A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 85: Library

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"A lot." Cook looked at the several large bookshelves full of books on casting, but casting is called equipment alchemy here, and it is classified in alchemy.

Cook took out a book at random, then looked at the name: "The origin of alchemy."

"Yes, continue to see." Cook is still very curious about the origin of alchemy. Although most people know what alchemy is, it is estimated that there are very few of the origin of alchemy, and Cook does not know it.

Turning over the scroll, Cook looked at it carefully. While watching Cook, Yibin read it out in a low voice: "The origin of alchemy, the origin of alchemy was in ancient times, a group of people who used various materials to merge with each other in an attempt to make gold Behavior, these people gradually discovered some very valuable things in the process of alchemy, such as some alloys and some potions. The subsidiary products of these alchemy are also very valuable. Slowly alchemy has become a profession. The development is very slow. For tens of thousands of years, alchemy has been regarded as a kind of lazy person, or a shortcut for people who get rich overnight, or a group of people who are regarded as liars."

Cook smiled when he saw it: "I was a liar."

Alchemy, it is impossible to say that other things can be transformed, smelted, merged and then turned into gold. In remote ancient times, some liars used this method to deceive people, and some kings were fooled.

Cook continued to watch: "Among this group of people, some people discovered that some accessory items produced in the process of alchemy are actually of high value, so this group of people began to study these accessory items. It is our current founder of alchemy. The profession of alchemy has also officially appeared on the stage of history. Later, people divided alchemy into many categories, but there are mainly two categories. One is alchemy equipment, and the other is It is Alchemy Energy Pharmacy. These two big categories also include..."

After reading this book, Cook realized that alchemy came from this way. Cook put the book in the shelf and began to search for foundry. When Cook found a book on foundry, Cook was so excited. .

"Forging can be said to be the pinnacle of the entire alchemy. It perfectly integrates the alchemy equipment and alchemical energy pharmacy." Cook saw the words at the beginning of the foundry, and Cook was inexplicably excited. Being able to integrate magical pharmacy and magical equipment is simply unprecedented. How can Cook not be excited.

Cook continued to read: "If you want to learn foundry, you must first be proficient in materials science and identify various..."

"Yes, it makes sense." Cook nodded. When learning foundry, he must first grasp the properties of materials, be able to identify various materials, and be proficient in the production of various materials, etc. .

"Forging is the perfect smelting of the attribute energy in the energy potion into the equipment...what." When Cook saw this sentence next, Cook had a bad hunch, afraid that he would be disappointed.

Cook quickly opened the scroll, and then watched it, but Cook just saw it for less than a minute, and Cook threw the scroll of foundry out, and at the same time murmured in an angry voice: "Nima, it's an enchantment. I should have thought of it so mysterious."

Cook is really disappointed. This kind of casting is just an enchantment on the sanctuary side, but there is a special enchanting scroll on the sanctuary side, and the success rate is very high, and here, it uses energy Of course, the success rate of the medicine is very low and very low. When Cook is disappointed, how can he not lose this scroll?

"It's boring." Cook looked at the entire library. It can be said that Cook is very disappointed. In the development of magic civilization, the star realm can be said to be very backward. , It is estimated that he was invaded by the gods **** a long time ago.

But Cook was unwilling to leave like this, so Cook wandered around in the library. Cook was not interested in materials science, energy pharmacy, etc., even though Cook was very interested in the materials of the astral world. , But Cook's own ability is not enough to use these materials to make things like equipment.

"These slates are not slates, they seem to be..." Cook looked at something like slates on a summer vacation, but Cook later discovered that they weren't slates at all, they just looked like slates.

"There is mental power protection." Cook used a trace of spiritual power to penetrate the slate to see what material it was. But when Cook's spiritual power touched the slate, he found that the spiritual power actually had a slippery feeling on the slab. Cook knew that this was a kind of mental protection, just pure protection.

Cook became curious now, and then Cook touched the slate with his hand. Cook was very careful, because Cook didn't know if there would be any other reaction from the slate. Cook's hand still touched the slate.

"It's really not a slate, it feels like metal." Cook stroked it. This feeling was like metal, cold.

