A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 190: Fengjin Mine

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"Kateley." Cook said with a smile when he saw Kateley approaching.

"William, I knew you were going to mine, so I brought you here. Do you want to come with us? Someone on our side has found the ore?" Kateley invited Cook.

Cooks measured it, then shook his head and said, "I want to try it myself."

"Okay, but to join someone else's mine, you need to pay 30% of the harvest to the owner of the mine." Kateley heard Cook's answer and said to Cook.

"Thank you for reminding." Cook thanked Kateley.

"Do you want to go back together tonight?" Kateley then invited Cook again.

"Okay." Cook nodded.

The reason Cook rejected Kateley was because Cook felt that he wanted more news about angels, so he must have a group of people. If you follow other people, you have to listen to others, although mining here is not The point is, but Cook will not idiotically give away precious metals like Fengjin to others. As for prospecting, hehe, with the help of the magic eye, Cook doesn't believe he can't find ore.

But if he wanted to dig a mine, Cook first checked it on the mine map. This cliff was huge, with more than 100 mines. The mine map marked all the areas of other people’s mines. Cook wanted If you want to excavate separately, you can't touch other people's mine area. Of course, there is no charge for mining here.

Then Cook took a look with his magic eye. Magic metal veins are different from ordinary mineral veins. The different veins are called veins. That is because the mineral deposits have the same vein shape, while the magic metal veins are irregular mineral deposits. Veined.

However, the ore of Fengjin Mine has a slight energy fluctuation, which is very light. This is because the content of Fengjin in the ore is very small, which is comparable to Cooke. The refined Fengjin may only be the size of rice grains. , This is actually a bonanza.

However, prospecting requires technology. Magic metal mines are generally associated. Based on the color of the surrounding rocks and the quality of the associated mines, we can roughly determine whether there are wind gold mines. Some ores will not be associated with wind gold mines. .

Of course, in this ordinary way, Cook's magic eyes were swept away, and then Cook found the person in charge of the mine here, a first-order scum.

"Sir, I want to mine in this area." Although there is no charge, Cook still needs to report.

"This area is a bit big, are you alone?" The real person of this level looked at the area delineated by Cook and asked with eyelids.

"Haha, sir, I can pay the points." Cook chuckled out a ten-point score card and placed it in front of the real person.

"Okay." The real person put away the score card calmly, then nodded and said, and then marked the area delineated by Cook on the publicized map of the mining area.

This is over. Everyone should say that this Nima is too good. This gold mine is definitely expensive. After you find it, you only need to pay one-third, and the rest is your own. Yes, the rest is your own, but the ore It cannot be taken out of the mine. Yours is yours, but the purchase price of the mine is set by the mine. If you are not satisfied, you must first beat these three slags that are first-order in the eyes of Cook. Scum, then you have to face an underground force with a huge organization. The guys who come here can't live on the ground anymore. If you can't live here, hehe, then you have to live in the wild.

As for the price of ore, it is as cheap as it is. After all, Fengjin is Fengjin, but the extraction of Fengjin ore is not a simple matter, just like the content of one ton of ore in some gold mines is just a few grams. What do you say is the price of this ore? The shipping cost is a big chunk, not to mention the cost of mining, of course these few grams are already rich, and there are still a few ten grams.

The area Cook was looking for was under the rock wall. There was even some **** in this place. Cook cleaned up the **** at will, and then began to dig.

"Kately, your friend doesn't seem to be the material for mining, and that place is not in the vein area at all." A big man said to Kately in the mine that Kately dug.

"Haha." What Kateley can and can't say, can only laugh.

The mine pick in Cook's hand was dropped. In fact, Cook felt a pain in the egg, so he took out the broken star hammer. Just two clicks of duang! duang! and it was done directly, but if Cook did that, he couldn’t ask the angel. News.

An ordinary person does one thing, no matter how strange it is, others don’t care, but if you want a celebrity to do a strange thing, such as collecting something, then this kind of thing will be collected by many people immediately even if it is not valuable. It's a celebrity effect, so once Cook reveals his identity, hehe, the angel's news itself will be easily found out, but at that time, it's hard to say.

For half a day, the progress was extremely slow. The rock was too hard. During the break, Kateley found Cook, looked at Cook with a strange look and asked, "William, are you planning to mine like this yourself?"

