A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 217: Return to the God Realm

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"Hey...XsHuotXT" When Cook sat up all of a sudden, regardless of his physical pain, spread his hands, and found that Xiah and the others were well inside. It turned out that at the moment he was rushed out, Cook used his mental power to pull Milan pulled out the class from behind, and then gathered with Little Lacia and others. The main reason was that the spatial fluctuations were too severe. Cook wanted to put them in the natural ring, but it was impossible, so Cook held them together. Protect Xia and others.

Sia and the others were obviously dizzy by the huge impact. They have not yet reacted. Cook is now extremely exhausted and mentally well. Cook put Sia and others into the natural ring, feeling relaxed. Take a breath.

There are still less than two minutes of the nine-fold superimposed madness. Originally, Cook had ten minutes, but when he was rushed out of the space wormhole and hit the mountain, Cook suffered a huge amount of strength, which caused an increase in physical strength. Thereby reducing the duration of frenzy.

Only then did Cook have time to look at the surrounding terrain, a lofty mountain range, without the slightest amount of people, even if there was such a big movement just now, the surrounding area is still dead, dead still, yes, it looks like the surrounding lush trees, forests, and There are gurgling streams, but in the eyes of Cook, there is no life around, even these trees are lifeless, let alone other creatures.

There is not even a single insect. This is very abnormal. Cook has never heard of such an area in the star realm. Cook looked up at the sky and immediately understood that the sky is not like the star realm. The sun is the same thing as several huge suns, but the light emitted by these sun-like things has no temperature.

"Outland." Cook smiled bitterly. This Nima space wormhole is too unreliable. In the star realm, there is only one place with such a strange scenery, and that is Outland.

The so-called Outer Realm is understood as a subsidiary plane in the Sanctuary, and it is understood by the earth people as satellites, but the satellites in the star realm are not round, but come in various shapes, and some are even larger meteorites. Unlike ordinary satellites, the environment on these satellites can survive, but the environment here is extremely harsh, so generally only high-ranking sages will come here to take risks.

If in normal times, Cook is not afraid, because Cook is a Tier 2 wizard anyway, but the situation of Cook’s body now makes Cook a little worried. When he was in the mainland of the star realm, Cook could also use the teleportation map to teleport. Back to the Destroyer's control center, but now in Outland, Cook dare not teleport easily.

According to the laws of space, it is a short-distance teleportation in a plane, just like the astral land, which is a large magnetic field area, and this magnetic field area can be regarded as a large space link in this area. Inside, the transmission error and the probability of failure are very small.

But now in Outland, although it is not very far from the distance, it belongs to long-distance teleportation. The pressure it bears is several times greater than that of short-distance teleportation. Of course, Cook’s body can bear it temporarily, but once it teleports, it will be in the body. If you can't bear it, the consequences are hard to predict.

Cook decided not to risk teleportation, and looked around. Cook decided to find a hiding place. Cook's body shrank rapidly and quickly left the place. Two minutes later, Cook was in a cave on a hidden tree trunk. Stopped.

And a small cave was opened at the top of the speed tree cave, which is almost just enough for Cook to hide. Cook's body has now become a human size. This cave has a 7-shaped shape, which is to be erected and cut in, and then turned , Cook has no time to set any magic patterns.

"Sober potion, water of life, powerful healing potion." Three bottles of potion were poured by Cook.

A tidal wave of exhaustion let Cook know that this is a sequelae of madness. Although Cook is now full of energy, the message his body transmits to Cook I expresses rest, rest, rest.

Even with the water of life, Cook feels that his skeleton is falling apart, and his muscles are constantly twitching. This is the loss of control of the body, and Cook feels that the muscles are beginning to shrink, which is like a person's excessive collapse. After nine times of superimposed madness, the internal cells of the muscle have reached their lifespan. The cells in the body do not survive for a long time, but have a lifespan. Metabolism is this process.

And Cook's madness this time made most of the cells in the body age, and the number of new cells was far behind.

"Hey." Cook glanced at the sleeping potion in his hand and poured it in one mouthful. Now the best way is to fall asleep and wait quietly for recovery. But in such a place, Cook really doesn't know it will What kind of dangers are facing, but because of this, Cook needs to recover as soon as possible.

