A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 242:

Cook patted a piece of ore that was half human. Then he shook his head and walked away. The God of Contract saw Cook like this. He also patted it. But it didn’t feel anything at all. The entire shop also used space expansion magic patterns. The whole shop looks inside. It is thousands of meters long. A piece of ore is discharged in rows. Each piece of ore has a number. The number also has a weight. Origin.

The second ore. Cook patted it. Then he shook his head and left. The God of Contract had a weird face. And the dwarf who led the way looked weird. The one who chooses the magic gem ore here is not the one that needs to be studied for a long time. This is not good. .Just pat.

"This piece is not bad." Cook patted the third piece of ore, and then nodded.

"Then buy it." Hearing this, the God of Contract asked with bright eyes.

"I don't want it. You can buy it." Cook said, shaking his head.

The God of Contract certainly believes. It looks bigger than his head. It glows blue. It is mixed with golden ores. He immediately waved his hand and said, "Buy it."

"Sir. This is the associated mine of Star Gold. Weight......" The dwarf quickly reminded him when he heard this.

The **** of contract looked at the weight. His face paled. But he gritted his teeth and said, "Buy."

"Holer. I don't know if the husband is grinding here. Or he is going to drive by himself." The dwarf immediately asked with a smile.

"Just open it here." Of course, the God of Contract has no time to do it himself.

"This piece of ore is 130,000, 1,000, 500 kilograms in total. Five hundred is not counted. A total of 2,720 lower-grade crystals." The dwarf immediately gave the data.

"Give it." The lower-grade **** crystal refers to the lower-level **** crystal. The conversion ratio of the **** crystal does not have a fixed amount. Because the type of the **** crystal is different, the value is different. The same lower-grade **** crystal. Gold type. Wood type is expensive.

Although the number of low-grade divine crystals of the fire element is almost the most, but the demand is also the most. Divine crystals are crystals of divine power. That is, divine power. What is divine power. It is the energy that contains the power of the law. Therefore, it is condensed by the same person for a long time. God crystal. Then it is possible to comprehend the law and power contained in this God crystal and become a new god. Therefore, there are more fire crystals. But the value is the highest. Of course, there are space crystals. The price is also expensive. But there are very few people in need. But the biggest use of the God Crystal of the Space System is to supplement space energy for various space items. So the demand is not small.

The **** crystals referred to here are generally the standard **** crystals. What is the standard **** crystal. The earth type **** crystals. There is a saying. The first **** of the whole creature was born. It is the mother of the earth. Then there are other creatures. So God The world is based on the soil system.

After the God of Contract settled, he didn’t follow Cook any more. Instead, he watched the dwarf in the shop polish the ore for himself. Polishing the ore is a machine. Driven by energy, a round stone made of a grinding disc continues It rotates. The fixed ore is constantly rubbing on it. The two dwarves stare at the ore intently, for fear of damaging the gems inside.

"This one."

"This piece." Cook took a photo of every piece of ore. Then Cook asked the dwarf in front of him to write it down. The dwarf who led the way heard that Cook wanted to do this. That too. I was very excited. You must know this. The dwarf also has a commission. But the dwarf only learned about it later. After selecting it from Cook, the whole shop has not produced any decent gems for more than a year. The reputation of the shop has almost ruined.

But for more than twenty minutes. Cook has walked the entire shop. The dwarf who followed Cook said nervously to Cook: "Mr. There are sixty-five ore. The total weight..."

"Calculate it directly. I use the high-grade Shenjing to settle." Cook said with a wave of his hand.

"A total of three thousand and one hundred and fifty high-grade crystals. You know, sir. Some of them are too huge." The dwarf reported a number nervously. Three thousand high-grade crystals. This is one. It's a huge sum of money. It takes a high-level **** almost a year to condense the crystals. And the high-level **** is in the entire God Realm. That is almost equivalent to the executives of various large companies.

Cook was very happy to pay the bill. Then he put all the ore into the natural ring. This gnome was surprised by the high-end equipment of Cook Space. If the dwarf knew that Cook’s natural ring could fit dozens of cities. I don’t know it will. how to think.

"Cook. Cook. Come here. Come here." The God of Contract shouted to Cook with excitement.

Cook knew what was in the ore for a long time. He walked over with a smile. The scene is more than the God of Contract and Cook. Cook saw that the ore had been turned over. On the side of the ore, you can see a touch. Something golden. This is a magic gem.

