A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 115: Untitled "2"

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"It's here." The elder brought Cook to a place.

Cook looked at the scenery in front of him and was stunned. There is no sun at all in the sky here, but the whole space is bright. Cook guessed at the beginning that this was another independent space that was opened up, but Cook saw Looking at the starry sky in front of him, Cook knew that he was wrong, it was simply space.

"It's beautiful." The elder said with a smile. In fact, every giant who saw this sight would be as surprised as Cook.

In front of Cook is the endless starry sky, and Cook's whole person is like standing on top of a meteorite floating in the starry sky, which is extremely shocking.

"It's amazing." Cook dare not go out of space easily now. Why, because this is the star realm, not the sanctuary. The laws here are countless times stronger than the sanctuary. If nothing else, gravity is higher than the sanctuary. Several times, in contrast, the danger in the starry sky doubles proportionally.

"No." But then Cook felt something was wrong.

Why, because Cook feels that there are obvious spatial fluctuations here, which is wrong. When the space is not teleported or there is a strong force to break through the space, there will be no spatial fluctuations, just like calm water. Withstand external forces, there will be no fluctuations at all.

This is also one of the reasons why it is difficult for space magicians to advance. Space elements are very rare. It can be said that they almost don’t exist. Only in places where space is unstable, or in some special places, there will be space elements, but The danger in these places is great.

Cook felt something was wrong, but he wouldn't say it. Cook looked at the starry sky in this area carefully, and Cook's face changed.

"Is this space damaged?" A bold idea appeared in Cook's mind.

Is there any possibility of damage to the space created independently? Of course, there is, for example, an independent space in the space ring, which is equivalent to a space separated by a bubble, or a balloon. Of course, where this independent space is, it must not be And you know, because the opening of the space is random, the link between this independent space and the user is connected by two points, like a straight line, no one knows where the other end of the straight line is.

Once the space is damaged, it is equivalent to the disappearance of the bubbles that envelop the space, and then this independent space will merge into the space, because the space will not appear out of thin air, it just divides a piece of space, and then separates this space to form its own It's just a small independent space.

All space created by space magic is based on this principle, so Cook saw the starry sky in this area and perceives the fluctuations in space. Cook's bold guess is that the space where the wizard tower is located has been damaged and merged with the large space outside. Are together.

The probability of this happening is very low, because once the independent space merges with the external space, everything in the independent space will be directly shaken into powder by the spatial shock. As for the preservation of good condition, the probability is really too low, of course not There is no such possibility, just not found.

"That's not right, this space is not damaged. We can't enter if it's damaged." But then Cook became more confused.

Cook looked at this area in front of him, lost in thought, but in the eyes of the elders of the giant clan, Cook was stunned, and the elder waited with a smile.

"No, it's an illusion." After closing his eyes, Cook felt spatial fluctuations, and the spatial fluctuations are regular. In the past, Cook may only feel spatial fluctuations, but now Cook understands some of the laws of space. So it can capture the subtle fluctuations of space elements.

After closing his eyes, Cook's mental power perceives a scene like a huge black hole. Some space elements are emitted from this black hole. This situation Cook knows, which proves that this place is a space node. .

Space node, this is a professional name and a generalized name. The teleportation array is also a space node, and the space wormhole is also a space node. The teleportation array is a single node, and the wormhole may be an infinite number of nodes overlapping.

"So where does this lead?" Cook wondered.

"Mr. Locke..." the elder shouted to Cook, the giant elder also found something wrong, Cook didn't look shocked.

"Elder." Cook recovered.

"Mr. Locke, let's go." The elder breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Cook finally answering himself. Locke is a distinguished guest.

Cook let go of the doubts in his mind. After this place can be checked, as long as he has established a close relationship with the giants, then why can't he find out what is inside, and what is worth covering up with illusions.

When Cook returned to the thirteenth-story Wizard Tower, Wucai Elder and others had already negotiated. Wucai Elder looked at Locke and asked with a smile, "How is it, how are we here."

"Very good." Cook's answer is natural. Cook is not very clear about the internal structure of the wizard's tower, but the age of the wizard is extremely rich in resources, so in other words, what was built at that time, let alone other materials, well.

"Mr. Locke, I have a suggestion. We interrupt the use of a tower of heritage to pay you." Wucai elder said.

"Um." Cook looked at Wucai Elder in astonishment.

