A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 120: Arnold's equipment

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Cook stayed at home for two days and was busy making the equipment to be traded. Of course, Cook would not take it out all at once, and Cook would keep taking it out because the speed of this casting is simply appalling. .

But what I have to say is that during Cook’s busy time, the Prophet Conference also kicked off in the place of inheritance. Of course, Cook also knows the Prophet Conference. It can be said that this is the grand gathering of the entire giant family. On this day, from The chiefs, prophets, and hundreds of warriors of the tribes of the giants will come to the place of inheritance and gather.

The main content of the rally is the struggle of the prophets. Yes, the prophets are actually the last giants in the land of inheritance. There will be a competition in five years, and the last ranked will go out of the land of inheritance and serve as prophets in various tribes.

In addition, the various tribes will also take this opportunity to compete. The result of the competition is related to the distribution of the realm. Of course, there are also some conflicts that are usually accumulated, which will also be resolved here. For Cook, what he values ​​is this transaction. For a month, the good things of the various tribes in the land of inheritance will be taken out at this time, and then they will trade the things their tribe needs.

"Sir." The two giant guards are very respectful to Cook, and now Cook's reputation in the land of inheritance has been completely increased.

"Haha, you are not going to participate in the trade." Cook asked with a smile while looking at the two giants.

"Our task is to follow you, sir." Da Xi'ar replied respectfully.

Cook smiled slightly, and then said: "Let's go, let's go and see what good things are."

Krul and Dashial immediately followed Cooke. As for the White Wolf, of course, it was inevitable, so the two giants were a little bit apart from Cooke.

"Rock, good morning." A giant saw Cook from a long distance and greeted him quickly.

"Arnold, good morning." Cook looked at the giant and was very happy. Every time Cook came out to breathe, he would meet Arnold. Arnold was the first giant to trade books with Cook. Of course Cook Knowing that this man must be waiting for himself, so Cook also smiled and said.

"Rock, ready to go there." Arnold asked eagerly.

"Go to the trading floor and see if there are any good things." Cook said. Of course Cook knew what Arnold was thinking, but Cook didn't take the initiative to mention it, so he made this Arnold anxious for a while.

"Hehe, that is, this transaction has attracted tens of thousands of people." Arnold opened his mouth and smiled, with a strange expression. In fact, Arnold wanted to ask Cook, if you go out and hang out, the things you promised will be done. Did it happen, but Arnold didn't dare to ask, for fear of offending Cook.

Cook saw the tangled look of Arnold, he was happy, and then he laughed: "Haha, Arnold, you are so funny like this, you can just ask about equipment."

"No, no." Arnold waved his hand quickly.

"No, that means I don't want to equip it now." Cook teased this Arnold deliberately and asked with a smile.

"No...not...not not, but not now, no..." Arnold replied eagerly, but he didn't know what to do.

Cook laughed, and two pieces of equipment appeared out of thin air, a pair of cyan boots, and a two-handed big sword. It is said that the two-handed big sword is most suitable for the giants. The huge power gives the big sword more powerful attack power and has big hands. Swords are the strongest equipment for frontal combat, not one of them.

"Here, this is my equipment." Arnold looked at the boots that appeared in surprise, as well as the two-handed sword with shiny metallic luster.

"Yes, these boots are made of the skin of the four-winged scaly monsters. They are very strong. The toes are wrapped with superb magic metal. They can kick anything. They have barbs on the heels. They are also an excellent weapon. And there are exquisite patterns on the entire boot. These patterns are made of the best magic metal, and this boot also has an attribute, that is, the gravity is reduced by 10%. The same power can make you run faster and jump. Even higher, coupled with this sharp two-handed sword, the combat effectiveness is doubled." Cook explained roughly the refined boots and the two-handed sword.

The difficulty of refining the two-handed sword is relatively higher, because the two-handed sword is a heavy weapon, and it is also very sharp, so the structure of the big sword has a certain proportion, and any modification will be inappropriate.

"It's so exquisite, I can't bear to wear it." Arnold stroked the beautifully decorated boots. The boots were shiny, and the cyan leather with silver decorations gave a sense of tallness. The giants are not without boots. But those boots are all sewn with thick stitches.

The front of the boot is surrounded by golden metal rounded corners, giving a refreshing feeling, and a downward barb behind the heel shines with an inexplicable cold light. The bottom of the boot is also that kind of metal, and there is also non-slip metal. Stabbing, you can imagine the consequences of being kicked by this kind of boots.

