A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 56: The Wrath of Master Namor

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"Look, see, is this the place where people live, um, my Namo is also a foundry, so I can live in an ordinary room, do you have a brain disease. ( Mei Duo just returned When I arrived at the hotel where I lived, I heard the angry voice of Namor.

"Master sage, if you don't want to live, you don't need to live." But the waiter in the hotel didn't move at all. What happened to the casting master, I am an ordinary person, and I don't ask you to live as a casting master. , Pull down if you don't want to live.

When Namo heard this, he was about to smash the head of the waiter in front of him, but he didn't dare. The sage cannot use force against ordinary people. This is strictly regulated by the Association of Sages. Of course, if you don’t be sages. The association found out that it was another matter. Nammo looked at the waiter's eyes and looked at other places in the hotel, and Nammo felt so angry.

"We can't stop, let's go." Namor turned his head angrily and left.

As soon as Namo turned his head, he saw Mei Duo and immediately greeted: "Master Mei Duo, go, let's not stop this broken shop."

"Broken shop, sir, don’t you want to stay. If you don’t believe me, go out and have a look. There are rooms in the hotel, and there are even people living in the lobby at night. If it weren’t for the coordination of the Sage Association, we wouldn’t have any rooms here. "When the waiter heard this, he said angrily.

Namo is so angry, but sages have inherent advantages over sages, and high-levels have innate advantages over low-levels, but sages have no advantage over ordinary people. Therefore, in the star realm, sages dare not brazenly bully ordinary people. Yes, the consequences are extremely serious. Of course, ordinary people will not provoke the sages. They will also face punishment from the sages’ association. But for today’s matter, it was Namo who spoke rudely first, so don’t care. Wherever you get it, it can be justified.

Seeing this situation, Mei Duo said, "Hey, Master Namor, I'll forget it."

"What? Forget it, Master Mei Duo, this is not your character." Na Mo was surprised, Mei Duo was arrogant, if he used to, he would definitely speak for himself, but what happened today .

"Go, go ahead." Mei Duo sighed, then said.

"Well, it depends on the face of Master Mei Duo." When Namo saw Mei Duo's appearance, he knew something had happened. As for the living environment, it didn't matter.

The waiter next to him pouted, but he still registered rooms for Namor. Namor and his entourage had three common rooms. Namor occupies one, and the others occupied two. Namor saw only three rooms for himself, and immediately called I got up: "Three rooms, I have fifty followers. (

"That can't be helped, our hotel has only three rooms." The waiter was unmoved.

"Master Namor, the entire Heiling City has nearly 10,000 people at once, and the resident population of Heiling City is only tens of thousands, and it is increasing every moment. You haven’t seen it, even The empty spaces above the streets were all set up by the combat regiments as temporary camps. The rooms in the hotel are not expensive.” Seeing what Namo wanted to say, Mei Duo immediately said.

"But what should I do if I bring the remaining people." Namo asked the waiter angrily.

"There is still vacant land in our backyard. If you set up tents, it can be considered cheaper for you." The waiter replied.

"Damn it, I don't care about this **** Black Ridge City." Namo heard this, so Xuan didn't jump and curse, so he threw the matter to his men and followed Mei Duo to the second floor.

There are only a dozen entourages with Mei Duo, but there are only four rooms. Fortunately, Mei Duo started early. The rooms are suites, but they also seem crowded.

"This, this **** place." Seeing the environment in which Mei Duo lived, and thinking about the room he opened, Na Mo became even more angry.

But then Satsuma asked: "Master Mei Duo, how are you doing?"

"Sage Locke accepted the task." Mei Duo still covered his face with a veil, and there was a tired feeling in his tone.

"Isn't that very good?" Namo asked in surprise when he heard Mei Duo's answer.

Mei Duo sighed and said: "Don't mention it, this task will charge me 25 million points."

"What, why don't you rob, this **** place, Master Mei Duo, do you agree." Na Mo jumped up when he heard this number.

"Can I disagree, it's already a few discounts." Mei Duo gave a wry smile and told the story again.

After Namo heard the points that Cook had originally wanted to collect, and the points that Cook had now, his mouth opened wide, and asked incredulously: "It's impossible, 600 million, 600 million points, Locke is Sages of several levels."

"It is said that he is a second-level sage, but it is said that the 9th-rank Dali pills, the 9th-rank King Kong pills, and the 9th-rank Jinhuan Jiedu pills are all made by this guy." Mei Duo also explained with a wry smile.

"I..." Namor was speechless, and his whole body was shocked.

"Hey." After a long while, Na Mo let out a long sigh.

Mei Duo also sighed and said, "Hey, those of us who have lived for so many years are not as good as one and a half boys."

