A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 181: transaction

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Cook did not rush into Batwong City because the defense of Batwong City is extremely tight. Even if Cook Deformed Lightning Bird, it might be discovered. As for entering the city, there is no chance at all, because Batwong City has only one city. The gates are not often opened. The materials in the city of Palwang are basically teleported. The gates are often opened. It is summer, and the sages in the city will only open them when they go out on patrol.

"Is it really impossible to fly in?" Cook took a binoculars and took a closer look. First of all, a large area around Barwong City is full of that kind of stone ground, without shrubs and weeds. Barwong City itself is built on a cliff. On the stone, on the one hand, it is because of the terrain, and on the other hand, it prevents the tribe from attacking from the ground, and it saves a lot of labor. It is not so hard to lay the foundation on the hard stone. If it is on the soft soil, then It costs a lot, and of course the most important thing is defense.

On the city wall, Cook saw a detection model similar to a wizard. Obviously, this thing was arranged by real people. The wall of the entire Batwang city is like a bastion, that is, there are no dead ends, and on the wall of the Batwang city, there are There are countless energy cannons, even in winter, with people walking on them, and Cook's magic eye has discovered that this energy cannon has energy fluctuations, which is obviously in a state of excitation at any time. It is not easy for Cook to get in.

"Should you wait and see?" Cook is not sure, so he can't do anything. Cook doesn't need to know a lot, but he needs to know [the activity area of ​​the sage in Barwang City, and the rest Cook finds it himself, After all, Cook understands the laws of space and is very sensitive to spatial energy fluctuations.

But waiting is no way. Cook came to the edge of the Grand Canyon and looked at the canyon hundreds of kilometers wide. The canyon gradually shrank in this place, and finally reached the ground and it was only a few dozen kilometers wide. It's a huge and steep rock wall. Small troops may be able to climb up, but don't even think about it.

"Huh?" Cook stretched his head and looked down and was surprised. Under the cliff, Cook felt energy fluctuations.

Cook found a safer tree hole nearby, and after the deformation, Cook flew to the top of the canyon. Cook strolled around and came back quickly. It was too cold for Nima.

"Unexpectedly, a tunnel was dug in the cliff and a defense facility was built." Cook didn't expect that, in the middle of the cliff below, a tunnel appeared in Cook's field of vision. The tunnel was invisible from above, but from below. And as the canyon moves down and the height gets higher and higher, the defense becomes more and more relaxed, and it is the tunnel that Cook can't see the end at a glance. It is blamed on the tribe’s several attacks, but failed to break through the city of Batwang. The defense settings are simply abnormal.

Now that this discovery is made, Cook has a solution. Cook doesn’t have to enter Barwon City. He only needs to find the area where the space wormhole appears, and that’s it. As for what to do after finding it, hey, the angel family doesn’t mean it’s here. Has the star realm been established? It is not a base. This is opened every once in a while, and then it is time for Cook to kill him.

There is no need to wait until the evening. Cook put the Red Velvet Beast and Mayden into the natural ring. Of course Mayden is in the laboratory inside, and two small things Cook also stuffed into the laboratory, but two small ones The guy occupies almost the entire laboratory space, which is in the natural ring.

"It looks like we need to refine a larger storage space, otherwise these two little things will not be easy to clean up." Cook took off all his clothes and everything, nothing could be done, but the weapons were also stored.

After transforming the Lightning Bird, Cook looked very weird. First of all, the neck was covered with things, the broken star hammer, the magic pillar, were hung on it, and the natural ring was also hung. There is no way. The Star Breaking Hammer and the Sealing Demon Pillar couldn't be put into the natural ring, so they had to be hung outside.

Cook easily landed on the tunnel in the middle of the cliff, but Cook did not rush in, but observed carefully. There are actually high-ranking sages patrolling here in the tunnel. The tunnel is also extremely wide, but every At a distance, there is something like a small hole, obviously to facilitate defense.

After observing for a while, Cook went in with confidence. On the other side of the tunnel were caves on the stone wall, and there was still a faint fire coming out. Cook jumped to the entrance of the cave and found that it was the residence of a high-ranking sage.

Cook checked the past one by one and found that some were stockpiled with various supplies, and judging from the layout inside, some were living alone, and some were living by a dozen people.

