A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 147: Illiterate engage in science

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Cook was depressed. The giants on the top of the mountain rushed down, all holding weapons, and saw the Wucai elders and others come down, and the giants of Cook put down Cook.

"Mr. Locke, what's the matter?" Wucai elder asked nervously, Wucai elders can't help but be anxious, because Cook's value has been reflected, and the cauldron cast is enough to make the elders and chiefs right. Cook looked at him differently, so when he heard the violent explosion, he rushed down in a hurry.

"It's okay, it's okay, I'm just experimenting with the inheritance." Cook waved his hand quickly and slapped the dirt on his body, mainly because he was pressed on the ground by the giant and stained with some mud.

"The power of inheritance." Wucai elder looked like hell.

"Yes, just release the fireball." Cook nodded, and Cook himself did not lie.

Elder Wucai followed the rest of the elders to the scene of the incident and found that the water in the pond was already full, but the broken stones around and a large area of ​​water stains all showed the problem.

"Mr. Locke, your inheritance is so powerful." Wucai Elder asked in disbelief.

"Yes, I'm just experimenting with fireball." Cook nodded and repeated again.

Wucai elder shook his head and said; "It's impossible, at your current level, fireball is not so powerful."

"Ah." Cook looked at Elder Wucai in astonishment.

"How about you try again." Wucai elder asked.

"No, I have already used this spell slot." Cook looked at Wucai Elder in shock.

"Spell slot, you mean you have already constructed the spell slot." Wucai elder raised his mouth and asked incredulously.

Cook looked at the appearance of Wucai elder, and asked in confusion: "How to release spells without constructing spell slots?"

"We can only build a spell model, why is this." Wucai Elder asked Cook instead.

Cook grows up his mouth: "Just build one."

"Yes, what we all build is fireball, but the power of fireball is too small. We are generally embarrassed to release it, but the body is increasing." Wucai elder nodded and looked at Cook.

Cook patted his forehead. Is the body okay? The energy absorbed by the wizard model, without the consumption of spell slots, almost strengthened the body, Cook did not know how to answer.

"Then Mr. Locke, you can release other spells." Wucai Elder looked at Cook and asked.

"Two more." Cook nodded.

"Two." Wucai elders grew their mouths, and the other elders also looked like hell.

Cook shook his head and explained: "Not everyone is suitable for fireball, so there are a dozen spell slots. Some are suitable for fireball, some are suitable for ice archery, some are suitable for quicksand, and some are suitable for healing. Everyone’s body is different, so they specialize in different spells. How can you all build models of fireball.”

"Mr. Locke, please release other spells and let us see. We will talk about the rest later, and let the irrelevant people leave." Wucai Elder did not answer Cook’s question, but said to Cook cautiously. Then he ordered the elders around him.

"Well, that's still this pond." Cook stood farther away.

"Yeah." The other elders hurriedly drove away the chief and the guards, and then all stood behind Cook, craned their necks.

"Ice Arrow Technique." As soon as Cook's mental power moved, a huge ice arrow appeared in Cook's hand, which was almost an ice gun for Cook. The whole body was still emitting blue light, and the surrounding temperature They are all lowered a lot, and there is frost on Cook's feet.

"Go." Cook waved his hand, and a huge ice arrow shot into the pond.

"Crack, click." The moment the ice arrow fell into the pond, the giants saw that the water in the pond was frozen at a speed visible to the naked eye, and made a clicking sound. The stones around the pond were covered in the blink of an eye. With the white frost, the little stones were cracked in the cold.

"God, this is more powerful than the ice archery of the ice giant." An elder said in amazement.

Cook looked at the colorful elders suspiciously, and then released spells and quicksand again, so in the river, the soil and stones gradually sank, and then turned into a large pit dozens of steps in diameter, and slowly leached the water. , And soon it will be another pond.

"Mr. Locke, on behalf of the bronze giant, I have a request." Wucai elder bent over and said to Cook.

"Elder, let's just talk about anything, I Locke will definitely agree, don't be like this." Cook quickly jumped away. This is a gift from the giants and not anyone can bear.

Wucai elder looked and cried expectantly, and then asked: "Mr. Locke, I don't know if you can build the golden light spell model."

"Of course it can." Cook nodded.

"Okay, okay, Mr. Locke, I would like to ask you to teach us to build a model of golden light spells." Wucai Elder asked Cook.

"Why is this." Cook asked.

"Our bronze giant is actually not suitable for the spell model of fireball, but we have no other way. We can only and will only build such a model. In fact, our bronze giant is most suitable for the spell model of golden light. During the Bekalin period, Our bronze giant tribe is the most powerful warrior, not one of them, but as the Bekalin period is gone, Bekalin civilization has been severely hit, our bronze giant also lost the inheritance of building the golden light spell model, that is The fireball model we are currently constructing is still exchanged with other giant races." Wucai elder opened his mouth and said the secret.

