A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 200: Archeology in action

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Kateley replied without looking back: "Our organization is going to conduct a relic exploration, and we will set off tomorrow. Hurry up, I will take you to prepare something and get to know your teammates."

When Cook heard this, he wanted to refuse, but when he saw that Kateley was so enthusiastic, Cook also took a look at the excitement. Cook also understood that he did not reach the first level, even if it was an adventure to participate in the organization. It will only do some logistical work, such as carrying some supplies and other small things, unless the real person in front can't resist it, generally there will be no big danger.

When I came to the Red Cloud Archaeological Salon again, there were already a lot of people gathered here, and boxes were moved out one by one, each of the huge mounts were being installed with freight brackets, and each box was carried on the mount.

Kateley did not introduce others, but directly brought Cook to a real first-order person: "Manager Roco, this is the person I am talking about, William."

"William, register." Rocco directly handed a form to Cook, and then Cook started filling out the form under Kateley's guidance.

Roco opened his mouth and said: "William, our remuneration here is in two ways, the first is a fixed remuneration, and the other is a commission based on contribution."

Kateley looked at Cook and said: "William, this is up to you. Contributions are generally fixed, especially ours. However, if there are outstanding contributions, they will be counted, but in case If there is nothing to gain..."

"William, your job is to collect loot, which is fixed at 0.5% in terms of contribution." Rocco explained, and at the same time took out a list of contributions.

Loot collection is to find loot in an absolutely safe area. It is a relatively easy job. It belongs to the last wave of the entire team. Of course, the loot here is left over from the previous collection of real people, or is omitted.

"I don't lack points." Cook chose to follow the contribution, because points are more useless for Cook.

Soon Cook was assigned to a squad. The entire squad consisted of five people, Kateli and Cook, as well as a first-order real person, two eighth-level sages, and two eighth-level sages, just like Kateley. All newly joined the Red Cloud Archaeological Salon. This team is Kateli and the other two sages to familiarize themselves with the process of exploring the ruins, and collect the loot that may be missed by the way.

The real person's name is Edico, the two sages are named Zhang Kaidi, and You Dali, of course, none of the real names used in Feixiang City are in the Sage Association.

"To explore the ruins, we must first prepare the equipment. Our equipment can be said to be almost the highest among all occupations. Not only must the defense be strong enough, but also as light as possible. There are many unknown dangers in the ruins, so reduce the weight. At the critical moment, he moved so fast and survived. The other is to be patient and don’t be reckless..." Ediko explained to Kateley and others while holding various equipment, which were all leather The armor is the kind of leather armor that sticks to the body. The important parts of the leather armor are also inlaid with metal armor pieces, which not only improves the defense power, but also reduces the weight a lot.

"The whole team started with the teams that built temporary camps. These teams are usually inside the salon itself. It takes a while to build the camp, and the location of the relics to be explored needs to be kept secret. Once the exploration begins, everyone in the team will Don't leave." Finally the whole team is about to leave.

"Most of the people here will stay in the temporary camp. Only the core dozens of people will enter the ruins. The camp must not only guard against possible dangers in the ruins, but also guard against those who are unpredictable.” Edico and Cook, etc. People walk in the middle of the line.

The huge mounts in the team are burdened with a lot of supplies, food, weapons, equipment, tools, etc. Most of these things are very heavy. After all, it is not a small amount to require more than 100 people to live and explore. There is no time limit for the ruins, which means that I don’t know how long it will last.

In fact, the team of hundreds of people is not very large. Some of them left to establish the camp first. Kateley said, "Originally, President Hongyun would also go this time, but it seems that something has happened to the flight. The team is the vice president."

Cook let out a cry, and quietly listened to Kateli's introduction that Hongyun Archaeological Salon is not the only archaeological salon in Feixiang City, and there are several others, but it is not as famous as Hongyun, but its strength is not much worse than Hongyun.

"I only now know how dangerous it is to explore the ruins outside. Not to mention the creatures, traps, and other organizations outside the ruins itself. Although Feixiang City does not allow private fights, as long as everyone is killed, No one knows. It is said that there are thousands of missing persons in Feixiang City every year, among which there are double digits above the level of human beings." Kately and Cook both use walking. Fortunately, Cook has nothing. , Just an empty leather bag, and the rest of the hired sages have to carry various supplies.

