A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 33: Dig a hole

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"High, high, it is really high, yes, can we not believe Locke's current prestige, but who can guarantee that Locke will find a way. Read the full text of the latest chapter" After the president finished listening, As soon as my eyes light up, Nima Lao Tzu also learns from those old guys and finds someone to replace the dead ghost. If someone does it well, it's very simple, that is, I have the ability to understand people. Look, a low-level sage like Locke, we dare to use it. And if it fails, there are excuses. I originally thought that Locke was our Black Ridge City's hope. Then I know, hey, it's because we don't know people, anyway, there is room for advance and retreat.

"This we can let all the sages make a plan, look forward to our exhibition in Silver City, and then..." This sage is speechless, and such a simple method has to be said by himself.

"Wonderful, that means we don't need to look at other people's, just take out Locke's, and let Locke take charge." The president asked excitedly.

"Of course, after all, it was formulated by someone else. Can we execute it well." The sage said that he was righteous, but everyone at the scene knew that Nima’s 100 million points tax task, who has a brain disease Will take this task.

"If Locke doesn't accept it," someone asked.

"Ahem, Locke hasn't done the mandatory task of the Sage Association." The sage is speechless. Is it that difficult for Nima to design a person.

"But this mission level seems to be a bit higher," someone asked questioningly.

"Locke has the ability to accept this task. After all, Locke is a first-level sage, and how many points Locke earns now. Is it possible that we in Black Ridge City will earn more points than Locke, although the rewards are heavier. But let’s not underestimate Locke. Anyway, Locke’s ability to earn points can’t be matched by anyone in Blackling City.” The president said, and the president feels a lot easier. Yes, you old guys like Nima calculated me. , Then even if I count others, hum, it’s not me, but someone else.

"But the meeting for a few days is top secret. You must forget about this matter after you go out. If this matter leaks out, huh." The president then issued the highest-level seal, a silver-level city, the Association of Sages. The president of has extremely powerful authority.

The rest of the sages looked embarrassed on the surface. Yes, this method is indeed a bit unnatural. It is a pitfall at all, but the sages present were relieved that Nima could take the place of the dead ghost, or at least. An excuse object is good. As for whether the method is despicable or shameless, cough cough, as long as the Silver City is established, everything is a cloud. As for the failure, hehe, this is not the role of a ghost. Full text reading of the latest chapters

Soon the core leadership made a decision, and all the sages would receive a temporary task the next day.

Cook looked suspiciously at the task scroll before him, and then asked: "This is a mandatory task."

"No, no, Locke, this is just a general task. It is our Black Ridge City becoming a silver-level city. Everyone has a vision for our city exhibition, a silver city in your heart, or, in other words, a black city in your heart. How should Lingcheng develop? After all, the city is owned by everyone." The sage who was responsible for setting the quest scroll didn't know that the quest scroll was actually a conspiracy against Cook, but he kept talking excitedly.

"Oh, I see." Cook said with an oh.

"It's good to understand. The leaders are said to formulate our Black Ridge City exhibition based on our suggestions and prospects, and it is said that the construction team sent from the headquarters has already been out, and it will be there in half a month." The sage is very excited, yes, it is a glorious thing to be able to participate in the planning, exhibition, and establishment of the entire city.

However, these excited sages don't know that the so-called suggestions have long been predetermined, but most people do not know the truth.

Cook took a look at the point redemption system after receiving the task. Now the low-level herbs in the whole point redemption system are selling very hotly. Not to mention, there are really a lot of sixth-grade and seventh-grade Dali pills. Unparalleled.

After Locke returned to the room and looked at the mission scroll, he didn't know anything about the mission. Cook didn't know about Black Ridge City. What specialties and things were there in Black Ridge City, and Cook couldn't even think of it. The Sage Association made such a big deal. The movement is actually to dig a hole for yourself.

Cook thought for a moment, and really didn’t have a clue. So Cook wrote an outlook based on his own situation. Cook’s preparations were just perfunctory. Then Cook asked him to hand in the task scroll, and then began to refine the medicine. What K has to do now is to save points crazy. Cook understands that in the star realm, nothing matters, points are the most important thing.

The deadline for the task is three days. Cook also used three days to refine some pills, reaching 500 pills and pills. Among them, there are 100 pills for the 9th rank, more than 300 pills for the 8th rank, and 7th rank. There are dozens of them, this is deliberately configured by Cook. After all, your ninth-rank success rate is 1oo%. Cook estimates that sages will not be moral models anymore.

Cook just prepared to put the pill on the points exchange system. Cook didn't take it out the first time, just to let the market digest it.

