A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 46: tribe

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Cook walked out of the president's room speechlessly. The president himself has not reached the silver level, and the city of Black Ridge is still under construction. Cook's safety is really not guaranteed. Cook sighed: "Hey. The latest. Chapter full text reading"

"Sir, we blame us for useless." Keshu sighed when he saw Cook came out and said.

"Regardless of your business, Keshu, this tribe is really powerful." Cook asked as he walked.

"Sir, there are some great ones in the tribe, and some not great ones." Keshu's answer made Cook's eyes widened. Does Nima speak like this?

When Cook heard what Keshu said, he had never heard of it. After Cook returned to the room, he began to inquire about the information about the tribe. You can buy some information on the point redemption terminal, but the price of the information is very high, of course. Specialized tasks, and now the highest reward for intelligence tasks is the way Cook teaches students. Now Cook’s specialist education base has produced hundreds of pharmacists, and some students are willing to pay more points and are willing to learn more Pill configuration, of course, Cook is always willing to come.

"The relationship and structure of the tribe." Cook looked at the name of a scroll and his eyes lit up. Although the price of the scroll was as high as 10,000 points, it was nothing to Cook.

After Cook paid more than 15,000 points straightforwardly, the scroll was delivered quickly. Don’t look at the magic civilization of the star realm, but the use of space is very common, but the use of space is paid. There are a lot of points. Of course, Cook doesn't know how these guys in the star realm use space magic. This is the top secret of the Sage Association.

Cook opened the scroll, which detailed the composition of the tribe and the relationship between the tribe and the tribe.

"The highest level of the tribe is called the chief, and the chief is also the most powerful in the entire tribe. The chief’s responsibility is to protect the entire tribe from other tribes. According to the size of the tribe, the chief is divided into several levels. Under the chiefs are people called elders. The fighting power of elders is second only to chiefs. There are fifteen elders in the general tribe. Each elder is responsible for one aspect of affairs in the tribe. In the tribe, there is also a class of people. It is also very tall, and is called a priest. The responsibility of the priest is to be responsible for the activities of the tribe, and also to control the marriage of the population in the tribe." When Cook saw this, he always felt that this tribe was like the structure of the orc tribe. . Full text reading of the latest chapters

Cook continued to read: "Under the elders, you are considered to be the warriors in the tribe. The number of warriors in the tribe directly determines how much territory the entire tribe should have. Moreover, the general adult men of the tribe are warriors, and the warriors are divided into three. One is the underage warrior, the other is the ordinary warrior, and the other is called the warrior. The fighting power of the warrior is comparable to the fighting power of the silver-level sage, because the tribe is located in a complex environment with fierce beasts. , The warriors in the tribe have fought with these beasts for a long time, the strong at the same level, the people in the tribe are far more powerful and wise."

"As for women and children, they are at the bottom of the tribe. They are responsible for some chores in the tribe. When the tribes attack each other, women and children are trophies and symbols of wealth." Cook continued to watch.

"Really interesting." Cook muttered to himself after reading this.

"There are countless large tribes in the entire Grand Canyon. Under the large tribes are medium-sized tribes, and under the medium-sized tribes are small tribes. A large tribe can manage as many as hundreds of large and small tribes, and occupy a very large territory. Inside, small tribes will contribute some food and other things to medium-sized tribes, and medium-sized tribes will contribute food and other things to large tribes. When encountering wars between tribes, all tribes will contribute their efforts to form a relatively loose alliance. The war between the big tribe and the big tribe can last for tens of thousands of years." Cook frowned when he saw this. The structure of this tribe is close to the form of a country, but there is no such thing as a country.

"The way the tribe uses combat is very different from that of our sages. Our sages pay attention to the use of their own power, but this own power does not need to be superimposed by foreign objects. The tribe is different. The pursuit of the tribe is the highest. Combat power, so everything that can increase combat power will be used by the tribe. The powerful warriors in the tribe will have strange lines on their bodies. These lines are the channels for energy operation. As for the way energy works, it is still a mystery." Cook sees At this point, I close it and it’s strictly forbidden to recall carefully. That’s right, the tribal powerhouse in the tavern has a magic pattern on him, but in Cook’s eyes, this magic pattern is extremely simple, but it is a magic pattern that increases power, and it increases. The increase in strength is not great either.

After Cook saw this, he had a lot of thoughts in his mind. First of all, the tribe really had a relationship with the God Realm, but it was not clear what the relationship was with Cook.

