A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 113: Impersonation

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"Huh, there are people who want to take care of the internal affairs of our Sun Tribe." The chief of the Sun Tribe said coldly while watching Mocha and Risso.

"Also, Mr. Locke himself is a distinguished guest of our Qingshan tribe, but these two villains are trying to force me to let Mr. Locke come out to testify against Chief Aliba. The weapons made by Mr. Locke are very important to our giants. I disagree. These two villains hurt their killers behind their backs and poisoned me. I seriously suspect that these two are traitors of the giant clan."

"Shut up." Hearing this, the old man gave Lisso and Mocha a cold look, then shouted.

The old man was holding Lean’s weapon, which was a single-edged sword that could release fireballs. Seeing the old man’s concentration, Lean whispered, “This elder, this single-edged sword can also release flames. ."

"Oh." The old man said oh.

"You always press a bump on your handle, yes, it's there." Lean continued.

"Boom." Sure enough, a fireball shot from the single-edged sword.

"This." The surrounding elders were stunned, what kind of weapon this was.

"This is a hand crossbow, which was caused by this weapon just now." Lien then picked up Zack's hand crossbow and said.

"The power is not small." The old man said with a smile.

"Tell me, what kind of person Locke is and why he came to our giant tribe." The old man glanced at Lien and asked.

Lean started saying that when Keshu became Locke's guard, of course Lean only said it if he knew it, and he wouldn't say it if he didn't know it, and there was no way to say it. This was more than two hours.

"It seems that Locke is still a celebrity." After listening, the old man sighed.

"I don't think such a person can be a spy. The price paid by the Sage Association would be too great, but it is Aliba, so please check it carefully." Another middle-aged giant said.

"Check it out then." The old man made a decision with a wave of his hand.

When Cook walked into the land of inheritance and saw hundreds of towers, Cook was very excited: "Wizard Tower, Witch Tower."

"Let's go, the elders wait." A giant behind Cook urged.

Cook looked at the wizard towers around him, and he was shocked when he was excited. The profession of wizards was legendary, and there are very few records. Cook himself has acquired the inheritance of wizards, but it is only the inheritance of nurturing and taming poisonous insects. In Sanctuary Cook has not heard a trace of wizards at all. Cook thought that there are very few people in the profession of wizards, but now it seems that the profession of wizards has been carried forward in the star realm. Among other things, this is the wizard tower. It is enough to prove that wizards have been famous in this world.

"Yes, what wizards pay attention to is their own power. Sages, giants, and real people are all like this. These people treat energy as tools, not as instincts, and wizards don’t pay attention to the body, but instead pay attention to it. Energy, can it be said that the Bekalin period is the wizarding period." Cook's eyes lit up and he boldly guessed.

In a short while, Cook saw all kinds of giants wearing feathers. When Cook saw the colors of these feathers, he was shocked, because in the few records Cook got about wizards, this feather headdress represented It has a high status, among which the wearer of colored feathers is the highest grade and the white is the lowest.

"You are Locke." The old man wearing colorful feathers asked Cook.

Cook looked at the colorful feathers on the old man's head, and his heart moved. Didn't he want to reach out to the star world? Isn't it the best opportunity now? Cook immediately said, "I have seen the elder Wucai."

"Uh." The old man looked at Cook in astonishment, knowing that there are multicolored and colorful headdresses, which most people don't even know.

"You know Wucai." The old man asked after being shocked.

"Hehe, I got the inheritance." Cook smiled, and then a golden bug appeared in his hand.

"Wow." I didn't know that Cook had just taken out the bug, and Wucai elder flew back in shock.

The worm in Cook's hands is only the size of a grain of rice. From the perspective of Sanctuary, it is only more than one meter long. What kind of worm is this? Haha, this is the worm that Cook got in the magic crystal vein. This worm is in the library. I don’t know how many elemental fruits are eaten in Ke’s natural ring. The long flesh is rolling, and there is no evil at all, and it is very docile. The reason why Cook took out this is just to show it, I don’t know this. The elders are like seeing the undead.

"The insect of death, there are still such insects alive." Wucai elder looked at the insect in Cook's hand and exclaimed.

"Um, I domesticated this." Cook quickly picked up the crystal worm. Obviously, this little thing was called the insect of death, and it must be a pest.

