A Unique Hunter

Chapter 153: Surrender "2nd more"

Cook looked at the one-sided battle, speechless, these guys didn't care about the rules, just rush, as a qualified warrior is enough, as for the two people of Belbessu to disdain such a tribe of trolls. Gu, because such a tribe can only dominate in such a place, and its leader is only equivalent to a fourth-level human warrior.

However, what interests Cook is the talent skills of the rhino, charge, at this time a faint white light will appear on the tauren, and then the speed and strength of the entire rhino will be greatly increased. This is neither vindictive nor magic. It seems to be somewhere in between, but Cook is not in the mood to study these now.

"Puff!" A pot of cold water poured directly on Yacuo's head, and Yacuo slowly woke up.

The first thing Yacuo saw was that all of his more than 300 tribesmen were thrown into a clearing in the tribe. These tribesmen looked at the guys in full metal armor around them in horror, and watched those who were talking to themselves. Metal weapons with a height that can be matched are all terrified. This is a fear of confusion for the future.

"Hehe, Yacuo, right? Now I will give you two more choices, surrender or destruction. I will give you one minute. If you don't get a satisfactory answer within one minute, I will kill ten of you every minute. Clan, Dasa, go and pull ten trolls out. If the chief Yacuo doesn’t answer in a minute, kill him.” Cook looked at Yacuo condescendingly, as the name of Yacuo is very near here. famous.


"Patriarch Yacuo!"

"Yacuo, you bastard!" Yacuo looked at the ten tribesmen who were pulled out by Dasha. Some of these ten clansmen shouted for mercy, some yelled at them, but none of them dared to target Dasha because Dasha gave them. The trolls left behind only nightmares. There were more than three hundred trolls. Among them, the two brothers Dasa captured more than two hundred, the Rhino man captured more than one hundred, and the Antelope man only captured one, that is the Yacuo. , That nearly twenty-meter long flagpole is a dream monster that these trolls will never get away.

"Master, master, great master, Baglu is back, and your loyal servant Baglu is back." Baglu rushed out into the darkness. This time it was not just Baglu alone, but with his feet. There are nearly thirty adult ogres, but the only one with two heads is Bagru, and the rest has one head.

"Great master, you actually smoothed out this troll tribe, great master, what do you plan to do with these trolls? Is it used to exchange magic crystals, or kill them directly?" Bagru looked at these trolls. Shouted in surprise.

"Baglu, these are the new subordinates you brought?" Cook did not answer, but asked with a smile.

"Great master, these are tribal warriors who are willing to follow their master!" Baglu said excitedly.

"Okay, let them come over and swear!" Cook was extremely excited when he saw nearly thirty five-meter tall guys. Even if the ogre is not awakened, its combat power is no less than that of an intermediate fighter. No matter how good it is, and strengthen some training, these guys can completely resist an intermediate fighter.

"Come here, you guys, swear to the great master quickly, and follow the great master, Master Cook forever!" Baglu hurriedly went over and shouted loudly.

"I, Turawa, Bakike...I am willing to swear by the soul of my ancestors, to follow the great master, Lord Cook forever, and never betray!" More than 20 ogres made uneven voices, even some The awkward voice took an oath.

"Well, Bagru, these guys will be your subordinates in the future. Given that you manage so many people, now I promote you to be the first squad leader of our mercenary group, with a salary of one hundred gold coins per month. You have to train these guys well, don't let me down." Cook took out twenty-odd mercenary group badges after he finished speaking. This stuff is produced by the mercenary union, and so is the team leader badge.

"Thank you, great master!" Baglu looked at the team leader's badge on his chest, which was actually an extra silver star on the ordinary member's badge.

Cook did not say anything, but said again: "In view of Baghru's great contribution, then I am here to reward Baghru's tribe with five metal weapons to enhance your tribe's combat effectiveness!" Five more giant axes were taken out, which was heavy and not easy to damage.

"Thank you, Master, thank you, Master!" The ogre who followed Bagrul thanked in a weird tone.

"Well, Baghru send someone to send it back!" Cook said with a big wave. Baghru sent two ogres to send back five giant axes.

And Yacuo was dumbfounded a long time ago, what an ogre is, that is the most unpopular, stupid, and dirty race in the underground world, but look at this double-headed ogre in front of you, okay Yacuo admits that the double-headed ogre is a mutant species, but he is still an ogre. This guy actually has a set of invaluable all-metal weapons. So much metal is enough to make thousands of metal spear heads, and that The two giant swords dazzling on their backs made Ya Cuo feel terribly shocked. Is there something wrong with the human brain in front of him?

"Head, it's been a minute." Da Sa Urn said angrily.

"Patriarch Yacuo, how are you thinking about it?" Cook asked lightly.

"Master, great master, there are so many trolls in the underground world. It's not worth your brains, Master. The loyal servant Bagru is willing to let these damned guys taste Bagru's power." Bagru side He said he was eager to try while waving two giant swords.

"We are willing to surrender!" Yacuo saw the appearance of Bagrul ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and said quickly, there is no way, it is not in the same grade at all, and Yacuo still has a breath in his heart, this **** ogre It can be mixed like this. Our troll clan is better than the ogres, I don't believe that mixing is bad.

"Then swear!" Cook said lightly, but there was a hint of majesty in the words.

It took a full half an hour to swear this time. There was no other way. Cook asked these three hundred people to swear together every ten people. Under the eyes of the guys around, even the young trolls cried and swore allegiance to Cook. , As a loyal servant of Cook.

"Okay, Yacuo, do you know that there are more magic crystals here and there?" Under Yacuo's surprised eyes, Cook took out more than two hundred powerful healing potions, of course, of average quality. These trolls Resilience is extremely strong, but within half an hour, he is alive and kicking. What Cook is most anxious is to find places with extremely rich elements.

"Captain, there are a lot of magic crystals just a few kilometers around our tribe. Most of our commodities are exchanged for these magic crystals, but excluding metal weapons, that thing can't be exchanged." Ya Cuo stroked a one-handed sword, a fine iron buckler, and a set of magic leather armor that Cook just gave. Oh my god, this is actually a legendary magic item. In fact, this leather armor is only Cook used. Used goods only.

"Well, let me give you a task to clear out the area of ​​500 meters, including the place where you live!" Cook drew a circle with his hand and ordered.

The first publication of this book is from 17K Novels. The first time you see the genuine content!

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