A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 151: Hard to crack

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"That is, I estimate that before this competition, I can add a feather to my head." Wucai Elder then said with a smile.

"Really, that's great. This golden light technique is indeed the most suitable for our bronze giant. I can feel that my strength is increasing." The rest of the elders said immediately after hearing this.

"Of course, so there is nothing left to disturb Elder Locke. We are stepping up our training for a while and we are striving for everyone to be promoted to the first level." Wucai elder is estimated to be the same, because he feels that his strength is improving quickly, so other people must be the same .

As for not to disturb Cook, that is the common goal of the elders here. As for the second stage model of golden light technique, it will take some time. After all, these giants have just practiced golden light technique.

"Okay." In the material warehouse, a huge decomposition magic pattern and a series of other magic patterns have been portrayed. Cook has used a lot of rare metals in his hands. Cook is also worried that someone will disturb him. , But no one seems to be coming.

"Okay, let's get started." Barry waited impatiently. Hearing this, he immediately gave orders with excitement.

The crystal nucleus has long been inlaid. The embedded crystal nucleus is mainly to activate the magic pattern array. After activation, the decomposed magic pattern array will automatically convert part of the decomposed energy into the energy required for its operation, and the rest will be supplied. To Barry.

"Zizizi." An unknown animal skin material was thrown into the huge decomposition magic pattern. Under the powerful action of the decomposition magic pattern, this animal skin actually became smaller at a speed visible to the naked eye. This is the giant decomposition magic pattern. The role of is like crushing grain with a large grinder. Of course, such decomposing magic lines, energy consumption and drawing materials are all required.

Barry stayed in a place where the magic lines were decomposed, and a red mist rose up around him. This was a phenomenon of fire energy atomization. All these red mist poured into Barry's fiery red body.

The fire that composes Barry's body is divine fire. Only Barry can transform ordinary fire elements into divine fire.

Pieces of materials were thrown into the decomposing magic pattern. Under the action of the giant decomposing magic pattern, this extremely tough animal skin disappeared only a little bit. The other impurities that were decomposed were directly thrown into the warehouse by Cook, anyway. No one has been here for a long time.

In one day, a large pile of materials was broken down, including animal skins, animal bones, and so on. Although it was a large pile, it was nothing but a drop in the whole warehouse.

"Cook, I'm going to take action, your mental power keeps up, I break open in front, you will control it behind you, don't give the conscious body a chance to fight back." Barry sent a message to Cook.

"You can fight back." Cook asked in surprise.

"In case, who said it clearly, who doesn't have a bit of assassin." Barry said angrily.

Cook feels distressed. He took out a soul fruit. Cook has a limited number of soul fruit, but now Cook has no mental power recovery potion, so he can only use this.

"Hey, Cook, or give me the soul fruit, I..." Barry's saliva flowed down seeing the soul fruit.

"No way." Cook refused without even thinking about it, knowing that soul fruit can improve the soul, that is to say, it can deduct basic attributes, can Cook give Barry.

"Okay, then," Barry said in a speechless voice when he saw Cook swallow the soul fruit in one bite.

Barry's body did not enter the claw hammer directly, and Cook's mental power followed closely behind. The moment Cook entered the claw hammer, he understood: "Nima actually has a disguise."

Yes, there is a layer of magic metal on the outside of this claw hammer, so Cook did not see the magic pattern inside. Barry directly melted the outer layer of magic metal. You should know that Barry is a sacred fire, which is used to condense the gods. Anything can melt.

Cook is also depressed and wants to vomit blood. If he knew earlier, what happened to Barry, but now things are like this, but Barry can feel the position of the consciousness in the claw hammer. If Cook comes, it will only take a slow step. It takes a lot of time to search step by step, after all, no one knows where this consciousness is sleeping.

Barry followed the magic circuit and rushed directly in. Cook followed closely. Barry was extremely fast, sprinting continuously in the magic circuit.

The huge magic circuit is like a huge and complicated maze in Cook's mental power. Such a magic circuit has exceeded Cook's cognition.

"This is a control rune." Cook saw a huge rune and his eyes lit up.

"Hurry up and leave the mark of your soul." Barry transmitted to Cook.

Cook didn't know why Barry would directly find the control rune. Cook endured the pain, leaving the soul imprint, which is a more high-end existence than the spiritual power imprint.

Of course, once the soul is consumed, it is very difficult to be replenished, but Cook has just taken the soul fruit, so it is not too simple to replenish the soul power.

