A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 9: Hitchhiking

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Cook glanced over, and the entire tribe rushed out. Among them, the sage was surrounded by everyone. Outside the tribe was a high wall made of huge stones, almost as high as three star giants. In normal times There are tribesmen patrolling on this fence, and Cook can't see it any farther. Full text reading of the latest chapters

"Damn it!" Cook cursed inwardly, why, because this distance is not an ordinary distance, and in this tribe, there are still some monsters, huge animals covered in scales, thousands of meters high, long scaly animals. Ya showed that this guy is definitely not a vegetarian, there are strange big birds hundreds of meters high, flocks, and some kind of livestock with long hair.

Even if Cook is on the roof, it is not very safe, but there are no birds on the roof of the sage, and on other roofs in the tribe, some animals jump up and down from time to time.

"Yes." Cook saw several bear kids running from the other side. The purpose was obviously to watch the excitement. Cook hung on a piece of grass on the eaves and cast himself a feather drop technique. Cook's body Falling to the ground like losing gravity.

"Boom, boom, boom, boom." The whole ground was shaking, and Cook watched as a group of bear kids rushed over.

"Okay!" Cook waited until the last bear kid ran past, Cook directly came to the three times the superimposed frenzy, and then Cook rushed towards the bear kid, and Cook jumped on the bear kid's. On the back of the feet, the violent shaking made Cook very uncomfortable. Cook acted very quickly and quickly climbed up the bear boy. Fortunately, the bear boy also had an animal skin.

"I'll go!" Cook looked at the big bird at the base of the bear boy's thigh. Although it has no hair, it is very majestic. The bear boy has three holes in his skin, one head, two arms on each side, and the lower body. , Just dangling like that, of course, it does not rule out that the child will not get rid of the clothes even if he wears it like this.

The business is here. The entire tribe rushed out, and Cook also saw the merchant, two extremely tall monsters. Needless to say, the length and height are incalculable. To be precise, there are a dozen star giants as tall as they are, and there are five stars. The giant is so tall, with eight thick legs, a big mouth, two pairs of eyes, two unicorns on his forehead, and a big tail behind him. On the monster's body, it is a rolled package.

When Cook arrived, the people in the tribe were already choosing goods. The people in the tribe brought animal skins, dried meat, and some miscellaneous things. There were as many as ten merchants, all of them were tall stars. Giants, these starry sky giants are all leather armors. These leather armors are not the same as the animal skins of people in this tribe. The leather armors are obviously made, and they are inlaid with bright metal, and they are not wooden sticks. It's a weapon with a metallic luster.

"Bargain." Cook understood after watching for a while, here is still a bargain, and the thing is a few animal skins or how much dried meat.

Cook found the opportunity, jumped off the bear boy, and rushed to the merchant's mount. Cook can't wait in the tribe here. Cook wants to go to a wider place, and these merchants are the best convenience By car, if Cook himself wants to go, he will not only find his way, let alone how far away the journey is.

Soon Cook climbed onto the back of the monster. On the back of the monster was a huge basket, wrapped in bundles of animal skins, and pieces of dried meat, and of course the merchant himself. Cargo brought.

"This is salt, spices, and this is a tool for refining pharmaceutical agents. This is a weapon." Cook searched the basket and found that the trader's goods are very simple, although the defense of animal skins is extremely high. , But Cook will not take these things.

Cook got into the bottom of the basket and couldn’t help it,  The smell in the animal skins is too unpleasant, and the jerky is not very safe. A bug that eats jerky is not afraid of Cook. It is troublesome. Once these bugs are killed, they burst open all at once, and they are so foul and useless.

Under the cargo basket, among a few huge pieces of wood, Cook found an ideal place. This is the corner of the cargo basket. It is very safe. The weight of the cargo cannot be suppressed. It is also very safe.

"It's so pleasant." Cook looked at the surrounding scenery and kept backing away. Cook could still hear the voice of the businessmen. There was no way, the voice was too loud.

After a few days, Cook knew that these merchants were small merchants, mainly collecting animal skins and dried meat from various tribes, then selling them into the city, and then exchanging various goods and daily necessities in the city to the tribe to make a difference. .

