A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 172: Grade 9 Fire Specialization Wizard Book

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Cook was surprised because the level of this wizard book was very high. The 9th-order fire system specializes in wizard books. Cook himself also understood some fire laws, but Cook didn't have a deeper understanding.

In fact, Cook’s current situation is not allowed in the wizarding age. Cook is now not only a space wizard, a construction wizard, but also an analysis wizard, an energy wizard, and a material wizard. This does not conform to the wizard’s law at all.

The wizard relies on the body to absorb energy, which is then absorbed by the wizard model in the body. The initial super wizard model is to provide power for the body to absorb energy, and various other models linked to the wizard model absorb their own energy. .

In any case, the energy absorbed by the wizard model has the maximum value. If there are more other models linked to the wizard model, it will cause energy supply tension, resulting in the wizard model not being able to operate at full capacity, and it will also affect the body's poor strength.

But there is no problem with Cook’s place because Cook has understood the law of space and the law of fire, which means that Cook does not rely solely on the body to absorb energy, but also has mental power. This is what Cook is different from wizards. local.

Then compare an ordinary wizard to a pure gasoline-powered car, then Cook is a gas-gas hybrid car with a gas tank on his back. The gas-gas hybrid car will run farther, so there are no other wizards in Cook. The phenomenon of insufficient energy encountered.

But even so, there is a limit to the number of models that Cook built, so after Cook got the wizard book, he has been thinking about whether he should master the wizard book.

Mastering the wizard book also requires mental power, but the wizard book has one of the biggest features, that is, it can directly release spell attacks. Yes, it does not need to consume the spell slots in the body, and the wizard book can fill the spell slots in the body. After the energy, the owner of the wizard book can use the wizard book to absorb the energy in the spell slot, and then store it, and then release it when it is used. What Cook envy most is that there is no limit on the number of times. You can store it 100 times. One thousand times is fine, and there must be enough crystal nuclei, the wizard book can even directly absorb energy crystal nuclei, of course there must be loss.

And at the time of release, those with a wizard book can spin to release the stored energy at one time, or a single release, and the level of the wizard book is related to the peak value of the spell release.

The first-order wizard book cannot release the second-order powerful spells, so the wizard book will collapse directly. This means that the value of the wizard books of different levels is different. The value difference between the first-level and the second-level is not big, but the eighth-level and The gap between the ninth order is at least tens of thousands of times.

Cook was extremely lucky when he got the eighth-order space wizard book. Although the energy crystal nucleus needed at that time was few, the seventh-order crystal nucleus was very valuable, but there was an additional condition, but no one Of course, the price is so low, and it is also related to the small probability of the birth of the space wizard. The same wizard book, although the space wizard book seems to be of high value, but when it is actually sold, there is no fire-specialized wizard of the same level. The book comes high, because the fire department specializes in the demand for wizard books.

"Tier Nine!" Cook looked at the Fire Element Specialization Wizard Book of Nine Tier, and he was actually very eager. After all, the greatest value of Tier Nine is that it records all the related spells and various spells of the Fire Element Specialization Wizard. This is the most important thing for all kinds of knowledge of fire type specializing in wizard equipment.

"It doesn't matter, it's a big deal. I won't use it in the future." Cook himself built a spell model with fireball, so it is relatively simple to build a fire specialization model. In fact, the fire specialization model is just based on the wizard model. Establish a unique model that is similar to magnification, purification, and so on. In this way, the energy of the fire system in the energy absorbed by the wizard model will be first drawn, and then through purification, it will be transported to the spell slot, thereby increasing the energy attack power of the spell.

The model was built quickly, and it was a one-time success. After some perception, Cook smiled bitterly: "It seems that it takes two hours to meditate every day."

If your body preferentially absorbs fire energy, it will definitely affect the absorption of other energy sources. Now Cook’s body preferentially absorbs space energy, fire energy, so other energy sources will be reduced. Of course, space energy will not be mentioned. , Itself is very small and has little effect, but the fire energy is different. When Cook is refining equipment, he spills a lot of fire energy.

Cook opened the wizard book and carefully looked at the things about fire wizards. What surprised Cook was that there were as many as seven first-order fire specialization spells, and these seven were also divided into several Department.

