A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 186: Chardan

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"Boom boom, boom boom." Cook looked at the huge cracked ice surface, countless creatures are rolling inside, the water here has turned red, blue, and green, just like boiling water. In general, Cook can see that the blood of these various creatures is directly washed away by the water flowing from the strait, and a large distance is the color of this water.

Because of this, more creatures flooded in, first-order, second-order, third-order, fourth-order, fifth-order, sixth-order, non-inflowing, densely packed, and Cook's scalp was numb when he saw it. The big guy that was killed was eaten by other creatures long ago. There are more creatures that have not reached the first level. These creatures keep jumping up and then falling, but often when they fall; they fall into other creatures. Inside the creature's mouth.

And this creature had just eaten something, and hadn't reacted yet, and was swallowed by other creatures in one bite. When the creatures in the water ate, most of them swallowed it in one bite.

"Tsk tusk, thanks to my clever mind." Cook saw at least three big guys he killed under the water. Occasionally, he could see huge heads and mouths, and then a large swath of creatures disappeared. Cook didn't know. How deep is the water here, but it is certainly not shallow.

The scope of the ice being broken is getting wider and wider. Cook looked greedy. If there is any powerful weapon now, I don’t know how many soul crystals to collect, but Cook also thinks about it, Nima There is more than one creature of Tier 5, and there is more than one creature of Tier 6, and I haven’t seen Tier 7 for the time being, and I’m still thinking about what I'm at Tier 1 in Cooke district.

Cook watched for a while, and found that the matter would not be calmed down for a while, Cook decided to go to the end of the strait to have a look. There is a flat area over there. In summer, people from the city of Hope will come here to pick it up. Good thing, it is said that after every thunderstorm, huge creatures will appear at the end of this strait. If you are lucky, it is not difficult to obtain high-level crystal nuclei. More often, some children come here to find food.

Walking along the cliff, the cliff is not a whole, but layer by layer. Because the rock structure between each layer is different, the degree of erosion is also different, so the cliffs with depressions appear one by one, Cook Walking along these rock faults is relatively light.

In just half an hour, Cook came to the end of the strait. There is a huge **** here. At the top of the slope, there is also a huge cliff. The **** is still very high from the bottom up. There are hundreds of cooks. Is tall, but now there is no other situation seen here, it is all thick ice and snow.

The area of ​​this place is very large. Cook estimates that it will take several days to complete the search. What makes Cooke's egg painful is that this place is covered in snow and ice, and you can't see anything.

"Leave a space coordinate first." Leave a space coordinate in this place on the map of that space system, and then Cook continued to search.

"Nima, I haven't practiced a tree." After searching for half an hour, Cook saw ice, snow, or snow, accompanied by a howling cold wind.

No way, the ice and snow in this place are too thick, and the place is too big, but even so, Cook still has to search it again, at least to see if there are any dangers here, and if there are any creatures.

The magic eye Cook opens from time to time. The scenery seen by the magic eye in this place is blue. Obviously the ice element here is too rich, which is very unfavorable for Cook to find ice creatures.

At the end of the day, Cook didn’t gain much at all. Of course, this refers to searching. In fact, Cook didn’t search for a long time, only two or three hours. After all, Cook took almost half a day to get down. On the other hand, there are only two or three hours left. In fact, this is the long daytime in the star realm. Otherwise, it will be dark.

Cook found a cave on the cliff and raised a bonfire. The bonfire with a lot of biological fat burned violently, and the large cave was warm like spring.

"Hey, where is this space wormhole, I really want to go back." When he is alone, Cook will involuntarily think of his relatives on the Sanctuary plane. Although Cook tries not to think about it, he thinks of things like that. It's not that you don't want to think about it, but thinking about it like this makes Cook feel very lonely, which is not a good thing for Cook.

After thinking for a while, Cook let out a long sigh, then lay on the animal skin, ready to start meditation. Cook would not let go of meditation. As long as he had time, Cook would definitely meditate, because the night here is too much. If you don’t meditate, you won’t be able to sleep that long.

With a sound of "Bo!" Cook opened his eyes immediately, and the Feng Mozhu was touched by Cook. This was the sound of the warning magic pattern set by Cook.

