A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 206: Angel life

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After Cook saw the surrounding environment clearly, he was almost dumbfounded, and only after a long time uttered a word: "Fuck."

The clanging sound came from a huge yard. In this yard, several sage-level guys are violently dismantling a security door. In this yard, there are some good and bad security doors, obviously here. It is a place to repair the safety gate.

Behind the yard is the place where Cook came out. It is a huge fortress-like building. However, on this fortress, the energy cannons are pointed at the sky. What makes Cook speechless is that there is a building not far from the fortress. The metal roof is pointed. This Nima is not what Cook bought in Flying City, and the place where Cook came out is where the army is stationed next to Cook’s residence.

"Huhuhuhu." Then a gust of wind blew, but now Cook was prepared, so he was not blown away at all.

After Cook uttered a word, he entered the ventilation duct from the vent. After ten minutes, Cook came to the place he was preparing to come, a passage that had not yet been completed. To be precise, the passage was built between the rocks. Inside Fengxi, at the end of the passage, was a thick fence. On the other side of the fence was a small gap. The starry sky giant couldn't get through, but halflings would definitely be fine.

Cook's body easily crossed the fence, and then got into this huge rock gap. It can be seen that the rock gap is caused by water currents, and there are traces of water washout, but perhaps due to the changes in the earth's crust, there has been no running water here. .

The cracks in the rocks also extend in all directions, but most of them are dead ends. Cook is very skilled here because Cook has already got the information.

"Stop." Just as Cook walked into a gap with excitement, a voice rang in the darkness.

"Haha, haha, haha, haha, haha, I finally found it. I found it." Hearing a familiar voice, Cook was excited. This is the language of angels and the language of the gods.


"Sorry, sorry, too excited, too excited" Cook quickly let go of the other angel. It turns out that Cook hugged the angel when he was excited. Although Cook is not mad now, his source of power Ke is not lost at all. What Cook loses is physique, strength, energy use, spiritual realm, and understanding of the origin. So Cook hugged this angel, this angel easily. She is a female, and the angels are all beautiful. This angel is very confused when he sees Cook, a human being. He just yelled and was hugged by others. You still kissed , The angel had received such indecent assault, and for a while forgot to use force, only screamed.

"Boom, who are you." The angel smashed Cook fiercely, but Cook did not react at all, and the angel flashed back.

"I'm Cook? Hilton, your archangel asked me to come to the star realm..." Cook was also embarrassed, not strong enough for this angel's figure, much better than what Cook saw in the sanctuary, speaking of God Realm The angels are all airports, but this one is not. The **** are bulging. Cook is still slandering. Could it be that the food in the astral world has something to do with it, because Cook has eaten the food in the astral world and knows what it contains The energy is very high.

"You are Cook, how did you find this place? Didn’t you go missing?" The angel didn’t doubt Cook’s words at all. Why, it’s because of Cook’s human body, which is not available in the star realm, anyway. These angels have never seen it.

"I have been looking for you for a long time..." Cook is too bitter, but he doesn't know how to say it after he said, because there are some things that can't be said, and some things are said and others don't believe it.

Then the angel took Cook into the depths of the rocky crack. On the way, Cook also knew the name of the angel in front of him, Keliya, who had been in the star realm for five years.

After the crack in the rock reached the end, there were signs of excavation, and then Cook was surprised to find that the passage continued to go up. After a full hour, Cook saw the angel's base in the star realm.

"This Nima is the energy center of the entire Flying City." Cook looked at a huge metal wall. There are many loops on this metal wall, densely packed, but in Cook's current eyes, this is a cliff, metal Only a little bit of the wall was exposed. Obviously, the maintenance pipeline passed from here, but no one would have thought that behind this maintenance corridor was another base for intelligent creatures.

"No wonder, no wonder." Cook understood a lot in an instant. Obviously, this is not a normal space wormhole, but the energy fluctuation caused by this energy loop, which causes a chain reaction and causes an abnormal change in space energy. Of course, this is just a library. K’s guess.