"If you don't dig it yourself, do you ask someone to dig it?" Cook asked with a puzzled look on his face while eating the jerky.

"Digging a mine by yourself, you can use points to ask a real person to make a shot, but a real person needs at least ten points to make a shot, and the real person is only responsible for the depth of two meters." Kateley said.

"Fuck!" Cook exploded when he heard this.

"Why don't I know?" Cook asked silently afterwards.

"You see there is written next to the map of the mine area, don't you know how to read?" Kately asked in surprise afterwards, as if I was convinced.

"Let me take a look." Cook quickly stood up and came to the front of the mine area map. Cook really found that there were mine regulations.

Rumble! Cook took out ten points, let the real person shoot, and directly blasted out a two-meter-deep mine.

"The mine is out." The real person directly took out two metal objects, stuck them to the area where Cook was mining the ore, and then directly detonated them. A large circular pit appeared on the rock wall, but the splashed ore just hit the ground. Someone yelled.

"Ore, it's really out of the mine, my God, look inside." When the people around heard this, they gathered quickly, and then these people saw a large pit on the blasted rock wall. There was an area in the large pit. It showed a cyan ore, and under the light of the fire, it shimmered with a faint gold, windy gold mine, and associated windy gold mine ore.

"Fuck!" More than one person around burst into foul language, and this Nima turned out to be a good start.

"William, William, I want to come to you to mine." Kately ran to Cook first and asked.

"It's easy to say, go." Cook waved his hand and of course agreed.

"Mr. William, Mr. William, I am willing to pay 35%..." Another person said eagerly, carrying his own tools.

"Go, go." Cook let it go with a big wave.

In a blink of an eye, Cook has ten people here, and most of them even have to pay 50%. Cook also agreed that the reason why Cook has only ten people is because one group of four people, and Kateley was appointed by Cook to another group. The person who leads the team is responsible for collecting the ore that Cook wants to collect, and then Cook divides 10% of it to Kateley. Kateley is excited to know that Kateley can dig a part of the ore, and then add the ore from Cook to harvest But it's huge.

As for someone who pays 50%, plus 33% of the mine, he is left with 17%. Is there such a stupid person? In fact, this is very simple. Cook has already seen the ore, no matter how much, there will be a harvest. In other mines, there may be no gains from digging for a few days. You will gain from working here. In other places, it is an unknown number. How to choose may not be a fool. In the underground world, survival is Necessarily, the mine on Cook's side is obviously rich, and the value obtained is higher.

"Nest mine." After seeing the ore appearing in Cook's mine, the real person in the mine had an answer.

Nest ore refers to the sporadic ore other than the veins. Sometimes a pit may seem small, but the weight of the ore is very large, worth tens or millions of dollars, but this kind of ore is really By luck, some people couldn’t find it for a few years, and they became impoverished. Some people found it all at once. There were houses and cars in an instant. This is normal in remote mining areas. The ore has no value for large-scale mining. So it’s usually private prospecting. Anyway, it’s useless for your private ore. You still have to sell the ore to the country. You have to pay to find it yourself, and you have to pay for it. I have to say that no one is a fool, but behind this kind of overnight wealth It is the pollution of the environment, and more losers.

Kateli's group digs first. As for the ore that was lifted off by the explosion, it had been robbed long ago. Cook didn't care. The other miners looked a little jealous when they looked at Cook.

What Cook is doing, Cook wanders around the mine. Everyone knows that once the owner of a mine discovers the ore, he will get rich overnight. There is no need to do anything. He just waits for the money every day. Cook is only in the morning. After swinging the mining pick a few times, the ore was found at noon. This Nima was lucky, and the other miners didn’t have the mind to work, because they watched others deliver the ore bag by bag and then sent it to the ore collector. Locally, this is the resource, and I don't have a piece of ore after digging for a long time here. After all, the amount of Fengjin ore itself is very small, it is still an associated ore, not the entire vein.

The place where the ore is purchased directly extracts the share that should be given to Cook and the share of the mine. The method of the mine is to encourage people with mining experience to explore new mines, so there is no need for a library. Overcome the tube, the points will be obtained.

"I didn't have 30 points in this half day?" Cook looked at his point income and asked Kateley in confusion.