"Cook. Diamonds. Diamonds." The God of Contract said excitedly. Diamonds. Gold magic gems. Inlaid on the weapon. Increase the sharpness of the weapon by at least 5%. And the God of Contract. Inlay. In equipment, the toughness of the equipment can be increased by about 8%. The defense is stronger.

"Yes. You made it." Cook said with a smile.

"Obviously it is a big profit. Just this gem. No less than one thousand high-grade **** crystals." Someone said to the side.

"Wow. A thousand top grade **** crystals. It's incredible." The people around were amazed.

"Hey. Luck. Luck." The **** of contract smiled. Although this thousand high-grade crystals is not a big number for the owner of a temple like the **** of contract, but it is not a small number. After all, the income of a temple It's huge. But the expenses are also huge.

The people around were envious. And many people saw gems appearing. They immediately decided to buy them. But what these people didn't know was that the good things were long gone.

After the **** of contract followed Cook out, he asked, "Cook. You didn't buy it."

"Bought it." Cook replied directly.

"How much did you buy?" the **** of contract asked.

While talking, Cook and the God of Contract came to another ore shop. There were also a lot of people gathered here. Among them were those who were carefully observing with various instruments. Cook replied: "More than three thousand high grade gods Crystal."

"More than three thousand. Tsk. You said my ore is not bad. You chose it." The **** of contract asked persistently.

"It's better than yours." Cook replied directly. He didn't think there was anything wrong with it. When the God of Contract heard this, his eyes lit up.

The God of Contract hurriedly grabbed Cook: "Do you know what's inside."

"Almost." Cook finally became a little conscious. The answer was more euphemistic.

"Damn." Hearing Cook's answer, the God of Contract felt as if he had been stepped on by countless horses.

Then the **** of contract dragged Cook out of the shop. He said, "I have this ability. Let's go directly to the ore trading market. What are you doing here?"

Cook didn't say anything. The **** of contract said: "There is a huge ore trading field over there. The ore in it is sold by piles."

When Cook heard this, he said angrily: "Sell on piles. No selection allowed. What are we going to do. Buy waste."

"No. The price there is cheap. Look at that pile of gems. Just buy it. It's definitely more cost-effective than yours." The God of Contract explained.

After more than twenty minutes of the journey, the God of Contract was almost about to run out of wind. The guards of the patrol in Yinzhi stared for a while. Fortunately, the feet of the God of Contract were still on the ground.

A corner of the city wall. A spacious cargo yard. It is filled with huge ore. Some are the size of a house. One by one, huge mechanical puppets are busy in this mine.

"Welcome to you." After seeing Cook, a bearded dwarf shouted with bright eyes.

"So it's you." Cook smiled and greeted when he saw this big beard.

The God of Contract saw Cook and Beard actually know each other. He was full of doubts. But Cook immediately introduced: "I met in the casino."

"What do you two want to buy. Ore. I have the most varieties and the highest quality ore in the entire God Realm." The bearded dwarf said with a smile.

The God of Contract said to Cook: "This is the God of Forging."

"It turned out to be the Lord." Cook knows the name of the **** of forging. Among the dwarves, he believes the most. There are many people who believe in. The blacksmiths of the lower planes believe in the **** of forging. The **** of forging also has a temple. . But the power in the gods is not very big. But dwarves are specialized in mining everywhere. The Temple of Forging God is not bad for money. It’s just that the strength is still not up. Of course this has a lot to do with the dwarves’ violent temper. .

"Haha." The God of Forging laughed. It seemed so bold and bold.

But Cook was not deceived by the appearance of the forging god. Because there is no simple thing to be in a temple. Cook also smiled and walked into the ore storage yard.

The ore storage yard is just exposed. One by one, dozens of meters high mechanical puppets are moving. Moving blocks of ore to other places. Cook looks at this mechanical puppet. The **** of forging sees Cook like this. Happy. Said: "This is pure mechanical power. No energy is used."

"Amazing." Cook saw this huge mechanical puppet. There is no trace of the magic pattern circuit. Some metal pipes can be seen outside. There are also huge nuts. A huge transmission shaft. This is pure It is a variety of accessories made of metal.

"Here is ordinary metal ore. This side is magic metal mine. The other side is gem mine. The other side is rare ore..." The God of Forge introduced, and pointed around.

The **** of contract said directly: "We want magic gem mine."

