A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 118: I like things that I don’t understand

The giant wolf shook his head and said: "I don't know. I just heard from the previous master that building a model is the first step to becoming a wizard."

Cook was a little depressed, but then Cook was relieved again. Although this giant wolf was able to speak, it was not a human being after all, and the way he practiced was different from that of a wizard. After Cook wanted to understand it, he even felt that what he had just asked was a bit ridiculous.

Cook shook his head. He became more curious about the profession of wizarding. Yes, it was just curious. Cook found that this transformation technique was somewhat similar to the seventy-two transformations in myths and legends. Cook also knew that this was the power of blood, but How does the wizard solve the problem of blood impulse.

Just like Ku overcomes the use of the dragon’s power potion, it can gain a significant increase in strength, but once the blood of the dragon overwhelms the blood of the human, then Cook will become a half-dragon, half-human monster, not a human, also Not a dragon.

Not only the blood of the dragon, but also other blood will conflict with the blood of humans. Therefore, the blood of monsters is rarely used in medicine, because the blood of monsters will also burst with human blood impulses, and a small amount has nothing to do. But once the amount is exceeded, the consequences are very serious.

The training result of the transformation wizard has overturned Cook’s cognition, because the transformation wizard can become real other creatures, which is impossible for the current magical civilization, and after the transformation, the transformation wizard, It can also be restored to humans, which is a problem that cannot be explained by the current magic civilization.

"Modeling." When Cook heard such a word from the giant wolf's mouth, Cook always felt that something was wrong there, but Cook thought about it carefully and didn't find it, so Cook only kept thinking about it.

"Master, I feel that there are a lot of wizard supplies over there, maybe the master can get useful things." The giant wolf said at this moment.

Cook took a surprised look at the giant wolf. The IQ of the giant wolf is too high. Cook asked suspiciously: "You really are a giant wolf."

"I am a silver wolf, not a giant wolf, and the smartest silver wolf king among the silver wolves." The silver wolf squinted and gave Cook a feeling of narcissism.

When Cook heard this, he curled his mouth in disdain, and then moved forward in the direction that Silver Wolf said. Silver Wolf followed Cook with a pair of red eyes looking around. As for the gate of the Tower of Inheritance, Cook has been granted permission, so just after Cook walked out the gate, the gate closed automatically.

"This is." Cook looked at the place like a bazaar, but it was actually a flat place with a lot of things on the ground, strange, and there were quite a few people here.

"Mr. Locke, you are here, you see if I have something you like." A giant looked up and saw Cook, ran over quickly, and asked Cook.

"Let me see, what's in here." Cook asked.

"Hehe, we are all giants who have obtained the inheritance of the prophet. We exchange some things we need here. This is the only place where you can exchange things in the entire inheritance place. Most of the things here are in the towers of each inheritance. Some of the things are useless for us, but useful for others." The giant quickly said a big deal with Balabala.

Cook understood. Cook saw that some giants had crystal nuclei placed there, and he asked, "There is also a crystal nucleus transaction."

"Of course, the crystal nucleus here occupies 90% of the transaction value of the entire giant race, because we consume the largest number of crystal nuclei here, and all kinds of inheritance are inseparable from the crystal nucleus." The giant replied.

Cook looked at these crystal nuclei and asked: "Do you trade here in energy units."

"No, it is traded according to energy units, it is the same level, and the same quality can be traded according to energy units, but each level is different, so the conversion is different, just like the ten units of crystal nuclei of the sixth level, you can exchange five One hundred to one hundred and fifty energy units of order, the converted magnification is almost ten to fifteen times." The giant shook his head and said.

Then the giant explained: "This is not necessarily true. High-level energy crystal nuclei are generally not traded for energy crystal nuclei of other levels. They are only used to exchange rare items. The pets behind Mr. look pretty good." After the giant finished speaking, he admired the follower behind Cook.

Cook laughed. That's the personality of a giant. In fact, in the eyes of these giants, the giant wolf behind Cook is a dish, very dish. It's just that the giant flattered Cook that way, and can make the giant flatter, Ku How could Ke be unhappy.

"I'll look at your things." Cook bent over to check the various things placed by the giant.

I have to say that there is good order here. Cook saw other giants around him looking at him, but no one came to grab business.

