A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 188: Crystal core! Crystal core!

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"What else can I do, look for it!" the other person replied grimly.

More and more real people gathered in the entire Bawang City. There were high-level flying creatures flying over the entire Bawang City from time to time, and from time to time there were aircraft flying by from time to time. The soldiers of the entire Bawang City had a long experience.

The soldiers in the high tower area in the middle of Bawang City have been evacuated. There is already the residence of real people, and these real people ride huge mounts or flying vehicles with flames, constantly rising and falling.

Cook did not know that there were more and more real people around the whole Bawang City. Cook has been waiting quietly these days, waiting for those mysterious people to come out hunting. Of course, Cook did not stop practicing, the wind system in his body The model has completely changed its appearance, and the speed of devouring wind energy is even faster.

"It seems that there will be a result." Cook had a curious feeling that this model was about to have a result, and Cook had to take out some reserve wind system biological crystal nuclei for emergency use.

Once again draw the magic lines on his body, Cook’s mental power feels like his body is like a large giant magnet, attracting countless wind elements, and then turning into wind that rushes into the body. Department model.

The two crystal nuclei in Cook's hand are shrinking at a speed that is visible to the naked eye, but these two wind system crystal nuclei are the crystal nuclei of fourth-order creatures, so they will not be absorbed for a while.

"Boom." Cook has been paying attention to the scene in his body vigilantly. The wind model is becoming more and more complex, and the energy accumulated in it is getting more and more. The color of the entire model is changing and dazzling. Of course, this is for Cook. Cook’s mental power just feels the power of Pembey in the model.

"Uh, how is this possible!" A few minutes later, Cook jumped up and was shocked. Cook's mental power was incredibly watched as something in his body was embedded in his heart.

"Crystal nucleus! Nima, Nima." Cook did not expect that this model would eventually become a crystal nucleus. Yes, it is exactly the same as the crystal nucleus of other first-order creatures that Cook hunted. The size, shape, and color are just the same. The difference is that the nucleus of other creatures is in the brain, while your own is in the heart.

"It's a dog, I am." Cook can't help but kill other creatures to take out the crystal nucleus. If he is killed by someone, wouldn't he also take out the crystal nucleus? Thinking of this, Cook shivered all over.

"Damn, what is going on with Nima?" Cook felt a little scared inexplicably.

Cook took a deep breath, and then immersed his mental power into his body. After careful observation, Cook really discovered this observation.

"It seems that energy is absorbed faster, and the speed of energy conversion is also higher. You must know that this is a super wizard model. This crystal core can be directly absorbed from the body without going through the wizard super model. Energy, doesn't it mean that this crystal nucleus is equivalent to the second wizard model?" After Cook studied a lot, he fell into contemplation, because such things have never happened before.

Seeing this, Cook thought of another thing, and quickly searched through the Ring of Nature. Books about wizards were thrown out by Cook, and finally Cook found the book he was looking for.

"The wizard model and the spell model are all derived from creatures. The spell model. The wizard model simulates the energy operation route of creatures. However, humans can never condense into nuclei like other creatures. The nuclei are actually all spell models and wizards. The model body has to be improved just to suit us human beings." After reading the contents of this scroll, Cook seemed to understand.

"This should be a good thing." After reading it, Cook thought for a while and found that this might be a good thing. First of all, in terms of absorbing energy, it is equivalent to two super wizard models. This has never been seen before. It is almost unimaginable.

The other is the conversion rate of energy. Just like a magician meditation to absorb energy elements and then transform the magic, there is a conversion rate, and the same is true for wizards, but a wizard has the advantage that as long as the wizard model is established, meditation is not required, and the body directly absorbs it. , And then transformed by the wizard model. Although the unit time efficiency is not as high as that of meditation, this meditation has a time limit, usually two-thirds or half of the spiritual power. Of course, this is determined by oneself according to the situation, while the wizard model does not Time is limited, so the overall efficiency of the wizard is much higher. Cook is equivalent to two wizard models, which is even more.

Cook checked all parts of his body again and again, and found that nothing else came out, and Cook breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's okay, it's okay." Cook's forehead was sweating. Cook didn't expect that there was something more on his last long heart. Thinking of this, Cook's heartbeat accelerated.

