A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 4: Astral entrance?

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"But why don't I feel any discomfort?" Cook just wailed and felt wrong.

Then Cook made a more careful perception. After this perception, Cook found the answer. His heart, black flames and blood are constantly spreading in Cook's body, and the heart is the most critical one. The location, not for what reason, the heart actually absorbed the black flames, making these black flames a part of Cook.

"Yes, flame is just a manifestation of energy, and the heart is the most powerful thing in my body. Without the high-powered machine of the heart, the body could not be so strong. The heart may not attack too high, nor too high. The defensive power, but the heart is undoubtedly the most special." Cook understood after thinking about it.

In fact, there are many mysterious parts in the human body, and there are no brain areas that have been developed. Do these brain areas store certain inheritances, or civilizations left over from ancient times? There is a saying that is the development track of our current society. , Is a reprint of the previous era, and behind every technology, there are inherited memories, but these inheritances appear in the form of fragments. With the progress of civilization, the inheritance in the brain will be opened more.

Take the heart as an example. The heart is the most active part of the body. When yàoshi is changed to any kind of substance, even the hardest known metal, under such frequent power, it has long collapsed, but the heart is Can be used for decades, I have to say that this is the miracle of life.

But Cook scratched his head and couldn’t understand why this black flame was absorbed by himself. Star beasts are two completely different genetic creatures from himself. Thinking of genetic creatures, Cook’s brain flashed, yes, in In this world, the genes between species are not completely cut off.

The new species created by the most common different species on the planet is only mules, but mules are not fertile, but this genetic isolation does not protect the entire world. Imagine that any animal can interact with each other. Breeding houdài Then what will the whole world look like?

This is why some people are worried about the harm of genetically modified food, because long-term consumption of genetically modified food, no one will know what kind of effect will be caused to houdài, maybe there is no impact, maybe in the following dozens of generations, people may be able to give birth to houdài with other animals. This is not impossible, of course, this is just worry.

And Cook is now transforming, not a human body. As for whether the Behemoth beast is related to the star beast, it is not known.

Cook did a very simple experiment. Cook turned back into a human body and found that the flame on his body had disappeared, but Cook could feel that the flame was hidden in Cook’s blood. Once Cook turned , Then this black flame will be excited again.

"Alright, the black flame is still very strong." Since it didn't hurt the body, Cook didn't bother to pay attention, because Cook is busy now, what is Cook busy with.

No kànjiàn those shameless black ball beasts are devouring Cook's spoils, and they don't let go of anything. Even the **** Jin Guangyan brazenly snatches his spoils.

"Let go of those trophies, that's mine." Cook yelled, but in the starry sky, the voice is not chuqu, of course, Cook just screamed, and a group of scum quickly divided the trophy.

"This is for me!" Cook was shocked. The star core of the star beast did not move. Whether it was a black ball beast or a golden light, Cook looked at the fist-sized star core, and it was hard to imagine what it contained. What a powerful energy, this is an energy crystallization similar to the godhead, but the star core is a pure energy crystal, while the godhead is not.

After handling the matter, this time Black Globe Beast actively invited Cook to go with him. In Black Globe Beast’s eyes, Cook is no longer just a poor creature that provides water of life. From Cook’s transformation to The live tear-swallowing beasts, the black ball beasts are obvious to all.

"There are still some gains." Cook looked at the trophies he had searched. To be honest, these things are tattered in the eyes of the black ball beast, and in the eyes of Cook, they are the best materials.

This is a pile of rubbish-like things, some are like broken metal fragments, and some are like stones. These things are things that the Devouring Beast can’t digest, but can’t be melted by the black flames in the Devouring Beast’s body. It must be a good thing, of course Cook doesn't know a single one.

After a short battle, it was a boring journey, but Cook did not stop for a while, but constantly exercised his strength. This time, the benefits of the battle are huge. The first is Cook's body. The amount of magic power stored in it is countless times that of before. In the past, Cook's magic power was stored in one place, but after this time, every cell of Cook has stored pure magic power.

