A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 19: too easy

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"Ears are hot, who is talking about me. (800) Novel/" Cook didn't know that the following sages regarded themselves as prodigal guys and were fighting each other.

Cook is now accepting some medicinal plants. Just now Cook used his points to redeem several potion formulas, which are not very advanced potions, but they are quite special.

Dali pills, strength-type medicines, after taking this medicine will increase their own strength, according to Cook's understanding, this is the strength medicine.

Lightweight pills can improve one's own degree after taking it.

Analgesic pills, used for pain relief from trauma, are mainly used during combat.

The thirst quenching pill, an auxiliary type of pill, is mainly to increase the body's moisture and is used for adventure in the wild.

Jiushi Wan, a high-energy supplementary medicine, is mainly to extend the time of eating.

The formulas of the five medicines only cost one hundred points. These medicine formulas are relatively common in the popularization. Of course, it is also because of the low level that such low points are possible.

The five point scrolls were quickly delivered to Cook. Cook already knew the formula, but the point exchange must be in kind. Cook spent another fifty points to purchase a large number of these kinds of pills. Materials, and some tools for pill preparation.

"Sir, do you need a meal?" A beautiful maid standing outside the laboratory door asked respectfully in a sweet voice.

"Okay." When Cook heard this, he didn't have the idea of ​​distributing potions. What Cook had to do was familiarize himself with the environment.

The maid is about the same height as Cook now, with pointed ears and some hairs, just like cat ears, but it is definitely not a cat person. This is a race in the star giant, halfling race, and star giant in the world. The race is not only a race of star giants, but also countless races.

No one can tell the size of the star realm clearly. Up to now, no one has traveled across the star realm. There are hundreds of known races in the star realm, and they continue to be discovered continuously. However, the division of races on the starry sky giants is relatively simple. There are three titles, the giants, which are the races that are taller than the starry sky giants. The starry sky giants themselves are about the same height, and the star clan is shorter than the starry sky giants. It's a simple division and a very simple address, but for Cook, it is very easy to understand. [To read the latest chapter of this book, please search 800]

Of course, according to Cook's current height, that is a halfling, if you count according to the original height, then there is no Cook's share at all.

There are two halfling maids, both with slap-sized faces, arrogant figures, and pleasant voices. They are not Cooke. Should Cook choose which kind of maid that looks unpleasant, or choose one that is better than Cook The maid of the Giant race is several times taller, and there is another. The maid of the halfling is paid the highest. According to Cook's understanding, it means to have face.

The reason is very simple. The same two people stay in the hotel. One walks past and ignores the welcoming guests at the door. But if you want to drive a good car to go, hehe, because these things are just a sign of identity. Like the maid chosen by Cook, it also represents strength.

There was a large table of food, and Cook watched his saliva flow out. The maid next to Cook introduced food while cooking. Cook didn’t have to do it himself. The food came on his own plate. Of course, if Cook wanted It's okay to feed people, but Cook is not so squeamish yet.

"This is the meat on the tail of the double-headed dragon. After being slaughtered, it is frozen directly and then goes through thirty-six processes." Several strips of thumbs were clamped into Cook's plate, and the maid introduced Tao.

Cook picked up a stick and ate it into his mouth. Just as it entered his mouth, the meat seemed to melt. Then Cook felt the energy contained in the meat swim into his body instantly, and Cook couldn't help but spit it out. One word: "Good."

Yes, Cook depends on the quality of food, not the taste, but the energy contained. Cook feels that the two-headed dragon he eats should be a demigod creature.

A few of them were quickly eaten by Cook. Cook felt very comfortable. Every cell in his body was greatly nourished. Then half an egg-like thing was caught in Cook's plate. The maid also introduced: "This is the red-billed bird's egg. After being marinated in coarse salt, it becomes a delicacy."

"Not bad."

"Very good." Cook admired as he ate. Cook ate at least a dozen dishes without staple food. Although there are many, the quantity is not very large. After the dinner is finished, it is fruit, a strange red one. , Green, black, and purple fruits, these fruits can be seen by the naked eye that the magic light is constantly shining, and they are obviously very high-quality magic fruits.

"Very good, the next meal will follow this standard, but the meat will be more." After Cook finished eating a fruit, he felt that he couldn't eat it anymore. He had to wait for the body to absorb it before eating, so Cook again ordered.