"Forget it, I can't do it in the future, it will kill people." Cook finally decided not to do it again. Of course, what Cook didn't know was that he wanted to do it in the future, but there was no chance.

"It's only been half a day. Why aren't those guys Nima coming out? Are these guys not eating." Cook took out the crystal ball, checked it, and muttered in his heart. Cook set up the cave that he entered. With the induction magic pattern, as long as someone passes by, it will leave a record. What Cook does not know is that in this sky, countless real people are flying back and forth. Anyway, those creatures are unlucky, and there are biological roars from time to time. It came out, and then accompanied by the roar of spells.

However, in this area, the Black Sea Strait is almost a restricted area for these real people. I don’t know why. Whether it’s aircraft or mounts, they bypass this area far away. Also, real people cannot go to the Astral Canyon. The place.

"I said, how many brothers, aren't we being tricked?" In a huge building in Barwang City, it has been transformed into a magnificent and magnificent building, and there are real people coming and going. These are bars and restaurants used by real people. The food provided here is the meat of high-end organisms, and the drinks provided are all brewed from the top energy fruits. Nine people sat on one of the tables. These nine people were eating while someone asked.

"Impossible, did you see it? Not only are we here, but several families are also here, and the news of those families is much better than ours." One of them looked at the distance and said, everyone knew the tables over there. There are people from several families who are sitting, which obviously won't be false news.

"Hey, speaking of the family, I have heard that there was originally a member of the La Gul'dan family in this city of hope. The news was discovered by this person the first time, but the La Gul'dan family wanted to keep it secret. No reward was given to this person, and this person was a little angry on the side with the double-winged Firefox, so he encouraged others to sell the news. By the time the Ragul'dan family knew it, it was too late, haha. "This person said and laughed at the end.

"It's so ridiculous that I don't reward others, but this person also has a brain problem. How can the family not pay attention to such a high-level creature cub, tusk." Another person said sarcastically.

"Hey, big family, it's inevitable that there will be a fight, but if there is no such fight, we probably won't get the news. No, but I think that guy must have hidden in the Astral Canyon, otherwise it is impossible for so many people. Can't find it." The other person smiled, then analyzed.

"It's possible, but if we real people want to enter the Astral Canyon, then we will be punished." Someone nodded, then said.

"I guess this is a guy from a wild road. We were all promoted from the Sage Association and we all have detailed files. But I know that there is a kind of person who doesn't belong to our kind at all. This kind of person is Ye Luzi, but very cunning, vicious, and extremely rich in combat experience. We also checked the cave, and there were indeed dark energy fluctuations. Obviously, this guy has space objects in his hands and must move a long distance." Another person analyzed. Tao.

"Then what shall we do?" someone asked.

"Astral Canyon, of course, it was the low-level sages who were looking for it. We have to abide by the agreement." Another person said with a smile.

In the following days, there were fewer real people flying in the air, but there were more teams of sages in the Astral Grand Canyon. The difference is that each team of sages has some recruits in it, and these teams patrol every day. The area is different, gradually infiltrating the entire Astral Canyon, and in the Black Sea Strait, there are also dozens of sage teams searching around the strait, and entering the strait, but they all return without success. .

This is also because Cook was practicing in the cave by mistake, and he didn't encounter it. If Cook hadn't practiced but walked outside, the situation would not be optimistic.

After being in the cave for a few days, Cook didn’t need to practice at this time. The energy absorbed by the wind system crystal nucleus was almost comparable to when Cook painted magic patterns on the surface of his body. Cook couldn’t help sighing: "No wonder this creature grows. Quickly, Nima doesn't need to practice, and can advance to the next level when sleeping. If you practice again, tsk tsk."

And it doesn’t stop there. The energy accumulated by this crystal core is gradually transforming Cook’s body. Cook feels that his suitability for using wind spells is getting higher and higher. This fit is just like driving a car, driving extremely smoothly. , Very smooth, of course, the chance of accidents is small, if everything is not used smoothly, then there is a problem with the fit.

Of course, the fit is the effect of long-term proficiency. After driving for a long time, a car will naturally have a higher fit. The higher the fit of Cook's wind system, the greater the power of the wind magic released by Cook, and the shorter the interval. The chances of backphagy are reduced, energy use efficiency is improved, and so on.