The angel’s base is actually a cave. Here, Cook saw dozens of angels. Among them, the highest level is a silver-winged twelve-winged angel. This kind of angel is outside the star realm, that is, scum. However, this place is concealed enough, and there are no large creatures around the maintenance tunnel. There is also a defense system on this pipeline. Once the alert energy fluctuation is exceeded, this pipeline also has a defense system. Otherwise, it is under the ground. I'm afraid that the pipeline will be damaged, but the defense here is not very strong. After all, there are no creatures below it, unlike on land.

Seeing angels living in the cave, Cook's face is as weird as it is, and Cook has an urge to leave these images, but Cook just thinks about it.

"You are Cook." The silver-winged twelve-winged angel looked at Cook and asked coldly.

Cook has nothing to do with the indifference of the angel. The angel is just like a urinary, what urinary sex, a urinary **** of a ten thousand-year-old virgin.

"I'm Cook." Cook nodded, since you have a bad expression, I'm sorry, buddy won't cooperate with you.

"What level is your Mageweave Master?" The silver angel asked directly without introducing himself.

Cook shook his head: "I am a Mageweaver, no."

The angel on the opposite side looked at Cook and smiled all of a sudden: "I'm sorry. On our side, everyone needs to do things in exchange for life supplies. Since you don't know how to do it, then you can solve life by yourself, yes, If you want to live, just dig out a cave over there yourself. Our cave is also laborious."

"Uh..." Cook originally thought that this angel would embarrass himself, but he did not expect to threaten him like this, living supplies. I traveled around most of the star realm and would worry about living supplies. Cook didn't know about these angels. What's in my mind.

"Keliya, take Cook down, and tell him the rules here. We don't have idlers here." The silver twelve-winged angel told Keliya.

Cook also followed Keliya out with a strange expression. Keliya complained about Cooke and said: "Cook, you should go. I think you have been in this star realm for so long. You must know that life here is It’s very difficult. We angels generally do not eat anything, but in this star realm, we can’t stand it if we don’t eat, but there are too many powerful creatures in this star realm, so there are very few food sources..."

Through Keliya’s babbling, Cook found that the angel’s life was sad and the food sources were not adequately guaranteed. The outside world was not accessible to anyone, and the passage was extremely dangerous. Why, because there are some passages. The place is connected to the ventilation duct. Once the subway in the subway tunnel tells the movement, the squeezed air force is very strong, the angel will be blown away directly, and the bad luck will be blown out of the underground pipe directly. Everyone knows that this is an island outside. , How strong is the wind over the island? Obviously, many angels were blown towards Batwang City. Since there is airflow, there may be suction, because when the subway runs at high speed in the reverse direction, the strong airflow is compressed away. Then there is no need for airflow to supplement the air behind, so those angels caught in the subway tunnel may be blown out of the ventilation duct and appear over the island, or they may be taken to the underground world over the Bawang city through the subway ventilation duct. This Cook guesses Is completely reasonable.

"Cook, or if you live in my cave, I'll go to my friend's place." Keliya looked at Cook's dazed appearance and said unbearably. After all, everyone comes from the same civilized world.

"Ah, okay, no, no." Cook was analyzing the matter in his mind in a daze. Hearing Keliya's words, Cook nodded immediately, then realized that it was wrong, and immediately shook his head and said.

"This place is dangerous." Keliya said to Cook.

"It's okay, haven't I been here in the past few years?" Cook said with a wave of his hand, of course Cook really didn't care.

"Well, I have to be on duty. You can choose a place here, and I will give you the tools to dig the cave." Keliya also knew how difficult it is to dig a cave here, and continued.

Cook waved his hand and said, "No, no, I have tools."

Seeing Keliya leave, Cook touched her chin. This Keliya was completely different from the angel Cook saw. This Keliya really thought about Cook, and she didn't care enough.

Cook looked at the designated place, and it was actually at the bottom. Cook curled his lips. In fact, Cook thought wrong at all. You are a human being who can't fly and lives so high. Isn't it the angels of other homes? Take you up like today.

But Cook didn't care, took out the broken star hammer, and smashed it down.

"Boom." With a sound, there was an explosion in the entire space, and the air vibrated loudly.

Cook had already prepared, and the second hammer crashed down again. Only twice, a cave prototype appeared on the rock wall. The energy attack direction on the broken star hammer can be controlled, so it formed. The cave, of course, consumes a lot of energy.

