A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 124: Ready to model "on"

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When Cook heard what the white wolf said, he remembered that the bunch of guys he brought back had not been fed yet. Cook patted his head and looked at the white wolf: "White wolf, are you hungry too."

"That's for sure." When the white wolf heard Cook's question, his tail was constantly flicking, with a smile.

Cook came to the lower level of the Wizard Tower, and the two giants of Kruel were waiting for Cook's instructions. As soon as Cook came down, Kruel greeted respectfully: "Sir."

"Cruel, can you help me find some food, that is, food to feed the little things I brought back." Cook told Cruel.

"No problem, sir, there is a place for food in the heritage site." Kruel said quickly when he heard Cook's words, and went out immediately after speaking.

For Cruel, what Cook ordered must be done well. If Cook is comfortable serving him, maybe he can still get a weapon. Cook's generous Cruel has seen it.

Cook said to the white wolf: "You just wait here, and be optimistic about the little guy I brought back."

"Understood, Master." After hearing Cook's instructions, the White Wolf waited for Cruel to return on the first floor.

As for where the other giant went, Cook didn’t care. Cook picked up the cage with the angel and came to the third floor. The angel didn’t seem to see Cook existed. Cook looked at the angel’s spirit. Faint, Cook couldn't help but become interested. This is how the angel came here. You must know that the giant’s territory has never heard of anyone coming from the God Realm. The most is that there are more in the city of Hope. Of course, more than a dozen angels have been discovered.

"Hey, how did you come here." Cook looked at the angel. It was hard to imagine that the angel who was high above the sanctuary was now locked in a cage with a pitiful appearance. Cook smiled in his heart and used The angel asked.

"Uh." When the angel heard Cook's angel language, he was surprised and looked at Cook.

"Hey, accident." Cook saw the angel look surprised and couldn't help but smile, let's see, don't you angels be very tall, right now.

"Who are you and why do you speak the language of angels." The angel looked at Cook and asked loudly, but this loud voice was limited.

"I asked how you came here, tusk, the angels have failed so much in this star realm, tusk." What is slapped face, this is called slapped face.

"You also came from the God Realm, it's impossible, your size..." The angel was also confused, the Star Realm, only people from the God Realm would call this world that way.

"I'm asking you something, and I'll tell you, if you don't answer well, I have a way to clean up you." Cook pointed at the angel with a finger, and the angel removed the wings, just the size of Cook's finger now.

When the angel saw Cook’s huge fingers, he couldn’t help but back away, but it was in the cage. There was not much room at all. The angel looked at Cook, and his heart was overwhelmed. For this angel, the star realm is a The place where the nightmare begins, before being captured by the giant, it can be said that any creature in the star realm is a nightmare for the angel. This is also the reason why the angel does not flee after being captured by the giant, because in the wild, it is dangerous. Higher, it can be said that the angels have been chased by different creatures since they came to the star realm. Although the angels did not know the giant's plan, at least the angels had not had that hard time in the giant tribe.

"Hey, speak." Cook opened the cage, and then poke the angel with his finger. Cook now has a feeling that he is the evil slave owner, and the angel in front of him is a slave who is oppressed in every possible way. Words, cool.

"My name is Meiden? Alex, from the God Realm." Meiden was jabbed by Cook and was taken aback, and immediately replied.

"Well, you look like Ten Wings, your status in the God Realm is not low, right?" Cook continued to ask.

"Yeah." Mayden nodded and agreed.

"Then how did you come here, shouldn't you all show up on the side of Barwang City? How did you come here." Cook asked again.

When Meiden heard Cook ask this, he shook his head and said: "When we came in, the space wormhole changed. Everyone was rushed into the space turbulence. I was in this area when I came out. Now, how long have you been here? I have never seen a race like you in the God Realm."

Regarding Mayden’s question, Cook stared: “Who said I’m from the God Realm, I am a member of the Star Realm, but I know your God Realm.”

"Oh." Mayden uttered disappointed when he heard Cook's answer.

"Well, tell me whether I will keep you or not." After Cook asked the question, he began to laugh with a smile.

"I..." Mayden heard Cook's words and looked at Cook in surprise.

Cook looked at the appearance of Mayden, shrugged and said, "I don't care for idlers here. If those giants can't sell you, they will be used to make soup. I'm also curious, but you are so young, for me. It's not very useful to say, or I will return you to those giants."

