A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 149: Secret "Part Two"

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"I also know the advanced freezing technique of Frost Archery, Frost Armor, Frost Impact, Ice Storm and Snowstorm." Cook glanced at the colorful elder to see you re-petrified

"Elder Putong, you really know that" Elder Wucai instinctively followed in Cook's footsteps, but when he heard Cook said so many ice and snow skills, one accidentally tripped to the ground.

"The main model can build forty-six models of different categories. Each of the forty-six models can be promoted to golden light. It's just one of them." Since he wants to hold back, Cook will take out the dry goods.

Wucai elder stared at Cook with excitement: "God, elder Locke, you actually have a talent for saints"

"Holy Talent" Cook was taken aback by the colorful elders

"Just like being able to be the saint who leaves" Wucai elder stared at Cook

Cook's scalp is numb when he is stared at by the colorful elder. You need to know that the height of the colorful elder is more than twice that of Cook. Imagine a person who is 1.8 meters tall is stared at by a giant nearly four meters high, which is the height of a one and a half building. What's it like

"Elder, I only know these news." Cook quickly clarified that Cook is a little cold when he hears that he has something to do with Saint.

"It's impossible, Elder Locke, do you know that if you become a saint, then even those real people are not your opponents. Those real people's airships, but the so-called real people left by the saints are simply impossible to control." Staring at Cook

Cook was puzzled by what the elder Wucai said: "By the way, if the so-called research institute of the elder real people attacks you, you may not be able to resist."

"Shit, those are airships. Don’t listen to the real people. We are not within the flying range of the airship. So those guys don’t even want to drive the airship over. Otherwise, those insidious real people would have driven out our giants. It’s just that the giants now don’t know the suffering that real people have put on us." Wucai elder sighed finally.

"Speaking of so much, I didn't use the wizard power I have now to build a model like golden light technique" Cook also sighed and said

"Hehe, elder, how long will it take to build the model after you have obtained the tower of inheritance, I believe in elder," Wucai elder looks like I am optimistic about you

Cook was speechless. This Nima pretended to be too much and put herself in. Cook cursed secretly in his heart.

The elder Wucai smiled upon seeing Cook's face and said, "Don't worry, Locke, I will never tell this thing, otherwise those real people will not let you go."

Cook replied unhappily: "I'm afraid the ice giant will not let me go if he knows about it."

"Cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, elder, almost choked with his own saliva, elder colorful, surely doesn’t want other giant tribes to know about this, if you know about the bronze giant, there is still a chance to get ahead

"Hey" Cook shook his head and walked in front of Wucai elder very forcefully. What is left for Wucai elder is a small shadow.

But then Cook couldn't pretend, Cook turned his head and looked at the tangled elder Wucai and asked: "Elder go over there"

"Oh this way" Elder Wucai quickly walked ahead and led the way. Cook looked at Elder Wucai's big **** face was dark

Cook didn't expect the so-called material warehouse to be in this comprehensive wizard tower. After seeing the huge material warehouse, Cook also understood that this is the result of space expansion magic.

"But it looks a little different, it seems that the space expansion is constant" Cook stood at the door of the material warehouse and looked at the door in confusion.

Because the general space expansion magic needs a magic shield or an energy shield at the door, but the door is obviously not and the space inside is larger than the outside, so there is only one possibility that the space expansion is constant.

Constant means to perpetuate a magical effect in the sanctuary. This constant effect is the top technology. There is not one of the top technologies. Even Cook's magical attainments are not enough to know what a constant effect is. Only the gods in the sanctuary can keep certain. Magic effect

"If you have time, you should study well" Cook walked into the material warehouse

"You choose Locke by yourself. This is the opening language of the material warehouse. Just come and get it. I just hope you can build the golden skin art." The colorful elder said a magic spell to Cook and left.

Cook looked at the material warehouse and then looked at the back of the colorful elder at a loss. It's like a person who wants to rob a rich man but he didn't expect the rich man to open the safe and leave the key to the safe. If you don’t have enough, you can open it with the key next time.