"You are content, everyone else has two points and three points." Kateley said irritably, knowing that there are five others who give Cook to Cook. Except for Cook's lowest 45%, the others are 50%. , There are more than 30% of the mine. Of course, Kateley still accounts for 10% of Cook's income. Kateley and his own income also have seven or eight points. The total income of other people is about half of Cook's.

"Okay, then, I'll go back first." Cook shook his head. The purchase price of Nima's gold ore was too low, but Cook wandered around all morning and found that there was no chance to hide it. The hole will be inspected at any time. Although Cook has space for equipment, there is room for fluctuations when using it. It is difficult to cover up the past. The reason why Cook wandered is looking for opportunities, but Cook found that the management here is simple , But there are no loopholes.

"Fuck, do you want to rob the real person transporting the ore?" A thought came to Cook's mind. The ore was sent away by two real people, and it was also a space-type equipment.

"Forget it, there is no need to cause trouble." Cook was very depressed. He planned several times in the astral realm, but in the end everything changed. In the Sage Association, Cook himself got mixed up, and Nima actually assassinated him. Cook took the opportunity to look for things. Cook succeeded, but now Cook is not only being sought by the tribesmen, but also by the Sage Association. He met a 2nd teammate on the side of the giant and was chased all over the world by the giants. Running, Cook also snatched the cubs of the double-winged flying fox, so Cook was still being found by the giant, and certainly by the double-winged flying fox. Cook didn't want to be found again in this underground world. That would be too miserable.

"But if you find a way back, hehe, I don't mind doing it." But Cook still didn't give up, and there was only this way in the end.

"Kateley, please help me find out if there is any news about the same kind of Mayden. I want to pair up Mayden." Cook said to Kately again.

"Well, I'll find out for you." Kateley replied very refreshingly, and Cook is relieved, it is much easier to have a helper.

"But you can also post tasks." Kateley said.

"Forget it, if I let others know that I will look for it again, I might ask for a big price." Cook waved his hand quickly.

Kateley is speechless. You have so many points and you are so stupid. Kateley doesn't know how important this matter is to Cook, and he despises Cook's behavior very much.

Cook wandered around and was ready to go back to rest. The mine owner was at ease. Cook was very thankful that he didn't go to another mine with Kately at the time, otherwise he still wields the pickaxe vigorously. Blast mining is not allowed. Yes, it is said that blasting will deplete ore. Only with a mad pick, the mining progress is very slow.

Going back to rest is a pretense. Cook wants to practice, he also needs to give food to the angels, and he also needs to get two small things out to stroll around in the house. After doing this, Cook goes out, when Cook comes to the mine. After that, Kateley complained: "I said William, you can sleep long enough this time, I will go back."

"Go back." Cook waved his hand and looked at Kateley's sleepy look.

"You four continue to do it, I won't be involved." Then Cook walked into the mine. The mine had already been cut in, but standing outside you can still see the people inside swinging the mining pick. .

"Okay." The other four were eager for Cook not to do it. One less person should do it, the space should be more spacious, and the ore should be more. Hearing Cook said this, they all quickly answered.

Cook did not walk around the mine, but walked around the mine, because Cook knew that there may be other associated mineral veins near a vein, and it could not be a single vein. Such scenarios are rare.

And magic metal mines are generally not formed by themselves, but mostly fall from the sky, and the sky falls generally in a spatter-like layout, so Cook still needs to check it, and this kind of mineral veins has a great possibility of Associated Fengjinshi, Fengjin ore and Fengjinshi are just one word difference, but the difference in value is huge and cannot be compared. Fengjinshi is the name of Fengjin ore with a purity of more than 10%, and the highest can reach more than 90%. The purity of a wind stone the size of a thumb is inestimable.

"Impossible, why aren't there in other places?" After Cook wandered around, he found that there was wind gold ore in this place, and Cook was puzzled. This is not in accordance with the law.

Of course, Cook also knew that if his magic eyes were hidden deep enough in the ore, then they would not be able to see it, because the energy fluctuations had long been covered by the thick rocks, or they were scattered and absorbed by the rocks.

As for other search methods, there are also prospecting methods. Cook has a broken star hammer, but this thing is a big killer and cannot appear.