Cook took a closer look and found that there was no progress, so Cook looked at the other piece, and Cook stroked it cautiously, and then Cook looked a little strange: "This is actually a warm feeling, like Normally exposed to sunlight."

Now Cook knows that it is not easy. These things that look like slates are not very big, but they are more than ten centimeters in size. Of course, they are aimed at Cook's current body. If Cooke's body was before, then this slate is like a mountain.

"It feels bitterly cold." Then Cook stroked the third slab again, giving Cook the feeling that he was stroking a piece of ice for thousands of years.

"What are these things?" Cook was puzzled. There are not many slates here, only a dozen pieces. The shapes of the three slabs are exactly the same, but they give Cook a completely different feeling.

"This..." Cook stroked the fourth slate, and he was shocked. When he touched this slate, Cook felt that the whole world seemed silent, and he felt like it was in the middle of the night.

Cook felt as if he had caught something, but Cook never caught this point, so Cook stroked the fifth stone slab, which was just touched by Cook's finger, and Cook found a strong breath Just shrouded himself, and then Cook noticed that the surrounding scenery changed.

"I see. These stone slabs also have attributes. The first is gold, the second is light, the third is ice, the fourth is dark, and the fifth is Wood." Cook looked at the surrounding forest, but Cook was very excited.

"Finally waiting for a wooden one, haha, I can finally go out." A voice rang in the air, but it felt weird to Cook.

Why, the surrounding forests are like low shrubs to Cook. Looking at these shrubs, Cook knows all of them. The one that is about the same height as Cook’s knee is an ancient war tree, and relying on Cook’s knowledge I know that this is at least a 100,000-year old golden war tree. The golden war tree is the longest-lived war tree. It is said that it can survive for hundreds of thousands of years, and of course it is very powerful.

And not far away, there is an ancient tree like a pagoda. This ancient tree has been extinct in the sanctuary. This is an ancient fortress tree, which means that such a tree can serve as a fortress. In ancient times, something that the elven empire had.

As for the source of that sound, Cook saw that in a distant place, there was an ancient tree that was as tall as Cook’s waist. This was the largest tree of life that Cook had ever seen, and the sound came from this tree of life. Yes, in this tree, Cook saw many other buildings, and flea-like creatures were rushing here from a distance.

"Hehe." Cook smiled, then the huge body disappeared instantly, and Cook's body instantly restored.

"It turns out to be a space, it looks like it is the realm of an ancient god." Cook secretly guessed that now the environment around Cook has undergone tremendous changes. The surroundings are all endless forests, and there is no light around them. No, they are all blocked by a huge forest.

"That's bad." Cook secretly said awful, and then his body quickly moved towards the largest ancient tree, not because of other reasons, because where Cook was standing just now, the two basins are the same huge deal, if those elves, yes Yes, the fleas in Cook's eyes just now are all elves.

"Stop." Cook heard a cold shout just as he dashed forward for dozens of kilometers.

Cook stopped obediently. Just now Cook rushed here to prevent these people from seeing the two huge footprints. Cook wanted to see what good things this ancient god’s realm had, and it was of wood. As for why Cook wants to be smaller.

Cough cough, it is very difficult for a person to catch a flea, but it is much easier for a person to catch a pig or a chicken. Of course, Cook is also afraid of the ancient gods. Means, if he ran away directly, wouldn't Cook suffer a big loss.

"Who are you guys~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Cook heard that the elves said the ancient elves, and Cook also asked loudly in the ancient elves.

"Stop, don't move, otherwise, you'll be dead." An elf in the distance raised his bow and arrow and shouted to Cook.

Cook had actually seen this elf a long time ago, that is to say, Cook was discovered by the elf on purpose, and Cook immediately looked angry: "Who are you, where is this."

"We are the elf guards here, you do it yourself..." the elf shouted to Cook. The elf absolutely didn't know who Cook asked him. This was just a cover. Cook had already said that the ancient elf Language, but I need to ask, the second question, where is this, is the key.

"Bring that outsider here." At this moment, a voice rang in the forest.

"Yes, Your Majesty." Hearing this voice, Cook's face was a little weird, and the elf opposite Cook immediately agreed. Mobile users please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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