When Cook passed out, he seemed to feel a shock around him. This was Cook's last perception.

"Boom, boom, boom." When Cook woke up again, Cook felt that his body was being bombarded by the impact.

"What's wrong." Cook reached out his hand and grabbed the inside of the wood beside him, wondering in his heart, but Cook was not eager to check what was going on outside.

Cook first checked his body. Cook found that his bones had actually appeared silver, faintly as if there was colorful fluorescence flowing inside, and the muscles of the whole body had become tighter, as if there were Some green fluorescence surrounds, the muscles and veins are more tenacious, and the skin appears yellow, which is a bit strange.

"Become stronger." Cook tentatively clenched a fist and found that his strength had become even greater.

"I don't know what happened outside." Cook didn't have time to clean up the dirt on his body. He took Thunder Fang, sealed the magic pillar, and the broken star hammer Cook jumped out of the hole he had dug.

As soon as he walked out of the cave, Cook felt a majestic energy fluctuation, and a large flame sprayed into the tree hole.

"Damn." Cook immediately became eightfold superimposed frenzied, then transformed into a giant and rushed out, with the Star Breaker in his hand standing on his chest.

"His." After Cook jumped out of the tree hole, he heard the sound of hiss. At first sight, Cook was a group of monsters protecting flames. These monsters are like rocks composed of pride, but there are raging on the rock. The flame is fighting with the big trees where Cook is hiding. The roots of these big trees emerge from under the ground, and the thick roots are directly twisted on the rocks. The roots quickly turn into pieces of coke, but More tree roots emerged, and the rocks continued to emit flames. In terms of quantity, these magic plants accounted for the vast majority, but these magic plants can only play a controlling role on these rock monsters, and there is nothing at all. Lethality.

Looking at the raging sea of ​​fire around, Cook finally knew why there were no other creatures here. Cook's appearance did not stop the two parties, but attacked more violently. These flaming rocks just knew how to breathe fire.

"The egg hurts." When Cook saw this scene, he had only one feeling, that is, the egg hurts. Why, the energy fluctuations of these rocks and magic plants are not very high, and they don’t even reach the first level, but there are too many of these guys. There are more, but the number of rocks on fire is less. Compared to these magic plants, for Cook, they are still very many. Looking at it, there are at least thousands.

"What is this?" Cook was puzzled. These elemental creatures are not like elemental creatures, and elemental puppets are not like elemental puppets. It's just a burning rock in Nima. There are no life fluctuations, only energy fluctuations.

The same goes for these magical plants. There is no life fluctuation. Life fluctuation is the energy magnetic field possessed by a creature. In magic terms, it is life fluctuation.

When Cook saw that these creatures ignored him, Cook didn't have much trouble. All Cooke had to do now was to leave the area quickly.

"This area is really huge." Cook's deformed lightning bird flew for half an hour and finally walked out of this mountainous area, leaving Cook wondering that one side is a lofty mountain and the other is a wide plain, as if it were the creator. I did this deliberately. There are so many plants and rocks in the mountains that Cook feels scalp tingling. After going out of the mountain area, there are no plants and rocks, but here is still dead, although the plains on the ground seem to be overgrown. All kinds of grasses were lost, but Cook did not dare to care about why this place was so silent.

"The gravity here is lower than in the star realm, the air is thinner, and the surrounding energy is more active." Feeling the surrounding environment, Cook became more curious in his heart, but he didn't know much about Outland. Besides, Outland is kept secret from low-level sages. When Cook left the Sage Association, his level was at the time when he knew about Outland.

"It seems that there is a certain relationship between Outland and the Astral Land. Anyway, it doesn't look like a whole." Cook thought carefully about the past about Outland.

Of course, this matter is also fluent. After all, the environment in the outer domain is very different from that in the local area. Therefore, some differences are also normal. As for the extent of the differences, Cook is not clear.

Cook did not rush into the plains. This is very strange to Cook. Cook wants to return to the God Realm eagerly, and there is still a lot of things over there.

Now Cook is looking for a more hidden place, and then leaving the space coordinates to see if he can leave a space mark on the teleportation map. As for why Cook didn’t try it, because Cook is not sure what the teleportation map is. Is there any space coordinate limit? Besides, Cook is now in the Outland, and the teleportation map may not be supported. If there is a limit on the number of recorded space coordinates and there is no way to erase it, then it will be a big loss.