"Then please here." When the **** of forging heard this, his eyes brightened. The **** of forging knew the **** of contract. A temple to buy things. How is it a big business. Of course, the **** of forging cooks does not know .

This is very strange. Most of the entire God Realm has heard of Cook's name. But there are not many who have actually seen Cook. That is to say, when they are competing with the alchemy temple, there are so many people who can know him. As for what happened in Silver Dragon City, Silver Dragon City will promote Cook's image. Don't dream. Silver Dragon hopes that others will provoke Cook too.

As for the angel family, it’s not even going to be preached. Even if it’s preaching, it is also known from the inside. People on the outside know it. And everyone who knows Cook has one mind. That is, Nima deserves to be unknown to you. Everyone knows. Isn’t Lao Tzu’s chances much less. God’s life span is very long. So people who have seen Cook don’t say anything about Cook’s appearance. So Cook’s reputation outside is great. But people who have met It's not a lot.

As for whether the God of Blacksmithing will take the initiative to understand. According to the dwarf's urine, it is estimated to be difficult. The arrogance of the dwarf is in the bone. Otherwise, these huge metal puppets will not look like this. But then again. Dwarf It is a proud capital.

Magic gem ore like a hill. Some ore can also see some gems. It looks very bright under the light. The **** of contract has obviously been here. He directly asked: "How do you sell these."

"Here is the magic gem mine associated with magic silver. The other is the gem mine associated with fine gold. Farther away is......" The God of Blacksmithing began to introduce the God of Contract.

"Then the location." The God of Contract continued to ask after listening.

The **** of contract asks this. The **** of forging knows that the **** of contract is a person who knows how to do it. First of all, magic gems are associated. Not the entire vein is present. This involves the secret of the mineral vein. Some magic metal mines do not It will be accompanied by magic gems. Some will be accompanied by magic gems. Of course, there are no specific ones. Unless every ore is knocked open. The dwarves used to do this. But the dwarves discovered that this will not only slow the progress of mining. It is also upside down. Because The process of knocking is very long. Magic gemstone ore needs a little bit of polishing. It takes time. Energy is enough to mine more magic gemstone mine.

Later, the dwarves sold magic gemstone mines at low prices. It eventually became what it is now. Forged Temple is the largest ore supplier in the gods. This is not disputed.

"Tsk. Tsk. It seems to be a savvy person. This is the magic gem ore associated with the magic silver of the Black Rock Wasteland. This is the magic gem ore associated with the magic eye of the Red Canyon..." The God of Forge introduced the associated ore in a dozen locations .

The God of Contract looked at Cook: "It's up to you."

"Yeah." Cook began to formally select. Every pile of magic gemstones. Cook will touch thousands of them. Then watch it carefully. Then some even knock.

The God of Blacksmithing saw Cook like this. Some dissatisfied said: "You are useless like this. The magic gemstone mine is indistinguishable due to its unique structure. Only we dwarves rely on rich experience to know what those are. Magic gem ore."

"Hehe." The **** of contract chuckled. He didn't speak. Because the **** of contract didn't know how Cook distinguished it.

In fact, it is very simple for Cook to distinguish these magic gemstones. The origin of the wind. Most of the ore has air. It is just that the air inside is very fluid. But it is always flowing. Cook relies on the power of the origin The information brought by the air inside is used to determine whether there are gems.

The reason why it is so slow here is because the ore is a large pile. Unlike in a store, it exists individually. Of course it is fast.

It took two full hours. The God of Blacksmithing had already left. Hundreds of magical gemstones like a hill. Cook finally finished checking. The God of Contract asked with bright eyes: "How is it."

"Yes. There are some rare magic gemstones." Cook nodded. Although Cook said so. But I'm still not sure. After all, Cook just looked around for a while.

"No." The God of Forging looked at the God of Contract and reported a number. The God of Forging was also a little surprised. This number is a pile of magic gemstones. The whole The trading floor is only more than four hundred numbers. The **** of the contract actually bought nearly a quarter, which is nearly a hundred piles.

After the **** of contract reported the number, he was also relieved. The **** of contract said directly: "Calculate how many crystals should be. High-grade crystals."

"Okay. Dear guests. You will be the guests of our Forging Temple in the future. You will have the right of first refusal in our Forging Temple in the future. As long as there are new minerals, you will be notified." The God of Forging heard that the God of Contract really If you want to buy, immediately become enthusiastic.

