A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 228: The origin of the ancient gods?

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"Puff." With a sound, after this tattered soul spear was hit by Cook, a few things fell.

"Not bad material." Cook picked up a few pieces of material and said to himself, this is the purification function of the Star Breaker. The Star Breaker is prepared by the wizard for the giant, and it is to refine certain stars. There are useful things inside, so only purification and energy absorption function, of course, don’t worry about the quality of the broken star hammer.

The soul spear that was about to run between the 7th-order Mageweave Master and the Divine Beast, it disappeared after being in Cook’s hand. Cook didn’t care about soul weapons or soul weapons. In Cook’s eyes, it was scum , It’s still the material, because these soul weapons are impossible to subdue. Most of the souls in these soul weapons come from a fallen god, and what a **** is like, the soul is arrogant in the depths of the soul. There is no time to tame such things.

But if someone outside knows about such a thing, they will definitely point to Cook and yell at him: "Cook, your prodigal son, this soul weapon has many benefits, especially this ancient soul weapon. With the taboo tricks of certain ancient gods, it is actually..."

It’s not that Cook doesn’t know this, but Cook can’t put these things in the Ring of Nature. It’s a burden for Cook. So, Cook might as well collect the materials directly, and the main artifact, Cook is sincere. Of course, these words can only be buried in the bottom of my heart. If you say it, it will be what you say.

Of course, what a level the 9th-order wizard book in Cook’s natural ring is, needless to say, it is a second-order and third-order wizard book, which is much better than the main artifact. Of course, the volume is much better. What a huge amount of energy the second-order wizard book needs.

"Where you go." Cook doesn't need small things to find directions. Don't forget, what is Cook's main occupation, hunter, what hunter is best at, of course it is tracking, but Cook has never gotten it. A good weapon for hunters, the Demon Sealing Pillar is not. Thundertooth is barely a dagger, but the Star Breaker, as well as the witchcraft book, does not have a bow, or a long-range weapon such as a fire gun. Some are too low.

The traces left by the seventh-order magic pattern master on the ground were very clear. The footprints and broken branches finally made Cook perceive the traces of the seventh-order magic pattern master. Don't forget that Cook has the origin of the wind system.

"Look at what's good." Cook followed from a distance to see what the seventh-order magic pattern master wanted to do.

To Cooke’s surprise, this seventh-order magicweave master seemed to know the route inside, and certain dangerous places were often bypassed. Cook could find danger first, but this seventh-order magicweave master actually went around. .

"Could it be that the alchemy temple is always active here." The thought surprised Cook. In fact, what Cook didn't know was that not only the alchemy temple, but also the major temples had been active in this ancient battlefield, but it was very hidden. The things make everyone greedy.

I stopped and walked for about half a day. Although it took a lot of time, the distance of movement made Cooke's egg painful, and there was no good way, only to follow silently.

For two days, Cook followed behind this seventh-order magic pattern master, and the tortoise moved forward at a fast speed. This is already the area near the core of the ancient battlefield. The dangerous energy fluctuations around made Cook a little scalp, and the seventh-order The Mageweaver seemed ignorant and fearless.

As everyone knows, the seventh-order magic pattern master is also terrified, and muttered in his heart: "It seems that there is no one behind. It is not so easy to track such a place."

When the seventh-order magic pattern master turned around, Cook realized: "This shameless man was deliberate. If I hadn't been strong, I would have been fooled by this guy."

Two days after the turn, the seventh-order magic pattern master had already left the ancient battlefield, but this side was far away from the side where Cook came in. Looking at the seventh-order magic pattern master in the distance, Cook sneered in his heart.

When he saw a river, the seventh-order magic pattern master's eyes were full of excitement, and his face was extremely ruddy because of the excitement. The seventh-order magic pattern master walked up the river, gradually deepened into the mountains, and went upstream. The smaller the river, when the seventh-order magic pattern master finally appeared at the mouth of a stream flowing out of the cave, Cook was also surprised. He had to say that the seventh-order magic pattern master was careful enough, and the route was set carefully enough.

The seventh-order Mageweave Master glanced at the scenery in front of him for the last time, and then walked into the cave without hesitation. Cook followed in carelessly. Now Cook uses the power of his origin to isolate all possible fluctuations, and It also sent a wrong message to the seventh-order magic pattern master, as long as the seventh-order magic pattern master did not see Cook with his own eyes, he would not perceive the existence of Cook. This is the function of the origin of the wind system, disguise.