"Hey, it's you." Cook came to a cave where there was no one inhabited. Cook slipped in. The caves here have no doors. It is estimated to be easy to deal with emergencies.

The inside of the cave is much warmer, but it is not very warm. Cook made a big swing in the cave. The cave is not very big, but it is not too small. The places to sleep and sit are all made of stone, and the stone bed is laid. It's full of animal skins. In such a cold place, only animal skins can make a bed. Other things can't cut off the cold.

"Drink, I'm not drunk!" Cook waited until it got dark, and Cook was really going to find another tongue, when someone outside was talking.

"Captain, Captain, go, sleep, sleep." Another voice exhorted.

Cook watched two figures walk in. One of them was obviously drunk and was thrown directly on the bed by the other. Then he knocked somewhere, and the whole room suddenly lit up.

"I want to drink, I want to drink." The sage who was called the captain rolled up on the bed and shouted loudly.

"Drink, drink you to death." The sage who sent the captain back became impatient, and hit the captain's head with a fierce punch, and the world suddenly became quiet.

"You, you..." The man covered the captain with animal skins, and as soon as he turned around, he saw Cook sitting over there, taking two steps back and shouting to Cook in astonishment.

"Who am I, you'd better not ask, just like you hit your captain just now, you know what kind of punishment you will face." Cook said with a smile.

"What are you doing?" The man was asked by Cook, took a deep breath, and asked.

"I... bang." Just as Cook spoke, the sage jumped up and rushed towards Cook fiercely, his fist released a pale yellow light, and the man's face showed a hideous smile. But then it turned into a black shadow and flew back all at once, hitting the stone wall directly.

Cook slowly put his feet away, walked over, grabbed the hair of the sage who was vomiting, and then slammed it on the wall hard: "Boom, boom, boom."

"Dare to attack me." The man vomited, his face was full of blood, and his nose had been deformed. No matter what kind of creature, as long as his abdomen was hit hard, he would fall into this situation, and this guy obviously did not drink less.

"I have something to ask you. If the answer is good, I will not hit you. If the answer is not good, I will just throw you off the cliff outside." Cook knelt down and said slowly.

"I know... I know." This person didn't dare to look at Cook. This person understood very much how powerful he was to kick him.

"Well, let me first test to see if what you said is true. Around here, where can you see such creatures appear?" Cook waved his hand and an image of an angel appeared in front of this person.

"Report to the real person that this kind of creature appears in the Great Black Sea Strait north of Batwong City. It almost always appears in the summer." After seeing Cook's actions, the person immediately replied respectfully.

"Very good, so how many such creatures are there in Palwang City?" Cook asked again afterwards.

"There are probably more than 70. These creatures were not caught by us, but by the children who went to play there." The sage said quickly.

"That's it!" Cook stroked his chin.

"I'm here for such a creature, do you want to make a deal with me?" Cook looked at the sixth-order sage with a smile, and then said.

"If you have anything to do with the real person, just order it." The sage dared to deal with Cook and said very respectfully.

"One hundred diamond pills of rank 6 or higher, plus a standard weapon of level 6." Cook said lightly, and it's too simple to refine this thing like a diamond pill. As for standard weapons, Nima is one. It's just a stick, just with some functions, which is similar to a shock effect.

"Thank you real person, thank you real person." The sage couldn't take care of the blood on his face, and quickly crouched to thank him.

"I will come back in a month, remember, don't kill it." Cook left a word and left.

"Hey, you are looking for...Fuck, buddy, what's wrong with you?" The sage has not dared to move. When the other teammates came to check, it had been ten minutes, and this person was almost frozen and stiff on the ground.

"By the captain..." the sage replied vaguely.

"Haha, haha, hurry up, how cold it is on the ground." The sage's teammate quickly helped him up.

The sage walked out and looked around. There were still people guarding the places visible to the naked eye on both sides. The man asked, "No one has been here, right?"

"No, it's very cold, the inspector is right, how the ruling team, the trial team, and the head of the team will come over, and even if it does, we already know the news." The teammate supporting this sage Hearing this, he immediately said, the teammate thought that the sage said something was checked.

"That's good, that's good." The sage was shocked, if it was an illusion, but his face was hurt and he was dripping blood. The pain from his nose made him unable to breathe at all, and his belly The bruise above shows that this is true.