"Fire specialization spells can be divided into attack spells, auxiliary spells, and passive defense spells. Attack spells include fireball, flame, firebolt, auxiliary spells include flame burning, wall of fire, continuous burning, and passive defense spells include flame. Shield." Cook saw the seven spells of the fire specialization spell.

Each of the spells has different requirements for mental power. I won’t talk about fireball. It directly releases a fireball. Pyrotechnique is to eject a flame. Firebolt requires a higher mental power because of the need. To gather the energy of the fire system into an arrow, it also needs compression. Flame burning requires mental lock, which is to release a flame on the target. Fire wall art is to release a burning flame to block the enemy. Continuous burning is a locking spell that requires continuous Consuming energy and mental power, it is generally used in conjunction with flame burning. Only the flame shield is used to release a fire shield around the body. When the enemy attacks, the flame shield will bring burning damage to the enemy.

"It's okay." Cook looked at it, a bit embarrassed. After all, Cook now has a lot of models in his body. How to choose spells is very important. This is also related to the spells that will be promoted in the future. The spells of wizards are all in the original. It is upgraded on the basis of, so when you choose a spell at a low level, you must be cautious. Once you choose, you can’t change it.

Cook also looked through some information. After the upgrade of fireball spells, there were spells such as continuous fireball, bursting fireball, and so on. After flame spells were upgraded, they became fire dragon spells and flame impact spells. Spells such as rain.

In terms of lethality, fireball is a single killing spell, which is extremely powerful, while fire is a group damage spell. The attack power of a single hostile target is not very large, while the firebolt is a single body penetrating power. The strongest spell.

"Fire Arrow." In the end, Cook decided to build a model of Fire Arrow, because the penetrating properties of Fire Arrow made Cook quite satisfied. Of course, Fire Arrow also requires quite good accuracy, which requires high difficulty in casting.

"As for the auxiliary spells, even if the passive defensive flame shield is not needed for the time being, after all, my physical strength is not small." Cook finally chose the fire arrow technique, because Cook will leave for future space wizard models. Location, in Cook’s view, no matter how powerful the fire system is, there is no room for it to be powerful. Cook's comprehension of the fire system is only a basis for understanding the space law.

"Fire Arrow!" Cook quickly built the model. Just after Cook built the model, Cook felt that the magic in his body flooded into the Fire Arrow model, and the model was filled with energy in an instant. Cook early As you know, magic power also operates in the body. Although it is in the brain, it is always a part of the body. In the past, Cook did not let go of the magic power, and of course it would not be full, Cook groaned softly.

An orange cone appeared in front of Cook. This is the arrow of fire, like an arrow, but Cook felt that when the arrow of fire was released, it would consume a part of his mental power. If you don’t lock the target, you won’t consume mental power. This is because Fire Arrow requires mental power when it takes shape, so this is not a small disadvantage. Of course, there is no perfect thing in the world. The arrow of Fire Arrow is the same. The flame was orange-red, but it was thicker than Cook's fingers.

"It's no wonder that the first-order fireball technique is almost the size of a head. This fireball technique consumes more energy than the fireball technique, and it is only one-tenth the size of the fireball technique." Cook removed the fireball technique. Wizards release spells that can be revoked. After revoking, 90% of the energy of the spells will return to the body, unlike the magicians who face backlash from magic or mental power.

However, there is a big difference between the magic released by a magician and the magic released by a wizard. The magician uses his own magic power to oscillate in the scenery, causing the surrounding elements of the same family to gather, and then form a spell. The magician releases a spell, which consumes itself. The maximum magical power only occupies about half, and the others are all spells attracted by the shock. As for the proportion of the consumed magical power, there is a direct relationship with the spiritual power.

In the wizard, more than 99% of the spells released are its own energy, so this energy can be recovered by the wizard, but the wizard restores the magic power by meditation, so the magic power is especially precious, and the wizard only needs to build a good model, then you don’t have to worry about it. It seems not so precious, so the two are actually similar.

Blue Mountain left after the welcoming ceremony, and walked in a hurry.   But from the Ice Giant Clan to the Bronze Giant Clan, even with a flying mount, it takes nearly two months. In these two months, the Bronze Giant Clan will There are more than a dozen giant armors.