"Ah, no, I'm useful." When Mayden heard that the giants were actually going to make soup with themselves, he almost collapsed in shock. For this, Mayden believed it, because giants are a race that eats everything.

"Useful." Cook looked at Mayden suspiciously.

"I can sing, I sing very well." Mayden said anxiously.

"Sing, okay, okay, I like to hear people sing best, do you know how to sing eighteen touches." Cook raised his eyebrows, and then asked, Cook's heart is happy, Nima, there are actually angels dedicated to himself To sing, you have to listen carefully.

"Eighteen touches, what song." Mayden asked suspiciously.

"It's like a song that a dancing girl sings to a man." Cook was teasing the Mayden, but Mayden dare not care about it. You must know that the outside world is very dangerous and dangerous.

When Mayden heard Cook's words, he looked at Cook with anger, and then replied, "I won't."

"Cough cough, then you can sing it." Cook doesn't really want to hear it. In fact, Cook doesn't know whether there are eighteen touches in this world, so he sees Mayden's anger. Cook had two words in his heart to relieve his qi.

"Alliluja..." Mayden began to sing.

Cook's eyes widened. This Nima is singing, this is the chant of the Holy See of the Light, OK? The role of the chant is great. In the sanctuary, the Temple of Light will hold a grand gathering every year. I can sing chants. The general minor illnesses are completely healed after listening to the chants, and they can also dredge the meridians, heal wounds, and heal mental trauma. Of course, they also have a purifying effect. And an angel sings a chant, this unimaginable.

"Well, it sounds pretty good. You will live here in the future. If someone asks, just say you are my Locke's servant." Cook heard that Mayden could sing a hymn, and he waved his hand in an aggressive manner. Mayden said, of course, Cook himself is to let Mayden stay. As for whether to listen to the chant, he certainly won’t. This chant has many benefits, but there is also one of the biggest disadvantages, which is that you can brainwash and listen. So I believe in the God of Light. In fact, Cook thinks that this method is best to be in prison, so that all criminals believe in the God of Light. Of course, God of Light is not a good bird in Cook's eyes.

Mayden looked at the opened cage, and then at Cook's back. Mayden was puzzled. Then Cook took out a crystal nucleus of the light system and said, "Here, you are my servant. Heal the injury first. It's the reward the master gave you for singing just now."

When Meiden heard Cook claiming to be the owner, he wanted to refute it, but when he saw the huge light system crystal nucleus between Cook’s two fingers, Meiden wisely closed his mouth. This crystal nucleus was almost half of Meiden’s. The size of a body, just kidding, the master of these **** must be very strong, if you don't be a servant, you might be hurt.

"Thank you." After seeing that Cook gave himself the crystal core, Mayden looked at himself and said thank you.

"Good." Cook nodded Mayden's head with a finger, then said with a smile.

"Haha, haha, haha, haha." Cook left with a burst of laughter, and Midden was puzzled.

That refreshed in Cook's heart, it seems that this angel named Mayden has the potential to be quilt, gracious, after returning to the sanctuary, Lao Tzu's force is higher than your bird people, let the Guangming Vatican die, and dare to threaten Lao Tzu. , Hum, that **** **** of light, I want to see how awesome it is.

"Fuck~www.wuxiaspot.com~ What am I doing down." After Cook came to the second floor, he found himself dizzy with excitement. He should study modeling on the third floor.

No way, Cook turned his head back. Cook returned to the third floor and glanced at Mayden, and found that Mayden was holding the light system crystal nucleus, just like an old hen incubating an egg, making Cook even more powerful. The impulse to laugh three times, but Cook still wants to be like a master.

After Cook sat down and saw that his mental power level was actually inferior, then Cook's suitable model was inadvertently reduced by more than half.

"But my mental power control is still quite high, or I will build a model based on the first-class mental power." Cook thought about his mental power control level.

"It looks like you have to try it first." Cook looked through the information left by some wizards and knew that there is a way to build a model, but it requires extremely pure crystal nuclei, or spars. The purity here means extremely pure purity. The high crystal nucleus, because the pure crystal nucleus simulates the effect similar to its own effect, so Cook plans to try and see what level of model he can build to the maximum.

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