A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 21: announcement

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Cook did this because he was jealous of those artifacts. Even though the eight-level pills already have ten times the points stack, yes, and the pills add 10 points, the second-level pills add 20 points, and the third-level pills add 30 points, but Nine-level pills are said to be a hundred times more, so Cook only needs two hundred pills to exchange for an artifact. Cook's calculation is as simple as that. The hundred-fold points of Nine-level pills are 100 points, plus the original Nine-pin nine points, plus one point for the first-level pill, the nine-pin quality first-level pill is 110 points. [800]

The eighth grade only has 18 points, but this time Cook tried to pay the three nine-level quality pills, and he didn’t even give himself points after the appraisal, because there has never been a nine-level pill in Heiling City. Speaking of Heiling City, it means that the entire Southeast Continent has never seen the Ninth Grade quality.

"What, someone is going to sue me for violating the sage's professional ethics." After Cook got to the place where he bought the pills, instead of getting the answer he wanted to know, he was taken to the dispute office.

"Yes, Sage Locke." The sage who handled the dispute said blankly.

"It's not like that, it was Sada who violated the professional ethics of sages first." What Cook didn't know was that not only this sage, but at the core of the Sage Association, several sages were watching Cook. How to answer, no one thought that Cook would actually sue Sada in turn.

"Oh, Sada violated the professional ethics of the sage." The sage in charge of handling the dispute did not get the above order, so he had to ask repeatedly.

In the core area, the branch director of the Black Ridge City Sage Association, who is also the sage with the highest administrative authority, smiled and said, "Yes, the little guy is very good and quick thinking."

"Yeah, this Locke can actually be self-taught."

"That's right, this is the lucky star of our Black Ridge City."

At this time, Cook said: "When Sada reached an agreement with me, I was not a sage, so I did not violate the sage's professional ethics at all, and Sada was already a sage at that time, knowing that he gave it. Things are simply rubbish, and you want to cheat points from me, so you should punish Sada severely."

"Not a sage, then why don't you come to us to report after you become a sage." The sage in charge of handling the dispute heard the order of the superior and continued to ask.

"I think Sada is self-aware and should not further violate the sage's professional ethics, and when Sada knows to violate the sage's ethics, he also came to sue me, then I suggest that the punishment for him should be doubled. [Read] For the latest chapter of this book, please search for 800]" Cook said blankly.

"Yes, it should be punished severely. By the way, there is no evidence on Sada's side. This time we have to rectify the association. We must know that our association will become famous soon, in case other sages come. , People like Sada, don't you discredit our association." The head of the branch immediately asked when he heard Cook say this.

"Currently, only two low-level sages are willing to testify to Sada, and three are unwilling, and the rest are still being counted." The branch minister just finished asking, someone answered.

"Really, I have to be punished severely, at least to make these guys unable to stay in Black Ridge City." The minister did not consider it, and directly ordered.

"Yes." The rest of the people feel sad for these families. With the minister's words, at least these guys don't have the slightest foothold in Black Ridge City.

Cook walked out of the dispute office. Cook is still wondering how to deal with this dispute. Just ask yourself and it is over. After this delay, Cook forgot to ask about the points. After Cook returned to the room , I quickly took out the sage professional ethics manual, and then studied it carefully.

But before that, Cook had to write down the above things with a memory crystal, and then gave his own think tank team, Cook also brought a think tank, this time it worked, to put it bluntly, Cook is to find There are loopholes in it, and then when things happen in the future, you can use some loopholes to deal with it, make yourself invincible, and even use some loopholes to insult people.

But the rest of the people don’t know. The Minister received a report that Cook was actually studying the professional ethics manual of sages. The Minister said with satisfaction: “It seems that Locke is indeed a smart man. The great sage once said that he did not understand professional ethics. The sage of the manual is not a good sage."

"Senior Minister, how many points should be given to these nine-quality pills?" The sage who was responsible for the recovery and identification of items asked.

"In this way, we can't treat Locke badly. According to the share, we draw 20%, the Southeast Continental Branch draws 20%, and the headquarters draws 20%, and the remaining 40% is given to Locke."

"Senior, this, this is a gold credit rating..." a sage said in astonishment.

"Correct, I have put on the report of Locke's promotion to the gold credit rating, and I'm waiting for the review by the headquarters." The branch minister interrupted.