Cook looked at the direction he and the others were walking. It turned out to be in the direction of Dongling. However, to go to the direction of Dongling, he had to bypass the lake first. Cook carefully recalled the map around Feixiang City he had seen in the security fort. There is nothing striking about the direction of Dongling.

For half a day, the team bypassed the lake and began to climb the mountain. Fortunately, the road here is also very flat, just like the mountain road on Beiling. However, because it has to bypass the lake here, not many people come here to take risks. I met other people on the road, and they all waited quietly on the side of the road. The Red Cloud Archaeological Salon is a real person behind the fifth-order real person, and most people really can't afford it.

After crossing the summit of Dongling, it was already dark. Cook and his team stayed in a camp called Hongyan for one night. Because this camp was built in a cliff under a red rock on the mountainside, it was called Hong Rock camp.

For two consecutive days, after crossing three mountain ranges, at the foot of a mountain, Cook finally saw a makeshift camp.

"This camp was built temporarily." Cook asked Kately.

"Yes, inside the camp is the entrance to the ruins. It can not only protect the ruins, but also prevent the creatures from rushing out." Kateley replied in a low voice.

This campsite is made up of a circle of walls, but the walls are very thick. They are made of extremely thick wood and stones. The enclosed area is like a sinkhole, with water in a river. I was rushing down from this place, and there were many rooms in the surrounding city walls, and Cook and others were also assigned to one room.

A team is a room. Captain Edico went to participate in the plan to enter the ruins. Cook and others waited in the room boredly. Here you can see the entrance to the ruins, the river has been blocked, and someone is building some The building looks like a shelf.

Two days later, it’s time for action. Cook didn’t know the whole plan. The only one who knew the plan was Adike. Adike was giving orders to Cook and others: "Our team is to search again behind the big team. In each area, in one sentence, if there is any abnormal situation, don't act recklessly, report it to me directly."

"Yes." Cook and others answered immediately.

"Okay, let's go down two hours later." There are already people going down at the entrance of the ruins. Although these people are real people, they are not reckless. They still use a shelf to drop the rope. Ten people went in in the first wave. , Are all real people, and the second wave is also ten people, half of them are real people, and half are sages with various supplies.

The two teams went back and forth. Before Cook and the others went down, five more people went down. There was only one real person, and the other four sages carried some huge boxes.

"This team is to establish defensive measures in important places, once the previous defeat, they can rely on this way to defend." Kateley introduced to Cook.

Two hours were short. It was Cook's turn and the others. At this time Cook had the opportunity to approach the entrance of this ruin. The shelf above the entrance was made of metal, and there were pulley blocks. Cook and others were together.

Cook and Kateley were hung back to back with a rope, and both had a shield in their hands. This was to prevent some creatures from being attacked during the hanging.

After descending for a long distance, the surrounding area has long been dark, and the sound of running water can already be heard. Below, there is a torch. Two people next to the torch are pulling the rope. After Cook and Kateley got down, they found this place. It's not the bottom yet, there is still some distance from the bottom, this is on the cliff of the cave.

Seeing this situation, Cook muttered in his heart: "Who discovered this place, so hidden has been discovered."

After Ediko and the others got down, the two sages still stayed where they were. As they walked, Ediko said, "This is a relic from the Bekalin period. We also checked a lot of information and found that This area, after several years of searching, finally found this place."

Cook froze for a moment. This was actually obtained by checking the information. The passage was obviously formed naturally. In this passage, there is a torch every some distance. This torch is made of some kind of biological grease. It is said that one The torch can burn for half a month.

"Everyone pay attention to the torches. Once the color of the flame on the torch changes, it means there is a problem. When these torches burn toxins, the color will change." Adike said to Cook and others. In fact, Adike is just like bringing newcomers.

After traveling for a while, Cook saw a metal gate standing in a narrow passage ahead. It seemed that the lever had only been installed recently.

"This is a security door. If there is a danger, you need to be stationed at this place." Adiko pointed to the metal door and introduced.

"This kind of security door is very hard and prevents rust..." Edico introduced the security door in detail, as well as the installation method. It is said that Kateli and others will do this work next time, and then they will need to The more advanced echelon will be able to be on the front line after being promoted to the real person.

