A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 26: Crazy herb

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The transaction volume of the entire point exchange system has risen linearly, and has never reached the level it is today. To know that massive points means massive taxes. Some bigwigs of the Sage Association have their mouths cracked. Points mean everything, not only for the sages, but also for the entire sage association. Full text reading of the latest chapters

"Nima’s, whoever handles it so fast, directly pull it to 30%." A sage spent some points to search for something he had long liked. It used to be too expensive, but today I just learned that it can be done in a free trade zone. Bargaining, but when this sage searched, he found out that everything he valued was directly reduced to 30%.

"That's it, **** bastard, the things I managed to get, are now shrunk by almost a third, **** bastard." Another sage looked at the items he had hung up and was bargained by 30%. This sage is also very angry.

The sages are angry. The anger is that the original high price has shrunk by 30%, and if there is no price increase, they have to sell it. Otherwise, they will be punished by fines, but this sage is simply There is no way.

"Or, increase the price yourself." The sage thought of the old method used before, but then the sage thought of the scene that happened today. Dozens of guys suffered in this way, thinking that every sage who suffered was at least Facing the tax of tens of thousands of points, the sage swallowed a mouthful and gave up this plan. If Nima fell into his own hands, he would lose a lot.

"Hehe." With a smile, Cook took a pair of high-end artifact warhammers used by dwarves into the natural ring. From this point of view, the grade of the natural ring is still very high.

Cook did not continue to pay attention to other situations. As for the last bid, Cook didn’t look at it at all. On the one hand, it’s useless to watch. Cook doesn’t have points in his hands. Cook can get it in a day. A high-end artifact, no, it's two, it should be snickered.

Afterwards, Cook entered the great business of refining pharmaceutical agents, but this time Cook was not going to let the Sage Branch of Black Ridge City intervene. Anyway, he also has a redemption terminal, and just hang up at that time.

"I want other pharmacists to be ashamed. I want to take away other pharmacists' business." Cook shouted in his heart. What Cook wants to do is dumping.

What is dumping, that is, selling high-end drugs on a large scale, ruining the market, making others unable to live, and waiting for others to die, then oneself will slowly monopolize it. Of course, this is just Cook’s idea. Cook doesn't know how many sages there are in the entire star realm. It is estimated that after Cook knows that, I am afraid that he will not have such an idea.

To put it more bluntly, even if Cook is exhausted, he can’t dump it. It’s like a small country saying that I want to dump 10,000 tons of pork to a certain country, but this big country has a population of more than one billion. A small country has only a few million people. For a population of hundreds of thousands, 10,000 tons of pork may be considered dumping, but for a large country with more than one billion people, the price fluctuates at most, that's all. [To read the latest chapter of this book, please search 800]

When refining pharmaceutical agents, Cook first wanted medicinal herbs. Cook looked at the several pills he could refine, and Cook began to exchange materials. Yes, materials were also exchanged with points.

"Hey, why is it so fast this time." Knowing that Cook had just finished the exchange, it was delivered to the door within five minutes.

What Cook didn't know was that there were not many other things reserved in the entire Black Ridge City branch, but the herbs needed for the first-level pills were many, many, yes, they were all prepared for Cook.

In the sage branch of Black Ridge City, a sage asked loudly: "How come there are no herbs? Yesterday they were still in stock."

"No or no, you asked me not." The person in charge of exchanging items despises these sages, because redeem in the hall of the sage association will give both parties discounts, but this increases the workload of the staff, as mentioned earlier. Most of the staff here are sages and are mandatory tasks. According to Cook’s understanding, this is squeeze, naked squeeze. After all, it takes money to invite others. Anyway, Cook is for creating sages. The guys in the association are very curious about what kind of **** can build such a wonderful organization, and this wonderful organization is actually the entire star realm. It can be said to be the most powerful organization in the entire world so far. Don’t take the gods. In terms of the council, the council of the gods is in front of the entire sage association, it is a scum, a weak chicken, because here an adult starry sky giant is comparable to an ordinary god-level powerhouse. Speaking of high-ranking sages, Cook doesn't know how powerful he is, because he hasn't seen it before, but the twelve-winged golden angels are actually sold as pets, so the strength can be predicted.

"How is it possible." The sage didn't believe it at all.

"Brother, hurry up, it's impossible. Today, nine out of the ten sages came to exchange for herbs. Seeing that, the price of the herbs has increased by 30% and is still soaring." The sage in charge of exchange is indeed There is no way. If in normal times, such a grinder would have been violently beaten by himself, but now he is doing tasks, and as a staff member, he has professional ethics, so this sage at work is a little angry Said.

"Really." The sage who wanted to exchange the herbs still didn't believe it.

"Yesterday a lucky person made the Jiu-pin Dali pills sold at a sky-high price. Not only the herbs here are out of stock, but the herbs in other places are also out of stock. The rising price makes many people who have herbs not Shipped.” The sage at work introduced patiently.

"Damn." The sage in charge of the exchange murmured in his heart and left.

"Exchange for herbs."


"Exchange for herbs."