"You, what are you doing? If this attracts other creatures, what can you do?" Just when Cook was about to continue hitting the third blow, the silver twelve-winged angel roared towards Cook.

When the silver twelve-winged angel saw the cave in front of Cook, he was shocked. Cook said angrily: "You let me do it myself."

"You... roar." This silver twelve-winged angel is so angry, you must know that the status of the silver twelve-winged angel is also very noble in the gods, a small human, well, this human is in the sanctuary The strength is very powerful, but that is just a sanctuary, just like you, a worker, no matter how awesome, it is just a worker, not the boss, the boss can let you go at any time.

However, a dull roar made the twelve-winged angels fly away at once. Cook heard the roar and followed him. Cook was no slower than these angels.

"It's all you, disturbing the guardian beast." The twelve-winged angel looked at Cook beside him, exasperated.

"Here, guardian beast, haha, haha." What Cook saw was a lizard, and it was the kind of lizard that Cook didn't even feel when he stepped on it. This lizard is thousands of meters long and is curled up in one. In the cave, obviously this is the home of the lizard, but in this place, the lizard can be regarded as the overlord level, because the protective system on the metal channel will not open the defense against such lizard, because this thing is fundamental to the channel It can’t cause any destructive effects. Of course, in this underground world, lizards are crushing angels and other creatures, because the higher-level ones are directly attacked by the defense system. In the long run, there will be no harm to the creatures. Surviving, how do you say that the tiger is no longer the king of the monkey, that is the truth.

"Quickly, bring the food here." After the lizard roared, staring at the group of angels coldly, the silver twelve-winged angel immediately roared.

Cook was completely speechless, so he decided to take a cold look and see what was going on.

"This is food." When a dozen angels were carrying a corpse of a bug, Cook was completely stunned. Nima was food.

"Huh, it's all you." The silver twelve-winged angel tickled at Cook's hate. Here, dangers are everywhere, and it is difficult to get food



"Fortunately, we are fast, have high combat effectiveness, and can heal by ourselves, otherwise, we can have such ample food." Another angel beside the silver twelve wings replied very proudly.

"You, you... bang." Cook was exasperated by the angel's appearance, you arrogantly fart, Cook was stuttered with anger, and then jumped out instantly, hitting him with a hammer. On the head of the lizard staring coldly at the angel.

With a bang, the head of the lizard shattered directly, and Cook left without looking at the silver twelve-winged angel.

"This..." The silver twelve-winged angel almost fainted. This large lizard has a very strong fighting power, strong defense, and extremely flexible big tongue. However, it was suddenly smashed to its head.

You have to know that the head is hundreds of meters in size. It is like someone holding a small hammer in the World Trade Building in country m, and then the World Trade Building bursts open. It is a scene.

The strong smell of blood awakened the surrounding angels. Seeing this, the silver twelve-winged angel quickly issued an order: "Quickly, peel this guy and collect food."

Dozens of angels began to get busy, blood was collected, meat was also collected, there were other materials, even the patrol team was called back, and the hunting team, this thing is enough for the entire base to eat. It's been a long time.

Cook returned to the excavated cave and began to arrange it. The large cave was surrounded by small caves. The ground was polished very smooth and covered with thick animal skins. This animal skin was carried by the sanctuary. The skin is not from the Astral Realm. The animal skins in the Astral Realm are almost as high as Cook. How to use it.

As for the furniture, there is wood in the Cooke style natural ring, which can be achieved by the movement of mental power. Not only that, but Cook also carved a constant temperature magic pattern in this room, making the whole room very comfortable to live in.

There is also a bathing place, which is also set with magic patterns. Cook came out after taking a bath comfortably and found that the angels hadn't finished it yet. Cook didn't care. Cook wandered around the base. , I found that there may be more than one hundred angels living here, just look at the cave.

"I just don't know where the wormhole opened." Cook was a little confused, but Cook also knew that such a place must be hidden by these angels, at least not in the base, because if the base has a wormhole, it may be What kind of dangers will appear at any time, and who will build the base in a dangerous place.

"It's not good, a group of black beetles are here." As Cook wandered around, a voice exclaimed.

Cook ran over and saw a group of black beetles, a dozen meters in size, biting the lizard corpses that the angel hadn't finished cleaning up.

