A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 226: 2 hammers

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Cook didn't want to be troublesome, but from the perspective of stripping off his equipment, the lord of the beasts here is definitely not good for humans. Cook looked at the talking **** bird and said faintly: "I haven't heard of this rule."

"Rules, boy, tell me the rules, this is the domain of the great Lord Heisen, all rules must be followed by Lord Heisen." The big bird opened his mouth and shouted to Cook, but his voice was sharp.

"According to the agreement signed between the sacred beasts and humans, there is no stripping equipment inside, only the handing over of weapons." Cook said coldly.

Cook said that there is an agreement. When fighting with the ancient gods, in fact, a huge part of the main force was still the beasts, especially the Phoenix clan, which is known as the undead clan, just like we play games, so the battle is crazy. However, the frenzied battles made the Phoenix cultivation level higher and higher. In the end, the strength of the Phoenix clan ruled the entire sacred beast clan. After the ancient gods were eliminated, the Phoenix clan signed a peace agreement on behalf of the sacred beast with humans. Both sides suffered heavy losses at that time.

What makes people laugh and cry is that the signing of the peace agreement is only the Phoenix family representing the beasts, and here is the Council of the Gods, the angels and the dragons are disdainful, and the reproduction speed of the angels and the dragons is so fast that the beasts, so these two This race generally does not enter the territories of these sacred beasts. Of course, giant dragons have to come in. These sacred beasts keep one eye open, because the sacred beast thinks that the dragon must belong to the reptile scaly. The dragon clan was very annoyed. The giant dragons looked at these beasts just like the people in the city looked at the country people, with a natural sense of superiority.

"Peace agreement, kid, it was signed by those phoenixes. It has nothing to do with us, Lord Heisen." The big bird heard Cook say so much. In fact, the big bird doesn't know any peace agreement. As for the Phoenix family This big bird knows, but what does that matter? The place where the Phoenix family lives is far away.

"Well, that means you are not under the jurisdiction of the Phoenix family." Cook asked playfully. The reason why the Council of Gods did not dare to kill these beasts on a large scale was because of the Phoenix family. If you don’t recognize the leadership of the Phoenix clan, I’m afraid that the Council of the Gods will immediately do everything possible to destroy this sacred animal territory. You must know the sacred core of the sacred animal and the materials on it. They are all top quality, and the reason why Cook wanted to ask. , Because Cook had already used the photo crystal to record these images and sounds, and the Phoenix family had friendship with Cook.

"That is, how could the Phoenix control our Lord Haisen? Our Lord Haisen is...boom." The big bird replied with disdain, but before he finished speaking, he saw the human being in front of him instantly grow bigger. With a punch, he struck him, and with a bang, the bird was directly hit by Cook into the ground.

Now that he has done it, Cook is not hypocritical, and the original force of the wind system immediately urges him to move, and his body that is hundreds of meters high carries afterimages.

"Boom." Cook kicked it out and kicked a god-level beast that was quickly approaching him, splashing blood in the air.

"Boom." A huge horn of a divine beast sprinted quickly and hit Cook's thigh at once, but the proud unicorn of this beast did not cause any harm to Cook, but was shocked by the huge counter shock. The mind is dizzy.

"Puff." But then a big foot lifted up, and then stepped on the unicorn directly on the ground with a popping sound, and the beast was directly struck by Cook.

Boom, boom, boom, boom, in just ten seconds, hundreds of sacred beasts were beaten to the ground by Cook, and dozens of flying birds were disturbed by Cook's original power and just started flying. He whirled and fell down, and then Cook's neck was broken, and he couldn't die anymore.

Divine beasts are different from human beings. God-level humans have a divine personality. As long as the divine personality is immortal, then this **** can be resurrected, but the divine beast cannot. The divine beast is not a god-level cultivated, but grows naturally, so it is still a god. The nucleus, like the magic nucleus, is dead when it dies. It cannot be resurrected at all. Only the Phoenix family can continue to resurrect, but the resurrection of the Phoenix is ​​still the power of blood.

"Hmph, a group of wild beasts, actually want to pick up my equipment." Cook snorted coldly. The dead ones were killed, and the dead ones were thrown directly into the natural ring, which happened to be used for making equipment for the people in West Asia. There are hundreds of beasts. In front of the origin of the wind system, there is no ability to escape at all.

Cook didn’t even look at it, and chased him in one direction. There was a fish that slipped through the net. For safety, Cook took out Thunder Fang and the Sealing Magic Column, but Cook had to change his clothes. The giant transformed into a moment, and the clothes broke again.