That feeling is what Cook feels now. Cook sighed for a while: "Hey, I'm still a conscientious businessman first look at the materials. If the materials are advanced, then I don't mind giving these giants something in return."

After Elder Wucai left, trot back to the conference room. The other elders looked at Elder Wucai and asked in confusion, "Where is Elder Locke?"

"Smash the material warehouse" Wucai elder said

"There are any good things in there that everyone can't use, or we can get something out of our own warehouse," an elder whispered.

The elder Wucai immediately stared: "Shut up and pass it down, and you are not allowed to talk about the warehouse, let alone let Elder Locke know that we have our own small warehouse."

Cook didn’t know the reason why Wucai elder was generous is because the material warehouse belongs to everyone and every elder also has a small vault. If Cook knew about it, he would definitely yell at these treacherous giants and then hit another viciously.

"Strange, why is there no crystal nucleus here and why is the material messy?" Cook walked into the material warehouse and was puzzled. There were dozens of football field-sized warehouse shelves filled with things, but there was no crystal nucleus. It’s animal skins, animal teeth, animal heads, and some weird things

"Magic Eye" Cook moved in his heart and then opened the magic eye, otherwise it will pile up like a mountain. Yes, this is the warehouse of the bronze giant. One shelf in the warehouse is as high as two stories and the entire shelf is as high as ten stories. Gao wants to find good things from the piles of materials

Elder Wucai said triumphantly: "If you want to find good things in the material warehouse within a few years, it will definitely not work. But our bronze giant has accumulated countless years, so let Elder Locke slowly find it. Something is his luck"

"But it's really okay, Elder, didn't you say that there is also Golden Skin Art?" Another elder asked suspiciously

"You are stupid, Elder Locke can’t find good things. When we bring out good things, Elder Locke will not be moved. At that time, Elder Locke had a different view of us, and he would definitely teach us Golden Skin Art." Said angrily

"The elders are wise, but the material warehouse doesn't really have good things, right" a giant asked worriedly

"Who knows, or who of you wants to sort it out?" Wucai elder squinted at the giant elder who had just questioned.

"Forget it." The giant elder knew that the materials in the material warehouse were piled up like animal skins. It would be very difficult to clean up.

The rest of the giants spoke again: "Is the strength of the dangerous Elder Locke too low for this competition?"

"This" Wucai elder has no bottom

"The elder, or let's add something to change the rules of the test this time. Anyway, the other tribes will definitely not be wary of us." The giant elder saw that Wucai elder was a little embarrassed and immediately suggested.

Wucai elder nodded: "It's not impossible to change the rules, but how can we prevent the other tribes from having doubts?"

"Hey, it's not easy, just treat them as if we embarrass them," a giant elder said with a smile

Wucai elder's eyes lit up: "Yes, we used to be low in strength, so every time we make the rules of the game, we don't care if it is embarrassing on the surface this time, the other tribes are actually for ourselves."

"Right, right" The rest of the elders nodded one after another

"Otherwise, you don't have to fight the giants of other tribes, so that Elder Locke's odds of winning will be greater," Wucai said.

"Yes." The eyes of the other giants also lit up and they all agreed that everyone had seen the power of Cook's inheritance spells, as long as they were not as good as the giants of other tribes.

"That's good, but everyone should keep things about Elder Lock a secret" Elder Wucai then ordered.

The elders chuckled: "If other tribes may have someone to ask, but our ten thousand-year-old youngest, I'm afraid no one will care about it."

"The elders are not well" at this moment an elder on duty rushed in from outside and shouted

"What's the matter?" Wucai elder asked

"Someone from the Sage Association is looking for Elder Locke" the elder on duty said loudly

When Elder Wucai and others heard this, the Elder Wucai asked inexplicably, "I asked if I asked what happened."

"It's not clear what the specific matter sent by Chief Lien of the Shanqing Tribe Shanqing Tribe is not clear," the elder on duty explained.

"You came in without asking clearly, your brain is sick," Wucai screamed angrily when he heard this.

The elder said aggrieved: "Elder, you asked me to report something about Elder Locke as soon as possible."

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