Wucai Elder saw Cook’s expression and immediately said: "Mr. Locke, our giants are also very poor. Materials and everything are suppressed by the gangsters of the Sage Association. The price of various necessary items is even higher than that of the Sage Association. The internal price is dozens of times higher, and our giants don’t have a lot of inventory, plus we need to reserve some, and we have to prepare for the casting apprentices to use, so..."

Seeing Wucai elder complaining, Cook whispered: "But this tower of heritage is of no use to me."

"Useful, useful, don’t underestimate this tower of inheritance. It contains not only the various items left by the strong men in Bekalin’s period, but also scrolls. There is also a huge space inside, just like my tower of inheritance. There is an area of ​​half the size of a city, and you can do whatever you want in it." Wucai elder said quickly, and Wucai elder did not say a word, that is, there are things, but you have to get approval first, otherwise It’s just a look.

"What if I can't get the inheritance." Cook asked suspiciously afterwards.

"We still have two hundred and thirty towers of inheritance left here. Mr. You can choose one." Wucai Elder stared at Cook and replied, ‘

Cook can’t wait to agree right away, but what Cook is, that’s a profiteer, and it’s a **** who is cheap. Cook touched his nose and sighed: "Hey, who makes you giants poor, but I’m a I like some things from the Bekalin period very much. I wonder if there is anything weird about Wucai Elder."

"Yes, yes, we can search for Mr. Locke for you." When the Wucai elder heard Cook say this, he couldn't wait to laugh, the ancient monsters of the Bekalin period, that's too much, and there are some places in the mountain. These are all kinds of weird items, as long as you want, just find someone to get it.

"Well then, just use a tower of heritage." Cook nodded and agreed.

"Well, Locke, please come with us, let's take a look at your salary, Mr." First, Wucai elders saw Cook agreed and said immediately, for fear that Cook would regret it.

The rest of the elders are also very excited. This Nima, this tower of inheritance is also idle, and it is a very smart idea to activate public assets.

More than two hundred and thirty sitting on the Tower of Inheritance, Cook looked more carefully this time, and the surrounding elders stopped talking. At this time, Cook was left to choose.

"This won't work." Cook looked at some wizard towers.

"Sir, this is already a hundred." Wucai elder reminded.

"No way, I don't have any feelings for these wizard towers." Cook said the truth. Of course, Cook felt that he was looking for the most suitable one, because Cook estimated that the wizard tower and the wizard tower are the same. There are things related to each wizard tower owner, and the so-called inheritance is the knowledge left by these wizards.

Of course, what the Wucai elders and others did not discover was that Cook would carefully check a rune on the gate of the Inheritance Tower every time, and this rune represents the identity of the master.

Strictly speaking, the structure of the wizard tower is not based on the height of the wizard tower, but depends on the construction materials and the wizard itself. In other words, the nine-story building is not necessarily better than the five-story building. The number of layers cannot be higher.

"Transformed wizard." Cook looked at the wizard tower, which was only three stories high. The wizard text on the entrance of the wizard tower indicated that it was a wizard tower of a deformed wizard.

There are many classes of wizards, such as beast-taming wizards, plant-cultivating wizards, poisonous wizards, summoning wizards, star wizards, burst wizards, puppet wizards and so on. However, the name of the wizard class tells you what a wizard does. Magician, what kind of magician, great magician, magician, etc., are just general occupations, and I don't know what this magician is proficient at.

"Elder, I'll choose this one." Cook was very interested in the transformation wizard and said.

The elder Wucai looked at the low three-story tower, and the elders around them also had strange expressions~www.wuxiaspot.com~Cook saw such an expression and asked, "Isn't it possible."

"No, Mr. Locke, you are our most honored guest. Even if we give you the three-story tower, as for the reward, you can choose another one." The guilt in the Wucai elder's heart, these three-story towers are in the whole A place of inheritance is not a tower. Even if such a tower of inheritance is inherited, it is of no use.

As for why Wucai Elder asked Cook to choose another one, it is because Wucai Elder is afraid that Cook will be dissatisfied in the future, so how can we expect Cook to train a foundry.

"Choose one more, this, it's not good." Cook said it was not good, but the elders around him knew that Cook was excited, and he was polite.

"It's okay, continue to choose." What Wucai elder wants is this effect. As long as Cook likes it, everything is easy to handle. What is the Tower of Inheritance? It is something of the public, and anyway, there is nothing left. In exchange for some benefits.

"Thank you, thank you." Cook was so excited, Nima still has such a good thing, choose, continue to choose.

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