"Help, help, there are robbers, and there are human robbers." The beast in front ran very fast. After only ten minutes, the beast yelled. In fact, it is not necessary for the beast to yell. Cook is hundreds of meters high. The body, as well as the killing intent emanating from it, these sacred beasts had already sensed it.

There are hundreds of divine beasts. Cook is still facing this number again. In fact, the realm of divine beasts is not like that of human beings. Everyone gathers together. No, the territories under the realm of divine beasts are divided. A territory is managed by one or a group of sacred beasts, and then these sacred beasts pay tribute to the lords of the territory, and will not gather together. The first wave of Cook’s kills was obviously sent directly by the lords, and here is the owner of the territory. , Which is assigned by the lord.

"Get out of the way." Cook only said two words.

"Human, you dare... Boom." The body of an orangutan-like beast swelled to hundreds of meters in an instant, and roared at Cook, but he was beaten by Cook before he could finish his talk. After going down, the orangutan's head burst like a watermelon.

"Humph, the blocker died." Cook snorted coldly.

"Hiss." The remaining hundreds of sacred beasts took a step back. In fact, the sacred beasts are more sensitive to danger than human beings. Humans may rush up recklessly because of some responsibility, but the beasts are different. There is a saying, "Do you fly separately when the catastrophe is imminent? Although this is not absolute, it definitely represents most beasts."

"I'm looking for your Lord Heisen." Cook saw these sacred beasts retreating and continued.

The remaining beasts breathed a sigh of relief and looked at each other, and then a lizard-like beast said: "Go over there."

Cook took a step and left. Behind Cook, he followed hundreds of sacred beasts. There is no way. These sacred beasts also know that if the lord goes wild, they will suffer. So they follow far away, even if the lord blames it. The excuse is not.

Who said that the beasts are stupid, it is related to the immediate interests of the person, there is no fool, and Cook does not care, take a big step forward, the beasts are actually not very special in the gods, just like the beasts in the lower planes, and It's not like describing the forehead on the lower planes. Each mythical beast is so big and big, covering the sky and overwhelming the sea.

That is false. The energy density of this plane of the God Realm is not the same as that of the lower plane, so the density of the rock here is much higher than that of the lower plane. The same stone has a different weight in the God Realm. The lower planes are not the same, there is gravity, of course the sacred beasts are in the lower planes, that can be overwhelming, but in the realm of the gods, you try it.

Moreover, although the beasts can transform and become very big, they are in a fighting state. If you can transform at any time, the high-ranking beasts think you are provocative, and then kill you one after another, so the legends are all false.

Besides, the gambling **** and his party were stripped naked and thrown into a huge cave. The cave is surrounded by sacred beasts. The gambling **** and others are all black and blue, and the seventh-order magic pattern master and his party are also suffering. The **** of gambling has nothing to do. The **** of gambling is the kind of gangster with strength and brains, but if these gangsters encounter unreasonable beasts, they will suffer. If you ask you to lay down your weapons, you will put down your weapons and take your clothes off. Taking your clothes off, the God of Gambler holds the most, of course, it is Shenjing. Not only has this been looted, but it has also been duly asked why, of course, it is Shenjing.

What the divine beasts care about, of course, is energy, the divine crystals contain extremely pure energy, so how can a large number of divine beasts keep these divine beasts from turning red and green.

"Who are you guys, what are you doing in my territory?" a big man sitting in the middle of the cave asked. Around the big man, there were several burly guards with great momentum.

"My lord, we are here to dig a treasure." The seventh-order magic pattern master, who was also naked, looked at the God of Gamblers and his group with crazy eyes along the way. At this time, he heard the question of the lord of the beast. , Immediately replied.

"Treasure, don't lie to me." Lord Hesen heard the word Treasure, his eyes turned, but he was still serious.

"Yes, Lord Lord, as long as you kill these people, then I can contribute the treasure." The seventh-order magic pattern master continued.

"Fuck." Hearing this, the Gambler jumped up and rushed towards the seventh-order magic pattern master.

"Boom." But the gambling **** hadn't jumped up, he was directly smashed to the ground by a strong force behind him. The gambling **** himself did not live by fighting, and his equipment and everything were pulled down, and his fighting consciousness was even greater. Not working.

"What are you doing, you are looking for death." The **** of gamblers and the guards all jumped up, but Lord Heisen shouted loudly, and the **** of gamblers also asked the guards around him to stay still. It would be a disadvantage to do anything here.

"I don't know the treasure you mentioned, but there are still a lot of crystals on this person." Lord Hesen continued.

"Master Haisen, the treasure I'm talking about is huge..." the seventh-order magic pattern master said.

