A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 79: Show helmet

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Cook cleaned the hall proficiently, and then while observing what the real people were doing, Cook found that the helmets of these real people were a bit similar to the head-mounted digital display equipment. All the information was on the helmet. As for the control facilities in the hall, Cook I don't understand, because these manipulation facilities are all kinds of unknown symbols.

"Huh." When the real person assigned to Cook the task saw the hint on his helmet displayed, he looked at Cook in surprise.

Cook didn’t know that his broomstick was connected to the real person’s display helmet. The real person looked at the data displayed on the broomstick and said in a puzzled manner: “The mind is not strong, but the ability to control the mind is better than mine, broomstick. The energy utilization rate reached 90%, which is simply incredible."

"It's done cleaning." The man came to Cook and asked.

Cook nodded, and then he saw the broom disappear from his hand. Cook was not surprised. The man glanced at Cook and said, "Come with me."

The man took Cook to the front of a console, then handed Cook a display helmet, and said, "Try it."

Cook was really surprised. What does this person mean, but Cook is also very curious about what the helmet looks like. Cook just put the helmet on his head, and the helmet automatically becomes smaller. After all, Cook’s His head was also small, and then a transparent shield appeared on Cook's face, and some information automatically appeared in Cook's mind.

"It's really a display helmet, and it can also be controlled with mental power." Cook was very excited because it was true.

"Task, clean up the creatures below level 40 around Tianya City. ←Baidu Search→【←Book of Reading" immediately after a quest appeared on Cook's display helmet.

Then Cook displayed the picture on the helmet changed. Cook saw a sea area next to Tianya City. In this sea area, some creatures were marked with red dots. This is Cook's attack target. .

"It's too simple." Cook first got acquainted with the control system. One thing like a rocker is a manual aiming device. The other buttons are the energy control button, the release button, and some other control buttons. The entire operating facility is sufficient. There are dozens of buttons. Cook does not intend to use mental power to control the facility, because Cook's mental power itself is not very strong. Cook easily hit a forty-level creature, which was directly hit on the head. Then, the whole body sank in the sea water at once, and Cook felt very simple.

The lack of spiritual power here refers to Cook’s spiritual power for creatures in the astral world. The mass and volume of a stone of a general size in the star world is comparable to a large mountain in the sanctuary. In the sanctuary, Cook’s spiritual power can be alive. It's uplifting a big mountain, but here, Cook can only lift up this stone, which is that the relative mental power is not very strong.

"The energy is too much, and the head is shattered." Cook lowered his energy a bit, then continued to aim and attack.

Soon, Cook felt a little boring, because the creatures below level 40 in his area couldn't keep up with Cook's attack frequency, and then Cook looked to the side again.

"Whether to apply to expand the mission area." Cook just wanted to attack the area next to him. He didn't know that the display helmet actually displayed such information. Cook quickly put out the idea of ​​wanting to attack other areas. After all, showing off is not a library. Gram’s preferences.

An Qi and the woman around An Qi were stunned. The Nima kid also wore a helmet. You must know that it was a real-life standard equipment. Even this woman is not qualified to be here for ten years.

What Cook didn’t know was that in the city of the sky, the number of Cook’s helmet ranked first in the hit rate, 100% hit rate, and energy utilization rate as high as 90%, also ranked first. , And attack frequency, which is also the first.

"No, who is this guy?" The others were shocked, the accuracy rate was too high, and the energy utilization rate was also high.

"This Nima will not headshot every time. Otherwise, the 100% precision hit rate and the energy utilization rate as high as 90% cannot appear in other ways." What Cook doesn't know is that the helmets can also interact with each other. Real people looked at the ranking in amazement, knowing that this ranking is very important to real people.

"Olan." The real person who gave Cook was aiming at a sixty-level creature when he heard someone calling him.

"Quickly say it again. If you have a fart, let it go." Ou Lan is in a bad mood now, because this time against the sea creatures, there is a ranking, and his ranking is now almost at the end, so he is in a bad mood.

"Okay, Ou Lan, get overwhelmed." Another voice joked dissatisfiedly. The sound system in this helmet is actually a team, so as long as others open this communication channel, they can speak and hear others. This is mainly It is something customized for team action.

"What kind of ecstasy?" Ou Lan asked inexplicably.

