A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 158: Discovery (2 in 1

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In the huge space, a huge octopus-like creature is constantly stirring with huge tentacles. The whole space exudes a pungent fishy smell, and the green-emitting mud is constantly stirred by the huge tentacles. The space is like a big quagmire.

"Very poisonous swamp." The octopus roared, and the whole body secreted a black mucus. This black mucus was continuously stirred into the mud. When the black mucus touched the mud, it turned purple and eventually changed. Green sludge was formed.

"Damn it, it won't work." Cook's incarnation of the lightning bird, the feathers on his body have been corroded clean, even the skin has pus coming out, although Cook is determined to fight, but Cook will wait until Timing, but now it seems that over time, the more poisonous this octopus actually secretes, Cook can no longer bear it.

"Boom." Cook's body instantly recovered, eight times madness, and the giant transformed, Cook's height increased to the point of incomparably perverted suddenly.

"For three minutes, eightfold madness and giant transformation will last for up to three minutes, otherwise the soul will be confused, and then will fall into unconscious madness, and finally burn vitality and soul." Just after transforming, Cook felt himself The power of the soul can support up to eight times the superimposition of madness for three minutes. Cook's body may be able to support some time, but Cook's soul is not enough to support.

Orcs become frenzied because mental power can't control the body, so they will fall into chaos, and the priest must use the aura of sobriety.

"Mongrel, finally came out, **** wizard, I'm going to whip your soul for ten thousand years." The octopus roared when he saw Cook's transformation, and countless tentacles swept towards Cook's body.

"Boom." Although Cook's body is huge, it looks very small in front of the octopus's head. Cook's thinking is extremely calm. Now Cook is in the mud, with black sewage flowing out of his body. Obviously the result of being corroded by the poison, Cook saw the huge tentacles swept toward him, Cook's body moved vigorously, and then his whole body jumped high, and then suddenly stepped on the huge octopus tentacles. Jumped again.

"Deformation." After Cook left the mud, he instantly transformed into a lightning bird and flew towards the octopus's head.

"Ah,,,,,,." Seeing Cook turned into a lightning bird, the octopus yelled in anger. Why, the smaller the target, the harder it is to deal with.

"Boom." The huge tentacles slapped the mud, forming a huge mud wall and slapped towards Cook.

"Crazy, transform." Cook instantly mad, transformed, no way, Cook transformed into a lightning bird is small, but the octopus uses mud to attack indiscriminately, and the size of the lightning bird cannot break through the mud at all, so Ku Ke transformed again.

The countless tentacles of the octopus head swept towards Cook, densely covering the sky, the huge tentacles were several times stronger than Cook's body after his transformation.

"Zizizi." Cook's body broke through the mud wall, and he plunged into the mud. This place is God's domain, so even if Cook has flying drugs, it is useless, just like a lightning bird. There is no wind attribute bonus here.

"Haha, death." The huge tentacles entangled Cook fiercely, and the octopus laughed loudly.

"Looking for a fight." Cook's body was instantly rolled up high by the huge tentacles, and the huge oppressive force almost swept Cooke directly into the mud of the city. The veins on Cooke's forehead violently, and the bones made a creaking sound. Compressed by a powerful force, the broken star hammer in Cook's hand slammed the octopus's huge head.

Cook is simply betting. The current Star Breaker Cook can't control at all, let alone lock the target. The only useful thing is a physical attack. If the octopus's head is avoided, then Cook's plan will fail. Then Cook's situation is extremely dangerous. Of course, Cook is also ready to burn his vitality. After all, his vitality can be restored, but that would be too costly.

"Sorcerer, **** wizard, you are going to die." The Octopus's head found the Star Smashing Hammer thrown by Cook. This is the gods of the Octopus's head, but the Star Smashing Hammer is too small and has no power at all. But even so, the octopus's head swept toward the broken star with another tentacle, and the tentacle that grabbed Cook burned with purple flames.

"Ah, very poisonous." Cook's body was instantly burned by the purple flame, and Cook's muscles turned into a little black liquid and flowed down, which was obviously corroded by the poison.

When the octopus saw this in his head, he laughed: "Wizard, taste the taste of being burned by a poisonous flame...Ah, boom."

"Boom." Cook fell heavily into the mud, and the octopus's huge tentacles let go of Cook weakly.

"Fuck." Cook rotted and kept flowing black water. Cook endured the pain and rushed towards the head of the octopus. Some parts of the body of ordinary highly poisonous creatures can be detoxified.