"Shut up, first, I have a way of knowing the treasure you mentioned. Second, you betrayed you with your companions. It shows how despicable, shameless, and cunning you are. I don’t like dealing with such people. This guy tells the news about the treasure." Lord Heisen directly interrupted the seventh-order magic pattern master and said with a sneer.

The seventh-order magic pattern master did not expect this result. In fact, the seventh-order magic pattern master did not know the thinking of the beasts. In the eyes of the beasts, humans are cunning, shameless, and despicable, so they make deals with these people. It is a very worrying thing, and the seventh-order Mageweave Master wants to betray the God of Gambler and his party face to face. In the eyes of Lord Heisen, it is even more shameless and despicable. Dealing with such a person is simply He wants to die by himself, so the beast likes to use his hands instead of his brain.

"Haha, sir, your flesh is so tender." A divine beast transformed into a human figure came to the front of the seventh-order magic pattern master, touched the seventh-order magic pattern master's white body, and made a strange voice. Speak.

The **** of gambling heard his scalp tingling on one side, and quickly wiped the dirt on his hand on his body without a trace. You must know that the beasts are different from humans, some of them are guys with different sexual orientations, and what if they are caught by a dozen beasts. Go back and still have a face to see people.

The magic pattern masters around the seventh-order magic pattern masters originally wanted to be hard-headed. Seeing this kind of sight, they immediately stepped back for a long time. In fact, these magic pattern masters are very rich, so they play with it. Very advanced, but playing by others, being played by others, and being played by a beast, I can't figure out how.

"They are my enemies, the **** crystals on them were originally mine." The seventh-order magic pattern master roared angrily.

"Anyway, it's not yours anyway." Lord Heisen yelled angrily. In the eyes of the sacred beast, it is the boss if you **** it. If you don't **** it, you deserve it. In the world of the sacred beast, the weak and the strong eat the most vividly.

"Kacha." However, the divine beast opposite the seventh-order magic pattern master grabbed the hand of the seventh-order magic pattern master's new student, and then bit it down, and the seventh-order magic pattern master's thumb was bitten off.

"The taste is not bad." The sacred beast chewed a few times, and actually admired it, but this sentence made the God of Gamblers and the others more frightened.

"Haha, haha, you just have this ability, come and bite me, bite me." The seventh-order magic pattern master laughed wildly.

"Ha, I like what others say the most. You humans have a godhead. See if this thumb is about to grow again.How long can you last in this situation, one hundred years, two hundred years, or five hundred years, so that I will not worry about eating in the future. Anyway, it will grow out. It is said that this is how you humans cultivate magic plants. "The man who knew the opposite said this with excitement in his eyes, and the gambling **** thought that his party was like leeks, being eaten by others in a stubble, and his heart became more and more fearful. (Ps: There is Leek, this is what I said, who said no, please show me the evidence, thank you,)

The complexion of the seventh-order magic pattern changed at once, being killed by someone, tortured to death, this is completely different, Lord Heisen said impatiently: "No matter how many years you are, I only need to know the answer to the treasure. That’s it, I can live for tens of thousands of years, and some are waiting for time."

"Tsk tsk, this thin skin and tender meat, you can still play with it if you have nothing to do." Absolutely heavy taste, absolutely, after this big man said this, the gambler felt that if he was a seventh-order magic pattern master, at least he would collapse. , Yes, it's better to die like this.

"You guys..." Haisen was very satisfied with the current results. Seeing how these people were shaking, Haisen decided to start his own plan.

"You can't do this to us, we have reinforcements." A subordinate of the God of Gamblers heard Hesen say this and immediately screamed.

"Reinforcement, haha, okay, I can still ask for more ransom." Hesen laughed immediately when he heard this.

"What, just a ransom." The God of Gamblers asked incredulously.

"Of course, what are you doing, but that guy wants to stay. The treasure is mine." Haisen replied.

"Well, you say a number, we will definitely come up with the ransom." When it comes to God Crystal, the God of Gamblers is full of confidence. What God Crystal is, that is a bastard, as long as you are still alive, you can earn it back.

"Tsk tusk, it looks like you are very rich, so let your subordinates go back and take all your property. If you don't take it, then you don't go back." Haisen saw this scene. The eyes lit up.

The God of Gamblers was about to vomit blood, and the God of Gamblers wailed: "Damn it, how come I'm out on my own, **** it."

"But, Lord Lord, how do you know how much my property is?" The God of Gambler asked in a low voice with doubts in his heart.

"Haha, of course I'm satisfied. If you are not satisfied, let your subordinates return to earn money." Hesen laughed.

