A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 48: Battle regiment

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When Cook heard this, the back molars of laughter were exposed. Why, because the golden ring detoxification pills, especially those above Rank 6 and above, are strategic materials and are not allowed to be exchanged with the exchange terminal. They can only be traded face to face. In other words, these pills with hundreds of thousands of points are still in Cook’s pockets. Now someone comes to buy them. How could Cook be upset? He just experienced a danger and let Cook know how important points are. . [800]

"No problem, but what price do you offer." Cook replied immediately.

"One six hundred thousand points." The big man who spoke just now asked in a questioning tone.

Cook pondered for a moment and said, "One 600,000 point, you are responsible for taxation."

"It's okay for us to be responsible, but Sage Locke, you have to sell it to us first." Hearing Cook's words, the expressions of the three people present changed slightly. You must know that Jinhuan Detoxification Play is defined as a luxury, because Jinhuan Detoxification A pill is defined as a first-class pill, but due to its particularity, its value is very high and has exceeded the value of the first-class pill. The Sage Association will decide whether it is a luxury according to the positioning and price of the item.

Of course, as the creator of the legend, Cook's tax on the sale of Jinhuan Jiedu Pills is only 20%, which means that Cook only pays 20% of taxes, but if the buyer is responsible for the tax, the proper 50% is.

"Sage Locke, should we add 100,000 points, but you are responsible for the tax." Seeing that Cook did not speak, another sage on the scene asked.

"No, 500,000 points, you are responsible for taxation." Cook also has a tax task for Black Ridge City, so Cook will do this. Of course, in time, Cook is asking for 500,000 points, and Cook should pay ten. 10,000 points, but if the buyer bears the tax, it’s 250,000 points. In this way, Cook has completed the task of 150,000 points. As for Cook, it’s more than 100,000 points because of 600,000 points. , Cook has to pay 120,000 taxes, and there are still 480,000. Now Cook not only gets 20,000 more points, but also completes the taxes. It can be said that Cook is very good at calculating.

"Sage Locke, this price is a bit too high." A sage said bitterly.

"Hehe, guys, tell you something that you don’t know yet. One Nine-Rank Jinhuan Detoxification Pill will be sold every ten days, so if you don’t want to, if you are preempted by someone else." Cook laughed, the old **** was at ease. Said.

When said by Cook, the three looked at each other. Cook is not only a reminder on the pill, but also a reminder of the surrounding resources. The number of golden ring two-headed bird communities is limited. If someone else takes it first When you play in the Jiu-Rank Golden Circle detoxification game, then the resources must be preempted by others, and once they are preempted, there will be no more resources later. It is like a person walks into an orchard first and picks the best fruit. , As for the later, it must be someone else's choice. [To read the latest chapter of this book, please go to 800]

"Well, we want a 9th-Rank, and five 8th-Rank." The three sages looked at each other and then spoke.

"Haha, I'm sorry, each person can only buy one 8-level Jinhuan Jiedu Pill per day." Cook said with a smile.

In fact, this is not stipulated by Cook. Cook wants to sell out at once. This is the regulation of the Sage Association on the sale of strategic materials. Of course, everyone knows what it does to prevent the birth of scalpers. Some people monopolize strategic resources.

"Hey, I forgot that the Jinhuan Jiedu Pill is a strategic material." One of the sages also reacted and said with a wry smile.

"Sage Locke, let’s be honest, our team has more than one hundred and fifty high-level sages, and some of them are silver-level powerhouses. This pill is not enough for us to use. Our team goes deep into the astral world every time. Canyon, this pill is too wasteful of time." A sage whispered to Cook.

Cook blinked his eyes and said, "But I can't help it. The materials for the Jinhuan Jiedu Pills are also limited to me."

"Hehe, Sage Locke, there is a way." A sage said with a smile, and then waited for Cook to speak.

Cook asked suspiciously: "Is there any way."

"That is, Locke Sage joins our team. After joining the team, the configured pills can be used internally. Of course, in order to avoid trouble, we give Locke Sage various items." A sage explained.

Cook glanced at the sage, and then asked with a weird look: "But why should I join your team? I don't have to worry about selling my golden ring detoxification pills."

After asking this question, the three sages present were stunned. Yes, why do they join your team? Watching Cook pat his **** and leave, the three of them have not yet come to their senses.

"I'm going, our fire fighting group's income was actually rejected." One of the sages said in a depressed tone.

"Hey, I have inquired about Locke, the income has exceeded hundreds of millions of points, and this guy is too low-level, I don't know the reputation of our fire fighting group." Another sage continued.

