A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 168: Giant's Armor Mutation (6000

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The so-called rehearsal is to draw a model circuit on the armor of the giant with the blood that hits the creature. This is an extremely complicated process, and low-level wizards need some tools to assist.

Wizard’s tools are somewhat similar to magnifying glasses for repairing clocks, but the magnification is higher. Of course, Cook’s rehearsal is very simple, but because all parts of the Giant’s Armor must be connected by model loops, some parts are not easy to draw, so Cook also spent a day, of course, this is still in the case of mental power assistance, if mental power assistance is not required, according to the average wizard, a rehearsal will take at least a week.

After the rehearsal, it needs to be verified. The verification method is very simple, that is, input energy. Since it is a special solution prepared with biological blood, as long as the magic power is input, there will be an energy wave response, and then check one by one. Modify it, and then perform the energy input experiment again after the modification.

In short, it is a very troublesome thing, but I have to say that the threshold of wizards is lower than that of wizards. In the world of wizards, spiritual power is the most important, but in the world of wizards, spiritual power is not very important. If there is enough mental power, that is, the power of mind that wizards say, if you can build a model, then you can release spells. Therefore, the barrier to entry for wizards is low, so the number of low-level wizards is extremely large, of course, high-level wizards are still few.

Because there are so many low-level wizards, I want to cast giant armors. Most of them are done by low-level wizards. The construction of wizards only needs the last check. It is also because of the large number of low-level wizards that the wizarding civilization will develop. Dominate countless planes.

With spiritual help, Cook’s rehearsal was successful once, and the next thing in the wizard’s world is the construction of the wizard. The construction wizard will prepare a special solution. The ratio of this solution needs to be analyzed by the wizard and the energy wizard. Part of the function is to directly immerse the circuit model drawn with the biological blood solution in the solution. The solution reacts with the biological blood and leaves traces on the armor of the giant.

The last step is to fill these traces with the required magic metal, just like a circuit board, but it is countless times stronger than a circuit board.

Filling the solution requires mental assistance, because these traces are very small, almost reaching the level of the circuit in the chip. It is hard to believe that these tasks will be drawn by low-level wizards with tools.

"It's done." For Cook, it doesn't need to be so troublesome. As long as he has enough mental power, Cook can directly engrave the magic pattern when the giant's armor is formed, but the mental power required is too much, Ku Ke also needs to take medicine constantly to solve the problem.

"One week." Cook estimated that it would take a week for normal own speed, which is not bad. Then Cook estimated the materials needed. I have to say that the armor of the giant requires a lot of materials. After all, the silk giant used almost full body armor.

The entire armor is sealed from under the knees, the thigh is connected with a special metal button, and the chest is a whole plate, with an opening on one side, which can be opened or connected. The whole The head helmet is a whole, a bit like a motorcycle helmet, and the neck part is made of metal armor that can be twisted and turned freely.

The last step of the Giant's Armor is the inner lining. The inner lining is made of soft fur. These furs have strong defensive capabilities and have good endurance, which can bear part of the giant's armor.

"It's the armor of the giant, there is an automatic repair system as a whole." Cook sighed when he saw the finished armor of the giant, but the automatic repair system of the giant armor can only build some small damage, like The overall damage cannot be repaired.

Small damages are like traces of being attacked, and some small fragments are missing, etc. The lack of integrity means that a certain part is missing as a whole, and it will definitely not be repaired. This requires something like automatic maintenance of puppets. service.

"There is also a voice control model." Cook tried it, and there is actually a voice control model. This giant armor has two forms, the first is the ground form, and the second is the air form.

In fact, the air form is strictly speaking, it is the way of sliding. Although Cook has not tried it, he can know from the model Cook that this thing is to use the model to eject people into the sky, and then use the model on the armor to make the whole person face Sliding in one direction, as for distance, is still related to energy reserves.

"The multi-point energy reserve system can reduce the chance of the Giant's Armor being hit and strikes in battle." Cook reviewed the Giant's Armor once again. The Giant's Armor uses a multi-point energy reserve system, that is, in the Giant's Armor. The top of the armor, the two shoulders, the chest, the back, the thighs, and the bottom of the boots are all inlaid with crystal nuclei. This is to avoid a single energy supply structure. Once it is hit, the combat effectiveness of the entire Giant armor decreases. The odds.