"Look it up, everyone." A large cave appeared. There were obvious metal fragments and artifacts, so Ediko waved and ordered.

Cook and Kateley, Zhang Kaidi, swimming Dali, Edico was beside him, Cook and the other four each put on animal leather gloves, mainly to prevent certain toxic substances. Kateley held the torch in one hand and the other. With weapons, Cook holds a hammer in one hand and a torch in the other. The two torches are to prevent one torch from going out, and the light is brighter. Kateley mainly defends Cook, and Cook is mainly responsible for surveying.

After investigating for a round, there was nothing to gain. Ediko took Cook and the four to continue forward. On this road, you can see the dead bodies of some creatures, but they are all ordinary creatures and have no value.

"Boom, boom, boom." When Cook and others turned a corner, a booming sound appeared.

"Don't go there." From afar, Cook saw a huge underground cave, very wide. In this cave, there are some collapsed buildings. The light of spells is constantly shining in the cave, in this passage. A security gate was also established at the exit of the city. The five people who built the security gate were also watching the outside warily, and Ediko asked Cook and others to return.

The sound of the spell did not last long, and Ediko walked out of the security gate. A few minutes later, Ediko returned: "Be careful later. Several first-order black rat pups escaped."

The five people in charge of the security door returned to the direction where Cook and the others came. After a while, Cook found that he had brought the materials needed for the security door. I didn't know whether it was the one at the back or the one brought down from above.

"Let's search this place together, one area by area, be more careful." After Cook and others entered this large cave, Ediko gave orders.

The five people were together, and Edico was in charge of guarding. Cook and the other four began to search. The hammer in Cook's hand was tapping lightly, and Kateley had a long piece of wood in his hand. Stick, is constantly testing the front.

After searching for a while, I didn’t find anything useful. Obviously, this is a complex of buildings buried by earthquakes. Most of them have been broken, but there are still some metals that have not been completely damaged. Cook and others mainly These places are surveyed.

It’s almost an inch-by-inch survey. Although it’s time-consuming, once discovered, everything is worth it. Items from the Bekalin period, as long as they remain intact in the present, are valuable even if they are not energy items. Some research Real people like these things.

Cook took a look with his magic eyes. There is nothing with energy here. As for the first-order black rat pups, they have already run away. These pups have been frightened long ago, and they dare to stay there

"I found it." Zhang Kaidi shouted suddenly, shocking Cook.

"Retreat." Ediko said loudly immediately, and Zhang Kaidi, Cook and others hurried back.

"What's the situation?" Ediko waited until everyone backed before asking.

"The noise over there is a bit different," Zhang Kaidi said.

"Use this to mark it out." Adike said to Zhang Kaidi holding a laser pointer, which is actually a simple thing composed of a luminous body and a crystal lens.

After being marked, Adike walked over slowly, and then tapped it lightly. It was indeed different. Adike took out a hammer from the backpack he carried, with energy fluctuations.

"Boom." Ediko knocked vigorously, the rock made a bang and the rock splashed.

After the rock shattered, there was a gleam of metal inside. Cook saw this and immediately understood that there must have been water in the cave before. The mud in the water covered the building for a long time, and then it receded with the water. , The soil slowly turned into stone, like scale.

Adiko accelerated the hitting thing, and the stones on the metal surface shattered one after another. What was presented in front of everyone was a half-person high ball. Adiko was dumbfounded when he saw the ball.

"We may have found a big discovery." Cook wondered what kind of sphere it was, but Cook thought about it for a moment and found that it looked like the top of the wizard tower. The top of the wizard tower was also made of metal, because the wizard tower There is a huge metal pillar in the middle of the main body, and there are many energy loops inside this pillar. The metal pillar goes deep into the ground, and every wizard tower can use this metal roof to absorb the power of lightning.

"William, what do you think this is?" Edico asked.

"The Tower of Inheritance." The Tower of Inheritance is also called this in the sage world, because real people are also inherited by the Wizard Tower.

"No..., dig." Ediko was stunned, what the Tower of Inheritance is, the real person knows very well, such a deserted place, was found the Tower of Inheritance, there is only one sentence to describe it, and he is very angry. .

