A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 52: Adjudicator's invitation

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Cook had a blue nose and swollen face. He stared at the red sun with an angry stare. Just now Cook couldn't react at all. In the Sanctuary, Cook is almost the first person in the Sanctuary, but in this star realm, Cook's strength is too weak. Now, in terms of combat effectiveness, Cook can't even catch up with a first-level combat sage, and his combat effectiveness is almost equivalent to an adult star giant. [To read the latest chapter of this book, please search 800]

At the moment, the energy burst from the red sun shocked Cooke's heart. If that kind of energy is in the sanctuary, it can almost destroy the energy of the big six. Cook has no time to react, and no ability to react. It's not that Cook is now a sixfold mad giant, but he is still directly knocked out by the energy of a battle group leader.

What shocked Cooke’s heart is that the red sun’s energy is unconscious, which means that the energy is not aimed at a certain target, and once such energy is aimed at a certain target, then Cook’s result is The dead cannot die anymore.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Mr. Locke, I didn't mean it, I blamed Tongfang." Hongri frowned, because it violated the rules of the Sage Association, so he will be punished.

Of course, what worries Hongri is that if Cook asks himself to compensate for his losses, I am afraid that he will not be able to compensate if he sells himself. Moreover, it is not only Cook, but also the punishment of the Black Ridge City Sage Association. The adjudicator of the Black Ridge City Sage Association looked forward to it.

"Who moved Mr. Locke?" Hearing that Cook was injured, the president of Black Ridge rushed over quickly, no matter what the meeting was still in progress. Before anyone even saw him, he shouted loudly.

"It's you **** who dare to act on the sages of our association in the sage association, Mr. Locke, are you okay." When the president entered the door and saw Cook's nose and swollen face, he immediately yelled, and said loudly. He scolded the Hongri people.

Seeing the attitude of the president, Cook immediately stood up: "President, it's a misunderstanding."

"Misunderstanding." The president heard Cook say so and looked at Cook suspiciously.

The president now has to give Cooke face, and he has to value Cook. In just a few months, Cook alone paid tens of millions of taxes, let alone Cook’s hundreds of millions of points. Although these points are in the name of Cook, they can be regarded as the points reserve of Black Ridge City.

The total points of the original Black Ridge City is almost 10 million points. Recently, the president of the Sage Association has been praised by the headquarters of the Sage Association every month, because the points increase of Black Ridge City every month is a shocking number. The monthly increase rate is more than 5oo%, and other cities, let alone 5oo%, can laugh at a 5% increase. Full text reading of the latest chapters

Of course, this is because of the low starting point of Black Ridge City and the praise received by the president. Of course, there are also rewards for materials, but it is not convenient to publish them. Therefore, for Cook, all the leaders of the Sage Association of Black Ridge City are over 12o% Care, attention.

However, it has been too busy recently. Black Ridge City has expanded into a silver-level city. A lot of work needs to be done. Of course, as long as Locke is in the Sage Association, these leaders will not worry about what happens to Cook.

"Yes, the president, we are here to take the task." Tongya and the others said quickly, although the strength of the president on the scene is not very high, just take the adjudicator next to it, it is not very powerful. , But these people represent the Sage Association, the Black Ridge City Sage Association, so even if Tongya and others are strong, they can't help but buy it.

"Accepting what task." Upon hearing this, the guild leader felt wisely that there was a problem in it, and what task Locke had privately assigned.

"President, this is the case. Didn’t you say that the wolf tribe attacked me last time, so this time I set up a task to deal with the wolf tribe." Cook heard the president’s question and obviously asked himself, Cook Replied.

When the president heard this, he immediately jumped up: "No, Mr. Locke, the wolf tribe is a large tribe with tens of millions of people, ranking in the top 20 in the Grand Canyon."

"But why did the people from the wolf tribe attack me, and I don't miss the points." Cook heard the president say so, he had to shrug his shoulders and replied.

"Mr. Locke, you are not thinking about it." The president did not stop Cook from thinking. Why? The president thinks that the points in Cook's hands are better than those in the hands, because once the points are circulated, then the sage The association will collect taxes, which is like the game of landlord, every time you have to charge, regardless of whether you win or lose, the game company wins, so does the Sage Association.

Collecting taxes is one thing. Cook's hundreds of millions of points will attract how many high-level sages to Black Ridge City, and these high-level sages will drive new consumption. So Cook said that the president does not care about Cookebu. What is the task, even if it is the head of the warchief who is offering a reward to the tribe, the guildmaster will not say anything.

"Mr. Locke, your points are enough, if not, according to your credit rating..." the chairman asked with concern afterwards.