The entrance of the cave was covered with thick animal skins by Cook, because the cave is not big and not very deep. In the night, the fire will scare away some creatures, but it will also attract some other creatures.

"Hiss!" Cook took out the crystal ball and took a look after it was activated. Cook took a breath of cold air. On the ground below the cliff, there were hundreds of creatures. This was still within Cook's sight, and They are elemental creatures. From a distance, they look like moving ice cubes. The colors of the ice cubes are different, ranging from white, blue, and light blue, with different shapes. There are various shapes.

But Cook can clearly distinguish from the physique that the larger the elemental creatures are, the higher the level, and the smaller the individual, not necessarily the lower the level. This depends on the energy contained in the elemental creatures themselves.

"I just said how it feels wrong, Nima is such a large area, and the food is rich, why there are no other creatures." Cook finally understands how he feels wrong, in such a place, there are no big creatures. There should be small ones. Of course there are these elemental creatures, and there is definitely no room for other creatures to survive.

"Elemental creatures are at least Tier 2 and Tier 3 creatures." From what Cook already knows, these elemental creatures are at least Tier 2 and Tier 3, and there are almost no Tier 1 creatures.

The ice creatures below did not find Cook, but touched the warning magic pattern set by Cook under the cliff. Cook did not plan to go down to look for abuse. The night here is even colder, even if Cook is a first-order strong It is also unbearable.

"Forget it, let's go back. This place is a bit dangerous." Cook thought about it, and quickly decided to go back to his cave on the side of Barwong City. Cook really didn't have the confidence to face the elemental creatures, especially the ice system. In such an environment, Cook must be at least two levels higher to kill these guys. As for melee combat, don't even think about it. In such an environment, the energy attacks of ice elemental creatures are very abnormal.

Cook opened the scroll of the space map, and then mental energy poured into it, and then Cook's figure suddenly disappeared.

"Puff, puff, puff, puff." A strange puff sounded in Cook's ears.

In less than half a second, Cook’s vision was restored. Cook saw more than a hundred angels attacking a small object. This thing seemed to feel the warmth in the cave, so he touched it. of.

"Haha." Cook saw this thing the size of his fist. It was a big beetle. In the past, awesome angels flew in the air, and rays of light magic focused on the beetle, but the beetle's defense was really abnormal. , More than a hundred eight-winged angels can't help this guy, Cook saw this scene, he laughed.

"Haha." Cook laughed, and then stepped on with his big feet. The beetle chirped and turned into a pool of meatloaf, and then Cook kicked the beetle corpse into the fire.

Cook did not care about the angels with ugly faces, but took out the two red beasts. The two little things were kept by Cook for a day. After they came out, he expressed dissatisfaction with Cook, but when Cook was in After these two little things stuffed two grilled fish in their mouths, the two little things didn't care, and they kept competing with the grilled fish.

"Master." Midden flew to Cook's side and yelled softly.

"Mayden, what are you doing?" Cook asked while looking at Mayden.

"Master, if you go to other places, can you also bring us?" Mayden asked.

"Yes, but I'm just taking you. The others have nothing to do with me. If it weren't for your face, I would have driven them out a long time ago." Cook's voice is not small, of course Cook deliberately of.

"See, it's so cold outside, even I can't stand it, let alone them, there are countless dangerous creatures, what is that beetle just now?" Cook continued.

"Master..." Mayden looked at Cook pitifully when he heard that there were no other angels.

"I don't have to say, unless I answer my question, I don't like violence, but it doesn't mean that I don't need violence. Don't look like you are looking for death. If you want to die, it is not so easy in my hands." Cook Ignored Mayden’s expression, and then said in a cold voice. As soon as I said this, the other angels unconsciously moved closer. For these angels, Cook's strength is too strong, and the body is too big, the angels are almost two The big guy with the height of Meadows, but compared to Cook, it is only the size of Cook’s thumb, and Cook is still halfling, which means that Cook’s height is more than two hundred times the height of these angels, reaching The height of nearly one thousand meters, and if the starry sky is in the state of giant, Cook's height is thousands of meters in the eyes of these angels, and to transform into a giant, that is the height of more than 10,000 meters. How strong is the intuitive response .