The perception of a seventh-order magic pattern master is distorted through the air, or it is to convey wrong information. Cook is more skilled in using this point. Cook follows the seventh-order magic pattern master less than 100 meters behind him, but the front The seventh-order magic pattern master has no response at all. The seventh-order magic pattern master is also a powerhouse of the **** king. Although he has no combat experience, his own strength lies there.

It seems that there are no traces of living creatures in the cave, but the environment is humid, not purely humid, and there is some water, terrestrial animals don't like it, and aquatic animals have no living environment.

The seventh-order magic pattern master went faster and faster, and his heart became more and more excited. The cave was so long that Cook had never imagined that after walking for a long time, the seventh-order magic pattern master turned towards a fork in the road. But Cook did not follow.

"It seems that there is really no one." After half an hour, this seventh-order magic pattern master came out of the fork in the road just now, looking at the traces on the ground, Cook sneered on the side, this dead end Cook had long discovered. So Cook did not follow at all.

The more cautious the 7th-order Mageweave Master was, the more curious Cook became.

This time, the seventh-order magic pattern master did not walk for long, and he stopped in a muddy place, and then became silent. After a few minutes, the seventh-order magic pattern master walked to a stone wall, and then began to rub on the stone wall. .

"Great Alchemist, I am you..." A series of words of praise came out from the mouth of the seventh-order Mageweave Master. Cook heard these words and his face was extremely solemn, why, this It is the ancient gods, and the language model passed down by the ancestors of these gods in the God Realm now. Now they are generally great XXX, and there are not so many praises later. What makes people feel ridiculous is that these are spoken according to different levels of gods. The honorifics, which were inherited from the ancient gods, have to be said to be a huge irony.

"Kakaka." What Cook did not expect was that after this round of honorific speeches, the seventh-order magic pattern master cut a hole in his arm and smeared blood on the stone wall.

"Blood pattern." Cook's face became more solemn when he saw this. Obviously, he used the blood pattern in the magic pattern. This blood pattern is almost the highest achievement of the magic pattern, just like the opening conditions for this blood pattern are very high. It’s harsh, just like the seventh-order Mageweave Master did. There are strict requirements on the format of the honorific words. In addition, the Mageweave Master must be a person of a certain level in the alchemy temple, in these temples. , At a certain level, the things contained in the bloodline are different.

Just like Cook is also a Mageweave Master, but if he hasn't prayed in the alchemy temple for a long time, there is no so-called divinity in his blood. Divinity can only be achieved by long-term religious belief in a certain god.

There is no divinity in the blood, so the thing controlled by this bloodline cannot be opened.

There was something like a hidden grid on the stone wall, and the seventh-order magic pattern master cut off his ears without hesitation and put them in the hidden grid.

"Blood sacrifice." Cook was really surprised. The things that need blood patterns and blood sacrifices to open, what exactly are these things, there are many kinds of blood sacrifices, and they all have one thing in common, that is, they need a certain organ of the body, or a creature. .

What is the equivalent of the blood sacrifice inside the temple? It is equivalent to the loyalty of the younger brother in the underworld, cutting a finger or something, but the former is definitely much more advanced.

"Ka Ka." The stone wall closed, and then Cook saw where the seventh-order magic pattern master was standing, a space door appeared out of thin air.

Seeing the appearance of the space gate, Cook felt tight and almost rushed out, but Cook could know the situation of the seventh-order magic pattern at any time. The reaction of the seventh-order magic pattern made Cook strange because of the seventh-order magic pattern. The teacher didn't show any excitement. This is abnormal.

"It seems that I really worry about it." The seventh-order magic pattern master found that there was no movement. You must know that the people in the alchemy temple are not stupid. The setting of such a space gate is actually to elicit potential threats. Once this space appears The door, the people behind are afraid that the seventh-order magic pattern master will run away, they will definitely stand up, and then threaten the seventh-order magic pattern master, and then go in together, as long as they go in, hehe.

"Golden Hammer to open the door." The seventh-order magic pattern master was completely relaxed, so he said a spell.

After the incantation was read, the space gate did not seem to have changed, but Cook understood the law of space, and Cook felt that the space coordinates of the space gate had changed.

"Insidious, cunning, it is actually a wrong space coordinate, or there is a powerful killer in that space." Cook muttered in his heart.

The seventh-order magic pattern master laughed: "Haha, **** God Realm, you can destroy it, haha."

The seventh-order magic pattern master stepped into the portal in one step, but at this moment, a sentence rang behind: "There is still me."

