A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 208: Glorious Crown

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The silver twelve-winged angel looked at Cook’s expression, and his heart was tickling with hatred. The silver twelve-winged angel didn’t understand in his heart. This Cook was completely different from the legend. For Cook, the silver twelve wings The angels also knew it. Of course, the news came from the God Realm. Cook can be said to be the first person in the sanctuary. Even the gods who descended were beaten by Cook like a pig.

However, the so-called sun god, in the eyes of the silver twelve-winged angel, is like a baby. What is the silver twelve-winged angel, that is second only to the existence of the main god, the main **** is the golden twelve-winged angel, and the sun god, At best, he is a high-level god, with a few levels in between.

Don’t underestimate the several levels of the God-level, it is a look-up existence, just like the distance between a silver twelve-winged angel and a golden twelve-winged angel, it can be said that it is only one step, but how difficult this step is, silver The energy of gold and the golden energy are not the difference in color, but the difference in understanding the origin and the difference in quality. It is like trying to turn pig iron into steel for building aircraft carriers. This is difficult, difficult.

The silver twelve-winged angel was itching in hatred, but still followed Cook, but a smile on the corner of his mouth betrayed this guy. The silver twelve-winged angel also understood Cook’s anger. After all, anyone who was deceived would be uncomfortable. , But the Twelve Winged Angels didn't think that Cook would be able to **** back the main artifact, it was simply unrealistic.

"Cook, or I'll lead those creatures away, you..." Keliya said behind Cook.

But he was interrupted by Cook before he finished speaking: "No need."

Cook's attitude made Keliya a little uncomfortable, and the silver twelve-winged angel began to speak: "Keliya, you shut up, even if we can fly, flying in the star realm is extremely dangerous."

The group quickly returned to the place where the cave spider was, and Cook said coldly: "Wait."

Then Cook jumped out at once, and the silver twelve-winged angel waited for Cook to jump out before saying coldly, "Look at what you have..."

"Boom." Before the silver twelve-winged angel had finished speaking, he saw a huge spider hit by a cyan streamer with Cook waved his hand, and then the whole head burst open, and the rest of the torso continued. Struggling.

But this also stabbed the hornet's nest. Numerous cave spiders of different sizes rushed out from the ground, densely packed, silver twelve-winged angels had an urge to turn their heads and run away.





Immediately after the silver twelve-winged angel saw Cook waved his hand, dense cyan streamers shot towards the cave spider, and then the heads of the cave spiders in the entire field of vision shattered one after another, spraying green body fluids.

"Hiss." A patterned cave spider came out from the ground and roared at Cook hissingly. With its tail turned at Cook, a large green spider's silk shot towards Cook.

"Heaven..." Seeing the leader of these cave spiders came out, the silver twelve-winged angel screamed, but then the silver twelve-winged angel was like a duck pinched by the neck, and the cry stopped abruptly.

"Boom!" I saw Cook jumped up and waved a green light to hit the spider's head again. The spider's head still burst open, and the green spider silk fell directly on the ground. , The huge worms on the ground were all corroded and pitch black, obviously very poisonous.

Cook's body rushed into the cave of the cave spider immediately, because Cook's powerful mental power discovered that there was no main artifact in the body of the cave spider leader, so naturally he was in the cave.

Soon Cook came out. There was nothing valuable in this tier of cave spiders, but a crown-like thing in Cook's hand was shining in Cook's hand.

"The Radiant Crown..." The silver twelve-winged angel saw the crown in Cook's hand and was very excited. When he saw Cook fetch a crystal core from the body of the cave spider, he was even more shocked. It's a crystal nucleus the size of a human body, how much energy should there be.

"It's okay." Cook didn't want this crystal nucleus, but Ka Ka is very caring about this crystal nucleus. He kept passing on the information he wanted, and Cook had to collect it and throw it into nature. Kaka naturally entered the ring.

"Go, go back." Cook walked to the silver twelve-winged angel and said coldly.

"Okay, okay, here, can this shining crown..." The silver twelve-winged angel kept nodding.

"Don't even think about it, this thing is mine, you better be obedient now, otherwise, those spiders will be your fate." Cook is not a good temper, coldly threatening the silver twelve-winged angel.