"That's it, this idiot." The surrounding sacred beasts all laughed. The **** of gambling heard this and sat on the ground, this time it was over.

"Lord, Lord Cook will definitely come." The subordinates of the God of Gamblers immediately said when they saw the God of Gamblers.

The gambler's eyes lit up and he whispered: "Cook will definitely come, but according to the truth, Cook should have been here long ago. We will not be taken away. Cook can't find a place."

Thinking of this possibility, the people around him felt cold, but at this time, Haisen said: "Come on, go and see why the people who came later have not come back, are there too many human reinforcements."

"Lord, what if there are too many humans, this is the territory of our sacred beasts." A big man said when he heard this.

"Yes, this..." Hesen reacted immediately.

"Majesty, Majesty, it's okay. Someone has hit the door." A bird flew into the cave in a panic and shouted loudly. The soldiers here are not as intelligent as the high-level beasts, so they have different names. There are differences, but Haisen still likes to be called king.

"Someone has hit the door, who is it? Lord of Magic Stone." Haisen frowned.

"No, it's a giant. He has killed hundreds of brothers." The bird said, shaking his head.

"Hey, why didn't you say it earlier." The bird was slapped by Haisen and stunned, and then Haisen rushed out of the cave.

The God of Gamblers and the others were very excited, but the seventh-order magic pattern master was miserable. The big man in front of the seventh-order magic pattern master saw Haisen go, immediately carrying the seventh-order magic pattern master and disappeared, kidding, this is Treasure, although the subordinates of the seventh-order magic pattern master saw it, they did not dare to say anything.

"Damn it, where did you come from." Hesen shouted when he saw Cook's body several hundred meters high. At the same time, his body expanded to hundreds of meters in size like an inflatable body, revealing the prototype.

"Haha, it turned out to be a golden leopard." After seeing the body of Haisen, Cook smiled. The golden leopard, a high-level golden animal, has the strength of a **** king in adulthood.

"You are..." Hesen felt suspicious when he saw that Cook hadn't revealed his original shape. There was no such person in the lord around his territory.

"I'm a human..." Cook said.

"Damn it, it's a human being, looking for death." When Haisen heard this, he was furious, and opened his mouth to eject countless golden streams, shooting towards Cook.

"Boom boom boom." Cook disappeared in the same place in a flash, and then appeared thousands of meters away. The golden streamer hit the ground where Cook was originally standing, making a rumbling sound. It turned out that the golden streamer was a stick. The thick golden pillar is obviously a certain magical technique of the gold system.

"Boom." With a burst of sound, Heisen appeared beside Cook, and then with a golden streamer on his paws, he grabbed Cook fiercely.

"Boom." With a dull sound, Haisen flew upside down, and Cook took back the Star Breaker with a sneer.

"Ohhhhhhhh, kill this guy for me." Haisen continued to roll and howl on the ground, obviously just now Cook's blow caused Haisen to suffer a lot of damage.

The surrounding monsters heard this command ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and some rushed out, but some were suspicious. Those who rushed out were relatively low-level creeps, and the high-level ones had more brains. Just one face-to-face lord. The one who was beaten by others fell to the ground.

Boom, boom, boom, hundreds of mythical beasts were photographed by the giant in front of them in just ten seconds, leaving only the blood on the ground, joking, eightfold superimposition, madness and magic seal pillar With the transformation of giants, Cook can resist the star giants, not to mention these low-level beasts.

"Haha, you better be farther away." Cook smiled and pointed at the unmoving beast with a thick finger.

Seeing this scene, the unmoving beast had the intention to run. Hearing Cook's warning, he immediately fled away and began to watch more than ten kilometers away.

Cook walked in front of Heisen, and without a word, he smashed the broken star hammer. Heisen wanted to avoid it, but Cook was a joke just now because the internal organs had been shattered.

"Hey." One of the lord's heads was directly smashed by Cook. In fact, Cook felt distressed, and this beast was also a good thing.

"City Lord Cook." The God of Gamblers and his party cried out loudly when they saw Cook in the form of a giant.

"Why, I don't want to leave yet." Cook saw the naked appearance of the God of Gamblers and his party and took out the photo crystal.


Take a photo first, and then asked angrily.

"It's not good, Lord Cook, that guy is missing." When several magic pattern masters in the alchemy temple heard this, it must be Cook and immediately shouted.

"Missing." Cook's egg hurts.

"Damn human beings, dare to come here to kill a lord." At this moment, a huge voice appeared hundreds of kilometers away, and roared at Cook angrily.

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