Immediately after the seventh-order magic pattern master, he felt a strong attack, and then he rushed into the space door, and waited until the seventh-order magic pattern master transmitted out, his mouth opened wide.

"Tsk tsk, it is a temple, it looks like it belongs to an ancient god, your ancestors actually left such good things, tusk." Cook looked around and saw a huge temple, how big it is. It looks like a building in the star world.

"You, you, you, how did you follow?" The seventh-order magic pattern master asked with gritted teeth when he saw Cook.

"Haha, when you left with the beast, I followed, yes, you deserve to be the leader, and I was almost fooled by the misunderstanding along the way." Cook praised with a smile.

"Haha, haha, good coming, Cook, this is the place to start hell, you are the first person to die, that's you, you despicable bastard, actually colluding with others to cheat, I want to let those who have no eyes Take a look at all, our alchemy temple is so powerful, those who have hurt the alchemy temple will all die, and they will all die." The seventh-order magic pattern master laughed.

"Cut, sick, you and I think I will give you a chance." Cook asked rhetorically with a smile.

"Haha, haha, chance, Cook, if you are outside, maybe you can't be helped, but here, there are ten, one hundred of you, don't even want to go out alive, the alchemy classic, open it." He cut off his arm directly and threw it on the ground, shouting loudly.

"It seems that you are not enough to control this alchemy classic. You actually use this method." Cook saw this scene and was not curious. This is mainly due to insufficient energy, because the god-level body also contains huge energy. , Just like burning wood also contains heat.

"Yes, but as long as I control the alchemy classic, it is your death date." A red light directly protected the body of the seventh-order magic pattern master, and the seventh-order magic pattern master looked at Cook and said.

"Haha." Cook laughed, this red shield has a strong energy intensity, and the average master **** may not be able to break it with a single blow, but for Cook, that's all.

"Cook, you hillbilly, terrapin, you must not know where this is." The seventh-order Mageweave Master saw Cook and smiled, thinking that Cook had nothing to say, and immediately asked proudly.

"Isn't this the place where the ancient gods are?" Cook asked.

"Ancient god, haha, ancient god, you know the ancient god, do you know where the ancient **** came from." The seventh-order magic pattern master laughed at Cook.

Cook thought, as if he had some guesses, he said:


"I don't know how it came, but it is true that the ancient gods are dead."

"Wrong, the ancient **** is still there. The ancient **** is a great guardian and a great arbiter. It is the ancient **** who ruled countless planes and allowed countless planes to belong to the God Realm, but now those ungrateful guys actually violated The will of the ancient gods, the ancient gods will come back, they will not disappear, the **** realm will be destroyed, I have the alchemy book, I can summon more ancient gods in the different world, you all will die... "The seventh-order magic pattern master cried frantically.

"Summon ancient gods from another world." Cook looked confused.

"Haha, be afraid, the ancient gods are from the star realm. As long as I open the alchemy treasure, then I can bring the powerful ancient gods of the star realm to come. I heard that Cook, you have been to the star realm. The fist of the broken stars.” Although the words of the seventh-order Mageweave Master were a little surprised, he was not too surprised, but Cook did not expect that the ancient gods were actually star giants. This is a bit weird. Cook always thought The ancient gods are still natives.

"Really, I don't believe it." Cook shook his head.

"Golden Book of Alchemy, open, rumbling, rumbling." The seventh-order Mageweave Master shouted, and then a rumbling voice came from the entire ground, and then a huge wizard book slowly appeared in front of Cook's eyes. .

A book with a thickness of nearly four floors makes Cook's face full of weirdness. Yes, Cook's face is weird.

The seventh-order Mageweave Master thought he had read it wrong, and sarcastically said: "Cook, see if you see it, this is the equipment used by the ancient gods of the star realm, this is just a book, Cook, you beg me, you beg me I will not summon the ancient gods."