Take Cooke’s body as a country. In the past, the powerful forces of this country were concentrated in one place, or several places, but now everyone in this country is a super soldier, how many times has the combat power doubled? Can't estimate.

Compared with the quantity and quality of magic power, what Cook values ​​more is the strength of the body, the tempering of the black flame, yes, it can be said that tempering, plus the huge energy that flows into Cook's body in the natural ring, changes from quantity. When it comes to qualitative change, Cook's body has also undergone a qualitative change. Every cell is stronger, so Cook's body is of course stronger.

"The dragon, count as a bird!" Cook is now sure to clean up a dragon easily, and it is still at the peak of the sanctuary.

Cook experimented with his own body's defense with the magical scimitar. The magical scimitar can still cause damage to his body, but Cook's test is very unreliable. Cook's current strength is very abnormal, yàoshi After switching to other people, Cook estimated that the machete might not work well.

"Hey, why are there fewer and fewer stars?" Suddenly, one day, Cook suddenly found that there were fewer and fewer stars in the sky, only occasionally.

Just when Cook was puzzled, a dazzling light suddenly burst out from the depths of the starry sky. This light flashed, and the black ball beast team deformed again, and they continued to eject each other.

"There is a star beast fighting!" Cook received the message from the black ball beast, and now the black ball beast actively tells Cook these, the meaning is very obvious, that is, buddy, go!

But watching the light approaching, Cook and the others exercised for half an hour before seeing the battle scene, but after seeing the scene, the black ball beast took Cook and left quickly.

"Nima, it's actually a group!" Cook was shocked. There were hundreds of star beasts on both sides. Although they are not very big, of course they must be hundreds of meters in size. One side is like a locust, but Without the huge hind legs of locusts, the other side is like some black centipedes, but each leg of this centipede can release powerful energy attacks. One salvo is thousands of energy attacks, while the locust side has wings and wings. There was an energy response on it, which was obviously used as a shield. The two sides fought in a star field, and some large meteorites next to it were constantly crushed by the black centipede, and then turned into fine dust.

"I finally wondered why there are so few stars here, such a perverted attack, unless it is a huge planet with a shield like the Sanctuary Plane." Cook also understood.

In fact, the earth is also covered by a shield. The earth’s atmosphere is the shield. After some small things pass through the atmosphere, they will be rubbed off. It is precisely this kind of atmosphere, so there are not many craters on the earth. Otherwise, The earth will also be knocked out by the meteorites that appear in the sky.

The journey is still going on, but the following days will be more happier. There are more and more star beasts, insect swarms, star giants and other races.

"These black ball beasts are really black!" Cook also saw the shameless side of the black ball beasts. When encountering a single black ball beast, the black ball beasts swarmed up, plus Cook's sneak attack, most of the star beasts will be there. It was solved in the first time, only a few of the star beasts were seriously injured, and then quickly fled, and when they encountered a group of star beasts, the black ball beasts decisively used their ability to escape.

"This is the star realm?" Looking at the large white light-shrouded area in front, yes, the entire starry sky seems to be divided here. The white light in front is the white light, to be precise, the white dust. The entire universe can be seen with the naked eye. Wherever I go, there are things like this white mist~www.wuxiaspot.com~ occasionally there is a colorful writing, and Cook thought this was the star world.

But soon Cook was wrong. The Black Ball Beast stopped. It was like a huge parking lot. The Black Ball Beast was just one of the cars. Around Cook, there was enough Ten thousand-headed star beasts, various star beasts, and starry giants, what makes Cook wonder is that these star beasts are very docile here, unlike in the starry sky.

Although Cook was very puzzled, Cook didn’t ask, because Cook couldn’t find anyone to ask. Time is constantly passing, and there are more and more star beasts around the black ball beast, there are as many as 100,000. Many star beasts occupy a large area of ​​stars.

"Are you waiting for something?" Cook had some guesses in his heart. Maybe the area covered by the white mist was not as calm as the surface.

"There is a situation!" Many more days passed, and finally the white mist had some reaction. The white mist continued to roll around, as if someone was moving inside. The area where the white mist was tumbling was large, and the surrounding stars The beasts opened their eyes one after another, and Cook became excited.

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