"Hehe. This is a good thing." The **** of contract chuckled. He didn't care about these. The **** of contract knew it. If the **** of forging knew the real situation, he didn't know whether he would sell it to himself. According to Cooke These nearly a hundred piles of magic gemstone mines occupy almost half of the value of the entire trading floor. In the entire trading floor, magic gemstone ore accounts for a small share. The largest share is a variety of metal veins.

"A total of three hundred and fifty-six thousand seven hundred and eighty high-grade **** crystals." Several dwarves were busy in the trading floor. After several times, the value was finally calculated.

The God of Contract was shocked to hear so many crystals. Then he looked at Cook. Cook did not speak. The God of Contract knew what to do. Asked the God of Forging: "Where is the settlement."

"Please here. Honorable guest." The God of Blacksmithing was also shocked by this value. Hearing that he was going to give a high-grade crystal, he immediately guided Cook and the God of Contract to the nearby building.

This is actually the temple of the God of Forging. It is also the largest temple of the God of Forging. The God of Contract looked at Cook again. Cook nodded slightly. More than 300,000 high-grade **** crystals. This is already a super Huge wealth. The richest alchemy temple in the gods. It is extremely difficult to get six million high-grade crystals. I don’t know how many years it took to accumulate. What is the strength of the forging temple. What is the strength of the alchemy temple. .

"You can call me Modine." After the God of Forging guided Cook and the God of Contract into the temple, he said enthusiastically.

"It's easy to say." The God of Contract said absently. Even the God of Contract. It is very difficult to produce more than 300,000 high-grade crystals. There are less than a thousand upper gods in the entire Temple of the God of Contract. It is simply too difficult to make up such a large fortune.

"Just here." Modine walked to the middle of the hall, and said.

At this time, Cook directly worked out three spatial rings: "There are 100,000 high-grade **** crystals in each spatial ring here."

Cook took out two other spatial rings: "This one is fifty thousand. This one is ten thousand."

The five spatial rings were handed to Modine. Modine hurriedly took them. Then the mental power penetrated into the spatial rings. The spatial rings were densely packed. The top grade **** crystals were neatly installed.

It took more than an hour. Modine's face was pale. Modine said, "These **** crystals are different."

"Not yet. Such a big deal. You are so true." The God of Contract said dissatisfiedly when he heard this.

"It's just because it's a big deal. I just said it. The water crystals in it accounted for one-third. And so you guys have to compensate me with 10,000 top-grade crystals. I don't care about the extra." Modine listened When it came to the God of Contract, he immediately stared.

"Okay. Okay. That's it." Cook blocked the **** of contract who was about to get angry. Then he handed a space ring containing 10,000 high-grade crystals.

"It's pretty much the same." Modine finally breathed a sigh of relief when he saw ten thousand high-grade crystals

"Wait. You have to return the Space Ring to me." The God of Contract immediately said when he saw this boy.

"You." Modine did not expect that the **** of contract would be like this. Stare. But Modine can't say not to sell. This is 3700,000 high-grade **** crystals. 3700,000. How many years of inventory has been sold. Lost.

"What are you? The space equipment that can be equipped with Grade God Crystal. You know how valuable it is." The Contract God said angrily.

"Hmph. Wait." Modine snorted coldly, then turned and left.

Seeing Modine leaving, Cook looked at the God of Contract and said: "Don't be so stingy. The value of what we buy must be hundreds of times this."

"Hush. Cook. Don't say it." Hearing this, the God of Contract quickly stopped Cook from continuing.

"Haha. They can't hear." Since Cook is talking, naturally there is a way to make people around him not hear.

Modine came back soon. He returned a few space rings to Cook. Then he said: "The ore is within the range of the mountains of the gods. We pack them. Outside the mountains of the gods. We don't send them."

"Okay." The **** of the contract also knew that this had to be delivered by someone else. It was very impossible. Because the cost of the portal was not low. So many things. I don't know how much it costs.

"Can we occupy a space and use it?" Cook asked.

"Of course." Modine nodded. This place is very spacious.

After the **** of contract and Cook went out, the **** of contract asked: "What do you want the venue for?"

"Of course the scene broke open. Then just left with the magic gems. Do you still want to take the ore back." Cook replied without looking back. Then he asked.

"The scene breaks open. How long will it take?" The God of Contract heard this and said in surprise.

"Half a day." Cook guessed. Then said.

"Half a day...How is this possible?" The voice of the **** of contract was extremely sharp.

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