Cook shook his head and said: "No need, President, I don't have enough points, I can use pills instead."

"Pills, I don't know what mission Mr. Locke wants to assign, I will personally intervene." Hearing this, the chairman continued, knowing that the Kukbu mission still needs to go through the Sage Association. There is a process and cannot be private. Reb mission.

"Hehe, guild leader, we have reached an agreement, but we need more combat regiments, so the task is troublesome for the guild leader." Hearing this, Hong Ri quickly said, knowing that the five-level non-universal gold level The pill is enough to make any battle group crazy.

"We in Black Ridge City welcome you to come to receive the mission, but let me ask one more question, your battle group is really going to trouble the wolf tribe." The president still didn't believe it, and continued to ask.

"Haha, what is the wolf tribe? As long as Mr. Locke takes out five thousand pills, then not to mention the wolf tribe, it is the black-faced tribe, and we can still wipe it out." Hong Ri said confidently.

"Annihilation." The president really suspects that there is a problem with his ears. Yes, to annihilate a large tribe, the headquarters of the Sage Association has not done it. A first-level sage, no, the task of a second-level sage Works.

"There is no problem with five thousand pills, but it will take at least a year." Cook estimated, and then said.

"Haha, bold, Mr. Locke, I admire you at Hongri." Hongri praises Cook, yes, five thousand nine-level five-level non-universal gold-level pills, what kind of wealth is this, No one can make it clear, but this kind of non-universal swift pill, cast swift arrow, is enough to make any big tribe collapse.

The chairman felt as if he had overlooked something, and asked, "No, Mr. Locke will prepare 5,000 pills for two months at most."

"It's not like this, it's a five-level non-universal gold-level quick pill." Tongya quickly explained that Tongya still wants to get closer to the president of Heiling City. After all, Heiling City is already a silver-level city. , The Bronze Tooth Fighting Group wanted to gain a foothold in Black Ridge City, so it was indispensable to deal with these leaders.

"What." The president's mouth opened wider than ever. Yes, the five-level pill, non-universal type, gold level, none of these words can have anything to do with Cook, but; it happens to be with Cook. It's related.

"President, this is how it works." The head of the Agni Fighting Regiment hurriedly told the truth.

Agni, Heishui, Aoki, Kwon Choi, the dozen or so commanders of the Red Sun Fighting Group, and the deputy commander all talked about the actual situation. After listening, the chairman's excited hands trembled. .

"The cloth task, the cloth task, annihilate the wolf tribe, **** it, dare to attack Mr. Locke, the Black Ridge City Sage Association has tasked, and declare war on the wolf tribe." The president was extremely excited, the non-universal Swift Maru, this But extremely important strategic materials, and looking at the entire star realm, there are cities with two types of strategic resources, and one can count them.

What made the president even more afraid was that if someone like Cook was really attacked by the wolf tribe, what accidents would cause him, then he would be a sinner in Black Ridge City.

"President, you really want to issue war orders." Hongri and others asked excitedly.

"Yes, our Black Ridge City Sage Association wants to issue war orders." The president gritted his teeth and said.

Cook was also taken aback, and quickly said: "President, I'll just set up the task, and the war is over."

"No." Not only the president of the Sage Association said so, but also the Red Sun combat groups.

"Well, I sponsor 10,000 general-purpose Swift Pills of Grade 7 or above, and another 5,000 non-universal Swift Pills. Damn it, I dare to assassinate Lao Tzu." Cook also gave it up, of course Ku Ke didn’t say one thing, that is, you don’t need to take out points. Cook’s abacus is very smart. The pills are promised to go out. As for when to take them out, especially the non-universal quick pills, it depends on Cook’s. .

"Okay, our association has rounded up the materials. I will apply to the headquarters~www.wuxiaspot.com~. When the president heard that Cook was on the road, he said immediately, and then went to handle it quickly.

"Hurry up and inform the others, Black Ridge City is about to set up a war mission." The Red Suns also hurriedly left, and in a blink of an eye, Cook and the adjudicator were left.

"Mr. Locke, I don't know if you are interested in joining the adjudicator." After everyone left, the adjudicator changed his gloomy expression and asked Cook with a smile.

Cook was surprised. This was the cold and arrogant adjudicator. Cook replied in a low voice: "Why did you invite me to join the adjudicator."

"Because you are the talent our adjudicator needs." Hearing Cook's question, the adjudicator replied with an appreciative smile.

"But..." Cook had just said one, but was interrupted.

"Mr. Locke, our adjudicator knows a lot of your secrets." The adjudicator interrupted Cook with a smile, but after Cook heard this, it felt like he had fallen into an ice cave.

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