The height of the two-handed sword is comparable to the height of a giant. The entire body of the sword is made of metal. The weight of the sword is amazing. The sword is different from boots. It felt dangerous to Arnold, like a poisonous snake lurking in the grass.

"How about it, try it." Cook said.

Cruel was jealous. Hearing Cooke say so, he said anxiously: "Arnold, try it, try it."

"Then give it a try." Arnold was already heartbroken. Hearing Cook and Krul say this, he acted immediately.

Arnold took off the boots on his feet first, then used the water tank he carried with him to get some water to wash his feet first, and then wrapped a piece of clean animal skin. The Star Realm does not have socks, and he wears these boots. Wrapped in a layer of fur, of course it is very thin, and can be used as socks or insoles.

"Bang." Arnold experimented with a jump first, but Arnold fell directly to the ground because of the reduction in gravity that made Arnold jump up and lose his balance in the air.

"Arnold, don't get hurt by your own weapon, that's a joke." Cook was speechless, and the two-handed sword almost hit Arnold himself. Cook couldn't help but joked.

Arnold was ashamed when he heard Cook say this. Arnold first experimented with a step, and the result was almost unsteady. Because Arnold's step felt like a normal distance, but the anti-gravity magic pattern on the boots, so Arnold's feet were straight. Stepping over, just like when we are striding, the calculation strength is originally in that place, and the result is exceeded, then the result is basically a fall, even if you don’t fall, you will lose your balance.

"Arnold, if you don't fit these boots, you can transfer them to me." Kruel said to Arnold very seriously while seeing this situation.

Arnold gave Cruel angrily: "Cruel, these boots are mine, even if they are not suitable, they are mine."

"Don't do that, Arnold." Kruel continued with a smile.

Arnold said quickly: "I won't transfer Da, Kruul, don't talk over there."

Cruel was speechless, and Cook was snickering. These boots were not suitable for anyone to put on just now, except for Cook.

"Hi." After Arnold adapted to the small steps, the two-handed sword was constantly dancing in his hand. The giant used the two-handed sword to make three moves, sweeping, jumping up and slashing, and shooting. I have to say that the two-handed sword's moves are inherently simple, but the simpler the moves, the more powerful they are. As long as the dead encounter the giant's sword, they will not die and suffer serious injuries. This is the effect of heavy weapons.

"Boom." The two-handed sword slashed a piece of wood fiercely, and the cut end of the wood flew out directly to the two of them, and fell on the ground with a boom.

"Great, Locke, this equipment is simply too suitable for me." Arnold stroked his two-handed sword with excitement. The sword was still the same, without any traces, and the thick black iron wood was cut directly. Broken, it can be seen that the sharpness of this big sword is very sharp.

"Well, Arnold, I'm going to the trading floor." Cook shrugged when he saw Arnold's excitement.

"Go, I'll take you there, everyone here basically knows it." Arnold excitedly followed Cook next to him, holding a two-handed sword while he said.

"There are tens of thousands of people, you know all of them." Cook didn't believe it.

"That is, there are more than 500 tribes in the entire giant clan. Although they don't know all of them, they are almost the same." Anuo said.

"No, there are more than 500 tribes, more than 10,000 people." Cook asked in confusion.

Arnold said with a smile: "Not every tribe will bring warriors here. Some tribes only have hundreds of people. The territory is enough to use, there is no need to fight for territory. No, some large tribes do not. Many, after all, the people selected from the big tribe are all masters."

Cook understood. When Cook came to the trading floor, he saw giants everywhere, and Cook even saw pet-like creatures.

"There is also a pet deal here." Cook's eyes lit up, and he was about to find the first creature of Transfiguration~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Then I knew there were pets here.

"No, they are all combat mounts, but they are basically cubs. After you buy Locke, I can help you domesticate them. These cubs are very wild." Arnold shook his head and said.

Cook heard what Arnold said, so he asked: "Is there any flying creatures here? They may not be very powerful, but they need to fly high and fast."

"It’s not that there’s no flying mounts, but it’s costly to raise a flying mount... Hehe, Locke, you don’t lack. There are also several flying creatures mentioned by Locke, all of which communicate with each other between tribes, but those Little things don’t have any combat power, they just fly fast and fly high.” Arnold explained when he heard Cook’s words, but then he thought of the city that Cook had, he smiled, and then made a response to Cook’s needs. Answered.

"Okay, just look at the delivery." Cook's eyes lit up. Of course, Cook also wants to have combat flying creatures, but Cook's current physical fitness can't deform those powerful creatures at all, and Arnold said there is no combat power. That's great, after all, it's just the first form of Transfiguration, and there will be other forms in the future.

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