"But is it too risky? If Sage Locke goes bankrupt, then our Black Ridge City branch will bear these debts." A sage said.

"I believe in Locke, of course. We don't want to remind Locke sage about the gold credit rating for a while." The head of the branch said, but this was somewhat arbitrary, so he continued.

The management of the Sage Branch of Black Ridge City reached an agreement, so orders were issued. First, there were two huge signboards on the square in front of the Sage Association. The signboards were shining with magical light.

This sign is on, which means that the Association of Sages has an announcement, but when people nearby come closer, it turns out to be a penalty announcement.

"Announcement, the sage association and the sage Sada, Constantinchi, Fernando, and Morphite violated Article 1,630, Article 2060, and Article 3 of the ethics of the sage Article 215, the penalties are as follows, depriving the above four sages of their identities, and giving them a first-level punishment. Starting from the day of the announcement, they will be expelled from Black Ridge City, and reported to the headquarters of the Sages Association to join the blacklist of the Sages Association. "The one who knew the word began to read.

"I rub, these four guys are awesome, they violated three professional ethics." Someone immediately said in shock.

"Breaching the three rules is nothing, but the first-level punishment is very serious. I am afraid that the family of a few guys will become a pauper." Someone said disdainfully.

"It's not terrible to be poor. What's terrible is the blacklist. The blacklist of the Sage Association. Who still does business with these people? Who dares to deal with these people? In the future, these people can only do it by themselves. , Even staying in a store is impossible." Some people disagree with this statement and continue.

The rest of the people were stunned. What a big mistake Nima was going to make, some people asked, "What is it with 1,630?"

"It's a fraud, and it's a deception of ordinary people. Use the knowledge of sages to deceive ordinary people." In it, a sage said immediately.

"It deserves it, I should deceive ordinary people." Most of the ordinary people around, heard this, they screamed.

And those sages are speechless. In fact, this crime is nothing at all. Just like the herbs collected by ordinary people are traded with money, but in the hands of sages, it is points. Although the points are few, they are also points, and There are also sages picking up.

This fraud against ordinary people is a dispensable charge. Several sages glanced at each other. It was obvious that these sages were offending people, and the offending person's status is not low.

"The two thousand and sixty." Someone asked again.

"False accusation, defraud other sages." A sage continued.

"Damn, these guys are awesome. After cheating ordinary people, they are going to cheat sages." The rest of the ordinary people shouted.

"The last one is to falsely accuse high-level sages." The sages present didn't need to ask at all, they spoke out automatically.

"Haha, deserve it." The ordinary people around immediately yelled.

Sada’s family is considered to be at a medium level in Black Ridge City. There are several hunting teams. After Sada returned from the Sage’s Association, he summoned his own friends and friends. These friends and friends had to come because of the face. Sada saw this. Ren, he was very upset and asked: "Let me say how many brothers, what do you say, don't talk nonsense when the sage association comes to find out."

Constantinchi said: "How can it be, just like a guy like Locke, you should clean up."

"That is, I dared to release our pigeons so that this guy can take out all the points." Fernando said with his eyes bright.

"Hehe, I have long been attracted to a halfling maid, but it takes fifty points. If you get the points this time, hehe." Mo Fei said with a narrow squint.

"How about you." When the rest of the people didn't speak, Sada's face went black.

"Sada, I'll forget it, now Locke is also a sage, we don't do this well." Mochka said kindly when seeing Sada like this.

"You guys have the same idea~www.wuxiaspot.com~Sada looked at the others with a sneer and asked.

Longmont San Carlo said with a smile: "I didn't do anything anyway, I lack points, but I can't violate the ethics of the sage."

"Very good, very good, Langmont San Carlo, we will go our own way in the future." Sada didn't expect Langmont San Carlo to say so, and said angrily.

"Black Stara, what about you." Saada asked again later.

"I, I'm lighthearted..." The Black Starra family has no power and doesn't want to offend anyone, so they replied weakly.

"Go away, all three of you go away, white-eyed wolf, my good stuff is fed to the dog." Sada stood up and pointed to the noses of the three of them.

"Boom, boom, boom." The Black Sidala stood up and glared at Sada. Sada was already a naked insult. At this moment, there was a booming noise from the courtyard.

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