"It's still safe here!" Cook sighed. Just yesterday, some white powder was sprinkled in the jerky by these dealers. In less than half an hour, all kinds of bugs in the jerky fell off, making him completely dark. Obviously it was very poisonous. Cook also collected some and found that this poison was very violent. However, this poison also has a characteristic, that is, it loses its effect after encountering water. Of course, Cook is not afraid of it. Cook's current body The strength is completely comparable to that of a starry sky giant with weaker strength. If you add Thunder Fang, Seal Demon Column and other equipment, Cook's combat effectiveness is still very strong.

The ten-person trader team also includes a pharmacist, and the other are samurai, archer, and other professions. The level of the pharmacist is higher than that of the old guy in the tribe. At least this pharmacist can practice Make seven kinds of medicines.

Unlike magic potions, the pharmacists here are basically pill refining. Cook also saw the utensils for refining pill for the first time. It is like a stirrer. It can also be heated and added. A solvent, and the final medicine is wrapped in wax paper of several colors.

Among them, red is for treating traumatic injuries, white is for treating internal injuries, black is for poison, green is for antidote, gray is for repellent, blue is for restoring mental power, brown is for helping sleep, etc. Wait.

Cook is also full of curiosity about these medicines, but Cook's research on these herbs is quite thorough, and the medicinal herbs here are very powerful. The medicinal properties of the herbs are comparable to Cook's top-grade magic herbs. Medicinal properties.

What Cook looks forward to more is the magic herbs. Cook did not hesitate to collect a lot of herbs, but only a few leaves. One must know that a leaf is tens of meters long and half a meter thick. For grams, it is enough.

The business life is also very boring, hurrying, resting, trading, and occasionally dealing with some robbers and the like, but these small business teams have nothing of value, so the robbers encountered are some incompetent guys. , Was easily resolved.

As time went by, Cook saw more and more starry sky giants, and not only starry sky giants, Cook also saw other races, there are similar to the starry sky giants, but the short man who is only a thousand meters tall. There are star giants with wings that resemble winged men, star giants with tails, and star giants with white skin, blue skin, red skin, black skin, and yellow skin.

"Hey, there are dwarfs too, that's all right." After Cook saw these races, he had some thoughts in his mind. There are also giant-like orcs in the pillar of magic, but Cook is not sure to activate the giant. Beast Soul, if he still transforms into Golden Beamon, Cook is sure to be beaten to death by the surrounding star giants.

"I'm dizzy!" Looking at the huge city wall, which is at least tens of thousands of kilometers tall, of course for Cook, but these traders did not enter the city, but stayed in an open area outside the city wall, and then Take out all the goods, because here is a trading market.

"It seems that I have to find a way to enter the city." Cook hides among various goods, watching the people coming and going. Cook is looking for a way to enter the city. The most convenient way is to follow the people in the city. city.

"Here." Cook had noticed that there was still a guard at the gate of the city, and the guard's mental power was very strong. Cook felt the surging mental power fluctuations from a distance, and every carriage entering the city would After being checked by the mental power, Cook waited until a carriage was not checked by the guard's mental power. After the carriage stopped, Cook quickly climbed into the carriage.

"There is something similar to magic patterns!" Cook felt magical fluctuations after entering the carriage, but Cook took a closer look and found that it was a magic pattern that resembled a constant temperature or something like a magic circle.

In spite of this, Cook was still surprised. After all, this was the first time Cook saw such a thing, and the carriage was extremely luxurious. Just look at the gorgeous fur. Cook went directly into the gap in the backrest.

"Yes, it's not the smelly fur at last." There was a certain fragrance in the carriage.

"Small little, little little." Just as Cook sighed, a voice rang.

Cook was taken aback by the sound. He climbed out and took a look. On the back, there was something like a birdcage~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Cook didn't notice it at the beginning. There was a birdcage tens of meters high The big bird, all blue, looked at Cook and called out loudly.

"Shut up!" Cook saw this scene and shouted loudly.

"Help, help!" This big blue bird was so timid. After being yelled by Cook, he screamed sternly, Cook's face turned green.

Then Cook gritted his teeth and instantly started six times madness, and then rushed directly into the bird cage. Cook wanted the big bird to shut up, but when Cook rushed into the cage, the big blue bird was released. Blue rays.

"Zzizizi." Blue lightning struck Cook, and Cook fell stiffly from the cage, and then fell directly into the gap in the back of the carriage under the cage.

"Boom, boom, boom." Cook kept stiff and bumped against the wooden shelf in the gap on the back. Cook regretted, carelessly, carelessly.


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