When the average magician improves the fit, he only has to constantly release magic to continuously improve it. Because everyone's mental power fluctuates, the magic fluctuates differently, so the fit can only be found on their own.

"It seems that we need to build another spell... Fuck, I'm so awesome, with this crystal core, I don't need to build a spell model in the future, can the entire wind system spell be released," Cook just thought of the wind The magic model of the blade, Cook was stunned, a green crescent-like wind blade appeared in front of him, quietly suspended in front of Cook, so beautiful, but Cook jumped up in shock.

"Fuck." Cook exploded again, because when Cook jumped, the wind blade did not disappear. It followed Cook's body and jumped a bit, always maintaining the position in front of Cook's body.

"Calm down! Calm down! Calm down." Cook kept touching his chest to calm himself.

"Puff puff puff." Then Cook directly took out a basin of water and released a freezing technique, and Cook poured the extremely cold water on his head at once.

After being drenched by the cold water, Cook finally calmed down. It was too scary. Cook looked at the floating wind blade with a weird face. There was nothing to toss about. Cook reached out and touched the wind blade. It has already materialized, especially the blade in front of the wind blade, which feels like a blade.

"Could it become a sword?" Cook thought this way, and then thought about the appearance of a one-handed sword.

"O!" Cook watched the wind blade suddenly turn into a one-handed sword. Although Cook was prepared in his heart, Cook's mouth still rose.

"Tsk tusk, if I fight now, I will be scared myself." Cook held such a one-handed sword with wind energy condensed in his hand, tut praised, it is not Cook who is arrogant or arrogant, but Cook I feel uncomfortable if I don't praise myself. If I praise myself, Cook feels comfortable immediately.

"Hey, what about you guys, quickly compliment me." Cook rolled his eyes, and then pointed his one-handed sword at the angel on the other side.

"Master..." Mayden and the other angels were stunned long ago. In the eyes of these angels, Cook is a lunatic with intermittent mental illness. First he releases a wind blade, then jumps up, and then gets wet with ice water. Your own body, then praised yourself, which is not counted, and let others praise yourself, is this Nima a lunatic with intermittent mental illness?

"Hurry up." Cook stared fiercely.

"Your Excellency is the smartest and most handsome person." An angel was stared at by Cook and immediately said loudly.

"Yes, okay, go on to the next one." Cook feels a lot more comfortable, and part of his suffocation is released.

"Your Excellency is the heart of all women..." another angel stammered.

"Shut up, all women, old and ugly." Cook shouted angrily.

"Your Excellency is the smartest person." But the angel's praise made Cook excited. These guys don't praise people too much.

"Stop, what are you talking about? This is for you two, don't think about the rest." Cook took out two first-order light system crystal nuclei, threw them to two people who praised him, and then turned around and went to the fire. , The water that had been frozen by Nima's freezing technique was so cold that it was trembling.

"Beep." Cook heard the beep as soon as he sat beside the fire.

"Nima, if you don't come early or late, you turn around, I want to change my clothes." Cook heard this voice, looked at the crystal ball, jumped and scolded.

All the angels turned around. Cook said this every time he changed his clothes. After Cook changed his clothes, he sat next to the fire and waited quietly.

"Boom!" After ten minutes passed, Cook was waiting for those guys to come back, and he felt the whole cave tremble.

"What's the matter?" Cook was shocked and quickly picked up the crystal ball. After the mental energy was input, he found that the whole crystal ball did not respond.

"Damn it, the induction magic pattern is destroyed." Cook had originally set up the induction magic pattern at the door, but now the induction magic pattern is actually useless, and it is probably destroyed.

"Quick, let's go, this Nima must have something wrong." Cook said to the angels. Before the angels had time to resist, they appeared in a house, and Cook put away two small things.

"Boom." Cook walked to the entrance of the cave and found that the metal door at the entrance of the cave was deformed. The anger in Cook's heart was that, Nima, who would dare to come to his door and be wild.

"Damn it, it's...o!" Cook smashed the gate with a smashing star hammer. The gate was blown apart by a huge shock wave, and Cook stopped immediately when he caught fire. Come down.

Not far in front of Cook’s cave, two people are floating in the air. There are huge mounts under them, but now the mounts are very embarrassed, full of metal fragments. The star hammer smashed the gate, and the fragments of the gate flew out and directly inserted into the huge creature.