"I'm fucking." Cook was in a good mood, but the black beetle Cook would definitely not let it go, nothing, because right next to the base, these guys are not dangerous to Cook, and it's hard to say to the angels.

"Puff puff puff." Cook waved his hand, and wind blades shot directly at the black beetle. In the shocked look of many angels, these hard shells were cut in half directly, green The body fluids are sprayed everywhere.

"Such a weak guy, I am embarrassed to yell, really..." Cook shook his head and left, but when he left, Cook said to himself to the silver twelve-winged angel.

The silver twelve-winged angel was so stingy, but the silver twelve-winged angel did not dare to say anything. Cook's strength was there.

Cook returned to his cave happily, Keliya hurried in, and asked as soon as he entered the door: "Cook, you killed the guard..."

Before Keliya had finished asking her question, Keliya saw the difference in Cook’s room. The warm temperature, bright light, and soft animal skins on the floor made Keliya more surprised. There is also a plate of fruit, magic fruit, these things are nothing in the God Realm, but in this star realm, Keliya can't remember how long she hasn't eaten fruit, anyway.

"Keliya, come, sit, sit." When Cook saw Keliya, he quickly put down the fruit on his hand and invited Keliya.

Keliya was sitting on a rock covered with soft animal skins. For the first time, she felt so comfortable. Although Keliya’s room was also very clean, the stone was stone after all, and Keliya’s room was not so bright. On this side, energy is very precious. Keliya only releases a light technique to maintain it, and the temperature is lower than this. Although the underground has a constant temperature, angels still prefer a higher temperature.

"Come on, eat fruit." Cook handed Keliya a fruit.

"Thank you, Cook, how did you get these things?" Keliya asked with a smile on her face after taking a bite of the magic fruit.

"I brought this from Sanctuary. I have a planting space." Cook said. Planting space is a special space item that can cultivate various plants. Of course, wood crystal nuclei are needed as energy sources. Of course, there is also a high-end kind that can directly extract the energy of the void. In ordinary farming novels, it is such a high-end thing that directly extracts the energy of the void without a crystal core.

Of course, the natural ring is even more upscale compared to it. Keliya heard this and said enviously: "When we came, we didn't expect it to be like this."

"Hehe, don't hesitate to eat, I have a lot of it here." Cook laughed.

Why did Cook do this? On the one hand, Keliya really made a good impression on Cook, and the second is that Cook is in this base and must have a human relationship. Keliya is the best example.

When Cooke said so, Keliya said with embarrassment: "How about that, I will exchange things."

"Forget it, I still look down on your things." Cook waved his hand.

Keliya is a little disappointed. Keliya really wants to exchange. Of course, there is no limit to the amount of exchange, and there is no owe to favors. If you are allowed to take, how much you can take, no matter how much you take, it is a favor.

The scene suddenly became silent, and Cook asked: "Keliya, it is said that the main artifact is lost. I don't know if you have any news about the main artifact."

"The place where the main artifact was lost is very dangerous~www.wuxiaspot.com~ We have been there several times, but the people who went there are always back and forth, so no one goes there anymore." Keliya heard of Cook Asked, said with a sigh.

"Oh, where is that?" Cook asked.

"I can't say this." Keliya shook her head and replied, a little embarrassed.

Cook nodded. Obviously, the place where the main artifact was lost is still a secret, but for Cook, these secrets are not important. After all, Cook has a lot of knowledge in the star realm, just like a child thinks it is. Baby things, adults may be useless things, with different levels and different knowledge.

"Cook, your room is really beautiful." After Keliya finished eating the fruit, she visited Cook's room and saw the furniture in Cook's room. Keliya, her face glowing. Said.

"Haha." Cook just chuckled.

"Wow, there is also a place to take a bath." After Keliya saw the pool set up by Cook for bathing, Keliya was even more excited. You must know that there is not a lot of water here. After all, there are maintenance pipelines. , How can there be a lot of water, so the water in this base is relatively precious.

"Or else, just wash here


:url(/img/1450976421749/32846786/-1682714401422287749.png)\'>" Cook didn't know how to answer this question, but it seemed impolite not to answer, so Cook only reluctantly answered.

"Okay, I'll go back and get things." Knowing that Keliya had agreed directly, she left a word in Cook's stunned expression and left in a gust of wind.

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