Of course, once the energy model is hit, the entire armor of the giant can only be passively defended, that is, when it is subjected to a certain force of impact, the entire armor of the giant will passively release the energy shield, but for the giant, Is enough.

After a closer inspection, Cook calculated it in his mind: "According to my speed, there is no problem with two giant armors a day. With the new magic pattern structure, the overall combat power of the giant armor increased by 1.5 times, using compound magic. With metal materials, the overall defense of the Giant's Armor is increased by 2 times, and the energy consumption is reduced by 60% by adopting the magic pattern energy structure."

Naturally, some data appeared in Cook's mind. This is the power of the constructor. It can be said that the analysis model is equivalent to adding a supercomputer to Cook.

"This is the first-order constructor, then the second-order." Cook was shocked. There is no doubt that the constructor is powerful. Of course, the entry requirements are also extremely harsh, without a word, worthwhile.

After refining the armor of the giant, Cook walked out of the laboratory. Cook also needs to relax. After all, in the laboratory for a long time, Cook feels very unhappy. Cook just left the place of inheritance, and Cook saw that there are still The elders wandered outside.

"Elder Locke is out." A roar made Cook startled.

"Come out." A lot of giant elders suddenly appeared, Cook was dumbfounded, these guys have been waiting here for the past seven days.

Wucai elder rushed over with a roar: "How about Locke?"

"Hey, it failed. There was no problem with the overall casting, but during the rehearsal, there were some troubles. This won't let me get out of the air." Cook sighed. In fact, Cook succeeded.

"The rehearsal failed, it's okay, the materials are not enough." Hearing Cooke's words, the Wucai elder felt a lot relieved, knowing that although the giant is not clear about the method of casting the giant armor, some of the giants are still clearly passed down. .

"Material is still sufficient." Cook's heart is not very dark. After all, it is a box of crystal nuclei. Of course, Cook doesn't use many crystal nuclei at all, but according to the wizard’s casting method, it consumes a lot of crystal nuclei. All tools must be driven by crystal nuclei, and experimental supplies also require crystal nuclei.

"What are you waiting for? Hurry up and get Elder Locke ready to eat." Wucai elder shouted immediately when he heard Cook say this.

"Already ready." The giant elders around immediately replied.

"Nima." Cook ate while watching at least dozens of elders around him. Cook couldn't stand the pressure. In the end, Cook simply bowed his head and ignored these elders.

"Rock, is it delicious?" Wucai elder asked very gently.

"It's delicious." Cook killed his head without raising his head. He had to say that the food prepared by the elders, Cook felt hot after eating, and the cells all over his body seemed to be excited. This is the meat of higher-order creatures to the body. In the world of giants, the meat of high-level creatures can only be eaten by powerful people in the tribe, because they must ensure a strong combat power.

Cook finished eating quickly. Before Cook stood up, Wucai elder asked again: "Locke, what else do you need."

"I'll go outside to see if there are any weird things." Cook was about to go for a stroll.

"We have strange and weird things here too, hurry up and get all the things you have prepared." Wucai elder said without waiting for Cook to stand up.

"Ah." Cook was surprised.

The elder Wucai smiled and said, "What weird things are there in those guys outside, there are so many weird things here."

"Fuck." Then Cook was shocked, and the giant elders were carrying big leather bags.

"Locke, take a look." A giant elder opened his leather bag, and then placed everything in front of Cook. Behind the giant elder, there were at least hundreds of giant elders.

"Rock, this is only a part. I have a lot more on my side. If you need it, I'll just go back and get it. I want to lose all these things." The giant elder who took the things said and asked with a smile.

Cook is speechless, Nima is still lost, I haven't seen you take it out a long time ago, but when he saw the things that the giant elder took out, Cook's eyes lit up. These things, apart from anything else, contain a lot of rare materials.

"But I don't have time to check them one by one, I still want to go back to the rehearsal." Cook said so with how thick a face is.

"It's okay, it's okay, everyone puts things into Locke's Tower of Inheritance. Locke has no time to check them one by one. Locke is going back to the laboratory." Wucai Elder was waiting for such an opportunity and shouted immediately.

"Yes, yes." Hundreds of giant elders, each with two big pockets, walked towards Cook's Tower of Inheritance, and then put their own familiar pockets into the storage room under the Tower of Cook's Inheritance. inside.

