cooke and other temple experts were directly knocked out by the powerful beam of light, and quickly shot out into the starry sky.

"Boom." The archangel just dodged the beam of light, but did not dodge the second beam of light. The second beam of light hit the archangel all at once, leading the archangel to leave a huge hole on the starry sky fortress again.

"Sword of Judgment." The archangel steadied his body in embarrassment. Behind the archangel are three pairs of wings, but the third pair of wings has not fully grown yet. The archangel is on fire, and one is hundreds of meters long. The long golden sword was formed in the hands of the archangel, and the sword of judgment shot at the King Kong Burst Beast. Of course, there was another huge hole in the starry sky fortress.

"Cook, Cook." Lina's figure flashed and she appeared beside Cook. Cook's fast-moving body gradually stopped with the help of Lina. Lina looked at Cook who was unconscious and anxious. Shouted.


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