A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 43: Teaching like this

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With a big head, Cook has a big head now. Looking at the roster in his hand, Cook not only has a headache, but also very difficult. In three days, Cook received more than five hundred applicants. In K’s points account, there are more than 600 million points, and the Sage’s Association also collects nearly 100 million points, and there are dozens of people in one wave, and dozens of people in one wave, and they are all a group of people. What Ke knows most is the only child of a family, with more than two hundred people, and he is directly transferred, and is the only child of the Silver family. 800

"Who said it's hard to earn points." Cook roared in his heart.

"Sir, look, do we still accept registration." Keshu has raised thousands of points these days, but Keshu is also very worried, after all, that is hundreds of millions of points.

"I don't accept it, please go on. Our first period of registration is over, and the second period will only begin half a year later." Cook sighed, and then ordered. Now Cook is anxious because he doesn't know how to go back. Cook knows when he comes , Came out of the space node, but this time the fluctuation caused by the space node was too great, which caused Cook to go directly to the depths of the star realm. If Cook is now able to return to the God Realm, Cook will definitely get a vote directly Leave, but now Cook's idea is just an idea, and it can't be realized, because now Cook knows that he is in Black Ridge City, and all around him are star realms, and the map is not complete.

"Okay." Keshu also knew Cook's temper, so he hurried to execute it.

Cook looked at hundreds of people and gritted his teeth and muttered: "A sheep is also driven, and a group of sheep is also driven. Whoever in Nima dares to make a mistake will be expelled directly."

So the next day, more stringent school regulations came out. Cook originally thought these students who came to study would object, but knowing that these students did not have the slightest complaint, now Black Ridge City has begun to become a huge construction site, from the Association of Sages Tens of thousands of sages came to the headquarters, together with those recruited locally, as well as those from the surrounding areas. The city is under construction. The huge ground has been dug into huge trenches, and these trenches are piled up by countless thick stones. The passage, this is the sewer pipe, and there are deep wells that have been dug out one by one. A huge bronze giant is waving a huge forklift that is comparable to a forklift. They are working hard and booming. the sound of.

The original city of Heiling City has not changed much. This is because after the construction of the outside is completed, the walls of Heiling City will be opened, and then the aborigines inside will be moved out, and finally the core area will be built. ()

Cook is very busy now. There are a total of 560 people. Cook is divided into ten classes, with 56 people in each class. Then Cook teaches ten hours a day, ten hours is just teaching theory, and then students The remaining nine hours are non-stop training, training.

"When configuring pills, we must first understand what magic herbs are and have enough knowledge. Magic herbs vary greatly depending on the time of picking, their efficacy, and the texture of the herbs themselves, and the leaves of the herbs, The rhizomes, flowers, and branches have different medicinal effects. We crush them to make the medicinal effects more uniform. First, we must grade the leaves. The leaves are graded according to different parts of growth. The top leaves are softer and crushed. The time required is relatively short. The same lower leaves have a long growth time and a lot of fiber, so the crushing time is relatively long. The branches are also. The top branches are small and the lower ones are thick, so the crushing time is different. I will set the task below. , To pick each herb in different grades.” Cook explained to the students below in a class, while constantly making demonstrative actions.

In the same way, the same action, Cook repeats as many as ten times a day, and the students begin to experiment with their hands.

"Damn it, who classifies this? How can you ask for this yellow herb leaf? Obviously, I didn't pay attention to the class. I punitively graded a hundred catties of herb."

"This is a weird flower. There are more than 100 leaves. You are divided into more than 30 levels. You are playing."

Various situations continue to emerge. Now Cook employs more than 500 sages, and there are more than 500 giants. Anyway, a student is surrounded by a sage and a giant, these two so-called assistants. It is to monitor the every move of these students. The monitoring and supervision urges the students to do what Cook said. Once violated, hehe, most of the students on the scene are ordinary people, and the giant will easily let these students submit.

Instilling theoretical knowledge, constant training, students repeat it every year. Ten days have passed. Cook originally thought these students would shrink, but these students did not complain at all. Cook was strange: "Keshu, you say Why are these students so obedient."

"Ahem, Mr. Locke, the tuition fee is one million points. If these students are disobedient and are expelled from you, then when these students go back, they will not be simply punished, and the reason why these students have to come to learn to prepare pills , The main thing is to become sages. These students spend tens of thousands of points here. If they don’t learn well, hey, they will suffer after they go back. Sir, you are just nagging, and there is nothing punitive. , So it’s strange to be disobedient, and sir, you are the creator of the legend, with an incomparably noble status..." Ke Shu is a bystander, and he quickly explained it to Cook.