"Oh, the three of you are here too, are you running fast enough?" When the three were depressed, three more sages appeared. When these three sages saw the depressed three, among them One asked with a smile.

"Red Sun Fighting Group, why are you here too." A sage from the Fire Fighting Group asked in astonishment.

"Hey, it's not just our Red Sun, Heishui, Aoki, Bronze Teeth, and the accumulated wealth battle group." One of the Red Sun battle group replied.

"Is there any task?" the sage of the Fire Fighting Group asked suspiciously.

A sage of the Red Sun Fighting Group answered with a wry smile: "Where is there any task, we are not here for the Jinhuan Detoxification Pill, and the city of Heiling is a newly-increased silver-level city. The battle group decided to stay in Blackling City. After all, Blackling City is a new silver-level city, not comparable to other silver-level cities. We are here now, so in the future, this Blackling City will still have our place."

"That's how it is said, but there are no special strategic resources around Black Ridge City, how can it feed us people?" A sage from the Fire Fighting Group sighed.

"Other silver-level cities have a lot of strategic resources, but we haven't gotten involved." A sage of the Red Sun Fighting Group asked in an angry way.

When the Fire Fighting Group and the Red Sun Fighting Group renewed their history, Cook was checking the news of the Fire Fighting Group in the house. I didn’t know it. I was shocked when I saw it. The Fire Fighting Group was ranked 82nd in the entire star realm. It is very famous in the entire astral world.

"Maybe these guys are of some use." Cook touched his bare chin, then muttered.

Keshu came in at this time and whispered a report to Cook: "Sir, I've heard that the fire fighting group has a foundry, and not only the fire fighting group, but also the red sun, black water, green wood, and bronze teeth. The several battle groups that accumulate money are all very famous."

"Did I ask you to find out?" Cook asked in confusion.

"Sir, didn't you keep asking me about it? I think these guys are new here, so..." Keshu looked at Cook with a stunned look and replied.

Cook sighed inwardly, and had to say: "Good job, good job."

"Thank you for the compliment, Mr. Keshu." Keshu's face was excited, and it was the first time that Cook praised him.

Cook dismissed Keshu, and then began to think about it. Cook understood his current situation. Although Cook had more points and a higher status, if Cook was really a star giant, then Cook is now completely Don't worry, but Cook is not a star giant, but a fake guy, so the more he is like this, the more he has a sense of crisis.

The assassination of the tribe made Cook’s scalp numb. Cook has learned that the people of the tribe are no different from other people in the star realm. Of course, the people of the tribe cannot enter the sage association. Of course, the sage also has identification. Therefore, Cook now urgently hopes to have his own armed forces.

And if Kukla attracts some people or some forces, even if their identity is exposed, Cook can have room to resist. At that time, the forces that were attracted by Kukla will not follow Cook. What is the virtue of the judge of the Sage Association ,everybody knows.

"Why did the top 100 battle groups come to Black Ridge City." The biggest question in Cook's heart is this. Of course, Cook knows that it is not his own Golden Ring Detoxification Pill that brings the consequences, although the Golden Ring Detoxification Pill is very good. However, it is unrealistic for a combat group to rely entirely on this kind of thing.

Cook pondered for a while, but still didn't have a clue. This was mainly related to Cook's sources. Cook didn't know the situation of these battle groups in other silver-level cities.

"Why don't you issue some tasks~www.wuxiaspot.com~ let these battle groups go to meet the wolf tribe." After thinking about it for a while, Cook thought of a way that was not a solution.

This is of course only Cook’s idea. Afterwards, several combat groups put forward the idea of ​​buying Cook’s golden ring detoxification pills. Cook also followed the rules of the Sage Association. At this time, it violated the rules of the Sage Association. Very unwise decision.

"Keshu, you go find the big bosses of these battle regiments, I have some tasks to release." Cook looked at the remaining Jinhuan Jiedu Pills in his hand, as well as the Ninth Grade King Kong Pills, and Cook knew Thought, since the wolf tribe has to deal with himself, then he will certainly not passively defend.

There are fifteen sages in five battle regiments. Why are there three sages every time a battle regiment appears? This is the rule of the Association of Sages. Each battle regiment is divided into three powers, financial power, command power, and the right to distribute the spoils. Separation of powers.

"Sage Locke, you are sure that the wolf tribe is going to attack you." After hearing Cook's mission statement, the sages of the five battle regiments took a breath of air and asked.


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