After Cook went out, he went directly to the opposite side of the canyon, and then found a cave in a relatively hidden place on the mountain and settled it down.

"Black Sea Great Strait, summer, Nima!" Cook received this information and couldn't help but scold his mother, why, it is winter now, and summer is still very early, it is dark now, Cook does not want to see the so-called Black Sea Great Strait, so I eat and drink, and then meditate.

Winter is very long. Fortunately, the cave is very dry, and this side is on the back of the mountain opposite to Barwon City. Even if there is a fire, it will not be found.

Early the next morning, I came to the entrance of the cave and found that there was still heavy snow falling in the sky. Two small things were playing in the cave. The beauty climbed high and flew high, and Cook transformed into a lightning bird and flew.

"The Great Black Sea Strait?" Cook made a big circle, and he saw a deep canyon behind the mountain range behind Barwang City. This canyon is bigger and deeper than the Star Boundary Grand Canyon, but underneath this canyon is huge. The icy surface and the roaring wind made Cook almost unstable.

This huge gorge also meandered away. Cook started flying along the edge of the gorge. After an hour, Cook had to look back because it was so cold that Cook couldn't bear it.

After Cook returned to the cave, he began to wonder: "Should I explore the Black Sea Grand Canyon first, or wait until summer, and this canyon is so big, how did these angels appear?"

A series of questions made Cook a little irritable, and a person in the winter was also very boring. Cook thought about it for a while and decided to first explore what is going on in the Black Sea Grand Canyon.

At this time, Cook’s snowmobiles came into play again. Cook drove the snowmobiles and began to march along the Grand Canyon. Although the speed did not fly as fast, the victory was not cold, of course. To consume the crystal nucleus, of course Cook does not lack the crystal nucleus.

Cook didn’t care about other things along the way. It took 20 days to hurry. Cook finally saw the end of the strait, the endless sea, the huge wind mixed with huge ice blocks, on the land. The smashed rumbling loudly, facing the sea are all rocks, there is no mud, there is no grass, let alone other creatures.

"Nima." Cook saw a block of ice with hundreds of his own size being blown up directly, and then smashed onto the ground behind him. Cook almost fell to the ground due to the shock.

"Are you sure to go in at this level?" Cook watched countless icebergs smashing from various places, and Cook was shocked. Nima is a place where people can go.

But then Cook was relieved: "I can't go, and those angels will definitely not be inside. This Nima is too crazy. I was wrong. The angels should have appeared not far from the end of the strait. , Not such a long distance, but... damn, I forgot to trade."

Danny was nervous. Looking at the dozens of small things in the cage, Danny was nervous and irritable, because the real person was about to trade with him, Danny must be excited, but it has been more than a month, the real person did not see any movement , You know, for this transaction, Danny borrowed a lot of points and promised a lot of conditions.

"This..." One night passed. Danny was in a terrible mood. Ten days have passed since a month, and the points he borrowed are about to expire, and there is nothing he promised. See the shadow.

"Oh, isn't this Danny?" Danny ran into someone as soon as he went out.

"Captain." Danny quickly greeted respectfully.

"Danny, you just said it, give me a vajra pill, the lowest grade is six, how about it, time is almost up?" The captain looked at Danny and asked with a smile.

"Two days, Captain, you give me two more days. After all, King Kong pills are rare things." Danny said with a smile quickly.

"Hey, two days, remembered!" The captain slapped Danny's head, then pointed to Danny and said.

"Yes, it's the captain, I remember." Danny heaved a sigh of relief.

As soon as the captain here left, Danny saw two people looking at him in the distance. Danny felt a little bit in his heart. This was the Chamber of Commerce where he borrowed. Danny was sweating. The two saw Danny like this, slowly Came over: "Danny, the twelve days you said, this has been eleven days, but it will expire tomorrow."

"It will be returned to you tomorrow." Danny gritted his teeth.

"You can do it, those useless waste actually cost more than 10,000 points, I think you have a brain disease, remember, twelve days." The thugs of the two chambers of commerce did not leave, but watched from a distance. Danny.

Danny cursed inwardly: "Damn it, isn't it a trap?"