"You...you..." The silver twelve-winged angel was irritated, but Cook's strength is too abnormal. What is the green light that kills those cave spiders? Isn't Cook of wood? How could the wood system have such a strong attack power.

The silver twelve-winged angel compromised, gritted his teeth: "You kid wait for me, wait until I return to the realm of God, and want you to look good."

This point makes Cook and the silver twelve-winged angel have a common language. Both of them hope to return to the God Realm as soon as possible. Cook also thought about it on the road. There is nothing to worry about in this star realm. Of course this The main reason is that Cook is anxious about family affairs. Who knows what happened to the family, what happened to the Liberty Alliance, you must know that he has been in the star realm for more than two years.

"I hope nothing will happen." Cook secretly prayed.

After returning to the base, all the angels were excited by the news that the main artifact was recovered, because finding the main artifact would mean that everyone could return to the God Realm.

Most of the angels didn't know how the artifact was retrieved, anyway, Cook did a great job.

"How to go back?" Cook directly broke into the silver twelve-winged angel's room and asked.

"Do you know it, privately... Gu." The silver twelve-winged angel said coldly, but when he saw the green light in Cook's hand, he stood up and swallowed a mouthful of water, obviously Scared.

"It's better to be faster," Cook said coldly.

"Okay, let's turn it on and return to the God Realm. Only then will you look good." The silver twelve-winged angel said angrily.

"Really?" Cook smiled slightly, but the twelve-winged angel felt that his smile was a bit cold.

All the angels were summoned back, and hundreds of angels marched in one direction mightily. This time they were down, and it can be seen that these channels were excavated. This time they were just used After ten minutes, a small cave appeared in front of Cook and others. In the middle of this cave, a huge metal block stood here.

"Huh?" Cook was surprised when he saw this metal block. The metal block was obviously a huge wizard model, and it seemed to be something that could only be made by a structural wizard above the sixth order.

Cook stepped forward and rubbed it, and the analysis model was immediately activated. In an instant, Cook knew the material of this thing. Based on the material, Cook easily judged: "Conqueror C-type float."

A conqueror is a spaceship built by a wizard. The conqueror means to conquer all planes, which means that this kind of spacecraft can easily reach any plane, that is to say, it can travel continuously on any plane, but conquer Type C is a small spacecraft, which is probably used by a team of about fifty people. This fragment is one of the key models in the broken space. The complete model can allow the entire floating craft to reach any position. Face, this incomplete open space can only be said to be a gap, of course, this gap is relative to the size of the wizard at that time, not Cook's body now.

"But according to this inference, then in the God Realm, there are also fragments of floating boats, because this fragment cannot be located, it can only be connected to other fragments." Cook secretly calculated in his heart.

"Cook, take out the crystal nucleus of the big guy than the one you collected. The more energy, the more stable the space wormhole." The silver twelve-winged angel said to Cook, although the silver twelve-winged angel said to Cook in his heart. Unhappy, but this kind of terrible thing really can't help but speak.

"Wait." Cook said without looking back, because Cook felt that this thing was very unsafe here. Cook thought of a place, that is, the Destroyer's control center, which is very safe. of.

"Wha..." Not only was the silver twelve-winged angel a little confused, but even the other angels were very confused. At this moment, the silver twelve-winged angel saw Cook open his mouth, and then passed out directly.

"Haha." Cook looked at himself as a mental shock shook all the more than a hundred angels and fainted. Cook smiled in his heart. The second-order mental power was so powerful that these angels could not resist.

Cook installed these angels with natural rings, and there was this fragment, but when Cook excavated, he found that most of the fragments were not buried in the rock. Of course, it was easy for Cook.

Cook cleaned up the debris and carried it to a room in the control center. Here, when the space wormhole was opened, it would not be disturbed by external energy, and Cook also set up a lot of anti-interference magic patterns. That is to say, when the space wormhole is opened in the future, the error rate will drop to a very low level, and Cook also knows that the anti-interference ability of the lightning area is very strong.

"I have to prepare some killers. The Star Breaker is not omnipotent. Moreover, I can't control the Star Breaker freely." Cook touched his chin and thoughts in his mind. Cook decided to give the angels a good deal Last lesson, but Cook is not a reckless person. What should be prepared is to prepare.