"You have done the same for medicinal grading, but I'm going to name it here. Some people are not grading well. Damn, how can you fail to do such a simple thing? If you don’t do well, train three extras every day. Hours." Cook didn't expect that someone who came to sign up would be so stupid. Of course, if they were not stupid, they would not be sent to Cook.

The grading of medicinal herbs is based on the thickness, feel and luster of the leaves. It is not a simple matter of naked eyes. The grading of medicinal herbs is extremely important, because the subsequent crushing can be done with equipment. Of course, the grading is not that important, because There are instruments that can analyze the size of the crushed particles. This is a microscope made by Cook. Only when the particles reach a certain level and occupy a certain amount, the crushing is qualified.

And Cook believes that even an idiot will become very familiar after grading hundreds of kilograms of herbs, so those who fail to pass will train over time.

"Crushing, this is related to the quality of the pill and the key to the success of the configuration. I have a table here and the experimental equipment in front of you. According to the classification of the herb, the time used varies slightly, and the herb powder is uniform. When the pill is formed, the reaction time of the various herbal powders is uniform. If the particle size is different, then some parts of the reaction have passed, and some parts are still reacting, then the result of the pill is extremely poor, or it fails directly. , So smashing is extremely critical. Now smash the leaves. Everyone does it. I’ll come until.” Ten days have passed and most of the students have been graded successfully, but there are still some fools who are not so skilled, but Cook’s teaching progress With constant changes, the placement of each student is adjusted from time to time, and the progress is about the same, making it easier to teach.

"Look at the time."

"The rate of putting the herbs slowed down, you are stuffing them inside."

"The petiole is put in last, and the top of the leaf is put first."

"Look at the particles you crushed. They are of different sizes. Look at your experimental records. See if you, this point, the crushing time is short."

In each lesson, Cook took the trouble to point out these deficiencies, and the assistants around these students were responsible for recording the experimental data, and these sages would also help with the analysis, because Cook once again raised the deduction stick, that is As long as the students in charge of your two assistants successfully dispense pills, the two will each award 10,000 points. Therefore, the giants wish that the students would execute Cook’s words all the time, while the sage would try to analyze the deficiencies in the experiment. Just kidding, ten thousand points, that's an astronomical number.

"Everyone is very strange, why should I add water to this herb powder." Cook prepared the pills and lectured loudly.

"Everyone knows that even if the herb powder is very uniform, the weight is not so uniform due to the different parts of the roots and leaves. And when we move the container, the heavier herb powder will gradually sink, but after the herb powder is wet , It won't be like this." Cook finished explaining, and the old guys at headquarters got the news at the same time.

"Nima, it's really like this." Before the old guy personally verified it, the other pharmacists had already experimented. According to the results of the experiment, it turned out to be what Cook said.

"Damn, you use all five-year-old herbs, and use the fifteen leaves at the top to crush them for fifteen seconds." For some who are really stupid, Cook can only use the stupid method, that is, just use a certain part. The herbs are crushed and configured according to the prescribed time.

“Put the flower powder plus 6 seconds later, add the stargrass powder, and stir eight times at a speed of one circle per second, and then add..." The strict process was tested by Cook, and then put it out directly. Damn the dumbest idiot keeps experimenting, experimenting, experimenting.

"Damn it, stir eight laps, look at the scale, you have stirred nine laps... again." The assistant sage next to him roared, one more lap would take one second, and the chance of failure would increase a lot, for one Ten thousand points, the sage next to him roared loudly.

"Haha~www.wuxiaspot.com~ succeeded, succeeded." A sage looked at the pill made by a student and laughed.

"You still have to train. In the next month, you will have to train this guy so non-stop, train and do it strictly according to what I said." But Cook did not give up on this. What Cook has to do is to let these students be The process flow must be noted.

What Cook didn’t know was that the news of the student who had successfully configured the pill was spread instantly. In the distant Golden City, a high-level sage asked incredulously: "My son really successfully configured the pill. It’s a big pill."

This high-level sage certainly knows what his son's mind is, but what the staff of the so-called Black Ridge City Education Specialty Base in front of him has to surprise the sage.

"Sir, this is the image." The sage of the Annunciation immediately presented the image.

After the high-level sage finished reading it, he said excitedly: "Go, go, go to Black Ridge City immediately, haha, my son is also a sage." The book was first published, and the original content is the first time to watch!

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