A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 24: Shady

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"Actually, it is correct. According to the definition of luxury goods, the timing effect of Jiupin Daliwan is far lower than a hundred times its own value. After all, it is only Daliwan. ( Some sage whispered.

"Shut up." The other sages glared at each other. Yes, although the explanation is correct, the place and the timing are different, and the consequences are completely different.

The follow-up effect of Jiu-Rank Daliwan is completely different. Heiling City has become a hot spot among the sages from a small marginal city with no name. There are countless speculations about Jiu-Rank Daliwan, some people say This is configured by a very talented low-level pharmacist, but some people say it is configured by a high-level, experienced pharmacist, because Jiupin pills are not configurable by ordinary people at all, it requires a lot of experience, and It can be done only by skilled techniques, even if there are slight differences in the configuration process, it is impossible to say that it can achieve the 9th quality.

Regarding this statement, the Sage Association of Black Ridge City did not come out to clarify. Now the Sage Association of Black Ridge City has almost isolated Locke. Of course, Cook also clearly felt the difference in life. First of all, the guards outside the door. The number has increased to four bronze giants, his maid has four, and the quality of food is getting higher and higher.

But Cook was still dissatisfied. Cook looked at the points in his hand and said dissatisfied: "How come I have fifty thousand points."

"Rock, among the points exchange items, there is a definition of luxury, that is, the value of this item itself is a hundred times different from the price of the transaction, it is a luxury, and although the Daliwan you configure is a 9th product, it is still one. Class-level medicine, and 60,000 points are far more than a hundred times their own value, so they have to be taxed as high as 50% by the points system." The sage who was responsible for appraising pills patiently explained to Cook.

"Grass." Cook who is depressed, Nima, there is actually such a definition, it is simply stealing his own money.

"Locke, do you like it?" The sage in charge of the appraisal asked Cook with a smile.

"Uh, not for the time being." Cook shook his head, and the other party saw this and left.

After the sage left, Cook immediately opened the points redemption system, and then Cook found a so-called pet combat weapon, an emerald green bow and arrow. Cook himself is extremely powerful, and Possessing abnormal physical power, plus Cook himself is a hunter profession, yes, not to mention that no one knows that Cook is a hunter profession.

Cook has long been eager for weapons for long-range attacks. In fact, Cook has always disliked melee combat, but there is no way. The weapons that Cook obtained, Thunder Fang, Sealing Magic Column, including the magical scimitar, are all Nima melee weapons, Cook is not No bows have been used, but those bows are now impossible for Cook to pull. Full text reading of the latest chapters

As for some people who say why Cook didn't buy the bow made by Star Giant, that is not more suitable, after all, Cook can also use his current size.

But don’t forget, what kind of world Cook lives in. Cook can use such a big bow, but when Cook returns to his world, he holds a bow and arrow that is several kilometers high and shoots one. The target is only a few meters high, and there is no more cheating.

It's like it may be easy for a person to hold a pistol. It can only be said that it may hit a dog, but it is definitely not easy to hit a grasshopper with a pistol. The reason is that simple, so Cook only needs to buy it.

"My buddy is rich. Two to five thousand points will kill you in seconds." Cook directly entered 25,000 points. This is also in the free exchange system. The free exchange system is not good at this point. Nima just needs to hang things up. , Can last a long time in the world, and the time is different according to the level of the sage.

Cook directly took out 25,000 points. From his point of view, this is enough. Here, Cook just entered 25,000 points, and someone immediately noticed it. One is the Sage Branch of Black Ridge City. The financial staff of, yes, although the scoring system is free, it was created by the Association of Sages after all, so supervision is natural, and Cook’s points are in Black Ridge City, so, Black Ridge City Xian The owner branch has the right to monitor.

And this news was reported immediately. Just kidding, the point reserve of the entire Black Ridge City was just how much. This immediately cost 25,000 points to go out. It’s strange if this is not reported. The point reserve is a measure of a sage association branch. Important indicators are as important as the current gdp.

"Pet combat weapons, what is Locke thinking about? Even though this thing looks pretty, it's useless at all." The branch minister looked at the exchange system questioningly and asked.

"Senior, Locke is a child after all, and we all have children. If the child suddenly has more money, then the money will be spent..." a sage whispered.

"Yes, in that case, let's work harder and let Locke buy a toy and consume the points, so that the children will be motivated, and I think it is a pit to pay for the freight." The minister looked carefully. The introduction of pet combat weapons, and then said.