"The one on your console is your disciple." Someone asked.

When Oulan heard this, he turned his head to look at Cooke subconsciously, and then shook his head, because Oulan saw that Cook’s hand hadn’t moved. Obviously he hadn’t found a way to manipulate this thing. Oulan shook his head. : "Not my disciple."

"That's your assistant." The other person asked again.

"No, I don’t know whose assistant it was. I violated the rules. I punished him for sweeping the floor. As a result, the energy utilization rate of this kid's operation of the broom was very high, so I let this guy give it a try. Operation, my brain is a bit difficult." Ou Lan looked at Cook's manual operation, shook his head and replied.

"That's mine." A voice came from the team channel.

"Damn, those guys went directly." Another voice also cursed secretly.

Cook is very boring. These creatures below level forty are in their mission area, and they can’t provide for their own attacks. When they attack, Cook can do it by just moving their hands. When Cook is bored, a The prompt sounded: "Someone is looking for you."

Cook quickly turned his head to take a look, then Cook stood up, and then leaned on the console. A dozen real people looked at him, making Cook extremely guilty.

"You, what are you doing." Cook stammered a bit, Cook was really scared, not to mention ten real people, just one real person, Cook couldn't handle it.

"Rock, um, Rock, would you like to be my disciple." A real person asked directly.

"Locke, don't listen to him nonsense, he is just an ordinary real person, I am an alchemist, and an alchemist outfitter." Another real person said quickly.

"Nonsense, Locke is a pharmacist, so Alchemy Energy Pharmacy is the professional counterpart, but I am more in this aspect..." Another real person also said.

Cook didn't know what these people were going to do, but at this time a voice rang: "What are you doing, what are you doing, I found Locke."

"Cut, you are a real person with a combat profession..." the others said disdainfully.

"Go back to your position, otherwise, cancel this year's research funding." A voice sounded again.

The rest of the real people heard this voice and immediately disappeared. Then Cook saw a young man appear in front of him. The young man looked at Cook's record and nodded and said, "Come on, come with me."

Cook put on his helmet and followed the young man. Then the young man took Cook to another console and said, "You are here to operate."

Then the youth left, showing that the helmet had directly established a connection with the console. Cook looked at his mission area, sweating profusely, but there is no level limit for the attack here, only the energy attack needs to be adjusted, but the rest of the real people are Some dissatisfaction.

"The director actually allowed an ordinary person to operate the main attack on the fort. This is simply annoying."

"Yes, this obviously just doesn't want to give us rewards."

"Fortunately, fortunately, Ou Lan, what do you think, someone asked with a smile.

When Oulan saw the numbers on the rankings, he regretted it. The energy utilization rankings and the attack accuracy rankings were actually created by Cook, which is higher than his own. Now Oulan regrets it and wants to Knowing that the attack accuracy rankings and the energy utilization rankings have high gold content, of course, this is also complementary to each other. As the attack accuracy improves, the energy utilization also increases.

Cook's hands danced quickly, and the marine creatures around Tianya City suffered. A dazzling beam of light fell from the sky, and most of them fell on the heads of these creatures. In just ten minutes, Ku Creatures in Ke’s mission area were emptied again. Some hapless guys just walked into Cook’s mission area. As soon as their heads came in, they were killed by Cook.

"This mission area is actually divided into several layers." Cook gradually discovered that these mission areas are divided into several layers, and they are staggered. In Cook's view, it is almost like closing your eyes to hit. A creature in the middle ~www.wuxiaspot.com~Cook is already close to Tianya, but Cook’s mission area is two kilometers away from Tianya City. In Tianya City, there are still many creatures The guards of Tianyacheng fought.

"Do you help me?" Cook looked at the hundreds of creatures around Tianya City. For himself, he was moving his fingers, but for the people in Tianya City, it was a difficult battle.

"Locke, do you want to expand the attack area for you?" A voice rang out abruptly in Cook's ears, and Cook turned his head subconsciously, but he didn't see anyone, and then Cook remembered that he was wearing it. Helmet.

"No, I want to help Tianyacheng." Cook replied tentatively.

"Tianya City, don't you want to attack the creatures around Tianya City?" Cook heard it. This voice was the voice of the young man who brought him here just now.

"Yeah." Cook nodded. Mobile users please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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