"Hehe." Cook smiled, thinking of what a real person would use to blast his own mine, but Cook first looked for an area where the surrounding ore might appear, and then blasted it purposefully.

However, Cook’s idea was quickly shattered. Cook found a real person to talk about the matter, and the real person immediately shook his head and said: "The surrounding area is not a mining site. The use of blasting methods rashly will cause immeasurable consequences to the surrounding environment. Even in this mine, blasting cannot be used in some places, which will cause destructive effects on the entire supporting structure..."

"Okay." Cook saw the real person saying this, and he squirmed his lips, but Cook couldn't resist on the surface. After all, Cook is now playing a sage level guy, not a real person level.

So since the magic eye can't see it and blasting is not allowed, the only thing Cook can do is to use his mental power to check slowly, which is a very time-consuming task.

And when checking, Cook had to restrain mental fluctuations so as not to be noticed by these human-level guys.

"Did you say it is easy for me?" Cook first drew a topographic map of the surrounding area, and then did some calculations. This calculation is an approximate area, not an accurate location.

But Fengjin is also worth doing for Cook. Fengjin is a rare type of magic metal in magic metal. If you find a Fengjin stone, you will get rich.

Cook walks around every day except when he is eating in the mine. Cook's mine has been mined for a certain distance. The amount of ore has not decreased, but the area is still increasing. This is for Cook. This is good news. Cook earns dozens or hundreds of points every day, and he looks very leisurely, but most of the time Cook will go back to his cave, sleep, and pack other things.

"Come on, I don't believe it anymore. There are really no associated mines around here." Cook checked more than a dozen possible locations, and nothing was gained, but the area around this is very large, even if Cook used mental power to check , If there are certain restrictions.

"William, there is news about what you asked me to ask. It is more dangerous than the area where creatures like Mayden appear. It is said that there is a ruin over there, and there are real people on the ground stationed there. I don't know what it is." Kateley found Cook today and told Cook about the information he had collected.

"Real person, relic?" Cook did not expect that this matter would involve a real person.

"Yes, I have inquired about it, but the news is uncertain, but the only thing that is certain is that someone has caught such a creature in that upper area." Kateley replied affirmatively.

"Where is the map of the upper area?" Cook asked.

"No, the upper area is very large, it is said that it has the entire world." Kately shook his head and said.

"I..." Cook is speechless, can this Nima be bigger?

Cook asked, "Can you find a specific area where you have seen similar creatures in Mayden? You can spend a small amount of points."

"No problem, but it takes time, you need to post tasks, and you don't need points. Points are used to do this kind of thing. It's too wasteful." Kateley heard Cook say so and immediately said affirmatively and gave Cook advice.

"You figure it out. I'll give you what you should bring out at that time." Cook listened to Kateley's advice.

Kateley went to do things for Cook, Kateley was in the mine of Cook, and the harvest was huge. After Cook saw Kateley gone, he went to wander around.

"No." Cook retracted his palm from the rock wall. Cook used his palm to transfer his mental power directly to the rock wall, and then his mental power was checked. Once he found some changes in the elements in the rock, Cook would take a closer look. Fan, because if there are no energy fluctuations in the stone wall, the energy fluctuations in the stone wall will not change. The advantage of mental power checking is that there are slight changes that can be detected. Sometimes the magic eye may not be able to see it. .

Disappointment, disappointment, bitter disappointment, Cook looked at the sky depressedly, and found that the sky was dark, Cook was speechless~www.wuxiaspot.com~Impossible, I have expanded the scope of sputtering It's huge. "Cook lowered his head in thought.

"What's wrong? Could it be that there is no possibility of sputtering here? It won't." Cook wondered in his heart.

After Cook returned to the mine, the real person guarding the mine watched Cook come back and asked with a smile, "William, have you gained anything?"

"No." Cook shook his head.

"If you have any gains, don't mine it privately, because this is the underground world. If you break the weight-bearing stone wall, it will be bigger..." The real person heard Cook's answer and said.

"I understand, I understand, I said how I can't find it. This is underground, which means that even if it falls from outer space, only the largest one will reach this depth, and the rest will not reach here, then "When Cook heard this, he didn't pay attention to what the real man was talking about. His eyes lit up, he immediately looked up at the sky, and then opened his magic eyes.

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