The huge tentacles are like a road. Cook saw a huge hole in a section of the tentacles from a distance, and in the distance, there is also a big hole in the octopus's head, and a white liquid flows out of the hole, obviously broken stars The hammer pierced the tentacles and pierced the octopus's head.

"Puff." Cook's body plunged into the octopus's head with an afterimage.

"Boom." As soon as Cook plunged in, Cook gave up his transformation and went crazy. Cook was instantly squeezed into the depths of the octopus's head by the huge white liquid.

When the white liquid touched Cook's body, the corrosive and highly toxic substance on Cook's body immediately emitted black smoke and was swallowed by the white liquid. Cook breathed a sigh of relief.

"Boom." Several hours passed, and Cook rushed out of the octopus's head. Cook's body has recovered, his muscles bulged and exuded a bronze luster.

"After being corroded by poison and repaired, the strength of the body has more than doubled." The expression on Cook's face was very surprised.

And when Cook wandered around behind the octopus's head, Cook also took a breath of air-conditioning. It looked like a giant hole was only a hole in front of him, but behind this head, one-fifth of it disappeared, apparently brought by the broken star hammer. The powerful crushing power.

And the part of the octopus's head disappeared directly. This is also Cook’s strategy. What Cook has to do is to smash this part of the octopus's head directly into a different space. Otherwise, this powerful creature, even if it is lost The head, as long as there is a soul, is still a huge trouble.

"It consumes a third of the energy." Cook found the Star Breaker in the mud, and the energy stored in the Star Breaker consumed a third.

"The plan hasn't changed fast." Cook was full of confidence. He had the Star Breaker in his hand. Someone could not be killed with a hammer, but Cook did not expect that the octopus's head was so big that it could not get close at all, and it was in a swamp environment. , Coupled with highly poisonous, made Cook almost burn his vitality.

If it’s land, Cook is not afraid. It’s a big deal, but in this swamp, one is not good. If the octopus's head lurks in the swamp and releases violent poison, Cook has no move, so Ku The things that Ke prepared were restrained by the octopus's head.

"This octopus is at least Tier 9, and even surpasses Tier 9, and it seems that this octopus has a deep hatred with wizards. I don't know what kind of octopus is." Cook looked at the huge octopus carcass. Cook had a glimmer of hope to find this. The octopus's nucleus, but apparently Cook is disappointed, the nucleus is really gone.

"Boom, boom, boom." Cook used the broken star hammer to continuously smash the octopus's corpse. This corpse is of little use to Cook. The main reason is that although the skin can make equipment, how much Cook can take out , So Cook directly used the Star Breaker to decompose the octopus’s corpse. The energy contained in the corpse was absorbed by the Star Breaker. As for the extremely toxic, the high temperature and high pressure of the Star Breaker can directly condense the energy nuclei, so the poison is also Condensed into a highly toxic crystal nucleus.

"This octopus is a good thing, but there is not much left. Most of it has been smashed into a different space. Some of it is useful for detoxification, and some of it has flowed into the swamp. This god's domain is considered useless, such a large poison. "Cook looked at the green swamp and shook his head. After Cook finally harvested the octopus's eye, there are some more. This creature does not have any ready-made equipment. Even the octopus's belly is It's empty, but it's true, it doesn't matter who has been sealed in his own God's Domain for countless years.

"These eyeballs can be refined, and combined with the purified toxic crystal nucleus, it can have an unexpected attack effect." Cook looked at the eyeballs that were as big as his own head and thought.

At this time, Cook's heart moved, Cook instantly out of this toxic swamp space, and then Cook appeared in the cave.

"It looks like the other slates can’t move. These slates are obviously masterpieces of wizards. It’s just that those real people don’t know what it is, so they put them in the library. Ancient words, so how powerful is the wizard, can actually seal such a powerful creature in his own domain space." Cook looked at the other sealing slabs and thought to himself.

After this time, Cook will not rush into these sealed slabs. If he encounters another weird creature, it will be too late to regret.

"First refine this eyeball." Cook looked at the eyeball in his hand, and then began to prepare for refining.

The refining of eyeballs is very simple, that is, purification, purification, and then purification. The eyeballs of these creatures themselves have certain attributes, but the attributes are unknown.

After two days of purification, the octopus eyeballs became the size of Cook's thumb. This is because Cook used various methods such as high temperature, high pressure, and energy shock to finally purify the eyeballs to the current level. It has reached its limit, and the consumption of crystal nuclei is a huge number.