Of course, Cook also wants to see what is so strange about this Outland that will attract so many sages here.

Cook continued to fly around the place where the plains and mountains meet. The speed is extremely fast. In just tens of minutes, Cook can see a piece of exposed rock far away. The red rock is conspicuous, but this red rock area The mountain area, and the plain area, seemed to be divided, with extremely neat edges.

"Could it be the handwriting of a wizard again." Cook was puzzled. Such a situation is definitely not formed naturally, and the possibility of man-made is very high.

But Cook does not intend to continue searching. Cook found the junction between the mountainous area and the plain, as well as the rocky area. It is strange to say that the rocks and plants that are on fire in this mountain do not go beyond the mountain area at all. Cook didn't know if there were any creatures in the grassland. As for the rocky area, Cook didn't go deep.

"Boom." When Cook saw the motionless tree, he wondered why this thing didn't attack himself, but was about to attack those flaming rocks. Cook tentatively attacked.

The plant was immediately knocked to the ground by Cook. Cook hadn’t reacted yet. The tree immediately began to rot. In less than ten seconds, there was no sign of the tree’s existence. In the area, a few small saplings were growing wildly, and they were already big trees in a moment.

"Nima." Cook was really shocked, what the **** is this, how could this be, Dashu.

Cook couldn't believe his eyes. Then Cook found another big tree, checked it, and found nothing unusual, so Cook smashed it with his fist.

"Boom." After the fist was smashed, the tree looked like a giant being disturbed. Numerous thick roots were rolled up and lashed towards Cook, and countless branches shot Cook. Come here, like countless shots.

"Boom." Cook smashed the tree directly with a hammer.

Passive attacks on magical plants. Cook knows the type of this plant after testing. In fact, plants actively attack less, just like pitcher plants on the earth. They only attack when they are offended. In this world , There are not many passive magic plants, but there are also many active attacks.

However, passively attacking plants are the most insidious. Even if you are close to these plants, they will not do anything, but once you attack or move them, I am sorry that you will turn your face immediately. Such passive attacking plants are actually the most dangerous. , Of course, it goes without saying what level the broken star hammer in Cook's hand is. It was smashed down at once, and the plant was smashed and burst. Then the original process was repeated. The big tree decomposed extremely quickly, and then New saplings grew again.

Cook is no stranger to this kind of scene. Not only some plants but also some animals are like this. Cook tries to get close to the edge of the mountain, and then he starts looking for a hidden place. Cook is in a pool of water in the mountain. Inside, then Cook worked out the teleportation map.



42615/32846786/7677454472679559911.png)>"When Cook took out the teleportation map, Cook found that the map had changed. Previously, this map only showed the place of the star boundary, but here, Cook saw another map. There are square grids on this map. The whole map shows an irregular shape. Cook knew that this is the map of this outer domain at a glance. A golden dot appeared in the lower right corner of the map. This is The spatial coordinates of Cook's memory.

"What is Nima doing in so many grids?" This was something that was puzzled in Cook's mind when he was transmitting.

The next moment Cook returned to the Destroyer’s control center. Cook had memorized the space coordinates here. Cook looked at the golden map scroll in his hand and thought to himself: "This thing is only of high grade. ."

Teleporting from the outer domain, Cook did not feel the slightest discomfort, which proved the power of the teleportation map, but in this star realm, there are any advanced things, Cook will not doubt, after all, the legendary wizard conquered With countless planes, it is impossible not to collect good things.

"There are still people breaking in." Cook checked the security system of the control center and found that someone had broken in, but then Cook sneered. How powerful is the defense of this thing, not to mention too much, the destructor's defense measures are How advanced, this is the largest channel for transporting supplies to the stars. The defense can be simple. The guy who breaks in will definitely be counterattacked by the defense system. It must be uncomfortable.

Cook looked around, but there was no response. Cook took away all the crystal nuclei collected by the energy harvesting system in the control center, because Cook relied on the power of the Star Breaker in the God Realm. But if you want to use the crystal nucleus to supplement, how Cooke can't be too much.

Next, the Cook class activated the fragment of the Conqueror that connects to the God Realm. Just when Cook connected, on the God Realm side, the Goddess of the Night was talking to her subordinates, and suddenly felt that the necklace around her neck was shaking. .