In two months, Cook spends half of his time refining the armor of giants, and half of his time meditating hard, and the energy is stored in the wizard book. Cook now has several wizard books, structure wizard books, deformed wizard books, and space There are eight wizard books including the wizard book, the fire specialization wizard book, the analysis wizard book, the material wizard book, the energy wizard book, and the summon wizard book.

For these few books, Cook needs a big pocket to store them. Cook has no choice but to take his time. After the Space Wizard is promoted, Cook can open up an independent space to put these things.

There is also a qualitative change in the wizard book after reaching the third level, which can be large or small, but it takes a long time to reach the third level of the wizard level, so Cook is constantly practicing, meditating, and practicing System equipment to exercise mental power.

"Hundred of fire arrows have already been stored, which is not bad. The body itself absorbs, plus meditation, it can store three fire arrows every day. This is almost the limit. After all, fire arrows will be consumed when released. Mental power, according to my current mental power, about fifty firebolt arts will be released, and the spiritual power will be exhausted." Cook looked at the energy stored in the book of fire specialization wizards, but he was very happy. , Fifty Firebolt Techniques were released one after another, and that was a magic machine gun.

Cook thought it over again: "If you have enough precision and hit the same position, even Tier 4 creatures can't withstand a burst of fifty fire arrows. The key is mental power. If the mental power is enough, use the spirit. Locked, the power will be greater."

"Boom!" Cook slammed his fist on the metal plate in front of him, and the metal plate lit up slightly. This was a test of physical strength.

"The physical strength has reached level 9, but has not yet reached level 1, but the meat of high-level creatures eaten in the giant tribe these days is at least worth billions of points." Cook thought of the good things he had eaten, and he couldn't help but feel proud. Endlessly, Cook hasn't exercised regularly, just relying on eating, can eat such a body, I have to say how huge the energy contained in the biological body of this star realm is.

"Now back to the realm of the gods, the physical strength is directly against the ordinary gods, and they are directly crushed." The nine-level physical strength is already a high-level existence in the sage association. Of course, real people and abnormal giants are not counted, and Cook The biggest advantage lies not in the strength of the body, but in the size of the body. Although Cook is only about two-thirds of the height of the starry sky giant, compared to the people on the sanctuary, it is like a huge mountain. I didn’t see that Mayden’s body was only a bit bigger than Cook’s thumb, just like an insect, so this is Cook’s advantage. It is also an iron block. An axe hits the ground and a huge hammer Hit the ground, the results are very different.

Cook is the same now. Cook’s original body size, even if his physique is stronger, will be as big as an axe, but now Cook’s body has increased physical strength because Cook has become mad and has also increased In order to reduce the volume, it is like a hammer, so Cook has the advantage of crushing.

But Cook just thinks about it, because Cook hasn't been able to put the eight wizard books away. At this time, when he returns to the sanctuary, what should I do with these wizard books? Cook has experimented with them, and this wizard book cannot be put in. Even if it can be put in, Cook will be annoyed by Windsor. That is the site of Windsor, where there are countless precious plants and herbs that have smashed flowers and plants. Cook himself feels distressed.

"Tier 3, but how can I increase my mental power? Not surprisingly, when my body reaches Tier 1, I can perform a nine-fold superimposed madness of an experimental nature." Physical strength Cook is not very worried, as long as he deceived the wizard book at that time. It can be changed, but Tier 3 is still a relatively remote thing for Cook, because Cook has no way to enhance his mental power.

"How do wizards enhance their mental power?" Cook rummaged through all the wizard books he could find, and there was no record of such things.

But Cook believes that there must be some way, but there are only two possibilities if there is no record. The first is that this thing is too high-end, and few people know about it. In addition, Cook does not collect many wizards, so did not find.

The other is that this method is known to everyone, and there is no need to record it, but no matter what the situation is, for Cook, if you don't know, you don't know.

"Go to the Wizard Trading Center and have a look." Cook took a look, and the Wizard Tower was only one day away. Cook decided to go to the Wizard Trading Center again. Cook now has more crystal cores in his hand.

When he came to the wizard trading center again, Cook had to sigh that the wizard was so powerful that he actually opened up an independent space to establish a trading center, just to make the wizard more convenient, Cook whispered: "This Nima is not quite For online shopping, but for wizards, time comes first."