Danny thought about this possibility, cold sweat came down. In Danny’s opinion, more than 10,000 points are a huge number. In this city, only 20 points a day, but everything in this place must be exchanged for points. Only food and lodging are not exchanged, but if you want to eat well, you must earn points, you need points for drinking, and points for finding women. In addition, the captain needs to be respected, and there are other inspection teams. The need for filial piety is to drink and drink, and find a woman, because there are fines in this place, which means that as long as the above inspections are not done in accordance with the regulations, they will be fined.

Of course, it is to hint in advance when the inspection will be done. As for you have not done it well by that time, I am sorry, the penalty is still a penalty, so there are not many points left this year.

"This..." Danny thought about the horrible things, and the cold sweat came down. This is still points, not to mention the things promised to go out, just like the promise of the leader, if it is not taken out by then, then Danny's good day will be It's over.

"Danny!" At this moment, someone shouted.

"Ah!" Danny was taken aback.

"What's your name? It's time for you to go on patrol." The person who called Danny yelled at Danny in an angry voice.

Danny followed the patrolling team and looked around. Finally, the patrol was over. It was getting dark again. There was no way. In this place, patrols and guards need to be done every day, even at night.

"Danny, go and drink." Danny's teammates invited Danny.

"Haha. You also told Danny to go for a drink, Danny has no points." Someone laughed loudly.

"I'm not going anymore." Danny did not have any points, no points. Danny received dry food, cold and hard jerky, and a kind of plant powder. Danny put the jerky next to the fire. Then put the lunch box with water and put it aside, and the plant powder was poured in.

"Danny, our brothers are here to accompany you today." The two guys from the Chamber of Commerce who monitored Danny sat next to Danny and said with a smile.

Danny smelled the smell of alcohol on his face, and he was terrified. In Hope City, one should not offend the boss and the other should not offend the Chamber of Commerce. After offending the Chamber of Commerce, you won’t use any of your points. If you encounter a field patrol, Without equipment, without good weapons, it is looking for death, not to mention the tribes who appear at any time, even other creatures will make you desperate, and the Chamber of Commerce will not buy your things, as for the point exchange system, a few points. , The freight is not enough, who wants to buy?

"I'll give it to you then." Although Danny was guilty, he still said stiffly.

"Hey! I'm not looking for a fight, we don't know what you are." I don't know that Danny was directly slapped by a thug.

"Say, who are you going to trade to?" Another thug looked at Danny coldly and asked.

"You..." Danny understood. Obviously the Chamber of Commerce wanted to know who he wanted to trade those useless things to.

"Rank Six King Kong Pill, you dare to say it." The beater who beat Danny looked at Danny with a smile. This is a priceless thing, something rare in the Chamber of Commerce, an ordinary sage. How could there be, so the Chamber of Commerce will see who Danny is trading with.

"I... slap." Danny was about to speak, and was slapped twice again, and his nosebleeds came out.

"Be honest, otherwise, the two of us will let you know what life is better than death, and go." The two thugs pushed Danny towards Danny’s house, which was an empty room where Danny lived. The cave was used to store supplies, and it was very cold because Danny wanted to put things.

"Boom." Danny was kicked in when he walked to the door of this room.

"Oh, what's the matter?" Cook came long ago, watching dozens of angels, Cook also stared at ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But Danny didn't come, Cook can't handle it, Cook After waiting for a few minutes, Danny actually rushed in, blood all over his face.

Before Danny spoke, a voice appeared at the door: "Okay, Danny, dare to collude with the spies of the tribe."

The two thugs looked at Cook’s attire. This was made of animal skins. Palwang City was not dressed like that. The two thugs also guessed that this was the one who traded with Danny. They immediately smashed a big hat on Ku. G's head.

"These two?" Cook looked at Danny, then asked.

"Eagle Chamber of Commerce, take out your things. We seriously suspect that you are a spy of the tribe." The two thugs looked at Cook coldly, and the weapons in their hands had been taken out.

"Haha, haha, haha, someone wants to rob me?" After Cook was taken aback, he immediately laughed. Who is Cook? On the plane of Sanctuary, that is the guy who dared to beat even the gods. On the sanctuary plane, the guy who dared to provoke a battle between the tribe and the sage association, on the side of the giant was a hero who dared to fight and slay, but two guys did not expect to be threatened to rob.

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