"Hey, your jar is very peculiar." The first thing Cook saw was an unknown metal cast jar, but the jar was covered with various strange patterns, mainly because a group of people didn’t know whether they were drinking or drinking. Water pattern.

"Yes, there can be a lot of water in it." The giant hurriedly took out a crystal core, embedded it somewhere in the handle of the jar, then pressed a place with his finger, and then said to Cook.

"Hehe, I can't stop it." Cook shook his head. The text on this clearly showed that this is not just a space item.

"Mister sees that there are other functions." The giant asked in surprise.

Cook replied with a smile: "Of course, I have also inherited it. The water in this jar can not only be heated, but also cold."

"Heat up and get cold, what's the use?" After hearing Cook's words, the giant asked in a puzzled manner.

"Hey..." Cook wanted to explain something, but he only sighed. Obviously, this jar was a very compelling thing in the wizarding age. It was only used by the so-called nobility and privileged class. Of course, these functions are for giants. , That is scum.

Cook continued to watch. Most of the giant’s booth was filled with pots. Obviously, the giant’s inheritance was the inheritance of some kind of casting equipment wizard, but apparently the giant had little or no inheritance. What kind of inheritance is obtained, because according to the giant's urine nature, directly through the window, you will get some garbage-like things at most.

"Sir, do you need these things?" The giant asked nervously when he saw Cook did not speak.

"There is nothing I need." Cook stood up.

"Sir, sir, can't these things be used as materials for casting weapons." The giant asked anxiously when he heard this.

Cook was taken aback, and then asked: "What did you say."

"Sir, can't these metal cans be used as materials for casting weapons?" The giant's voice was much lower, and he asked weakly, while looking at Cook expectantly.

Cook was stunned. Nima is simply a prodigal. Most of these cans have special properties, such as space-based, frozen-based, and can be automatically stirred, etc. They are actually used as materials. , What is this, this is simply a prodigal.

"Of course it can, but these things have to be decomposed into materials, and there are a lot of crystal nuclei that need to be consumed." Where can Cook let go of the prodigal, shook his head and replied.

"Sir, I will give you these things. I want to forge a weapon. As for Mr. Crystal Core, don't worry, as long as it is not too much, I can still bear it." The giant heard Cook's words and hurriedly Pushing the jar and everything in front of Cook, he said.

"This is something that can hold a lot of water, don't the tribe don't need it." Cook asked, pointing to several spatially attributed jars.

"No, there is no shortage of water in the place where our giants live, and this jar also consumes crystal cores, there is no need for that tribe at all." The giant shook his head and said.

"Okay, I'll break it down for you, wait a minute, I'll go to see elsewhere, and then take it into my tower of heritage." Hearing the giant's words, Cook was silent for a while, then Speak.

The giant burst into laughter when he heard Cook say this: "Okay, okay, I'm waiting for you, Mr. I don't know what kind of things Mr. needs, I can show him the way."

"I..." Cook said while turning around, but as soon as he turned around, Cook saw dozens of giants behind him all looking at him.

"Mr. Locke, I have the most goods over there. They are all strange things."

"Mr. Locke, I also have a lot of jars over there."

"Mr. Rock~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I would also like to ask you to forge a weapon."

These dozens of giants talked verbally, and some of them were holding things in their hands. These giants had to be anxious. The jars that Cook just collected were all rubbish. What Cook didn’t know was, These giants usually do not set up stalls. They only set up when outsiders come in. Recently, the Prophet Conference will be held. Chiefs, prophets, and warriors of various tribes will come, so this garbage A lot of crystal nuclei can be exchanged. Knowing other prophets, the chief has not come yet, but Cook has come.

"Okay, okay, I'll look at them one by one, one by one, but I like words, and I like to study words of other races." Cook saw dozens of giants squeezing around. He immediately said loudly, of course, Cook also said his purpose, of course it is general.

"Ah." Hearing Cook's words, dozens of giants scattered in a rush. Watching these giants no longer even had their stalls, Cook was puzzled.

"Mr. Locke, I have a lot of text, patterns, and various strange patterns. Sir, please go over and take a look. After you finish reading, others should have brought their things." One of the giants walked up to Cook with a smile and invited Cook

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