"Are you done?" Cook said with a pale face to Barry.

"Almost halfway," Barry replied.

"More than six hundred control runes, actually only half." Cook's face is green. Although Cook's soul power can be refilled in time, every time he leaves a soul mark, it feels like a trembling pain. Many times, Cook's face turned pale.

"Hey, this is the main artifact level thing, the main artifact level of the star realm, not the **** main **** level of the gods, that is because you know the wizard's rune, otherwise, we will not have a chance." Barry Sigh.

"Damn, then I can use it." When Cook heard this, he was vomiting blood. Cook always thought that Barry was talking about something of the God Realm Master's artifact level.

"You just can't use energy, can't you directly hit people with force?" Barry replied very annoyed.

Cook felt like he was an idiot. Cook gritted his teeth and said, "Okay."

"Boom." At this moment, Cook's mental power felt the entire space shake.

"Damn it, there really is a back hand." Barry's frustrated voice rang.

Then Cook's mental power felt that Barry disappeared in front of his mental power instantly. Cook was taken aback and rushed over.

"Rumble." Just as Cook rushed over, he felt a surge of energy directly crushed on his mental power.

"Puff." Cook spit out a big mouthful of blood, Cook's mental power was crushed, causing mental power backlash.

"What a powerful energy." Cook's face became paler.

"Boom." The claw hammer moved suddenly.

"Damn it." When Cook saw this situation, his mental power went into the claw hammer again, and instantly got in touch with more than six hundred control runes. Fortunately, Cook knew these wizard runes.

"Move me." Cook's soul power poured out frantically, and more than six hundred control runes began to light up, which means that Cook controlled these control runes.

At this time, Cook discovered that the entire magic circuit inside the claw hammer was filled with turbulent energy, but when these energy entered the area controlled by Cook, it was like encountering a huge obstacle, and it couldn't run quickly at all.

"Boom." A crack in the control rune was caused by the direct impact of powerful energy, and Cook's soul was also traumatized.

"Damn it, move me." Cook's soul power surged again, and more than six hundred control runes moved.

"Defensive magic pattern combination." Cook saw the turbulent energy hitting the area under his control in the magic circuit. Cook's soul power was simply not enough to use these more than six hundred control runes, that is, after activation, let Controls the automatic defense of runes, so Cook chose to place defensive magic lines in the energy loop.

The defensive magic lines are like the stones in the river, but they are very small. To block this turbulent energy, you need a lot of defensive magic lines. Of course, a defensive magic line combination is equivalent to using a rope to tie a lot of small The stones are tied together.

"Boom." But it was useless, the turbulent energy directly caused the magic pattern combination to crash into shock.

"Do you want to cut off this energy circuit?" Cook's heart was dripping blood. Cutting off the magic circuit can hinder this energy impact, but it must be extremely troublesome when repairing.

"Gamble, bet Barry can win." Cook didn't have time to think about it. Cook now pinned his hope of victory on Barry's side. Barry rushed into the turbulent energy just now. According to Barry's attributes, this Energy can do no harm to Barry. This is to see if Barry can quickly find the consciousness in it.

Cook’s soul power was fully input, and the six hundred control runes finally slowly lit up. Cook did not actually fight with the energy in the energy circuit because it was unrealistic. Cook used the soul brand to control Control the runes, and then use the power of the runes to control some of the energy loops that you control. The main reason is that Cook's soul power is not enough to drive these six hundred control runes. Of course, let alone Cook's energy. There is not much energy in the loop at all.

"Turn it up." Cook's soul roared, squeezing out the last trace of soul power as much as possible, and finally six hundred control runes slowly lit up ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and began to work.

"Boom." Cook's mental power moved along with it, and the turbulent energy was guided by the control rune towards the uncontrolled area.

"Damn it, Barry, hurry up." Cook felt like his soul was about to collapse, and Cook shouted in his heart.

Whether Barry can hear it or not, Cook can’t hold on for long. Although the soul fruit gives Cook’s soul power growth, there are six hundred soul marks, and each one needs the power of the soul to drive, one, two. It doesn't matter much, but this is six hundred.

"Who is invading my territory." Just as Cook insisted hard, a voice rang with turbulent energy.

"Kacha." Cook felt his soul for a while, and a soul mark was directly erased.

"Puff." Cook's soul power itself has been consumed, and the disappearance of the soul brand caused Cook to directly suffer backlash from his soul, spewing a large mouthful of blood, and then Cook will not wake up.

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