"No." The sage in charge of the exchange is almost crazy. Nima may not have received as many people in the past ten minutes as it is now. It is a waste of saliva and he must have a good attitude.

"Damn bastard, he actually sold sky-high pill, Nima hurts me too, **** it." This sage cursed inwardly.

But the other group of people in the hall of the sages smiled. These people are in front of a large skin bag with herbs inside. These herbs are collected by low-level sages with low status. When they came to hang the herbs, the price That’s low, but it’s not enough if you don’t hang it. Because it is relatively easy to collect herbs and has a high safety factor, most of the people who collect herbs are low-level sages, but since this morning, everyone has discovered that the price of herbs is actually quite high. It has risen in a straight line, and now the price has increased by 50%. For these low-level sages, every point is extremely important, so these sages are not eager to sell herbs. After all, the herbs are now in their hands. It's making money at all.

The other sages in the hall are speechless, because these sages have the ability to deploy potions, and they can all configure Dali pills. Dali pills can be successfully configured at will, so these people come to exchange herbs, but I knew it was too late, and the sage who sold medicinal herbs did not sell it at all.

"I said, you are called hoarding and gathering odd." There are sages who can't help it. The soaring price of herbs is on the one hand, and on the other hand is time. In case, you can refine a high-quality power in this time. Isn’t the pill developed? As for the profit of the herb compared with the profit of the pill, it is really not difficult.

"What is hoarding? We are just taking a break. We are tired from the task, and we can't take a rest for a while." A sage jumped up immediately, knowing that hoarding is a violation of professional ethics.

"But you have rested for a long time." Hearing this, a sage couldn't help saying.

"I'm still waiting for someone to do it. This herb is not mine alone. Now the price fluctuates so sharply. If someone else comes and the price soars, I'm afraid I will be complained." But this kind of pediatrics matters, there are some excuses. So people who sell medicinal herbs are not afraid at all.

The other sages were also speechless. Just when the sages from both sides stared, someone shouted: "Look, nine-grade healing pill, my god, it actually has one hundred and fifty pills."

"What, all the sages are shocked. Nima has two, three, and five that are luck, but one hundred and fifty, Nima is also luck." Someone shouted.

"No, these pills are one or two. They are definitely not made by one person." Someone said immediately.

The other sages also nodded. After all, no one would believe that these pills were refined by one person. In the Black Ridge City branch, the core leaders of the branch stared, their mouths grew, their breathing was rapid, and their faces flushed. The minister first reacted, stood up suddenly, and then grabbed a sage by the collar and asked, "What did you just say."

"I said that Locke hung out 150 Nine-Rank Healing Pills. This is data." The sage who was gripped by the collar replied tremblingly, as if to prove himself, he immediately came up with a concrete proof.

"Haha, haha, one hundred and fifty nine-grade pills, we are famous in Heiling City." The head of the branch grabbed the data sheet and laughed after reading it.

"Really, it is actually true." The other sages scrambled to check the data sheet, and then compared the items in the exchange system. Others didn't know, but the core staff of the Association of Sages knew that there was one in the exchange item. Number, this number seems to be random, in fact, this number contains a lot of information, including the location of the item release, the model of the exchange terminal used, and so on.

But what everyone does not know is that Cook’s exchange terminal is not his own, but a guy named Doro. After Doro finished the mandatory mission of the association, he went to do his own thing, so Doro I didn't even know that Cook caused such a big impulse, and many people have already focused on Doro, because Doro has indeed done a mission in Black Ridge City, so it should be the release of the item.

In fact, it deserves to be bad luck for Doro. Doro did not do the mandatory tasks of the association, so the association gave Doro punitive tasks. How can I say it is like calling a Beijing sage to serve in the Beijing Sage Association. For three days, but Duolu did not do it, then the punitive task is to randomly select a city, which may be Urumqi, or even a small town in the Daliang Mountain, where it will do the mandatory task of the association. Of course, this punitive task is still someone Sexually, it means that the number of service days will not increase. For example, if you should spend three days in Beijing, then you will have to spend three days in Urumqi. That's all, but the mandatory tasks within the punitive association have one characteristic. It's random. Take the earth as the star world~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Then the mission location is at least 5,000 kilometers away from Beijing, which means it may cross the ocean and go to other cities, because the Association of Sages is not limited to a certain area. Within, Doro is in the area opposite the Jungle Canyon, and Black Ridge City belongs to the other side of the Jungle Canyon.

The Jungle Canyon is the largest geographical mark in the star realm. It is an extremely wide canyon with dense forests and high cliffs on both sides of the forest. There are countless tribes and countless beasts. And there is one sentence that explains the danger of this jungle canyon. This is the only place where the adjudicator dare not arrogant, because this is a place where the light of the sage association will never be illuminated, and the tribes in it are uncivilized. Savage, as far as foreign personnel are concerned, they will kill and eat meat.

"Confidentiality, we must keep it confidential, and apply for promotion of our branch." The minister reacted and roared loudly.

"But we just applied." A sage said.

"Then go ahead, we have to apply to become a Silver City." The Minister said in a loud voice, the sages around took a breath of air, a silver-level city, what concept is that, and how many points are needed.

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