"Sage Locke, the president wants to see you." Cook received such a strange notice. Of course, Cook didn't feel strange at all. After all, the president is the highest officer and the highest leader of the entire Sage Association branch. There is such a monster in this place, I am afraid that everyone will meet.

After Cook came to the place, he was a little dumbfounded. He was actually a sage in a house. Cook respectfully asked: "President, what do you want."

"Hehe, this is our genius Locke. This is the first time I have seen a real person. It's not bad, not bad." The president looked at the gangster coming, and said with a smile in his heart.

"The president laughed." Cook quickly replied humbly. Humility is what the sage should do. This is clearly stated in the sage's ethics manual.

"No, Locke is definitely the genius of our Black Ridge City, and only a genius can think of such a good plan." A sage waved the scroll in his hand.

Cook had a bad feeling in his heart and said cautiously: "It's just some random thoughts."

"Oh, it makes sense to think nonsense, so it seems that we are right to find Locke for you." Another sage quickly complimented.

Cook seemed to smell a trace of the conspiracy team, but seeing the sage in this room, Cook quickly replied: "Where, where."

"Sage Locke, we are looking for you in a few days, just to see if you have a more detailed plan for Black Ridge City. After all, Black Ridge City belongs to all of us, not one person, so Black Ridge City’s All sages should participate. According to our judgment, Locke's plan is not only innovative, but also very interesting, and it is also very reasonable, so we old guys are like humbly asking for advice." President's posture Put it even lower.

There was something wrong, and Cook immediately became vigilant in his heart. Yes, once the leader lowers his posture, there must be a problem, and it must not be a good problem. Either you get fired, you want you to blame, or else you are working overtime.

"President, I..." Cook didn't know what to say, but still had to speak.

"Sage Locke, you are wrong. For the Sage Association, each of our sages is obligated to make the Association stronger. Talk about your ideas. Your... educational thinking is still quite good. , We want to listen carefully, rest assured, we will not plagiarize your ideas." The president did not give Cook a chance to speak again, said again.

Cook’s scalp is numb, yes, Cook knows the big event today, but Cook doesn’t know what the big event is. After all, the information between Cook and these presidents is not equal, but when asked about education, Ku Ke felt that if he didn't say it, he would be unable to leave at all.

"Ahem, then I'll talk about my opinion." Cook asked cautiously. Cook wished that these people would disagree with what he said, but in fact, on the contrary, everyone else was inflated.

Of course, if Cook knows that these people are actually scornful of the idea of ​​education, but no one dares to come forward. Whoever comes forward means that they have to undertake the task of taxation of more than 100 million yuan. Remember, it is a taxation task, not a simple task. The total points.

"Okay." The other sages applauded, and those who didn't know thought that Cook was a high official.

"Education is actually very simple. Whoever here does not want his child to be an outstanding sage." Cook asked a question first.

But what makes Cook depressed is that no one answered at all. Everyone smiled, giving Cook a feeling of, fake, pretend.

"Haha, that is." The president laughed, knowing that everyone has reached a consensus just now, and absolutely don't talk nonsense. Otherwise, what should I do if the hooked fish ran away? The people below dare not speak, in case Cook comes. If you are right and I was wrong, then it will be a big deal. As for how many people listen to what Cook said, only God knows.

"Education industrialization is to start from the baby..." Cook said roughly about the means of accumulating wealth through the industrialization of education. Yes, the industrialization of education means accumulating wealth.

"Uh, it's over, okay, Sage Locke said well." Ten minutes passed, and the president did not know what Cook said, but Cook still knew after he finished speaking, and said immediately.

"Papa." There was a warm applause from below.

"Then Sage Locke~www.wuxiaspot.com~ do you estimate how many points the industrialization of education will bring." The president began to dig.

"It's hard to say, but there must be trillions of points." Cook roughly estimated the population of the star realm, the number of sages, and then said.

"President, Sage Locke’s words are too good and incisive, but I’m afraid that no one in the Sage’s Association can execute it, and now that Black Ridge City advances to the Silver City, it requires a lot of manpower. I suggest that Sage Locke Carry out this education and industrialize education." A sage with small eyes stood up and suggested loudly.

"Okay." The other sages met immediately.

"Nima, I was waiting for me here." Cook understood in an instant, his mouth widened and he looked extremely shocked.

Seeing Cook’s expression, the president immediately walked forward and patted Cook on the shoulder. Although Cook was only a little more than half the height of the president, the president kindly said: "Sage Locke, the Sage Association will hand it over What do you think of your glorious task." This book comes from, and look at the genuine content for the first time!

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