It is a pity for Cook that the wizards of the astral world do not use magic scrolls, because there are wizard books, which are more useful than any spell scrolls, but this situation is not good for Cook. If there are high-level spell scrolls, Cook has If you have a few primers, you will have a lot of confidence.

Although there are many spells in the wizard book, they are only second-order. Even if Cook releases all the energy, it is not much higher, because the spell model is second-order, just like the water pipe has only fingers. No matter how thick you are, the pipe with a diameter of half a meter has a large amount of water.

This is obviously not enough. Although Cook does not know the details of the Angels, a race that has stood for many years is not as vulnerable as imagined.

"Energy cannon, I am now a second-tier construction wizard, at most I can make a third-tier energy cannon, which is far from enough." Cook muttered in his heart. Cook found that he had no high-level means at all, that is, no long-range. Attack power, whether it is transforming into a giant or a broken star hammer.

Cook didn't give up, and then he calculated: "Smashing Star Hammer for melee combat, and magic pillar to assist melee combat, Thunder Fang can be remote, but this is still not controlled, so the only remote is the origin of the wind system, and the space system. , But if the interference is severe, the space system is still very dangerous."

"I guess it's almost the same, the origin of the wind element is in hand, even if you can't beat it, you can run away." Cook gave himself relieved.

In fact, Cook's combat effectiveness is already very strong, with the metamorphic assistance of the Sealing Magic Column, the metamorphic attack of the Star Breaker, and the metamorphic original strength.

Cook figured it out for a while, then whispered: "I will attack, kill chickens and monkeys. I don't believe that the angels are not afraid of death. They will kill some high-level guys. Those below will not dare to do it easily. "

"But what kind of main artifact is this glorious crown?" Cook later remembered that he had also obtained a main artifact.

The Glorious Crown, this is the name of the main artifact, it is like a crown. This crown is like the crowns worn by the princesses. Cook took a closer look. The crown was actually refined with magic gold, and the crown was inlaid with Cook distinguished several gemstones. The green one is the stone of life, the transparent one is the soul crystal, the two white ones are pyroxenes, and the golden one is the best gold magic crystal. The whole crown is 30 Six composite magic pattern arrays.

"Yes, yes, two defensive magic techniques can be released, and the mental power is increased by 50%, and it has the effect of replenishing vitality, and it has a physical defense shield, which is not bad." Who is Cook, that is Tier 5 Mageweave masters are already very knowledgeable in magicweaves, and now that they have learned some knowledge of wizard models, the effect of this brilliant crown is clear to Cook.

Some people say that an increase of 50% is also considered the main artifact, and it is very important to the people of the gods. 50% is indeed not too much, not too small, but don’t forget, this item is provided for the main **** to use. Power increase by 50%, you increase three times, five times, who used it, is a low-level magical device, just like a submarine, people’s submarine is one hundred meters deeper than yours, you say this one hundred meters does not count What, but if your ship drops a hundred meters, the submarine may be damaged. This is the gap.

How much energy does the energy circuit in the main artifact need to pass through? What is the general magic pattern equipment? The general magic pattern equipment is in the hands of the main god. The biggest possibility is that the main **** cannot let go of the attack, because once the attack is released, it may be directly Damaged, because the energy circuit can't bear it, not to mention the increase of 50%, it is the main artifact that is fully used, even if it is not broken, it is very good.

As for the defensive magic, it is aimed at the existence of the main **** level and can defend against the main god's attack. This is how much defense is needed, let alone physical defense, energy defense can be both.

The energy circuit of defense needs to withstand more energy than attacks. The more advanced magic weave equipment, the more valuable the defense.

"But I'm afraid this has other effects?" But after Cook took a closer look, he discovered that there are actually some different circuits in these energy circuits. What are these circuits for, Cook does not know.

Cook did not recklessly use the Radiant Crown, because Cook is not a light system. There are a lot of particularities in the use of the main artifact, race, department, and the angels use it. Cook is not so easy to use, and there may be Side effect, because the main artifacts are all custom-made, they are not popular products that anyone can use.

The Glory Crown Cook also made a chain and hung it up, and then Cook studied the fragment. The model of the fragment was too complicated and not complete. So Cook took some time, but Cook was not without much gain. According to Ke's estimation, there is no problem in using this thing. This is also the peculiarity of this fragment. It can be used if it is damaged. This is a huge miracle.