"Cut, a first-order wizard book, just like this, you still have a little bit of success." Cook cut out angrily, yes, this is only a first-order wizard book, but It seems to be the wizard book of the space department. Cook thought afterwards. It is said that every time there will be space wizards on the Conqueror, the main purpose is to maintain the space energy required by the Conqueror to break through the space, and follow the Conqueror series spacecraft to conquer each There are many wizards who make a fortune on the plane, so the wizards of the star realm are very adventurous. Combining with Cook’s return channel from the star realm, Cook knows the general situation, that is, the wizard of the star realm discovered the **** realm. But the spacecraft must have appeared in the God Realm because of an accident. Otherwise, the God Realm would have been conquered by the wizard of the Astral Realm, and this Space Wizard may be the first to die. Without the Space Wizard, then the Astral Realm cannot be positioned. , And there is no way to find the God Realm, and this wizard book is here, what is it doing, of course, it is to accumulate energy, but in order to collect energy, the surviving wizard taught a group of local natives, and finally some local natives rebelled. Killed another batch of natives and star realms. There may be wizards that existed at the time. However, according to Cook’s guess, the possibility is unlikely. According to the structure here, this wizard book can absorb full energy, and then give it to the stars. A coordinate in the world may be destroyed because it has not accumulated enough energy. Maybe the space coordinate was sent, but the star world did not receive it, or there was no response after receiving it, just like when Cook went. The wizard no longer exists.

There are all kinds of possibilities, but this is a first-order wizard book. There are a lot of garbage in Cook's ring, so Cook doesn't care at all.

"The first-order wizard book, you, you lie." The seventh-order magic pattern master heard Cook say so and shouted loudly, but the seventh-order magic pattern master has an intuition. Looking at Cook's relaxed look, this is probably true. of.

"Trash, boom." Cook knew that this wizard book actually emits energy fluctuations, Cook dare not care, what if Nima is not a wizard in the astral world, or a real person in the astral world accepts Dao space coordinates, Cook Aside from anything else, when you pick up the Star Breaking Hammer, the Star Breaking Hammer becomes very big in the process of raising it, and then it slams down with a bang.

"This, this, this is impossible, this is the alchemy golden canon, this is the golden canon." The seventh-order magic pattern master watched the huge hammer fall down, and then the alchemy golden canon disappeared by a single hammer, leaving behind a large pile. s material.

"This is the ninth-order weapon I got from the star realm. Your golden canon is the first-order, haha." Cook triumphantly introduced the seventh-order magic pattern master, and then put away the small hammer.

"Impossible, this is impossible. The first level requires a lot of energy, the ninth level, you lie to the ghost." The seventh-level magic pattern master said loudly when he heard this.

"It's time to go. It's dangerous for someone like you to live. I actually want people from the entire God Realm to be buried with you." Cook glanced at the seventh-order magic pattern master. If a person wants to cultivate to the present way, he needs How long it takes, how much talent, and how much perseverance is required, although Cook sighs in his heart, but such an anti-social guy, Cook is not merciless.

"You...puff," the seventh-order magic pattern master heard this, and Cook threw the hammer over before you could say it. The entire seventh-order magic pattern master disappeared at once, and only left on the ground. Add something like powder.

Cook didn't even look at it, and walked into this huge temple. After entering, Cook saw a huge corpse. To be precise, it was a halfling. Of course, it was a halfling in the star realm.

"It looks like it is being eroded by spatial energy." Cook looked at the bones. These bones appeared gray and were obviously eroded by some kind of energy.

Cook wandered around and determined that this was the cemetery of the astral wizards. In the first hall, there were some halflings and giants. In the second hall, there were star giants and some damaged wizard equipment. It also represents the leading personnel of the conqueror of these wizards, while the halflings and giants are of lower status.

"Nothing good." After walking around, Cook came to this conclusion~www.wuxiaspot.com~Of course, the so-called temple that looks like it is actually a huge burial chamber. The hammer fell directly, on the one hand, Cook was looking for funerary objects, and on the other hand, he was destroying the cemetery. Who knows if there are any hidden positioning models or the like set up below, in fact there is only one model. That is the model for positioning the first-order space wizard book. Cook smashed it for a while, and there was no benefit, but a lot of wasted energy.

"Tsk tusk, the outside air is better." Cook directly teleported out of the tomb that had begun to collapse. After coming out, Cook also smashed the place where the seventh-order Mageweave was entered. As for who set it here, Cook is not clear. Anyway, after being smashed by the Star Breaker, there were no blood patterns left, and they became materials.

"Would you like to go inside to see if there are any main artifacts, take them back for some benefits." Cook looked at the ancient battlefield in the distance, and muttered to himself by touching his chin.

"Let’s take a look, the energy in the Star Breaker is insufficient, and see how I think. If possible, this will be my territory in the future." Cook looked at the extremely vast ancient battlefield, how big the area is here , Imagine more than a hundred areas affected by the battle of the main god, and the battle area of ​​the **** emperor formed into a legion, the **** king level, anyway.

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