That’s right, Cook put the fragments of the Conqueror next to the goddess of the dark night. As for the Bagru side of Liberty City, it was just a cover. The goddess of the dark night didn’t know about it, and the goddess still muttered in her heart. .

"Cook said he wants to put divine power into it." The Goddess of Dark Night thought of what Cook had told herself, so she injected divine power into it.

In fact, this supernatural power is only an opening introduction. As for the fragments of the Conqueror that Cook installed in this necklace, of course, Cook switched between the wizard model and the magic pattern, as long as the night goddess Transmission of divine power, then the space channel opened by the debris on the Conqueror will be transferred to the space point where the goddess of the night is located. It is very complicated to say, so it took Cook a month to complete.

"Space door." After the goddess of the dark night entered the divine power, she saw a space door in front of her. The goddess of the dark night was puzzled, and the surrounding subordinates quickly bowed their heads. Under the goddess of the dark, there are many gods. These gods are attached to the goddess of the dark night. Seeing the space door in front of the goddess of the dark night, they all thought it was some kind of secret, so they all quickly bowed their heads.

"Haha." Then, an arrogant voice burst into laughter, and the subordinates around the goddess of the dark night buried their heads lower, the goddess of the dark night is not a good-tempered woman.

As a high-ranking person, especially a woman, relying on her own strength to go up, that temper is absolutely certain. The God Realm is not like a high-ranking woman on certain occasions. The strength here is real and there is no room for discount.

"Cook, you are here." A sweet, greasy voice rang out, and the goddess of the dark night watched Cook walk out of the space door, and felt more happy in her heart, because what Cook represents, that's a big deal. Heap of artifacts.

"I didn't expect you to look like this." Cook looked at the goddess of the night and said with a smile. Indeed, this is the first time that Cook has seen the goddess of the night, although the soul of the goddess of the night and Cook have already communicated with each other. However, it was the first time that the goddess of the night used the body of the saint Anna from the temple of the goddess of the night to see herself.

The subordinates of the goddess of the dark night bury their heads lower, and someone dares to comment on the goddess of the dark night, isn't this looking for death?

"Hehe, I don't look beautiful." Knowing that, what surprised all the subordinates was that the goddess of the dark night was actually talking.

The word "fat" echoed in the minds of the subordinates of the goddess of the dark night, and the goddess Nyima would also be said to, this, this, what happened to this world.

"En, that's the case." Cook knows that the higher you practice, the more beautiful you grow. This is not about other things, but that as your cultivation level improves, the genes in your body will become more and more perfect. In the end, it reaches a relatively perfect level, then the genes slowly change, then the body will naturally appear, but what has been caused, the goddess are all similar in body shape, and the face is similar.

That’s why Cook said that. According to the words on the earth, it is to have a public face, because everyone is a goddess, just the level of cultivation. In fact, it is long and beautiful. It's boring, otherwise someone will go out to find someone who is worse than his wife with a beautiful wife, and he will be reported by some enthusiastic people. This is the truth, and the wife is beautiful, and there are too many digging walls, so I sincerely tell everyone, find qualified That’s fine, (PS: How can I say that I miss other people’s beautiful wives,)

"I hate it." Anna was said by Cook and threw herself into Cook's arms and said in a loud voice.

At this time, the subordinates of the goddess of the night couldn't stand it anymore~www.wuxiaspot.com~ One raised his head and saw the scene even more surprised this person: "Ah."

"Ah." This sound attracted more people to raise their heads to see who the hunter was. After they looked up, everyone seemed to have been hit by a petrified ray, and they were stunned.

The goddess master who used to be extremely powerful, actually the little bird nestled in someone's arms with a smile on his face.

"Ahem." Cook turned around when he heard the sound. After seeing the layout here, Cook was embarrassed. This Nima is obviously a good office, which is embarrassing.

"Ahem, let me introduce it. This is Cook and my partner." The Goddess of Dark Night snickered, and then introduced it in a serious manner.

"Lord Cook." The people below stood up all of a sudden, yes, they all stood up, to say that the name is now quite awesome, and the God Realm knows many people, but it is the name of Cook, so As soon as he heard this name, the people below immediately responded to whether it was this person.

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