"Rock, if it's not enough, I still have it over there." After the elders finished putting things out, they showed their faces in front of Cook.

"Enough, enough, I just like it." No matter how thick-skinned Cook is, he can't say enough, so he smiled one by one.

Wucai elder is not satisfied: "Okay, okay, get out of the way, Locke is still busy."

Cook is speechless, this elder Nima Wucai, you are very anxious, don't you know, such a monkey is anxious in front of a profiteer, it is very bad, Cook closed the tower of inheritance with a helpless look.

"Fuck." Cook cursed secretly. Obviously, the purpose of these elders is very simple. Don't want to stroll around, go back and get your Giant Armor the most secure.

Cook looked at the armor of the giant that had been cast, and whispered: "I will take this seven days to see if there are any good things brought by the giant elders just now."

The underground storage room was originally very empty, but with more than two hundred large leather bags, the storage room was almost full. Cook walked up to a leather bag and found a leather bag that was much taller than himself.

"Hey, he actually wrote his name. When did this giant be so cunning." Cook looked at the big name on the leather bag, and it was obviously the name of the elder who was sent over.

"Wow." Cook put the leather bag on the ground, then opened it, and began to screen them one by one.

Time passed quickly without knowing it. In the basement, Cook established three decomposition magic patterns. Most of the things sent by the giant elders were put into these decomposition magic patterns, and then decomposed into various The purest original materials of all kinds, and the other part, Cook put them properly.

"Unexpectedly, among these weird things, there are actually some of the core parts of the propeller. If I were not the constructor, it would have been broken down." Cook looked at a large number of weird metal parts, the magic contained in these parts There are more metals. These things were very useful in Cook’s eyes because they can decompose a lot of magic materials. But in Cook’s eyes, it’s a pity to disintegrate. This is the advancement of certain models. The parts inside the device are just a bunch of parts for unknown reasons, but these parts are still very intact. Cook does not intend to disassemble, because Cook is not sure whether the star realm himself will return. Of course, the main reason is Cook can't carry more magic materials. After every decomposition, Cook will clean up his inventory, throw out the cheaper ones and put them in the more precious ones.

Now I want to look down on Cook such as celestial sand, fine gold, and magic silver. What Cook can see now is wind bronze, dazzling gold, starlight iron and so on.


"It's time to go out. It's another half a month." Cook looked at the time. It's been half a month. In this half month, Cook has gained a lot. As a constructor, he is most familiar with strange things. After studying, now Cook can basically tell what a certain thing is for with just a glance.

Cook stretched out, and then came out of the Wizard Tower. Unsurprisingly, there are still giants waiting around the Wizard Tower. Cook does not know the importance of the Giant's Armor in the giants. It can be said that there are only a thousand giant's armors. , Then the giant dare to launch a counterattack against the sage association, as for the so-called real people, they have to retreat.

"Luckily, it succeeded." Cook looked at the expectant gaze of the giants around him, and said slowly.

"Ah,,,, it worked."

"Elder Locke, it's really successful." Elder Wucai asked excitedly, and in front of Cook, he asked hopefully like a pupil.

"Of course, but that guy is too big, I need someone to help." Cook nodded, then said.

"I come."

"I come."

Just after Cook finished speaking, a group of elders rushed over, Cook backed quickly, and Wucai elder shouted loudly: "Come on, close the entire heritage site, and expel all irrelevant people from the heritage site. , Including your family members."

"Yes." When the giant elders heard the words of Wucai elder, they suddenly responded.

But after a short time, the entire heritage site was noisy, and Cook smiled bitterly.

These giant elders have family members. When the giant elders went back to drive their families away, they encountered a lot of trouble. Some had children who were reluctant to leave, and some had more powerful wives, but the loving father before, today if the children are acting coquettishly , Immediately took a fat beating, and then threw it out of the place of inheritance. There is a wife who is more sturdy. First, if you ignore it, you will be fat and then thrown out of the place of inheritance.

"Awesome, amazing." When Cook saw the appearance of Wucai elder, he cried out to be amazing.

The inheritance land itself is in another space, and all resources must be sent in from the outside. The more people inside, the greater the expenditure on the inheritance land. The number of people involved in the inheritance is more than the number of elders. Ten times more, plus the apprentices of the elders, etc., the number reached tens of thousands.