"There are thousands of non-universal Swift Pills, how many points should you die?" Namo let out a long sigh of relief when he thought of the reward for this war mission.

"Yes, so I plan to cast weapons in Black Ridge City in the near future." Mei Duo said afterwards.

"Yeah." Nammo knew that Meiduo must earn points. After all, 25 million points, Nammo also knew that it would be difficult for Meiduo to get out.

Forging divisions don’t look at the scenery, but the Sage’s Association is very strict in the management of weapons. In addition to the cost of casting, don’t look at the tens of thousands of good weapons, hundreds of thousands of points, but the materials for casting weapons, It takes time, as well as renting the casting room of the Sage Association, and the cost of failed materials. The standard weapon has a high success rate, but the price is low, so the foundry is simply a point for the Sage Association to earn points.

"Then Master Meiduo, what are you going to do? Do you need my help?" Namo asked.

"Thank you, no need." Mei Duo rejected Namor's proposal.

After Namo chatted with Mei Duo for a while, he left. Mei Duo then recruited his assistant, and then the news that Master Mei Duo was about to forge weapons in Black Ridge City was announced by the Black Ridge City Sage Association.

"Mr. Locke, that Meiduo must have no points. He has already taken dozens of weapons casting tasks." Keshu reported to Cook what he had heard outside.

Cook is eating, and now Cook eats good things, the meat of star beasts, every piece of meat is eaten, Cook can feel these pieces of meat transform into powerful vitality, and then nourish his body. Cook felt that if he had eaten this advanced star beast meat for ten or eight years, his physical strength would be comparable to that of the Lord God.

It’s easy for Cook to become six times mad now. As for the time it can last, Cook can’t estimate it. It’s estimated that it will be fine for a year or a half. A few months of eating a large amount of meat from high-level star beasts will give Cook's body strength. His defense, attack, strength, and agility have all been greatly improved. Of course, Cook still dare not try the eightfold madness, but Cook is looking forward to his strength after the eightfold madness.

"Well, what's the news." Cook asked with a hmm.

"There is also the released war mission against the wolf tribe. More than 100,000 people have accepted the mission. Almost all the top five hundred combat groups have sent people. It is said that there are tens of thousands of silver-level powerhouses. "Keshu continued.

"No way, tens of thousands of silver-level powerhouses, how is this possible." Cook shook his head.

"I don't know the specifics, but it seems that the demand for Swift Pills by these combat groups in Outland seems to be particularly important. Now someone has used one million points to charge Swift Pills." Keshu explained.

Cook pondered for a moment, and then asked: "Where is Outland?"

"Outland, these are the places where we live, but Outland refers to other places outside the entire star realm." Keshu's explanation made Cook startled.

"You live in Outland." Cook was shocked.

"Yes, sir, the Outland where our Bronze Giants live is called Molanka. It is an extremely vast land, but the gravity there is greater than here, and the beasts are also stronger than the star realm." But the tree nodded and replied.

"So how big is Outland?" Cook asked again.

"I don’t know, the outer realm is endless. Some outer realms have life, some are not alive, there are more than 600 outer realms now known, of which only 16 are alive, but the other outer realms are also rich in properties. Planting ore, there are also various ancient relics, so the powerful battle groups in the star realm are all in the outer domain, and the harvest there is more than that of the star realm." Keshu shook his head when he heard Cook’s question. .

Cook didn't continue to ask Keshu. Obviously Keshu knew that there were very few things. Cook slowly finished the meal and then studied the pill formula that Mei Duo gave him.

"Self-healing pill." This is not the first time Cook has looked at the pill formula, but this formula also requires star core. Although the self-healing pill and the healing pill have the same sound, the effect of the pill is completely different~www.wuxiaspot .com~The pharmacology of self-healing pills is to stimulate one's own self-healing ability, not to cure by external force.

"Sage Locke, the president is here." Keshu opened the door and said to Cook.

"President." Cook hurried out to meet the president.

"Locke, I have inquired about what you want me to inquire about. Master Medo's face was disfigured in a casting accident. It is said that all pills were used up, but when casting the weapon, the energy core used burst The powder entered Master Mei Duo's face, so even if it was cured for a short time, the energy core powder inside slowly continued to be destroyed, so..." the president said to Cook.

"Then this self-healing pill does not have much effect. It needs to clean up the foreign energy in the energy core powder first." After listening to it, Cook thought about it, and then said.

"Locke, don't worry about it. If Master Meiduo is not cured well, wouldn't it be in Black Ridge City, or if you are cured, Master Meiduo will have to leave." The president heard Cook. That said, immediately taught Cook in a low voice.

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