A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 170: Blue Mountain

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Cook felt a bit boring, because the giant elders present were arguing about whether or not to go on a hunting tour. Cook finally understood after listening for a long time. The armored giant wanted to go out and show it off, of course, he might want to. To run-in with the armor.

Those who haven’t got the Giant’s Armor definitely don’t want to leave. You have to know that a patrol will take a full month, and they will rotate with each other every month. After all, the giant’s territory is very large and the number of giant elders is limited. So these giant elders will go out hunting several times every winter.

"Elder Locke, please express your opinion." When Cook was bored, he heard the giant elder in charge of this meeting call his name. Cook was surprised. Although he was an elder, he had no plans. Get involved.

Cook straightened his waist and said, "I don't understand this."

"Elder Locke, don't be humble, and you, as an elder, have the obligation to participate in tribal affairs." The elder in charge of the meeting continued to speak to Cook.

When Cook heard this, he looked around and found that the others were waiting for himself to speak. Cook thought for a moment and said, "I think we should still go hunting."

"Elder Locke said he wants to patrol, do any of you have any opinions?" The giant elder who presided over the meeting asked loudly.

Cook was surprised, this Nima is over, and I won't let me explain it again, but the following giant elders who had just disputed heard this and immediately said: "We have no opinion."

"Is there a conspiracy?" Cook became more vigilant when he saw this scene.

"Well, the patrol will be finalized, and the personnel will be assigned later, and then the grand ceremony will be held." The giant elder who presided over the meeting said with a smile.

When Cook saw that no one asked other questions at all, Cook was puzzled, and now that the next topic has been moved on, Cook still feels bored.

"Elder Locke, when do you think my Giant Armor can be completed?" After the meeting, before Cook stood up, a giant elder came in front of him, and the giant elder asked with a smile.

"It's coming, it's coming." Cook didn't know where the giant elders were arranged, as long as he answered perfunctorily.

"Thank you Elder Locke, then, I was the first to support your proposal." Elder Giant looked at Cook with a smile, and then said.

When Cook heard this, he was also surprised. Elder Giant had no objection. Is it because of this?

"Thank you for your support." Although Cook doesn't care about the support of the giant elder, Cook still understands the basic etiquette.

"Haha, it's easy to say, it's easy to say, as long as Elder Locke casts the giant armor I need as soon as possible, I will agree to any proposal of Elder Locke in the future." The giant elder laughed when he saw Cook like this.

"Elder Locke, I also supported your proposal at the time." Another giant elder saw this scene and said with a smile.

"Thank you." Cook saw that the surrounding giant elders looked at him with a smile, and Cook felt a little bit in his heart. After all he knew why he proposed it. No one asked me to explain at all. They were all waiting here.

"Thank you for your kindness, let's go, I invite everyone to have a drink." Cook said immediately after seeing this situation. After all, this is a meeting room, not a place for chatting.

So the strangest scene of the whole place of inheritance happened. All the giant elders came to the tavern. The tavern in the place of inheritance was still not small, but hundreds of people swarmed in at once, which seemed quite crowded.

Cook’s face is stiff, each of the hundreds of Nima elders said, I’m dying to support you, Elder Locke, and Cook had to answer with a polite smile, and the only request from the other party was Speed ​​up the refining progress of Giant's Armor.

"Elder Locke." Just when Cook's face was stiff, a person appeared and shouted to Cook.

When Cook saw the giant, he immediately stood up: "Elder Wucai, if you have something to do with me, let's talk outside."

"That's good." Wucai Elder didn't expect Cook to speak so well, and immediately agreed, and Cook went out with Wucai Elder under the sight of the elders.

"Hey, my face is stiff..." Cook quickly rubbed his face after leaving the tavern door, and then said.

When the elder Wucai heard this, he laughed loudly: "Haha, Locke, there are not many opportunities like this. You must know that every time we discuss one thing, the scene is simply too hot. It looks like you passed it all at once. Admire, admire."

"Well, how's the situation going this time?" Cook asked with a twitch of his mouth.

"Very good, and the ice giant tribe has already arrived, right in the tower of my inheritance." Said the business, Wucai elder became serious.

"Ice and snow giant, let's go, let's go and see." Cook was very excited. After all, refining the armor of the giant for the colorful elders is already a huge profit, and the foreign trade is even more profitable. Cook is now in the crystal core. The demand is huge, and there are many good things in the wizard's trading space.

Following the colorful elders into the tower of inheritance, Cook saw the ice giant. Compared with the bronze giant, there is not much difference between the ice giant and the bronze giant in the eyes of Cook. Of course, the color of the hair is blue. same.

"Six feathers?" Cook was also surprised when he saw the representatives of the ice giant tribe. This represented six colorful feathers on his head, which had obviously reached the sixth rank.

"Elder Locke, hello, my name is Blue Mountain. I am the prophet of the Blizzard Tribe of the Ice Giant Tribe." After seeing Cook, Blue Mountain immediately stood up and introduced himself very excitedly, of course because of Cook’s special size. You can tell at a glance.

"Hello." Cook was surprised, knowing that the prophet is in the bronze giant tribe. There is no hope for the giant wizard to be promoted. But on the ice giant side, the prophet of a tribe is actually Tier 6. How could Nima not surprise Cook.

"Hehe, our Blizzard tribe is the tribe responsible for guarding the Giant's Holy Land." Blue Mountain explained with a smile on Cook's face.

Cook now understands ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It turned out to be a tribe guarding the Holy Land. No wonder the Prophet is so powerful. At this time, the Wucai elder spoke: "Sit all, all sit."

"Elder Locke, I am here this time to trouble elder you to cast a few sets of giant armor for us." Blue Mountain said straightforwardly.

Cook nodded and replied: "Of course this is okay. It will not take time. After all, I still have to refine for the elders here."

When Blue Mountain heard this, he felt a little anxious. How could it be possible for the Bronze Giant Tribe to be armed with such a thing as the Giant Armor? Wouldn’t it be a threat to the Ice and Snow Giant Tribe, especially now that it has become a threat, once the Bronze Tribe With more than one hundred armors of giants, the bronze tribe will become the largest tribe in the entire giant tribe.

"Elder Locke, this is what we don't need from the giants. It is our meeting gift." Blue Mountain took out a small box-like thing and handed it to Cook.

ps: I'm sorry, I worked overtime today, so I don't have the energy to update. The remaining 4,000 words must be made up by 12 noon at the latest.

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