"Huh." Cook's mental power penetrated into this eyeball, and Cook was surprised. There was a complicated energy loop in this eyeball, which is very rare.

"Why is there an energy circuit like magic lines?" After Cook withdrew from his mental power, he wondered.

A new energy loop requires constant research and identification. There are many ways to identify it, which can release energy to the eye, but it means inexplicable danger. The easiest way is to copy this energy loop and pass it continuously. Experiments to get the effect of this energy loop.

But this is still not all, because the energy circuit plays different roles in different substances, just like human blood is the same, but blood in the lungs is to provide oxygen, and in the stomach, it is to the stomach. Enough motivation to make the stomach move.

For several days, Cook has been copying this energy circuit, of course, using his free time for refining weapons. After copying, Cook’s eyes lit up: "A brand new energy circuit, and it looks like it can be transformed into a magic pattern. ."

The magic pattern has developed to the point where it is today. It can be said that there are few innovative magic patterns. The energy circuit in front of Cook is exactly a part, because the magic pattern includes a control part, an energy release part, and an increase. Part, the control part is divided into energy control, mind control, rune control, etc., and energy control is divided into input energy control, output energy control, etc. It is a very complicated systemic thing.

Of course, if the magic line focuses on a certain part, then it is a certain kind of magic line. The emphasis on control means the control of the magic thread. The emphasis on energy amplification means the amplification magic thread. The emphasis on attack means attacking the magic thread. The energy circuit in front of Cook is just Simply release the part.

Because the entire organism can be seen as a huge magic pattern, as for the control system, of course the brain, nerves, energy system, it contains a lot of crystal nuclei, tendons, and so on.

"Tsk tusk, it's really appropriate. It seems that the octopus wants to release a certain skill. Just after constructing the energy circuit, the crystal nucleus was smashed into the different space by me. That's why there is such an energy circuit in this eyeball. This kind of probability , Less than one millionth, tsk tsk." Cook is in memory


After searching for a while, I have a certain understanding of this kind of energy loop appearing in the eyeballs. This is a purely theoretical guess. Even if a certain wizard has done tens of thousands of experiments with low-level monsters, he did not get this answer. Because the timing is too difficult to grasp, it is almost 0.00001 seconds. If it is early, the released energy circuit has not been constructed. If it is too late and the energy is full, then the eyeballs will be backlashed and exploded.

Just build the circuit, and reach a certain energy rush, and then instantly cut off the brain control and energy control, and the attacks released by a handful of creatures are all instantaneous. In less than a second, how do you let the wizard grasp, so This theoretical success rate is guessed at the probability of one in a million, and then Cook met.

After copying the energy circuit, Cook also studied it. In such a study, Cook found that it is the soul. The composition of the energy circuit can probably be seen in a certain department. Of course, this requires high attainments.

"Tsk tusk, a soul-like energy circuit up to the ninth order." Cook sighed, looking forward to the eyes in his hand even more.

Cook built a control magic pattern around this energy loop, as well as magic patterns inlaid with crystal nuclei. Then Cook found a small animal and prepared to conduct an attack experiment.

"Zi." Under the control of Cook's mental power, the energy circuit released an invisible attack, and the energy supply was reduced to a minimum by Cook. Immediately after Cook saw the small animal under experiment screaming, his head suddenly It exploded, but fortunately, Cook had arranged the defensive magic pattern.

"The soul exploded directly. Is the energy circuit itself acting like this, or the test body is too weak." Cook looked at the target of the experiment and then muttered.

For the second experiment, Cook prepared a Tier 1 creature. When the energy was stimulated, the experimental target died directly, but Cook was shocked: "It's a soul stripping."

"Here." Cook looked at the detached animal souls gradually disappearing, shocked.

In terms of soul, spirit explosion, and spirit attack, Cook also knows about it, and soul stripping, even in the eyes of the necromancer, who is known as a soul expert, is very difficult, and the release of this eyeball actually stripped one directly. A complete soul, how can this make Cook not shocked.

Even if the Necromancer stripped the soul, the stripped soul would be damaged, and it was not a success, but just now Cook saw a perfect soul body.

Whether the soul body is perfect or not depends on the shape of the soul. The shape of the soul is relatively consistent with the body. The soul stripped by the necromancer generally guarantees most of the soul first, so in the magic civilization, the stripped soul is basically only the upper half. Part without the lower part, this is the incomplete soul.

"But I don't have much research on the soul." Cook looked at the octopus eyes in his hand. If this thing falls into the hands of the Necromancer, the Necromancer can create even more abnormal undead creatures.