After cleaning up like this, it took a full half an hour, and then all the entrances of the Land of Inheritance were closed, in fact there were only four exits.

"What everyone sees below is the top secret of our Bronze Giant clan. If someone leaks it, it is not a member of our Bronze Giant Clan." Wucai elder said loudly.

But everyone’s eyes were not on the Wucai elder, but on a huge armor beside the Wucai elder, the armor stood there, a bit taller than the Wucai elder, the Wucai elder looked at it and said, "Then Who should this first giant armor belong to."


"it's me."

"Fart, Lao Tzu is great, or let's make gestures."

Hearing this, the giant elder below immediately turned his face, and Cook twitched his mouth. This colorful elder really has the art of leadership.

Wucai elder roared in an angry voice: "Shut up, this giant armor will give the most powerful person to the body, who do you think it is.

"It's me." As soon as this sentence came out, only a giant answered.

Cook looked at the giant. The body of this giant is indeed much stronger. Cook is not surprised. Anyway, the giant elder Cook here doesn't know all of them.

"Well, let the big stone test the armor of the giant." Wucai elder said, ‘

When Cook heard the name of this man, he knew that he belonged to the Earth Tribe. What kind of soil, stone, gold, and treasure are the people of the Earth Tribe, because these giants think that the earth contains these things.

"Stand up." But wearing this giant armor, you still need Cook's help. When Cook saw Dashi coming, he immediately waved and commanded.

Dashi quickly put his feet into the first-level calf of the connecting boots. After wearing them, Cook made fine adjustments to make the lining tightly close to Dashi’s body, and then the leg guards, and the breastplate. Cook commanded on one side, and then the Wucai elders took the initiative.

"I'm going to start. First of all, I need to **** blood. Only you can use this armor in the future." After Cook saw the dashi wearing it, of course the crystal core was set in advance.

"Good!" Dashi said excitedly.

"Start." Cook gave the order directly.

"Woo, woo." The entire giant armor released light, and under the energy supply of the crystal core, the armor was lit up one by one, exuding a misty light.

"Okay, you take your steps." A few minutes later, Cook said loudly. The passive system of the Giant Armor is very high. There are many induction models in it, like raising the legs. Once the calves, thighs, and feet The induction model senses the strength of the legs, and immediately activates the assist system.

"Boom." However, Dashi was very unfortunate. He just raised his head and fell. Because Dashi just got too foot, he felt a force to pull his feet up. Dashi didn't hold the power, so he went to the iron bridge.

"Boom." But the next moment, there was no need to move the boulder at all, and the giant's armor stood up directly.

"Hey." Cook sighed when he saw this place, and the other elders also shook their heads.

Wucai elder hurriedly rushed forward and took a closer look. No damage was found, so he shouted angrily: "Dashi, you bastard, hurry up and practice."

"Yes." Dashi was taught a lesson and immediately replied loudly.

"Okay, okay, you have to adapt to this giant armor slowly. This thing is a very good booster, but you can experiment with turning off the booster system, and then turn on the booster system when you are familiar. The booster system is very simple. When raising the foot, the entire armor..." Cook began to explain to Dashi in detail.

"Come slowly, raise your foot, you just lift your foot, use a little less force, and then the other foot, steady, steady, yes, come again." Cook is like a teacher, constantly guiding, finally Dashi can walk.

"Dong-dong-dong-dong~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Dashi is wearing a giant's armor, and his body is like an afterimage, only the ground makes a rhythmic thumping sound.

"It's fast." The speed at which the surrounding giant elders saw the boulder was almost an afterimage within the range of sight.

"You learned to walk, so now you have to learn to fight. Although the Giant's Armor has a passive defense system, sometimes you need to open it in advance. The way to open it is very simple. You can open it directly with words. Of course, you can also inspire golden light.

"Boom." Just after Cook finished his explanation, the original silver-white metal armor became golden.

"How is this possible?" In Cook's unbelievable gaze, the giant's armor slowly changed color, and it was obvious that some kind of abnormal change occurred between the giant's golden light technique and the giant's armor.

"I know, I know how to use it." Just when Cook was shocked, Dashi's voice suddenly roared.


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