A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 12: What is a sage

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"Papa. (


The staff member was blocked by a few sages, and the corners of Cook's mouth twitched.

After half an hour, Cook took a money bag, which contained at least dozens of coins, and they were very valuable. This was Cook's compensation.

"Okay, do you have any disputes." In the dispute handling office, the dozens of sages who were still proud of themselves just now are like primary school students.

A sage told what happened. The sage who dealt with the dispute was also a sage, but Cook couldn’t see the difference between these sages in any clothes and decorations outside, but the sage who handled the disputes After seeing the pill in Cook's hand, the reader was also surprised.

"Children, where are you from?" The sage looked at Cook and asked affectionately.

"I belong to the Dora tribe, but our tribe has suffered a disaster, and I have not seen other tribesmen." Cook had thought about it a long time ago. The Dora tribe was what Cook had heard from the merchant, several years ago. , Was destroyed by a flood or mudslide, and outsiders simply don’t know how many people there are in this tribe and what their names are, so Cook is so bold.

"Hey, it was a tragedy, but since you belong to the Dora tribe, why don't you come to the city earlier, otherwise the territory will be divided among others." The sage asked.

"Domain, I don't know." Cook looked dazed.

"Okay, kid, don't be nervous, who did you learn this pill from." This sage is not an ordinary person, and everything he says is digging out Cook.

"Oh, our tribe has no sages, but there are scrolls left by the sages." Cook explained and replied, the kind that records the pill formula is called a scroll.

Although Cook's statement is somewhat unbelievable, it is impossible to strictly search for such uncorrelated things, but then the sage continued to ask: "My child, what about the scroll in your hand."

"Do you want to grab my scroll too." Cook asked with blinking eyes.

It didn’t matter what Cook said. The dozen or so sages next to him immediately spoke: "Sir, we will report your actions today. We are here to resolve the dispute, not to let the husband review it."

"Yes, can it be said that the husband still looks at the scroll in the hands of this old man." Someone asked again.

Cook did not expect that his counterattack would be supported by these sages. When Cook saw this, it would be strange not to fall into the rock. Cook said with wide eyes, "I tied the scroll to the rock and sank into the river. I know it’s not safe to hold a scroll. (

"Ahem, it's not like that, I was just curious for a while." The sage in the dispute office immediately sat on the wax.

Yes, the profession of sages has a strict division of labor, and sages are very important to professional ethics, just like a dozen people vying for the right to recommend Cook, but no one benefits Cook. , This is because of professional ethics, and although the sage in the dispute office has a high level, it is just to deal with the dispute. The sage asked just now is out of his own scope.

"Anyway, we will report it to the picket room." A sage said.


The face of the sage in the dispute office immediately changed. If he was picked up and dealt with, his reputation would be ruined in the future. However, there were more than a dozen sages present, and every sage had a lot of things behind. The forces of sages, and a dozen sages, are simply not something they can deal with.

"So in this case, gentleman, do you want to avoid it, because we have to complain to you, so according to the avoidance system of the Hall of Sages, you cannot handle our dispute." But this is not over yet, Ku Ke couldn't believe his ears. Nima complained, but she avoided it. Wouldn't it be great if Nima was used in government agencies?

This sage really went out, and then another sage walked in half an hour later, and then there was no more, just warned these sages, and then let Cooke go to the sage himself After the assessment, as for the recommender, that is not necessary.

"Damn." Cook looked at the grieving eyes of a dozen sages, and Cook screamed in his heart and hurried to conduct the sage assessment.

"Locke, the first step in the sage assessment is to keep in mind the sage code of conduct. This is the sage code of conduct. When will you remember all of them, then come to the follow-up assessment." The sage assessment Cook thought I had to make the pills right away, but I knew I threw a thick scroll to Cook, a scroll more than 40 centimeters wide and 30 centimeters thick in diameter. This is the sage code of conduct.

But fortunately, during the days of the sage assessment, Cook can live in the hotel designated by the sage association, and all the expenses for eating are paid by the sage association. Of course, there is a period of three months. .

"Haha, Brother Locke." Just as Cook walked out of the hall of the sages, he saw three sages at the gate. After seeing Cook, he immediately came over affectionately. Cook's current name is Locke, not to say Cook did not want to use the name Cook.