When Cook heard this, it seemed that he had caught something, but he had no idea what he had caught.

"Don't you understand the text of the Land of Inheritance?" Cook asked speechlessly after a while.

Wucai elders and others shook their heads, and Cook almost asked madly: "Then how do you get the inheritance?"

"Look at the picture, and continue to experiment." Wucai elder blinked his eyes, and then replied.

Cook took a breath and said that it’s no wonder you giants didn’t get the wizarding inheritance. On the one hand, you didn’t know how to break the wizard tower and forcibly broke into it. This caused the slightest useful things inside to be damaged, let alone the wizard text , Doing scientific research almost in the form of illiteracy, Cook said in silence for a while: "You are awesome."

"Mr. Locke, once our bronze giant builds the golden light technique model, and then our five giant races sound the horn of return together, then the Bekalin civilization will wake up." Wucai elder said to Cook excitedly.

When Cook heard this, he repeated angrily: "Bekalin civilization will wake up."

"Yes, the strong men in the Bekalin period did not die. They just went to another place. As long as our guardian giants can sound the horn of return, those strong men will come back. What a **** real man, sage Everyone, you must stand aside." Wucai Elder looked at Cook and said.

Cook did not expect that the Giants had such a secret. As for the return horn, Cook guessed it was some kind of spatial positioning device, but Cook was not sure. Cook looked at the appearance of the colorful elders and knew that he would not agree now. It doesn't work, Wucai elders told the secrets of the giants. If Cook does not agree, then the consequences can be imagined.

"Well, I will teach you the golden light technique model." Cook nodded.

"Thank you, Mr. Locke." The elder Wucai immediately opened his mouth with a smile. Elder Wucai actually used a strategy just now, that is to tell things, see how you choose, know so many things, do you still want to get out of the way .

Cook felt the horror of this old guy. Cook guessed that if he didn't agree just now, he didn't know how this old guy would deal with him, but he was intimidated blindly, and it was not Cook's style. Cook said with a smile: "But I also want to catch a lightning bird for an experiment."

"Lightning bird, wrap it around us, and Mr. Locke can also use all the materials of the Land of Inheritance." When the Wucai elder heard Cook say this, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. Since you want something, be generous and give it to you. Things, as long as the bronze giant can construct golden light, everything is worth it.

"Then how can I teach you golden light?" Cook asked.

"You don't need to worry about this, Mr. Locke, we have a complete set of learning methods, but the casting place will be moved away, and we must move to the place of inheritance." Wucai elder looked at the mountain and said.

Cook didn’t say anything. If you want to move away, then move away. It’s nothing more than the transportation of materials for a while, but since the colorful elder promised to give Cook materials, Cook said with a little heart: "The Giant Apprentice can Let’s go together, it’s still possible to smelt metals here, and just transport metal ingots."

"Good way, Mr. Locke, for your safety, let's go together." Wucai elder said, and at the same time, the surrounding elders surrounded Cook on the third floor and the outer third floor, for fear that Cook would have a little accident. Of course I am afraid that Cook will run away.

Cook felt extremely painful, and at the same time Cook was worried that these guys would kill the donkey. Anyway, Cook didn't know what to do, and Cook didn't understand, why did things develop to this point.

The place where the bronze giant is inherited, Cook is back. Cook is directly invited to the largest tower. The Wucai elder looked at Cook and said happily: "Mr. Locke, I am very happy to tell you that you are already us. The elder of the Bronze Giant clan is now, and the rest of them all agree."

"Huh." Cook was really stunned, but after being stunned, Cook also breathed a sigh of relief. If Wucai elders could do this, then he would definitely not kill the donkey.

"I'm afraid I can't do it~www.wuxiaspot.com~Cook didn't agree, but asked instead.

"This is not a question you promised or not, but we all agreed." Wucai elder stared at Cook and said.

"That's fine." What can Cook say. After all, the warehouse in the Heritage Land was not entered in vain. It is not a big deal to have an elder identity. If it is really dangerous, Cook directly restores the cost, just wherever you want. Hide, hehe.

"Mr. Locke is already the inheritance elder of our Bronze Giant clan, so for this year's Inheritance Land Competition, we will send Elder Locke to let other giant tribes look at our Bronze Giant Tribe. It's not that easy to bully." Wucai elder spoke to the other giant elders below.

"Agree." The elders below shouted immediately.

Cook was stunned, and quickly jumped up and said: "Don't, don't, try something, I really can't do it, how can my small body compare with other giants." The first publication of this book is from 17k novel network, the first time. See genuine content!

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