Meiden is now a little embarrassed. If he is suspended in the air, he wants to follow Cook. Certainly the angels must have opinions, but if he wants to return to the other angels, then he will not give Cook face, and if Cook becomes angry, then For other angels, it is a disaster.

"Master." Cook is also waiting to see how Mayden chooses. Once Mayden returns to the other angels, Cook will not take the initiative to trouble these guys, but he wants to get his own protection. Possibly, if you encounter something like a beetle, Cook will not manage money at all.

"Well, you can follow me from now on." Cook was still very happy to see Mayden standing on his side, but Cook wouldn't say anything, just gave a light command.

"Your Excellency." Just after Cook finished speaking, he heard a voice outside. Cook's heart swelled, his body instantly swelled and became the size of a starry sky giant, then he calmly changed his clothes.

"Come in." Cook said, then the animal skin curtain at the entrance of the cave was opened, and a star giant walked in.

"It's not a very polite behavior to break into other people's camp privately." Cook said lightly.

"Hehe, I just want something to do with your Excellency." The star giant who came in heard Cook's words. His face changed, and he said with a smile.

"Sit down, the conditions are simple." Cook said while turning over and roasting the sea snake-like creatures harvested today.

"Haha." A real person came in, and Cook could feel the energy fluctuations on this servant.

"What are you looking for?" Cook asked directly, and then picked up the cooked sea snake meat, but Cook couldn't eat it himself, and the two red velvet beasts looked at the contents in Cook's hands with eyesight.

The real person who came in looked around and found that more than one hundred angels were living in the corner of the cave, and one fell on Cook’s shoulder, and there were two red foxes beside him. The real person smiled and said, "These two red foxes. Foxes are very rare."

"Haha, haha, haha, Red Fox?" Cook laughed when he heard this.

"Isn't it?" The real person who came in couldn't hold his face.

"Sorry, there are other people who want to forcefully buy my red fox, but I was violently beaten up by me. If you don't have that knowledge, it's better to speak less." Cook said lightly, not putting this real person in his eyes, because of this. Real people are only Tier 1, in Cook's eyes, Tier 1 is scum, and it can be done in seconds.

"Oh, I came here to make a deal with your husband." The real person looked at the Red Velvet Beast in confusion, and then said.

"Oh, what do you have?" Cook asked with a smile when he heard the deal.

"Crystal nuclei, energy herbs, and the origin of these little things." The real person on the other side glanced at Cook, and then said.

"So what do you need?" Cook remained the same, without even looking at the real person.

"Spellbook!" The real person on the opposite side looked at Cook and said.

"How many tiers do you want, what kind?" The wizard book Cook doesn't have too much, the first and second tiers are simply too much, don't forget, Cook ransacked the entire trading space.

"You, you, do you really have?" The real person on the other side stood up and looked at Cook in amazement, stuttering.

Cook rolled his eyes, and then took out a few wizard books: "I got it from the ruins, anyway, I'm useless."

"This, this, this." This real person knew that the spell book in this ruin was different from what he said. What he said was made by a high-level real person. Seeing so many ancient spell books, this real person was even more surprised. shocked.

"I think you should know the value of this thing, so you should know what you want to exchange for." Cook is still so careless.

The real person on the other side took a deep breath and said, "No problem, I will bring out enough things, but it will take time."

"Then give me information about these little guys first, and treat it as a deposit." Cook nodded and said.

"No problem, no problem, this is also when I was bored, I did some research, but my strength is too low, so I can't verify it in some places. My name is Chardan." Chardan was excited, and he was looking forward to it here. The research I did when I was bored was actually useful.

Seeing that Chardan took out a small crystal ball, Cook reached out and took it, then pointed to a piece of white meat and said, "Try it, this is the meat of the flat-tailed bighead fish I just killed in the channel. "

Chardan's eyes were staring. Chardan didn't expect that Cook would actually eat the meat of flat-tailed bighead fish. Those creatures not only lived in the water, but they were also very powerful. Chardan didn't say anything. , Nodded to Cook with a smile, and then cut off a piece and started to bake it.

"Yes, it is very detailed." In a few minutes, Cook has read it. According to the record, Chardan has studied angels for 30 years, and Chardan needs to be stationed in Bawang City for 50 years. As for what the rewards are, Cook doesn't know.