Cook is now a first-order wizard, and he charges ten first-order standard units of energy at a time, that is, ten first-order standard crystal nuclei. The material of the trading board is still not found by Cook, let alone the method of refining. Yes, because this trading disk can shield the influence of magic fluctuations on transmission to a large extent. In fact, the space coordinates of the trading disk locked are the coordinates of the largest trading center that Cook can see. It is just that the transmission will cause transmission errors. That's why Cook appears in other areas, but this is already good, and the error is already very small.

"If you can know the material used to make this trading disk and use it on the teleportation scroll, then the accuracy will be very high." Cook thought to himself, the trading disk is a one-way transmission item, not two-way, magic fluctuations For the two-way teleportation array, the impact of the portal is minimal, and the trading disk is still a one-way teleportation array that can only be used by itself.

When the trading disk enters the trading space, the coordinates are locked, which means that it cannot be changed. This is a one-way transmission, that is, only the user himself can transmit to the trading space. When going back, the coordinates of the user’s own wizard tower are also One-way, and the wizard tower also has strict defense measures, and the wizard tower can also establish a connection with the transport plate, making the transmission very accurate, only the person can transmit in, so using the transport plate is a very safe behavior, of course, The reason for using a special material is to not affect the surrounding energy fluctuations during transmission.

Cook went directly to a wizard tower next to it. These wizard towers were built privately, just like a pavement. When these wizard towers enter, they will pay different amounts of energy, but there are also some good things in these wizard towers.

"One hundred first-order units of energy, it looks like there must be something good." Cook looked at the energy on the trading plate and said to himself.

The reason for charging such a fee is to block those wizards who do not buy things. After all, low-level wizards have limited energy, not only limited energy, but also limited purchasing power, so the threshold is set, otherwise all wizards will come in. Wouldn't they be crushed? .

But the wizard tower here is not the kind of wizard tower where Cook lives outside. This wizard tower is like a hollow building, with spiral staircases on each floor. Various items are placed on each floor and comfortable. With things like stools, you can imagine how rich the owners who built these wizard towers are.

Of course, you can be more direct and directly call the guide puppets to ask questions, but this requires energy. In the wizard's world, energy is the only hard currency.

"Hey, it's actually a lot of miscellaneous things. The owner here is afraid to take away all the things when he left." After Cook took a look, it was just some miscellaneous things, such as blue gold ore. Cook is of no use.

After Cook walked out of the wizard tower, he looked around, and then chose a more remote place, that is, a place far from the trading center. After all, when transmitting, the chance of such a large error is very small, so the more remote the place , Maybe more things will be left.

"Haha, I thought it was correct. It was completely free." Cook came to a far place and chose a larger wizard tower. The scale of the wizard tower is determined by the level of the wizard, not as much as you want. How big.

"Guiding the puppet is also free, ha!" Where does Cook have time to see what is placed inside, and Cook directly asks to guide the puppet. Obviously, it is too remote here, so the puppet can be used without consuming energy.

"I need first-order things." Cook said directly to the guiding puppet.

A light curtain shot out in front of the guiding puppet, and then a voice came out: "One thousand five hundred and sixty first-order commodities."

"Ah!" Cook was stunned when he saw the product list on the light curtain. There were 1,560 first-order items ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ which was beyond Cook's expectations.

"Remove the first-order wizard book." Cook looked at it and found a large number of first-order wizard books, Cook said directly.

"The first-order wizard book is removed, and the remaining commodities are 632 pieces." The guiding puppet light curtain flashed, and then said.

"First-order wizard weapon." Cook said again.

"First-order wizard weapon parts." I didn't know that the light curtain flashed in front of the guiding puppet, and there was no one.

When Cook saw this, he was extremely embarrassed, and muttered to himself: "The wizard book is the weapon of the wizard. My mind didn't respond."

"Display all products, ranked from high to low in value." Cook thought for a while, then said.

"Nine...Nine-order wizard book?" Cook saw the light curtain flash, and he was stunned without waiting for the puppet to speak. The Nineth-order wizard book, what kind of concept is this, it is like a magical weapon. .

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