"Sir, orders are not accepted here." But the maid quickly replied.

"Okay, then." Cook shrugged helplessly. In fact, people are cheap. Some people who order food think it’s not good. Those who don’t let order food are eaten a lot. Of course, from another perspective, don’t order. The meal also has a little mysterious expectation, alas, what will it be this time.

After he was full, Cook returned to the laboratory. There was no way. The laboratory was the safest place. Cook was not eager to transform and go back. As soon as Cook’s mental energy moved, Jin Guangya was released. Y is in Cook's hands, like an ant.

"Say good food." Jin Guangyan grew bigger in an instant, but only the back of his feet was a little higher, and his appearance was very fierce and shouted at Cook.

"Don't worry, this is the only thing left." Cook picked up a square object, what kind of liver or heart it was, Cook didn't know anyway.

"Hmph, I'll tell Mrs. Lina when I go back, you guy is abducting another woman." Jin Guangyan looked at the food, and said to Cook a little uncomfortably.

"I love to say nothing, eat yours." Cook rolled his eyes angrily, and then began to browse on the exchange terminal. Cook did not use the terminal that came with the room because Cook was redeeming points here I saw some interesting things on the system.

"Golden angels, battle pets of the fifth rank, exchange points for 20,000 points." Cook saw a golden twelve-winged angel being placed in a cage and then classified as a pet, and then he marked out two points. With 10,000 points, Cook was even more surprised that no one wanted this giant. Yes, according to Cook's understanding, how could this angel be at the level of the **** king, and would actually be treated as a pet.

So Cook continued to wander around in the pet category. Sure enough, Cook saw a double-headed dragon, a rank 5 battle pet, and the redemption points were also 20,000 points. What is this double-headed dragon? It is a three-headed golden dragon, but It was also kept in a cage.

"It's really worthless." Cook murmured in his heart when he saw the price of angels and dragons.

In fact, Cook doesn't know that 20,000 points are really a lot. Many high-level sages don't necessarily have so many points, because you have a higher level and a higher income, so the higher the expenditure.

In addition, what Cook didn’t know was that for 20,000 points, the handling fee to be paid was 1,000 points. In addition, he had to look at the location of the battle pet. If it was far away, the points for home delivery would be tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands. More than that, this is not a simple item anymore, and buying battle pets is one thing, but also feeding them is another expense, so no one cares about it.

"Or buy an angel and go back." Cook thought in his heart, but then Cook denied that the Nyima angel family is not a good person, and the angel family of the gods is already powerful, and the power of the council of human gods It's not very high in itself. If you just get such a pervert and go back, if the Council of the Gods knows about it, I don't know if it will chase me down.

As for the two-headed dragon, Cook can only say that he won't eat the meat from the guy's tail next meal. Of course, Cook doesn't care if Jin Guangyan eats it or not.

Cook wondered again, since this angel has been sold out, what about the weapons of the angel family?

So Cook searched again, but Cook learned to be smart this time and searched for battle pet weapons. As expected, Cook's eyes lit up suddenly.

"Haha, haha, it turns out to be so simple, haha, haha." Cook looked at the tens of thousands of weapons searched out by battle pet weapons, of which dozens of weapons with the most points, Cook looked at least as artifacts Level things, Cook did not expect things to be so simple.

"Guy~www.wuxiaspot.com~ dozens of artifacts, it's not bad, the most expensive is only 5,000 points, but a total of 42 weapons, you need 210,000 points, not many, not many, It is these forty-two weapons, some of which cannot be used by humans, so they also need a minimum of 200,000 points. It seems that the points are the king." Cook thought to himself, yes, pet combat weapons, really appeared. The things of the gods.

"Mr. does not accept visitors." Outside the door where Cook lived, Sada was glaring at a giant guard. The giant's skin was brass-colored and belonged to the most famous family of bronze giants. These giants only need to reach adulthood. With bronze strength, it is equivalent to the strength of a high-level sage, showing a brass color, that is, he has not grown up.

"I said, I want to see that **** by Locke, who dare to deceive us. I want the Sage Association to intervene." Sada roared loudly.

"Go away, or don't blame me for being impolite." The bronze giant shouted with wide eyes when he heard Sada's loud noise.

"Damn it, I'm going to the Sage Dispute Office." Sada turned and left, still roaring threateningly.

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