"Thank you sir for the hospitality. I'll go back and prepare something first." After Chardan finished the barbecue, he was shocked. The meat of higher-order creatures would feel different if he ate it. Chardan felt that he would eat meat like this for a month. , It is estimated to be promoted, think about the opponent often eats such meat, that strength must be too high, and it is easy to kill the fifth-order creature in the water, this strength is at least the sixth-order.

"Yes." Cook hummed, and Chardan left.

"It was actually blown from the Black Sea. I don't know how Chardan got the news." Cook put the crystal ball away and pondered to himself. Based on Chardan's research, he also cited evidence. , These angels came from the Black Sea and were blown by thunderstorms and storms.

And there is also a map of a large area around Bawang City, which is marked in detail. There are also various biological activities on it. The only ones that are not marked are the Black Sea Strait and the Astral Canyon.

Cook concluded from the two news that real people are not allowed to participate in the war between the tribe and the sage. Otherwise, according to Chardan’s character, he will definitely check it out. As for the Black Sea Strait, it is very dangerous. Needless to say.

"It seems that it is necessary to go deep into a certain area of ​​the Black Sea, but these angels are not strong. Even if they are blown by a storm, the distance is not very far. After all, the strength of these angels is there, so there is a general area. I will collect the wind direction, wind and other information here, and analyze and see where I can blow things into the Black Sea Strait... No, no, I really want to hear the archangel say where they came out of the star realm, the distance from the starry sky The giant is not very far away?" After Cook analyzed for a while, he remembered that the so-called archangel who forced him to come to this star realm seemed to have said such a sentence, but Cook didn't care about it at the time and didn't remember it at all.

"The egg hurts." Cook analyzed for a long time and found that none of his analysis seemed to be of any use. Cook was a little speechless.

"It seems that I don't have to go to the Black Sea for the first time. According to the urinary nature of the angels, it is estimated that the information that Chardan asked is not necessarily accurate." Then Cook thought of another possibility, and he muttered even more.

"Continue to follow my plan." Since Chardan's research may be misled by the angel's intelligence, then Cook adopted the most stupid method, which is to look for the area where the angel appeared.

"Next time I go to the cave and see, who are those fishing guys? Are they really from the underground world of the Black Sea Strait?" After having a plan, Cook set his target on the people who haunted there. , To force these people, it is much better than blindly touching, after all, people who are born here, can't compare to an outsider like yourself.

After planning, Cook relaxed a lot. When there is an analysis model, Cook analyzes these things. Although it is efficient, it consumes a lot of mental energy.

"It's really unpalatable." Cook ate a piece of meat from a Tier 5 creature and found that there was too much oil and it was not as delicious as the meat of sea snakes. He gave up without hesitation and switched to eating snake meat and two small red beasts He was crawling beside Cook and snuggling next to the fire, and there was a slight snoring sound, apparently asleep.

"What about these two little things?" Cook is also a little worried about the future of these two little things. It is impossible to bring them back to the sanctuary. This guy doesn't have so much food to feed over there. As for sending off, Cook was not very willing.

"Let's take a look, anyway, if you can't take it, just let it go." Cook tangled for a while, and was attracted by the smell of snake meat. Cook gave Mayden a piece and took the rest. , Began to eat.

Mayden knew that if the food here was eaten, his body would gradually become stronger, but Mayden looked at his companions and ate it by himself, which seemed not quite right.

"Hey, give these to them." Cook saw Mayden's tangled look, cut a big piece, and put it aside, and said.

"Thank you, host~www.wuxiaspot.com~Midden immediately cheered up and thanked me.

Mei Deng flew over and murmured with those angels. The other angels also came over and thanked Cook.

Cook smiled bitterly. This Nima turned out to be a good person, but these things were nothing to Cook, so just eat.

"Mayden, do you want to go back to your world?" After eating and drinking enough, Cook lazily didn't want to move, and asked Mayden.

"I want to go back, I still have relatives in my hometown." Midden replied when he heard Cook's words, but Cook could see Mayden's tears come down.

"Okay, don't cry, I will definitely let you go back then." Cook said comfortingly when he saw Mayden cry.

"Mayden, did you tell the giant about us?" At this moment, an angel flew over and asked Mayden. When Cook saw this scene, his eyebrows were erected.

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