When Cook guessed the relationship between the tribe and the gods, Langfei returned to the tribe in embarrassment. This time Langfei brought dozens of tribal warriors. Only Langfei returned. In the tribe, there are a number of warriors under each warrior. When fighting, these fighters must obey the command of the warriors. Of course, the spoils are also distributed by the warriors.

"Oh, isn't this Langfei? I heard that I went to Heiling City. Why did you come back alone?" Langfei heard a strange sound of Yin and Yang as soon as he entered the tribe.

"Wolf Tower, you are **** nonsense, believe it or not, I'll beat you." Langfei was very angry at first, and immediately shouted loudly when he heard this.

"Haha, haha ​​beat me, Wolf Fei, what kind of thing are you, you still want to beat me, come, let's compare and see." The wolf tower was also very angry when seeing the wolf flying like this. You must know that there are still around the wolf tower. The subordinate fighters have no face in front of the subordinates, so how can the leaders get mixed up?

In the tribe, the warriors are not qualified to participate in the conflicts between the warriors, but the warriors are qualified to participate in the conflicts between the warriors. Although there is only one person in Langfei, Langfei is not afraid.

"Wolf Fei, what's the matter." Seeing that the two warriors were about to fight a battle, in the tribe, no subordinates said that they were merciful, and every battle was going all out.

"Elder, I'm in trouble this time." Langfei took a breath, then replied.

"What's the matter?" The elder asked with a stare when he heard Langfei say this.

"Elder, I..." Langfei told the story again.

The elder hadn’t spoken yet. The Wolf Tower spoke. The Wolf Tower shook his head and said: "Wolf fly, you are still a warrior at a loss. How can this be possible? Although the Sage Association is our enemy, the Sage Association will not let People drill holes."

"So, you are lying, you just want to go to Black Ridge City to get a vote, **** it, Wolf Fei, you have caused the tribe to lose dozens of warriors, what should be the crime?" Wolf Tower asked loudly.

Langfei looked at the angry gazes of the people around him, dozens of fighters, that is, dozens of families, Langfei saw the gazes of these people, and said loudly: "It's true, the whole sage world knows this. As long as you are not an idiot, after being educated by this Locke, you will become a sage, and a pharmacist. This time we are going to succeed, but this **** Locke actually summoned six silver-level powerhouses."

"Six silver-level powerhouses are still summoned, Langfei, are you dreaming? The location of Black Ridge City summons silver-level powerhouses, one needs at least 15,000 points, how many are six, 90,000 points , Just like you, 90 thousand points were used." Wolf Tower asked loudly.

There are already more than one elders around, but none of these elders have spoken. Before the matter is clear, the elders will not easily express their views. Langfei was questioned by the wolf tower. There is nothing to say, 90,000 points, which is extremely huge. A number, Langfei's face was flushed by the question of the wolf tower, the wolf tower lifted his clothes, and then pulled out a dagger made of unknown animal teeth, plunged it into his chest, and then knelt down. On the ground: "I used blood and ancestor spirits for the reason of my wolf flying.

"Wolf Fei, get up, and repeat the matter in detail." After seeing the action of Wolf Fei, the elders became serious. In fact, in the tribe, they all wear the same clothes. There is no obvious distinction between elders, warriors and warriors. Of course, there is still a difference, that is, the necklace on the neck represents the level.

Lang Fei stood up, let the blood flow out, and then told the story again, of course the story of Lofek.

"It seems that what Lang Fei said is true. We have to report this matter immediately and make sages in batches. This is a disaster for our tribe." After listening to it, the elder looked very solemn.

"Yes, we are on the edge of Black Ridge City~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Once Black Ridge City has such a perversion, then we have to move." Another elder said worriedly.

The tribe most dislike the territory next to the powerful sage city. Although the tribe’s combat power is very strong, there are almost no tribes around the silver-level cities under the jurisdiction of the sage, because the tribes around the silver-level cities will sooner or later be It will be consumed by other tribes in the battle with the sage, so there is no tribe willing to get along with a silver-level city, and that means destruction.

Migration is even more troublesome. Regardless of the vastness of the Star Realm Grand Canyon, there are many tribes inside. There are no tribes, either extremely remote places or extremely dangerous places, and migration is required. You also need to fight with other tribes before you can gain territory, and once the battle fails, the tribe will be annexed by other tribes.

"Wolf Tower, you take someone to investigate the situation in Black Ridge City. It's best to find out about Locke's situation. Wolf Fei, you follow me, I will report to the chief, and then we will immediately go to the golden account." The rest of the elders discussed and then issued orders. The chiefs generally do not handle these matters. The elders are responsible for them. Of course, if the elders cannot handle them, they will report to the chief.

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