"Locke, please." When Wucai elder saw that the bug in Cook's hand was gone, he had just performed the etiquette of a wizard.

Cook also gave the courtesy of a wizard: "Thank you, I finally found someone like me."

Cook was brought into a tall, thirteen-story wizard tower by the colorful elders. Cook didn’t care about such a wizard tower. The thirteen-story wizard tower was a comprehensive wizard tower without any inheritance. , Cook knows this.

"Elder, what does the death bug mean?" Cook asked suspiciously.

"Rock, do you know how the Bekalin era perished." Wucai elder asked.

Cook shook his head and said to his heart, I know from there, the elder Wucai said: "In the Bekalin period, huge metal warships flew in the sky, and huge metal fortresses on the ground. People in the Bekalin period conquered Countless outlands and races became the vassal races of the Bekalin period, including our giants, but the disaster has come. The Bekalin period uses energy weapons, like your kind of insects, pervasive, metal warships have no energy , Disappearing into the vast starry sky, the metal fortress has no energy, and slowly became a pile of dust under the scouring of time, but the top powerhouses began to build the largest battleship that can conquer the starry sky, and then countless powerhouses boarded Battleship, looking for a new place to multiply, our giants are responsible for guarding this place of inheritance."

"Ah, this bug is so powerful." Cook was shocked.

"Death bugs are immune to energy attacks." Wucai Elder looked at Cook, and then said something that shocked Cook very much.

"And the death worm is very small. It can be said that you are very rare. It was not found at the beginning. When it was discovered, it was too late. The death worm ignored the energy shield of the battleship and ignored the energy attack. Little, so..." Wucai elder said this, sighing.

Cook was really shocked. A civilization was ruined in this way. But what Elder Wucai said, Cook thought it was true. Why? The crystal worm is so small that it is so small that the starry sky giant is almost invisible to the naked eye. The civilization of the Lin period developed energy to the extreme. All attacks and defenses are energy, and the crystal worm is immune to energy attacks. What are you waiting for if the Bekalin civilization does not decline?

"Well, since Mr. Locke has obtained the inheritance, then we are no outsiders. Mr. Locke, what is your purpose for coming to our giants?" Wucai elder asked.

Cook smiled, and his body instantly became half smaller. The giants around were shocked. Cook is now as tall as a halfling. Cook said, "I'm actually a halfling. Just now I was transformed. For the inheritance of art, my purpose is to unite all forces and overthrow the rule of those real people."

"Transfiguration." The surrounding elders exclaimed, watching Cook's body recover again.

"Then Aliba's matter." An elder asked.

"I just suspect that Aliba feels like a sage. I think this is extremely dangerous." Cook said.

Wucai elder smiled and said, "It's not that serious, it's just some thoughts."

"Wrong, elder, this kind of thinking is not allowed. The Sage Association drove our giants to this desolate place, occupying the most fertile plains and occupying cities. The descendants of our giants must remember this. They are sages. The association has robbed us of the giants. We should have hatred of the giants and should not have envy. Once our children and grandchildren envy the life of the sages, then one day, we will become vassals of the sages association." Said the voice.

"Ahem, Mr. Locke, and the old guy in our heritage land, what are the vassals..." An elder questioned Cook's statement.

"Then except for you, the other giants all went to work in the Sage Association, and then didn't come back. What can you do?" Cook asked indifferently.

"It's impossible." Wucai elder denied.

"Hehe, Aliba can work for the Sage Association for another 30 years, not to mention other giants. I think a large number of giants already want to work in the Sage Association. If nothing else, just like the Qingshan tribe, the chiefs actually go. Working for the Association of Sages, doesn’t this mean enough ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ What is left of the giants in one hundred, two hundred, or even three hundred years." Cook retorted with a smile.

The elder Wucai's face became solemn, and he let out a long sigh for a while, "This is something that can't be helped."

"I can teach talented young people to cast." Cook looked at the elder Wucai and said word by word.

"What." The surrounding elders were all taken aback and looked at Cook.

"I can teach talented young giants to forge." Cook said.

"This is impossible. Our giants have no talent for casting." Wucai elder said, shaking his head.

"Hehe, there are many kinds of casting, don't try it." Cook said with a smile.

The rest of the elders were breathing quickly. Wucai elder stared at Cook firmly and asked, "What do you want."

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