"A Tier 3 flying fetish, iron-billed eagle." Cook was also shocked after seeing this creature. The mount is Tier 3, so the owner must be Tier 3 at least.

"Real people, there are real people in this remote place?" Cook muttered inwardly.

"Boom." The ground shook again, and Cook discovered that there were two real people below who were fighting with more than a hundred people who came out of the cave below. The more than one hundred people have already died a lot, although these people There is also a faint energy shield, but the two attacking real-life spells are at least Tier 3, which is impossible to resist.

"Damn it, who are you?" The two real people in the sky across from Cook glared at Cook.

There were countless thoughts in Cook's mind. Why didn't these two guys attack him? Could it be that he was afraid of himself? It must not be anymore, so why?

Cook couldn't figure it out, and Cook shouted coldly: "I am your uncle."

It's useless to say good things now. Actively attack a real person. If Cook is a real person, Cook is not afraid, but if Cook doesn't, Cook will be offended if he is sexually offended, and he yells angrily.

"Damn it, do you know who we are?" the two real people roared at Cook angrily.

"Aha, you ran out of the spells you prepared today, aha, I said why you two scumbags don't do it, ahha." Cook then his eyes lit up and he laughed, how cheap is that look Ah, Cook saw it. The following two real people did not release group attack spells at all, which means that these people did not expect to encounter more than a hundred enemies, and the single spell has a very strong attack power, but the single spell, As the name suggests, attack one target at a time.

"Kill him."; The two patted the mount under them and ordered loudly.

"Kill, kill your sister." Cook took out the Fire Element Specialization Wizard Book.

"Run!" When the two real people across from Cook just started, they saw the wizard book in Cook's hand, and it was still glowing red. Obviously the energy was extremely sufficient. The two were shocked and their mounts were even worse. It was unbearable. When the body turned over, he rolled directly under the strait, and then climbed far away.

"Nima, this is too proficient." Cook watched in amazement as the two mounts continued to fly away, making various evasive movements.

"The babe below, are you looking for death?" Cook yelled at the two real people below, the wizard book in his hand floating.

"Ah!" The two real people below were also riding Tier 3 iron-billed eagles. The two looked at Cook and then looked around. The two distant figures made the two people scream, watching Cook warily. In the middle, fled in embarrassment, the wizard book is in the real person, that is the big killer.

Cook ran down quickly. There were more than one hundred people, only thirty or fifty people were left. The others were dead and could no longer die. After all, being hit by a spell, there was no possibility of survival.

"Come on, I also scared them." These people looked at Cook warily. Cook did not show the wizard book in front of these people. These people were chased by two real people just now like dead dogs.

When Cooke said so, these thirty or fifty people immediately reacted, and then Cook successfully followed the group of people into the cave.

"Wow." Cook looked at the dozens of people in a hidden place with a stunned mouth, pulling apart something like a wooden board on the ground, and then a downward passage appeared. Where did Cook know this Nima underground? There are secret roads.

I have to say that this Nima is concealed enough to set up a secret tunnel in a dark tunnel. Cook holds a torch in his hand. Others don't. These people can actually see things in the dark.

"Okay, we are safe now, who are you?" When a bonfire was raised in a place that was obviously a temporary camp ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, these people looked at Cook and asked.

"I just scolded a civilian and was punished. I couldn't figure it out, so I found an opportunity to beat that spoiler severely, but I was not sure of the strength, and directly crippled the person. This is why I... "Cook observed it secretly, none of these people were ordinary people, so Cook said so.

"Hey, so do I. Some spoilers just want to beat me fiercely. Lao Tzu looks at their women. That's their family portrait. Actually..." One of them brightened his eyes and said with a sigh. It was obviously with Cook. Pity the same disease.

"Well, in this case, on our side, you can choose a new name by yourself, but you are now a temporary status, you can only live in a temporary camp, and you can only enter our city after an inspection. Only the content of the inspection , I'll talk about it later, follow us first, this place is not safe anymore." One of them seemed to interrupt the person who was talking and then said to Cook. ‘

"Yeah." Cook nodded quickly. Cook found that Nima's organizational discipline was quite strict, but Cook curled his lips. I don't want to enter your organization. After I figured out what I need to know, I just slipped away. Up.

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