The silver twelve-winged angel woke up leisurely, and then was shocked immediately, and then saw that there was no other feeling in his body, and he was relieved. Looking around, the other angels also slowly woke up.

The pain from the soul made the silver twelve-winged angel clearly know that he was shocked by the spirit. The silver twelve-winged angel looked at the surrounding buildings and the bright space in amazement.

"Wake up, start to start when you wake up." Cook said coldly.

In fact, it’s not to blame Cook for releasing the silver twelve-winged angel, because this fragment Cook can’t be activated at all, obviously it’s on the other end. Cook doesn’t plan to study more, because it’s fragmented and incomplete. ,   is variable, according to conventional theories, it is impossible to study it.

"You...you did it, where is this?" The silver twelve-winged angel looked at the surrounding space and the huge fragment, and asked Cook.

"You don't need to know what you shouldn't know. Start quickly. I am not patient." Cook said coldly without saying anything.

"Hmph, just start it, I want you to go back and smash the Sky City. It's a bunch of stuff." The silver twelve-winged angel said, of course, the silver twelve-winged angel really wants Cook to trouble other angels. , This not only means that other angels have no face, but in the end this person who makes them hate will be abused miserably, miserably.

The silver twelve-winged angel found four other angels and formed a simple formation. The other four people put their hands on the silver twelve-winged angel’s wings. For a while, the silver twelve-winged angel’s wings were shining with light, these The light seemed to be flowing slowly.

The silver twelve-winged angel put his hands on one of the fragments, and the fragment slowly lit up.

"Huh?" Cook seems to understand that this method is to cause energy resonance, which means that after the fragments are broken as a whole, energy is input here, and the fragments there are induced, just like a telegraph.

However, stimulating resonance is the most critical thing. Why? Because resonance is not all energy circuits that have to be activated, but only part of it. It is almost impossible for Cook to find out, because Cook can only see the reaction here. , Without seeing the reaction on the other side.

"Space fluctuations." Then, Cook felt obvious spatial fluctuations, and Cook understood that the conqueror spacecraft could fly across various planes because of this space model, and the abnormal changes caused by the damage of the space model , So that the fragmented space models have a sense of each other.

"Tsk tut, good luck." Cook sighed, knowing that finding such a position to activate resonance, luck is the key, everything in the experiment is floating clouds, because mutation is almost impossible to copy and change, plus two sides The fragments cannot be observed at the same time, so if you want to find out where the silver twelve-winged angel's hand is pressing, the goddess of luck must sleep for several years.

"Okay. As for how long it takes to turn it on, it's beyond our control." The silver twelve-winged angel wings were extremely dim, and the four angels behind them almost fainted.

"Ahem, then wait. This is for you." Cook is not an unreasonable person. Although Cook said in his heart, it was all caused by angels, but when he saw angels consume it like this, Cook still I am a little embarrassed. To put it plainly, Cook is a dog-tempered person, but as long as you don’t provoke him to a dog-tempered person, he will be fine. Of course, Cook is also a particular person, so he took out a first-order light system crystal nucleus. But a crystal nucleus comparable to the size of an angel's entire body.

"This, this..." The silver twelve-winged angel stuttered ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The three views in his heart were refreshed again.

Then the silver twelve-winged angel commented suspiciously about Cook, who was very annoyed by the silver twelve-winged angel: "If you don't want me, take it back."

"You are a man, you are actually embarrassed to take it back, you take it back, you take it back." The silver twelve-winged angel did not know the courage there, and said aggressively to Cook.

Cook's nose is crooked, Nima actually still has such a shameless person. If you guys don’t hold this crystal core, you can take it back. What can Cook do, of course, silently walk away. Now, the silver twelve-winged angel felt the pure light system energy pouring into the body from the crystal core, and felt much better. Seeing that Cook was actually crushed by himself, I couldn’t believe this for a while. .

"Zzi, Zzi, Zzi." Just after Cook silently rested for a long time, the fragments made a sizzling sound, and then the surrounding crystal nuclei quickly consumed, and the surrounding interference magic lines began to light up.

"Quickly, open, open." Keliya's voice was full of excitement, and Cook rushed over with a flash.

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