Once Adiko decided to dig, Cook and others began to take action, but Adiko did not immediately report it, because it was still uncertain. If it is reported now, if others dig out, the contribution of his team will be much less.

All the tools used for digging were excellent tools. Adike also took out his own tools and handed it to Cook. Cook was surprised. Adike used energy tools, which are tools inlaid with energy crystal nuclei, which were very fast.

The metal sphere gradually emerged. When a large pit that was one person tall appeared, the sphere was no longer round, but appeared to be a conical shape.

"It's true, what William said is true." There is a model circuit on the top of the wizard tower, which is the energy circuit. After Edico cleaned the excavated part, he immediately discovered the energy circuit and jumped in surprise. stand up.

"Dudududu, dududu, dududu." Then, in Cook's stunned expression, Ediko took out something like a whistle and blew it vigorously.

"This is for emergency use." Kateley said, Kateley and others are very excited, this time the proportion of contributions is very high.

"Adiko, what's going on." The people in charge of the security gate rushed over first. The leader obviously knew Adiko and asked loudly from a distance.

"The Tower of Inheritance, at least seven floors." Ediko replied loudly, his tone was extremely excited.

"What..." The questioner rushed over in a gust of wind.

Adike quickly pointed to the part he just cleaned: "Looking at the nodes of the model loop, at least there are seven layers."

"Tsk tusk, it's really possible that it is the seventh floor, look at the nodes of this energy loop." The guy also tut sighed.

When Cook heard this, he was surprised. When the wizard tower was built, it needed to be designed. It’s not that I originally had three floors. After a while, I added one, and that would be four floors. This is not good. Energy loop nodes, the higher the number of layers of the wizard tower, the more energy loops and nodes are needed, because the more energy to pass through, so it can be distinguished carefully.

Then the whole team got the news and came back. Of course, Cook, Kateley and others had nothing to do, they were isolated, and now the excavation work has been replaced by real people.

"Hey." Cook, Kateley and the other four returned to the ground. It has been several days since the entrance of the ruins, and the excavation is still going on. It is said that one floor has been excavated and it is about to enter the Wizard Tower And it is said that this wizard tower will be fully excavated. If it is possible, it will be a stronghold of the Red Cloud Archaeological Salon in the future. Cook feels extremely bored.

"President Hongyun is here." Kateley said excitedly.

Cook saw a burly man descending directly from the entrance of the ruins. Now the entrance of the ruins is stepping up the construction of metal shelves. From the entrance of the ruins to the passageway, it is necessary to build stepped stairs. It is not a simple project. More security door materials have been transported, and it is said that all surrounding passages will be sealed with security doors.

And the surrounding area was also cleaned up by the people stationed in the camp. Cook saw that the real people of Tier 4 led the team to wander around for two days. It is estimated that the men who were a little threatening were cleaned up, and the surrounding trees were also cut down. When it's over, it forms an area with a wide view.

"Kateley, or let's go out on patrol too." Cook asked idlely and boredly.

"Well, although we don't need us." Kately nodded, and Cook's team found that the Wizard Tower had enough contributions, so there was no task assigned, and then you would be assigned tasks. Wouldn't it mean that others would get less points, so Cook and the others have been idle for several days, but the patrol mission did not contribute. It was a fixed point, which was easy.

Cook~www.wuxiaspot.com~Kateli and Zhang Kaidi, You Dali and several people formed a patrol team and patrolled according to the approximate route. There are Tier 4 real people sitting in the camp, and each patrol team has The thing that releases the emergency signal, once an emergency is discovered, this Tier 4 real person can arrive instantly, because this Tier 4 real person has a flying mount.

The patrol route has gone out of a small road. The patrol route of Cook and others is to patrol a certain distance along the river below the foot of the mountain, and then return on the same path. It is a simple matter.

"William, you said how many points we can get this time." Kateley asked Cook.

"What's the use of points? I think you can allocate items. Items are the most important thing." Cook shook his head and replied.

"But there are many kinds of items." Kateley replied somewhat depressed. The distribution items are the internal staff of the salon. After the excavation is completed, the items can be selected according to the ranking of contribution. This is a test of vision.

"There is a situation." Zhang Kaidi whispered, and Cook and the others looked around vigilantly.

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