Cook is afraid that if he becomes famous in the star realm, if his name is known by those **** in the gods, wouldn’t it be troublesome? So Cook changed his name. Cook’s mouth twitched, no way, these Sage Jane is too enthusiastic.

Cook really wanted to turn around and leave, but these sages were too affectionate, and one of them said enthusiastically to Cook: "Locke, if it wasn't for us, you wouldn't have such a good treatment."

"Um." Cook was shocked.

"Don't you think that the money from the Sage Association is for nothing? If it weren't for your ability to become a sage, you would be allowed to stay in an inn and spend money for nothing." One of the sages looked at Cook and said Said profoundly.

Cook was embarrassed. Cook thought that this sage association was really good. Isn't it just a matter of deciding what to do?

But since these guys said so, Cook was embarrassed to ignore others, and Cook looked grateful: "Thank you, then."

"Go, let's take you to experience the life of a sage." Without any explanation, these people took Cook and prepared to leave.

"Don't, don't, I still have to remember this ethics." Cook struggled quickly. Of course, his colleagues who remembered ethics still need to transform back. Prolonged madness will have a great impact on the body.

"Ethics, don't be funny, I can sum up the above in one sentence." The others looked at Cook and laughed, one of them said irritably.

"Really." Cook became interested immediately and summed it up in one sentence. Isn't that simple.

"That is that we are good people, we are the leaders of civilization, and we are the masters of this society." Seeing Cook's excitement, he immediately spoke.

Cook is not scared. Nima is also called a sentence, which is too general. However, when someone sees Cook’s hesitation, he says, "Let’s go, kid, we will show you the world of the sage. , This is a different world from yours before."

"All right." Cook was taken by these people to understand the world of the sage.

"Children, I don't know if you are an adult." Someone asked Cook curiously.

Through the small talk just now, Cook knew that all the people present were sages, named Sada, Mochica, Fernando, Constantinchi, Longmont San Carlo, Black Starra, and Morphite .

"Constantin, I tell you, don't make a joke about my height, I'm an adult." Cook said angrily.

"It seems that there is a problem with your body, but after becoming a sage, your height will slowly recover." Saada said without looking at Cook.

"What." Cook was suspicious.

"When you become a sage, you will receive the baptism of the sage, and the baptism of the sage can slowly restore your height." Sada looked back at Cook and said.

"Don't worry, Locke, you will understand. There are dozens of professions for sages. Among these professions, some professions are very popular, and once you become a sage, only the Sage Association can manage As far as you, no one else can care about you." Fernando said with a shrug.

Cook was astonished. What kind of society is this Nima? Could it be that sages are like nobles, but as the chat continues, Cook found that the so-called sages are a privileged class stronger than the nobles. All sages are It is managed by the Sage Association.

The sage includes many professions. Among them, Cook already knows pharmacists, doctors, teachers, lawyers, combat professionals, research professionals, etc. There are at least dozens of professionals. Cook can't remember them all, but In a word, professions that require strong knowledge are sages.

The level of a sage is not the strength of combat power, but the level of knowledge. Just like the profession of apothecary, it does not mean that the type of medicine you refine is higher than the profession level, but that you can remember The more potion formulas, the higher the level. Of course, there is another one, which is potion quality. Even if your potion can only refine one type, but reaches the 9th rank, congratulations, your sage level Can reach the highest.

Anyway, in a word, what a sage needs is a huge amount of knowledge.

And what is the code of ethics of the sage~www.wuxiaspot.com~Cook is so painful after watching a part of it. For example, a sage has a dispute with a sage, so what should the sage do is to beat the peasant severely. Pause, no, if this is the case, then the pickets of the Sage Association will talk to you.

In such a situation, as a sage, you must use knowledge to defend the peasants, convince the peasants, and even more abnormal, what a sage is, that’s the leader of civilization, so if a sage is there If you see someone hit by a car on the road, and this sage does not come forward to help, then once the sage association knows, the punishment is certain.

Let alone abide by the law, this is what every sage should do, and those who violate the law will be punished more severely.

"Nima, I finally know why you say that sages are all good people." Cooke's egg hurts. This Nima is simply an invincible good person and a moral model.

"Hehe." The others all smiled.

"But I also understand why sages don't wear sage badges anymore." Cook looked at these people deeply, and then said meaningfully. [End of this chapter]

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