"Minister, this thing must be a pit. Otherwise, it would not be written like that. Maybe it is in a very remote place. After all, the source of these weapons is in the most remote place. If you get this Things, the cost that may be required is a huge number. [Love to go] "These sages have lived for many years, and they have been sages for many years, so they know a lot.

"That's it, then should we kindly remind Locke, this is an opportunity for good." A sage asked.

"Okay, let's do it, let's remind Locke, and then you will continue to add to the points that Locke added, but be careful not to actually buy these expensive toys." The minister said with a smile.

"Senior, no need. Someone has increased the price and added up to 50,000 points in one breath." Someone shouted loudly.

And Cook was also angry in the room: "Nima's, who is so perverted, has risen from 30,000 to 50,000 all at once, trust, it must be trust."

Cook has come to understand it. This is simply a support, but Cook looks at the green bow, and Cook wants this thing in his heart. You can see that this weapon is a natural artifact, and it is very intact. , Cook was jealous, but now Cook also understands that this Nima Free Trade Zone is a scam, how shady there is.

Cook didn't bid, but calmed down. Cook sneered in his heart. When he didn't bid, the price didn't go up, but when he bid, the price of Nima soared. It's strange that there is no shady.

"It seems that I have to give up." Cook knows the rules clearly. The free trading zone also has a spike rule, that is, five times the points. If someone else gives 50,000 points, then Cook directly 250,000, and then this Things are naturally Cook's, I have to say that this is also a cheating rule.

"Uh, what's the matter with the seniors." Among the sages, the seniors are the name of the low-level sages to the high-level sages. Of course, it is the kind of better relationship, which is a kind of closeness.

"Hehe, I have nothing to do. It's not that you just got a lot of points. There are some things you need to pay attention to. Although the Sage Association is very fair, there are many loopholes in it, so don't be fooled." Cook Sitting opposite was the Minister of the Sage Branch of Black Ridge City, who smiled and said to Cook.

"Oh." Cook was suspicious.

"This is a little bit of my personal experience and many years of experience. If you look at it, let’s talk about it. But I think it’s better not to use your points temporarily. Maybe you don’t know Locke. Those of us generally don’t use points exchange terminals. Exchange items, Locke, do you know why." The minister guessed Cook's suspicion, but the minister did not have any dissatisfaction, but appreciated it very much, which proved that Cook was definitely not a fool.

"Why." Cook was really puzzled.

"Because of the freight, you look at some things that are not included in the delivery. Most of them are traps. You must know that the world of the sage is extremely large, and no one knows where the items you exchange are located. Some places are delivered. The price is countless times higher than the item itself. Just like what we have here to deliver to the Golden City, the shipping cost is at least tens of thousands of points, and it is still the standard weight, that is, the weight of a person, which is not enough. It’s a standard weight, even if it’s more than two, so even if the items on the exchange terminal are particularly cheap, we won’t exchange them unless they are packaged for delivery.” The minister explained with a smile.

"Damn." Cook cursed inwardly, yes, this is obviously a pit.

"The other is the free trade zone. That's the worst place. Just like if you have an item, if it's not enough for your heart price, you can pay a high price yourself, and then you decide whether to sell it or not, just use us to sell you. When the Jiupin Daliwan, we were ready to bid." The minister continued.

"This is obviously cheating." Cook took a breath. Nima is not a trust at all. Is there any offer for himself? This is simply cheating.

"Hehe, but the free trade zone also has a downside, that is, as long as the goods go in, they must be sold. Therefore, if I bid by myself, I will definitely be careful, because once others do not bid, you buy your own. Something ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ That is a very high tax. Among the sages, this is called the crime of driving up prices. The highest tax rate can reach 500%, which is punitive. Of course, most people will not bid by themselves. But even so, the tax is not a small figure." The minister continued.

"Senior, according to what you said, there should still be a way." Cook heard the Minister say so and immediately asked.

"Of course, every item has a deadline. Once the deadline expires, the item belongs to the last person who bids. Of course, if no one bids, then it only charges some handling fees. So once the other party bids, You don't want to bid, wait, and wait until others dare not bid again. After all, if you don't bid, you will get a large amount of tax for buying your own things." The minister said with a smile.

"Thank you seniors for your support." Cook was so touched that he didn't expect that there would be such a way. Although it is a stupid way, as long as there is a way.

After the minister left, Cook saw dozens of artifacts and he smiled in his heart: "Hey, in this case, don't blame the buddies for being polite." The book was first published from, and the original content is the first time!

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