But Cook then smiled: "I don't know what effect this eyeball will be fully excited."

Cook pondered for a while, and then refined a wand for himself. The top of the wand is the octopus's eyeball, and the body of the wand is the branch of the tree of life used, but the eyeball is only Ku Ke is the size of his little finger. From the perspective of Cook's body, it is also a big creature with a diameter of three meters. From the perspective of the giant's body, this so-called staff is similar to ear studs.

"Forget it, just wear it on the ears." Cook looked at the thin staff, no way, this thing can only refine the size of Cook's body, so from the perspective of the giant, it is an earring .

"But it can only release one attack." The staff of Cook's refining staff is too small and can only store the energy released once, but this is enough for Cook.

As for the remaining octopuses, Cook still needs to study carefully. This stuff is too precious. In the next few days, Cook began to research octopuses while refining parts of the magic giant crossbow. It’s a very comfortable life. of.

"Fireball." After Cook studied the octopus, he began to exercise his ability to cast spells. Now Cook's combat effectiveness in this star realm counts on these spells.

Fortunately, this spell relies on the body to absorb energy. If it relies on mental power, Cook can't help it, but it also has a big disadvantage, that is, Cook can't lock the target and lacks mental power. He can only say that he throws the magic out. .

"Boom, boom, boom, boom." Cook poured out the spell slot he had prepared in one breath. The target was the cliff behind the mountain, and there was a rumbling sound under the cliff.

"Elder Locke, your magical power has increased again." An elder who followed Cooke said enviously.

"Haha, so are you guys." Cook laughed. The skins of these elders gradually gained a metallic luster. This is the effect of golden light technique, which is like forming a metal coating on the surface of the skin, but in the giant's place, This metal coating is directly absorbed by the giant's body.

"It's a super model built by you, Elder Sherlock." Another elder said in general.

Having said this, Cook almost scolded his mother in his heart. Cook didn’t know that these giants had the means to build models in batches. If he knew, Cook’s asking price would not be so simple. It can be said that Cook was scammed by the colorful elders. , The giant elders in this uninherited land have constructed super golden light technique.

"There, this is what I should do, but do you giants interact with halflings?" Cook asked with a move in his heart.

"Halfling, no, what use are those useless guys." An elder shook his head and said.

"Oh." Cook had the answer in his mind.

The days seem to be very peaceful, but in the past few days, Chief Aliba has come to see Cook every day. He has any excuses, but he has to ask one thing, that is, how the super weapon is cast, which arouses Cook's suspicion.

Yes, in the giant tribe, a single weapon is the most important thing. What is the use of super weapons? There are no enemies here. Even if there are enemies, do you still have to attack the city? As for the use of giant crossbows to deal with high-level creatures, That would be difficult. After all, to hit a moving target, it requires extremely high skill, and the giant has never had the skill of using bow and arrow.

"It seems that Comrade Aliba is ambitious." Then the answer is obvious. This long-range attack weapon Aliba needs to be used. Is it okay to shoot things like mountain tops? As for Aliba's excuse to attack the underground city, this is Cook seems to be a joke, so the only answer to whom Aliba wants to shoot with the crossbow is obvious.

"Chief Aliba, how about it." The halfling looked at Chief Aliba and asked.

"I asked, it will take two days, and I have failed several times." Chief Aliba was also depressed.

"It's still two days. This is the first few days. Our people have been waiting for three days. We must know that we didn't bring so many supplies when we came out." The halfling whispered when he heard Chief Aliba's words. Roared.

"I said at the time that I wanted to give it a try~www.wuxiaspot.com~. It's not you who want to send the message back. Your people have waited for three days, and my people have waited for three days." Chief Aliba Said angrily.

"Chief Aliba, go and see, how many days will it take? Or we won't wait and attack directly." The halfling was wrapped in the cloak, and his voice seemed a little anxious.

"You are sure to break through the resident of the Star Tribe, know that the Star Tribe is on the cliff." Chief Aliba asked angrily.

The two of them didn’t know at all. Inside Chief Aliba’s scabbard, there was a pattern on the great sword that kept shining. At the same time, there was a crystal ball in Cook’s hand, and the words of Chief Aliba and the halfling came from the crystal ball. , I heard Cook smiled: "Interesting


g/1447002240578/32846786/-5341044674456485783.png)> Actually want to attack the Star Tribe, and halflings participate, which is interesting. "The first publication of this book is from 17k Novel. The first time you see the genuine content!

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